Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

no anne wrote it denial runs thick with idiots., its not even politcal and its liberal that are facist marxists.
And you, a cult member, and commie, and marxist, and facist (sic) it's FASCIST,
you commie can't even DEFINE any of these terms.


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Brilliant opinion piece:

Voices: Censoring Anne Frank’s diary because of ‘sexuality’ is not just denigrating but a smokescreen

Fascists want to get rid of those they deem deviant; they want to prevent them from speaking and prevent others from seeing them.

Censoring Frank’s diary and Frank’s discussion of her sexuality is a way of saying that Frank’s words and Frank’s experiences are dangerous, infectious, impure.

That is exactly what the Nazis thought about Jewish people, and about LGBT people too.

That’s why they killed Anne Frank.

Her words, though, lived on, and defied them.

We shouldn’t silence her where they failed.
I was posting content before you started with your homophobic rants
^ Irrelevant/delusional trolling/derailing.

Good to see this amazing book getting so much positive attention after conservative efforts to smear it. :)

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