Texas Teacher So Dumb and So Racist Tweets President Thinking It Was Private Get's Fired Over It

Do you think this firing was justified?

  • I'm liberal and I say yes.

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • I'm liberal and I say no.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • I'm conservative and I say yes.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I'm conservative and I say no.

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • I think I'm an independent and I say yes.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I think I'm an independent and I say no.

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Did you guys hear about the racist school teacher in Texas? Georgia Clark is her name.

She decided to tweet ze Trumpenführer, asking him to "do something" about all the alleged illegals in her school.

She gave all her personal info.

The fool thought she was privately DMing him, but she was tweeting it for the world to see.

Well, she got her ass fired, with a quickness.

Do you think this firing was justified?

Why/why not?

Meantime, here's the link to the story: Texas teacher fired: Fort Worth school board votes to fire teacher Georgia Clark after Twitter rant to President Trump about "illegal" immigrant students - CBS News

And here's a good commentary on it...

Illegal immigrants are a race now?

Just when you thought bed wetters couldn't get any dumber.... Marx'sAsshole comes along...

Nothing racist about complaining about illegals, and she should never have been fired. Hopefully she'll hire a lawyer and sue this crooked school district's ass !
Since you call her racist she obviously isn’t.
Well, her peers thought otherwise and fired her for being racist. And it was an 8-0 unanimous vote to boot.

Typical public school politics.
I was fired from my coaching job for making “gross generalizations” when I pointed out the ramifications and potential ramifications of fatherlessness in our school.
Everything I predicted to them 27 years ago has happened.
I don’t think the school system’s response in this case is a good measure of justice.
If you do, it obviously isn’t.
What about the teacher who made his class watch his sex change progression. Grade school kids but that ok. The teacher asking the President to take care of the illegal alien population in our country gets fired. Just shows how dumb libtards are.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And by the way, I should mention, that people like the OP and this school district, are far FAR more of a threat to freedom loving Americans, than any person that is even remotely racist.

We've sat back and allowed assholes like the OP and the powers that be in places like this school district, silence ANY dissent that they do not agree with.
Today's left, are the opposite of liberals in the past, who were champions of free speech and free expression.
These leftist assholes of today, like the ones that infest this very board, are nothing short of facists.

They will shut you down with poisonous accusations that destroy people lives, if you do not agree with their views.
The sad thing is, we've sat back and let these cretins do this to us.
What about the teacher who made his class watch his sex change progression. Grade school kids but that ok. The teacher asking the President to take care of the illegal alien population in our country gets fired. Just shows how dumb libtards are.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No not dumb, it shows how fascist they've become.
Did you guys hear about the racist school teacher in Texas? Georgia Clark is her name.

She decided to tweet ze Trumpenführer, asking him to "do something" about all the alleged illegals in her school.

She gave all her personal info.

The fool thought she was privately DMing him, but she was tweeting it for the world to see.

Well, she got her ass fired, with a quickness.

Do you think this firing was justified?

Why/why not?

Meantime, here's the link to the story: Texas teacher fired: Fort Worth school board votes to fire teacher Georgia Clark after Twitter rant to President Trump about "illegal" immigrant students - CBS News

And here's a good commentary on it...

I don't agree with her termination or her crucifixion on the cross of mass public political correctness. That being said, do you believe her concerns were valid, and did you give her POV a moment's thought prior to convicting her? Some "races" (don't care for the de facto definition of "race" as it pertains to varying skin tones and all mankind being one race) seem to (who am I kidding?) have the protection of "power words". Words, primarily slang nouns and adjectives describing them which cannot be uttered, despite professional tact or second amendment protections, without instant loss of career, public favor and possibly even loss of one's freedom. Of course, the only people who cannot utter aloud publicly these power words generally belong to the majority demographic of our national population. I wonder also, and ask this only because you've been touted recently as 'often having a good point to make' where the existence of these power words so many "minority" peoples hide behind fits on your totem pole of racism and equality for all. Shouldn't every "race" present in this melting pot be protected by their own power words? What if no power words existed at all?
Since you call her racist she obviously isn’t.

Nothing racist for standing up for common sense. Only a racist would see it as a RACE issue since Americans are not any one particular race. But then, what can you expect from a troll like the OP? SHOW ME another country where you can criminally invade unwanted, and that government and her people take on the responsibility of educating them!


What are they going to do for FOOD while being educated?


What are they going to do for shelter while learning?


What are they going to do for healthcare while in school?



Now, EDUCATED in America, RAISED in America, HOUSED in America, CARED FOR in America, what are they supposed to do upon graduating?


LIVE in America

And become an American citizen!!!

Congratulations! You have just signed a license for this nation to be flooded by half of Central America, the illiterate, the unskilled, and best of all, assured the end of the two party citizen and America as a 1st World Nation. For NONE of them are going to vote against the party that made their being here possible!
Interesting to read! This teacher is going to get a LOT of money from the settlement. Is
there no end to this liberal concept that defending our country against illegals and outsiders and law breakers requires citizens who support it to be punished?
She was fired because there is a rule that any teacher who can't perform their duties because of using an electronic device...She wasn't fired for any other reason.
I don't agree with her termination or her crucifixion on the cross of mass public political correctness. That being said, do you believe her concerns were valid, and did you give her POV a moment's thought prior to convicting her? Some "races" (don't care for the de facto definition of "race" as it pertains to varying skin tones and all mankind being one race) seem to (who am I kidding?) have the protection of "power words". Words, primarily slang nouns and adjectives describing them which cannot be uttered, despite professional tact or second amendment protections, without instant loss of career, public favor and possibly even loss of one's freedom. Of course, the only people who cannot utter aloud publicly these power words generally belong to the majority demographic of our national population. I wonder also, and ask this only because you've been touted recently as 'often having a good point to make' where the existence of these power words so many "minority" peoples hide behind fits on your totem pole of racism and equality for all. Shouldn't every "race" present in this melting pot be protected by their own power words? What if no power words existed at all?
I don't know what you mean by 'power words.'

However, I'm glad she got booted out, because w/her position and authority over children, only God knows what she may be teaching them, how she may have been influencing and how she may have been treating them.

Scripture tells us that "the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked ." Well she certainly proves that.
Nothing racist for standing up for common sense. Only a racist would see it as a RACE issue since Americans are not any one particular race. But then, what can you expect from a troll like the OP? SHOW ME another country where you can criminally invade unwanted, and that government and her people take on the responsibility of educating them!


What are they going to do for FOOD while being educated?


What are they going to do for shelter while learning?


What are they going to do for healthcare while in school?



Now, EDUCATED in America, RAISED in America, HOUSED in America, CARED FOR in America, what are they supposed to do upon graduating?


LIVE in America

And become an American citizen!!!

Congratulations! You have just signed a license for this nation to be flooded by half of Central America, the illiterate, the unskilled, and best of all, assured the end of the two party citizen and America as a 1st World Nation. For NONE of them are going to vote against the party that made their being here possible!
Another far rightwing palooka practically WHIPPING HIMSELF up into a frenzy.

Keep it up Spruce!!!

Did you guys hear about the racist school teacher in Texas? Georgia Clark is her name.

She decided to tweet ze Trumpenführer, asking him to "do something" about all the alleged illegals in her school.

She gave all her personal info.

The fool thought she was privately DMing him, but she was tweeting it for the world to see.

Well, she got her ass fired, with a quickness.

Do you think this firing was justified?

Why/why not?

Meantime, here's the link to the story: Texas teacher fired: Fort Worth school board votes to fire teacher Georgia Clark after Twitter rant to President Trump about "illegal" immigrant students - CBS News

And here's a good commentary on it...

Seems to Me that the school board should be brought up on charges on harboring criminals.

This teacher was doing her civic duty. To report crime in her workplace.
MarcATL typical day.....

Wakes up.... reminded of racism as he sees his white sheets.
Prepares coffee.... reminded of how whites are trying to erase blacks while pouring white milk in coffee.
Showers... reminded how he cannot escape whitey like the white soap suds everywhere.
Leaves for work...notices how the sun reflection on his black car appears white...no matter where he walks it's just like how whitey is always watching him.
Drives to work...grimaces as he can't stop seeing white people driving by....he knows they are all racist and probably wish he would be their slave.
Gets to work...his boss is white (and racist)... obvious example of white privilege.
Off work and arrives home... is angered as he checks his mailbox and all of the envelopes are white. Knows this is whitey showing their dominance.
Eats dinner fuming over all of the whiteness he has seen all day.
Opens laptop...and makes 14 copy-n-paste articles on USMB telling whitey how racist they are. Feels better.
Goes to bed (doesn't watch TV...ran by whitey)...notices white shine on the ceiling from nightlite...drifts off to sleep imagining the day everyone on USMB will realize how racist they are.

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