Texas Teacher So Dumb and So Racist Tweets President Thinking It Was Private Get's Fired Over It

Do you think this firing was justified?

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    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • I'm liberal and I say no.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • I'm conservative and I say yes.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I'm conservative and I say no.

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • I think I'm an independent and I say yes.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I think I'm an independent and I say no.

    Votes: 4 17.4%

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Nothing racist for standing up for common sense. Only a racist would see it as a RACE issue since Americans are not any one particular race. But then, what can you expect from a troll like the OP? SHOW ME another country where you can criminally invade unwanted, and that government and her people take on the responsibility of educating them!


What are they going to do for FOOD while being educated?


What are they going to do for shelter while learning?


What are they going to do for healthcare while in school?



Now, EDUCATED in America, RAISED in America, HOUSED in America, CARED FOR in America, what are they supposed to do upon graduating?


LIVE in America

And become an American citizen!!!

Congratulations! You have just signed a license for this nation to be flooded by half of Central America, the illiterate, the unskilled, and best of all, assured the end of the two party citizen and America as a 1st World Nation. For NONE of them are going to vote against the party that made their being here possible!
Another far rightwing palooka practically WHIPPING HIMSELF up into a frenzy.

TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.
MarcATL typical day.....

Wakes up.... reminded of racism as he sees his white sheets.
Prepares coffee.... reminded of how whites are trying to erase blacks while pouring white milk in coffee.
Showers... reminded how he cannot escape whitey like the white soap suds everywhere.
Leaves for work...notices how the sun reflection on his black car appears white...no matter where he walks it's just like how whitey is always watching him.
Drives to work...grimaces as he can't stop seeing white people driving by....he knows they are all racist and probably wish he would be their slave.
Gets to work...his boss is white (and racist)... obvious example of white privilege.
Off work and arrives home... is angered as he checks his mailbox and all of the envelopes are white. Knows this is whitey showing their dominance.
Eats dinner fuming over all of the whiteness he has seen all day.
Opens laptop...and makes 14 copy-n-paste articles on USMB telling whitey how racist they are. Feels better.
Goes to bed (doesn't watch TV...ran by whitey)...notices white shine on the ceiling from nightlite...drifts off to sleep imagining the day everyone on USMB will realize how racist they are.

Yep, this is what whites like you do daily. That's why we see all these threads about what black people have done. It seems to bother the most childlike whites here when we do the same thing.
Nothing racist for standing up for common sense. Only a racist would see it as a RACE issue since Americans are not any one particular race. But then, what can you expect from a troll like the OP? SHOW ME another country where you can criminally invade unwanted, and that government and her people take on the responsibility of educating them!


What are they going to do for FOOD while being educated?


What are they going to do for shelter while learning?


What are they going to do for healthcare while in school?



Now, EDUCATED in America, RAISED in America, HOUSED in America, CARED FOR in America, what are they supposed to do upon graduating?


LIVE in America

And become an American citizen!!!

Congratulations! You have just signed a license for this nation to be flooded by half of Central America, the illiterate, the unskilled, and best of all, assured the end of the two party citizen and America as a 1st World Nation. For NONE of them are going to vote against the party that made their being here possible!
Another far rightwing palooka practically WHIPPING HIMSELF up into a frenzy.

TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.
I think she is a dumb idiot for her comments, and there are consequences for being stupid.

I am consistent on this, o right or left, they should not be fired. However I understand why she was.
Nothing racist for standing up for common sense. Only a racist would see it as a RACE issue since Americans are not any one particular race. But then, what can you expect from a troll like the OP? SHOW ME another country where you can criminally invade unwanted, and that government and her people take on the responsibility of educating them!


What are they going to do for FOOD while being educated?


What are they going to do for shelter while learning?


What are they going to do for healthcare while in school?



Now, EDUCATED in America, RAISED in America, HOUSED in America, CARED FOR in America, what are they supposed to do upon graduating?


LIVE in America

And become an American citizen!!!

Congratulations! You have just signed a license for this nation to be flooded by half of Central America, the illiterate, the unskilled, and best of all, assured the end of the two party citizen and America as a 1st World Nation. For NONE of them are going to vote against the party that made their being here possible!
Another far rightwing palooka practically WHIPPING HIMSELF up into a frenzy.

TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.
Nothing racist for standing up for common sense. Only a racist would see it as a RACE issue since Americans are not any one particular race. But then, what can you expect from a troll like the OP? SHOW ME another country where you can criminally invade unwanted, and that government and her people take on the responsibility of educating them!


What are they going to do for FOOD while being educated?


What are they going to do for shelter while learning?


What are they going to do for healthcare while in school?



Now, EDUCATED in America, RAISED in America, HOUSED in America, CARED FOR in America, what are they supposed to do upon graduating?


LIVE in America

And become an American citizen!!!

Congratulations! You have just signed a license for this nation to be flooded by half of Central America, the illiterate, the unskilled, and best of all, assured the end of the two party citizen and America as a 1st World Nation. For NONE of them are going to vote against the party that made their being here possible!
Another far rightwing palooka practically WHIPPING HIMSELF up into a frenzy.

TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.

Nothing racist for standing up for common sense. Only a racist would see it as a RACE issue since Americans are not any one particular race. But then, what can you expect from a troll like the OP? SHOW ME another country where you can criminally invade unwanted, and that government and her people take on the responsibility of educating them!


What are they going to do for FOOD while being educated?


What are they going to do for shelter while learning?


What are they going to do for healthcare while in school?



Now, EDUCATED in America, RAISED in America, HOUSED in America, CARED FOR in America, what are they supposed to do upon graduating?


LIVE in America

And become an American citizen!!!

Congratulations! You have just signed a license for this nation to be flooded by half of Central America, the illiterate, the unskilled, and best of all, assured the end of the two party citizen and America as a 1st World Nation. For NONE of them are going to vote against the party that made their being here possible!
Another far rightwing palooka practically WHIPPING HIMSELF up into a frenzy.

TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.


Another far rightwing palooka practically WHIPPING HIMSELF up into a frenzy.

TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.



A fool laughs at truth.
TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.



A fool laughs at truth.

Problem with that is, there is no truth.

Just for chuckles though, could you please cite the immigration laws that were in place before the Europeans came here ?
You almost gotta laugh. The crazy left is ultra sensitive about insulting criminal illegal aliens while they call the President of the United States...a Nazi.
Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.



A fool laughs at truth.

Problem with that is, there is no truth.

Just for chuckles though, could you please cite the immigration laws that were in place before the Europeans came here ?

It is the truth and you know it is the truth. Did the existing nations invite whites here? Show me the written invitations to European governments from every native American nation since you want to chuckle.
Nothing racist for standing up for common sense. Only a racist would see it as a RACE issue since Americans are not any one particular race. But then, what can you expect from a troll like the OP? SHOW ME another country where you can criminally invade unwanted, and that government and her people take on the responsibility of educating them!


What are they going to do for FOOD while being educated?


What are they going to do for shelter while learning?


What are they going to do for healthcare while in school?



Now, EDUCATED in America, RAISED in America, HOUSED in America, CARED FOR in America, what are they supposed to do upon graduating?


LIVE in America

And become an American citizen!!!

Congratulations! You have just signed a license for this nation to be flooded by half of Central America, the illiterate, the unskilled, and best of all, assured the end of the two party citizen and America as a 1st World Nation. For NONE of them are going to vote against the party that made their being here possible!
Another far rightwing palooka practically WHIPPING HIMSELF up into a frenzy.

TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.

This time I have to agree. We did not come here by legal Indian law, for they had no relevant law for invading Europeans they did not know even existed! But unlike the illegals that come here under OUR law, we conquered the Indians and made their laws irrelevant, the illegals coming here are not conquering us, usurping our law, other than by our own laxness, stupidity and willingness!
Another far rightwing palooka practically WHIPPING HIMSELF up into a frenzy.

TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.

This time I have to agree. We did not come here by legal Indian law, for they had no relevant law for invading Europeans they did not know even existed! But unlike the illegals that come here under OUR law, we conquered the Indians and made their laws irrelevant, the illegals coming here are not conquering us, usurping our law, other than by our own laxness, stupidity and willingness!

The Europeans did not know the natives existed either. They did not call it the new world for nothing. Europeans didn't conquer the Indians and what you are describing is an invasion and occupation. Natives signed treaties and are still separate nations. Whites have done to NA's exactly what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians. They expanded settlements.
TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.

This time I have to agree. We did not come here by legal Indian law, for they had no relevant law for invading Europeans they did not know even existed! But unlike the illegals that come here under OUR law, we conquered the Indians and made their laws irrelevant, the illegals coming here are not conquering us, usurping our law, other than by our own laxness, stupidity and willingness!

The Europeans did not know the natives existed either. They did not call it the new world for nothing. Europeans didn't conquer the Indians and what you are describing is an invasion and occupation. Natives signed treaties and are still separate nations. Whites have done to NA's exactly what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians. They expanded settlements.

Don’t let your President get your ass whopped. That’s your user name. That is funny as hell. Who is whopping my ass. I voted for Trump he is my president and I don’t care what a dumbass like you thinks. Your tough talking behind a screen name and trying to be a tough guy on a website. That’s some funny shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
TRANSLATION: Too close to the truth that all logical arguments fall by the wayside for you. Illegal immigration will be the downfall of this nation.

Spoken by a descendant of illegal immigrants.

No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.

This time I have to agree. We did not come here by legal Indian law, for they had no relevant law for invading Europeans they did not know even existed! But unlike the illegals that come here under OUR law, we conquered the Indians and made their laws irrelevant, the illegals coming here are not conquering us, usurping our law, other than by our own laxness, stupidity and willingness!

The Europeans did not know the natives existed either.

REALLY? Is all of your history so faulty?
Leif Ericson didn't run into any in 1000AD when he first came to Canada?
Columbus ran into no natives when he landed in1485?
Or the Portuguese in 1500?
Or the French in 1524?

The English began their exploration in 1577. Settled here in 1607. That's a long way before 1776, and way WAY before the Indians were finally conquered in the late 19th century. Either way, it does not matter. The Indians were still living a neolithic life, and they were conquered before the battle even began. To the stronger go the spoils. That is the way life works. Learn to deal with it.
My question is, how in the hell does she know that all these kids she's accusing of being illegal are here illegally? Is she part of law enforcement? Is she an ICE agent? Has she been trained for either job?

No, she's neither. She's a school teacher who probably only has her own bias to go on and is using that to say who is and isn't illegal in her eyes. She doesn't have any authority to check papers or anything that an ICE agent or law enforcement would be able to do.

The fact that she made these allegations in public about kids in her own school without bothering to find out the truth, just used her own bias is reason enough for her to be fired. She besmirched the name of the school by her behavior and needed to be fired.

Quick question for you conservatives who own businesses.............would YOU be okay with an employee of yours writing to law enforcement (or the Trumpster himself) via Twitter, saying that there were illegals running rampant through the business you owned, and leaving you out of the loop?
No immigration laws were in place, since there was no nation, or government with laws when his decendants came here.

*Bullshit excuse alert!*

There were nations existing here. With laws and boundaries. Whites illegally immigrated here.



A fool laughs at truth.

Problem with that is, there is no truth.

Just for chuckles though, could you please cite the immigration laws that were in place before the Europeans came here ?

It is the truth and you know it is the truth. Did the existing nations invite whites here? Show me the written invitations to European governments from every native American nation since you want to chuckle.

Dude, you are simply delusional. There was not a country here with laws. There is now, and some of those laws refer to our rules of immigrating here.

The natives here were a mixture of various tribal clans that fought with one another with their own form of laws, but there was no singular nation, and obviously you know that.

You people today that judge our ancestors are clueless how to place their actions in the context of the time.

All people on this earth hundreds and thousands of year ago, would be considered evil human beings if we used todays standards to judge them. EVERY single one of them !!

The difference with the Europeans is they were the ones that amassed the technology first, that allowed them to conquer other peoples around the world at that time. You are absolutely delusional if you believe the rest of the world were peaceful, and lived and let lived. The indigenous people were every bit as nasty and violent as the Europeans, the Europeans were simply able to project their nastiness on a much grander scale.

Get off your fucking high horse, your ancestors regardless who they were every bit as ruthless as mine or anyone else's was. The difference is simply the magnitude.
Did you guys hear about the racist school teacher in Texas? Georgia Clark is her name.

She decided to tweet ze Trumpenführer, asking him to "do something" about all the alleged illegals in her school.

She gave all her personal info.

The fool thought she was privately DMing him, but she was tweeting it for the world to see.

Well, she got her ass fired, with a quickness.

Do you think this firing was justified?

Why/why not?

Meantime, here's the link to the story: Texas teacher fired: Fort Worth school board votes to fire teacher Georgia Clark after Twitter rant to President Trump about "illegal" immigrant students - CBS News

And here's a good commentary on it...

Yes. We heard about the AMERICAN, dumb ass. I guess you dont know there are other threads on this. Maybe try browsing the forum?

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