Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

He didn't choose anything, hosebag. Those BATF clowns opened fire before they even opened the door.

You can't sue when you're dead because some BATF thug shot you.

You're fucking NAZI douche bag.

Tell us again how those children had to be incinerated because Koresh was molesting them. I'm still laughing about that, pig.

He had plenty of opportunity to surrender. He chose not to. His fault 100 per cent.

And you're a neocon loon who longs for the days of the wild west. You're a fucking moron. The children being 'incinerated' is down to Koresh. Nobody else. You wanna give a free pass to a loon with a God complex, go for it. Says a lot about you. None of it good.
Obama did not care much about law
and some learned and believe that

Waco was just so sad
A horror to not be repeated
10USC311 is also, federal law; gun lovers should get used to it, or move to a sanctuary city.
I have a foolproof way to know when the people I am conversing with are flat out RW fanatics that really do not warrant even the time it takes to type a sentence. As soon as I read about how Waco was government tyranny against a peace loving religious group, I know that the train left the station without the baggage long ago......
You're a Nazi douche bag. Waco is the FBI and BATF's fault. No one would have been incinerated if they had left Koresh and his people alone. The fact is undeniable.

So now you like pedos? Good on you Bri...
There is and was ZERO evidence that any children were molested at Waco that was a false flag started by Janet Reno to cover up their stupidity in attacking the place.
That was her favorite excuse. Not the first time she's used it.
This isn't anything new. I'm a truck driver, and the feds have our agencies enforcing FHA laws. Our state troopers pull over trucks not to site them for state violations, but to site us for federal violations. Our state has a seat belt law as a secondary offense. In other words, they can't just pull you over for not wearing a seat belt. But I've been pulled over several times for the same violation because truck drivers have to comply with federal regulations which state they can pull truck drivers over just for not wearing a seat belt.

Wow! You are one confused nerd! Seatbelt laws are solely under state jurisdiction. Yes there are primary and secondary seatbelt enforcement laws which vary by state. And, yes secondary seatbelt laws are only enforced incidental to another traffic violation. If you live in a state with secondary enforcement and you are being pulled over and cited initially for not wearing a seatbelt you need to take it to court. I suspect, though, you are chronically breaking some other state traffic or commerce law...not federal. I challenge you to cite the federal law you were cited for by state police!

The state police are certified by the Feds to enforce federal regulations. In fact, the last two times I was pulled over and asked why, they told me they pulled me over just to check out me and my truck. Perfectly legal.

Truckers don't have constitutional rights. They can pull you over for no reason, look inside of your trailer, look under your hood, and even inside the cab and there is nothing you can do about it. It's happened to me a dozen times or so.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Perhaps this link will help.
Land Line Magazine: The Business Magazine for Professional Truckers
He didn't choose anything, hosebag. Those BATF clowns opened fire before they even opened the door.

You can't sue when you're dead because some BATF thug shot you.

You're fucking NAZI douche bag.

Tell us again how those children had to be incinerated because Koresh was molesting them. I'm still laughing about that, pig.

He had plenty of opportunity to surrender. He chose not to. His fault 100 per cent.

And you're a neocon loon who longs for the days of the wild west. You're a fucking moron. The children being 'incinerated' is down to Koresh. Nobody else. You wanna give a free pass to a loon with a God complex, go for it. Says a lot about you. None of it good.
The raid was broadcast and the first shots showed 4 ATF goons on the roof, three enter through a window and the 4th opens fire on the same window with an automatic weapon. The cars in the lot had ZERO bullet holes in them coming from the building but lots in them from the ATF. The door of the building which survived had only bullet holes in it from outside none from inside and then it suspiciously disappeared just before being sent for investigation by the Congress. During the 90 day siege not one helicopter was fired on, no shots were fired on the cops outside and no one attempted to leave the compound. Yet Clinton and Reno ordered an assault on the compound even though they KNEW the building was prepped with gas. They sent a tank to fire explosive cs gas rounds into that wooden building full of people children and gas.

There was absolutely no reason to attack the compound no one in it was a threat to anyone outside of the compound.
This isn't anything new. I'm a truck driver, and the feds have our agencies enforcing FHA laws. Our state troopers pull over trucks not to site them for state violations, but to site us for federal violations. Our state has a seat belt law as a secondary offense. In other words, they can't just pull you over for not wearing a seat belt. But I've been pulled over several times for the same violation because truck drivers have to comply with federal regulations which state they can pull truck drivers over just for not wearing a seat belt.

Wow! You are one confused nerd! Seatbelt laws are solely under state jurisdiction. Yes there are primary and secondary seatbelt enforcement laws which vary by state. And, yes secondary seatbelt laws are only enforced incidental to another traffic violation. If you live in a state with secondary enforcement and you are being pulled over and cited initially for not wearing a seatbelt you need to take it to court. I suspect, though, you are chronically breaking some other state traffic or commerce law...not federal. I challenge you to cite the federal law you were cited for by state police!

The state police are certified by the Feds to enforce federal regulations. In fact, the last two times I was pulled over and asked why, they told me they pulled me over just to check out me and my truck. Perfectly legal.

Truckers don't have constitutional rights. They can pull you over for no reason, look inside of your trailer, look under your hood, and even inside the cab and there is nothing you can do about it. It's happened to me a dozen times or so.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Perhaps this link will help.
Land Line Magazine: The Business Magazine for Professional Truckers

Help with what? According to your article, what goes on in trucking is exactly what I stated. Give them a hard time? Good luck with that. Let me explain something to you:

When a DOT or state trooper pulls you over. You can have a brand new truck, a truck that just passed the DOT inspection by a licensed mechanic or company, a truck that is virtually flawless. But if a DOT cop wants to get you on something, they will.

Just for moment, imagine if state troopers or even local police did the same to other motorists: You are driving the speed limit, not doing anything wrong, and a cop pulls you over. You ask what's wrong, and they reply "nothing, but I'm going to find something wrong." Yes, that has happened to me too before the days of video cameras.

Okay, so you feel your constitutional rights have been violated. How many thousands of dollars do you have to prove your case?

18 U.S. Code § 40 - Commercial motor vehicles required to stop for inspections
He didn't choose anything, hosebag. Those BATF clowns opened fire before they even opened the door.

You can't sue when you're dead because some BATF thug shot you.

You're fucking NAZI douche bag.

Tell us again how those children had to be incinerated because Koresh was molesting them. I'm still laughing about that, pig.

He had plenty of opportunity to surrender. He chose not to. His fault 100 per cent.

And you're a neocon loon who longs for the days of the wild west. You're a fucking moron. The children being 'incinerated' is down to Koresh. Nobody else. You wanna give a free pass to a loon with a God complex, go for it. Says a lot about you. None of it good.
Wrong, you fucking NAZI pig, he had no chance to surrender. The BATF pigs started firing before he even answered the door. The BATF and the FBI incinerated those children. You are condoning cold blooded murder.
I have a foolproof way to know when the people I am conversing with are flat out RW fanatics that really do not warrant even the time it takes to type a sentence. As soon as I read about how Waco was government tyranny against a peace loving religious group, I know that the train left the station without the baggage long ago......

The fact that you refuse to even consider shows what a brainwashed leftwing NAZI douche bag you are.
He didn't choose anything, hosebag. Those BATF clowns opened fire before they even opened the door.

You can't sue when you're dead because some BATF thug shot you.

You're fucking NAZI douche bag.

Tell us again how those children had to be incinerated because Koresh was molesting them. I'm still laughing about that, pig.

He had plenty of opportunity to surrender. He chose not to. His fault 100 per cent.

And you're a neocon loon who longs for the days of the wild west. You're a fucking moron. The children being 'incinerated' is down to Koresh. Nobody else. You wanna give a free pass to a loon with a God complex, go for it. Says a lot about you. None of it good.
The raid was broadcast and the first shots showed 4 ATF goons on the roof, three enter through a window and the 4th opens fire on the same window with an automatic weapon. The cars in the lot had ZERO bullet holes in them coming from the building but lots in them from the ATF. The door of the building which survived had only bullet holes in it from outside none from inside and then it suspiciously disappeared just before being sent for investigation by the Congress. During the 90 day siege not one helicopter was fired on, no shots were fired on the cops outside and no one attempted to leave the compound. Yet Clinton and Reno ordered an assault on the compound even though they KNEW the building was prepped with gas. They sent a tank to fire explosive cs gas rounds into that wooden building full of people children and gas.

There was absolutely no reason to attack the compound no one in it was a threat to anyone outside of the compound.

Of course there was a very good reason for the FBI to burn down the building: the FBI couldn't allow the inhabitants to testify that the BATF and the FBI had committed cold blooded murder. Many similar FBI stake outs have had similar conclusions. It's how the FBI covers its tracks.
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The raid was broadcast and the first shots showed 4 ATF goons on the roof, three enter through a window and the 4th opens fire on the same window with an automatic weapon. The cars in the lot had ZERO bullet holes in them coming from the building but lots in them from the ATF. The door of the building which survived had only bullet holes in it from outside none from inside and then it suspiciously disappeared just before being sent for investigation by the Congress. During the 90 day siege not one helicopter was fired on, no shots were fired on the cops outside and no one attempted to leave the compound. Yet Clinton and Reno ordered an assault on the compound even though they KNEW the building was prepped with gas. They sent a tank to fire explosive cs gas rounds into that wooden building full of people children and gas.

There was absolutely no reason to attack the compound no one in it was a threat to anyone outside of the compound.

And if he had surrended in the first place, none of this would have happened. His fault. End of story.

You can do all the 'he said' 'she said' all you like. Koresh made a decision. It is his fault.
Wrong, you fucking NAZI pig, he had no chance to surrender. The BATF pigs started firing before he even answered the door. The BATF and the FBI incinerated those children. You are condoning cold blooded murder.

He had 90 days to surrender you moronic buffoon...
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."

You know what Easy, I have a hypothetical question here, so lets see how this works!

QUESTION--------> Are we not going through a budget period, and in fact has not a temporary funding order been issued to keep the government going until next week? Now then, without there being a budget until next week, as long as the budget item was very specific, could it not be added or changed?

OK, then here it goes-------------> ya know all of those wonderful military bases that can be opened, or closed, with just a line in the budget? How many of those does California have? How many government offices for the Feds does California have that COULD be moved because they are not required in every state? I know they have space in Florida and Wisconsin, and I know quite a few of THESE SANCTUARY states and counties have large federal INFRASTRUCTURE that could easily be moved into where others have closed!

And you know what that means, it would start virtually INSTANTLY if the budget said so, and there isn't a thing the left could do about it, because it is not law, it is the budget; and the budget is actually created in the house, so for every unhappy leftist, we could make a purple state happy and turn it red, or make a red state happier-)

And all he has to do is call in Paul Ryan, and the Freedom Caucus, and bam...............leftists are in deep trouble really quick! I like it! I like it!
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."

Know what I am talking about Easy! How about the PRESIDIO, oh yes, yes, lets move it-) Or how about where some of the ships are repaired? We could move that easily out of California. And that is just the start! Just call up California and look at Federal Government installations there, that a state is not required to have. All of those theoretically, could be shuttered!

The left thinks it is funny! Time for Trump to play some hardball.

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