Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

Let's see, Federal authorities thought a quirky Christian sect was violating the law by legally sending for legal pamphlets that described gunsmithing ways to use rusty old WW2 junk. The Feds interpreted it as a crime and the media drummed up the allegations and president Clinton finally authorized the use of tanks and poison gas to incinerate 80 men, women and children based on ludicrous claims of violating obscure federal laws. Today we have American cities obviously and deliberately violating federal immigration laws and thumbing their noses at the federal government and the MSM seems to support their views during a republican administration..

Those two situations have nothing to do with each other .

Did the Feds force local PD to rush the compound ?
Let's see, Federal authorities thought a quirky Christian sect was violating the law by legally sending for legal pamphlets that described gunsmithing ways to use rusty old WW2 junk. The Feds interpreted it as a crime and the media drummed up the allegations and president Clinton finally authorized the use of tanks and poison gas to incinerate 80 men, women and children based on ludicrous claims of violating obscure federal laws. Today we have American cities obviously and deliberately violating federal immigration laws and thumbing their noses at the federal government and the MSM seems to support their views during a republican administration..

Waco is, and always will be, 100 percent Koresh's fault. End of story. You can bleat on all you want about the ATF, Koresh decided to do what he did. His fault.
This Democracy depends on Texas.

The Socialists Traitor Obama undermined the laws he swore to enforce with one thing in mind---Turn Texas Blue with Illegal Immigrants.

Texas is Democracy's last hope.
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."

Lawyers are going to be busy and Taxus is going to be paying out a lot of money. The same with the federal government, it would have to be tried case by case with specific evidence of what would amount to conspiracy. Which is one of hardest things to prove in court to begin with and something as nebulous as someone SAYING "this is a sanctuary city" won't even come close.

Sorry cons, we know you are on fire to force your shit on other people but we the people are protected by the Constitution and the founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson says you can suck the pipe. :dev3:
Federal court system will immediately stay the Texas law if it passes.
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."
Don't they have to be tried first? Looks like a lot of sheriffs, mayors and police chiefs are going to get rich from lawsuits being filed on their behalf!
I don't the Federal Law that says have to pay taxes.

I don't have to follow Federal Laws that I don't agree with.

I don't have to pay Federal Taxes.

Snowflake logic simply applied to any Federal Law.

Let's all just follow the laws we like!!

Does your local police enforce the fed tax law?

Police have nothing to do with tax enforcement. That's what we have the IRS for. But if a state stated their citizens are not subject to IRS laws, then the feds need to do something about that.

So you agree with me ?

Not in the least.

A state can do whatever they desire; no violation of states rights. However, that doesn't mean that the feds have to continue to provide them with funds.

The Democrats have done this often in the past, yet no objection by the left. They threatened to cutoff funding to states that didn't fall in line with new EPA regulations, they threatened to cutoff funding to states who didn't adopt their seat belt laws. They threatened to cutoff states who didn't comply with their level of DUI. They threatened to cutoff state funding to those who didn't comply to their 55 mph speed limit years ago.

More recently, DumBama threatened to cutoff funding to schools that didn't allow weirdos in dresses to enter women's restrooms, dressing rooms, and showers.

This isn't anything new. I'm a truck driver, and the feds have our agencies enforcing FHA laws. Our state troopers pull over trucks not to site them for state violations, but to site us for federal violations. Our state has a seat belt law as a secondary offense. In other words, they can't just pull you over for not wearing a seat belt. But I've been pulled over several times for the same violation because truck drivers have to comply with federal regulations which state they can pull truck drivers over just for not wearing a seat belt.
So arrest the law breakers who are breaking the law by abetting other lawbreakers.
No one is above the law
You get due process and liberty in Texas. Those sworn to uphold these principles have to be accountable if they do not. No police chief or "leader" defying the law and placing American citizens at risk should be surprised at such a response.

Placing American citizens at risk. What a lie that is. Americans are at greater risk of Americans with guns than they are from illegals.
Federal court system will immediately stay the Texas law if it passes.
And then they move ahead and it comes to a head
I can't believe in Anerica people can be put in jail for their efforts to prevent or obstruct illegal activity
It is written you can't be here improperly. Written law with tons of precedent
Judges don't have the same sort of explicit written law as to Trump but can always find one political appointee to essentially usurp POTUS
So much for state rights!

Indeed.....not illegals' rights. Don't believe me? Ask Mexico about the rights of illegal immigrants violating Mexico's autonomy.

You want America to model itself after Mexico?

Mexican Immigration Laws only. To model ourselves after Mexico holistically would mean elimination of a middle class, a true, locked-in 1 percent elite, and mass poor. Socialists and Fascists have disdain for the middle class. We don't want that.
You get due process and liberty in Texas. Those sworn to uphold these principles have to be accountable if they do not. No police chief or "leader" defying the law and placing American citizens at risk should be surprised at such a response.

Placing American citizens at risk. What a lie that is. Americans are at greater risk of Americans with guns than they are from illegals.

So that's a reason to allow states to not enforce federal requirements???
So much for state rights!

It's the state doing the prosecuting. I think that's pretty much states rights.
The state can't prosecute counties and municipal governments for not enforcing immigration laws. If they do, the USSC decision on A.L.E.C., the controversial Arizona immigration law, will be put forth as precedent.

Wrong. What that was about is Arizona creating their own regulations and guidelines. And in fact, the ruling was that Arizona could not create their own immigration laws because that was up to the federal government.

Well......the federal government requires states to report their arrested illegals, and Sanctuary cities refuse to obey that law.
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."

The source AP article says TX has no sanctuary cities, which is a lie. There are several unless they've changed very recently.
I have never been to Texas but I can sense Texas has its heart in the right place! :2up:

Go Texas!:thup:
You get due process and liberty in Texas. Those sworn to uphold these principles have to be accountable if they do not. No police chief or "leader" defying the law and placing American citizens at risk should be surprised at such a response.

Placing American citizens at risk. What a lie that is. Americans are at greater risk of Americans with guns than they are from illegals.

Without the illegals there would be a whole lot fewer deaths.
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."

The source AP article says TX has no sanctuary cities, which is a lie. There are several unless they've changed very recently.

The problem is there is no "legal" definition of what a Sanctuary city is. That is the argument the left uses all the time.
You get due process and liberty in Texas. Those sworn to uphold these principles have to be accountable if they do not. No police chief or "leader" defying the law and placing American citizens at risk should be surprised at such a response.

Placing American citizens at risk. What a lie that is. Americans are at greater risk of Americans with guns than they are from illegals.

While no official numbers have been compiled, it's estimated that illegals kill 12 U.S. civilians per day.
That's 4,380 murders per year. Since 9/11, 21,900 U.S. civilians have died because of illegal immigrants.
Let's compare 21,900 to the 2,863 U.S. troops killed in Iraq and 289 total killed in the 5 year Afghanistan campaign.
You do the math.

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