Texas Voter ID Law On Hold, But Poll Worker Still Demands Photo ID From Journalist

Dick Tuck

Board Troll
Aug 29, 2009
Still think we don't need election monitors? The right wing doesn't care about the law. What they want is to suppress the vote.

Texas Voter ID Law On Hold, But Poll Worker Still Demands Photo ID From Journalist

Dallas Morning News columnist Wayne Slater attempted to vote over the weekend using his utility bill, which is considered an acceptable form of ID. The poll worker, however, demanded that he show her his driver's license.

"We prefer a voter-registration card or a driver’s license," said Peggy, the poll worker. "There’s a list of identifications starting with registration card, driver’s license, picture ID -- we prefer to go in that order.”

Although Peggy's supervisor eventually signed off on the utility bill, Peggy then told Slater that he was not a registered voter. This time, the supervisor had to inform Peggy that she had misspelled Slater's name.
Voter ID laws should be illegal unless the ID is provided at no cost. Otherwise it is nothing more than a poll tax, which has been decalred unconstitutional.

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