Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

Will this boil down to the difference between actions/verb (gay sex) vs noun (race)

  • Yes, since gay sex is a verb, it isn't the same as static race. Christians cannot participate.

  • No, it doesn't matter whether gay sex is a noun or verb, it's a right!

  • Maybe. This is going to be a very dissecting Hearing this time and not just generalizations.

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The Bible does not forbid abortion. Period.

The story of Sodom was in the Old Testament so there was no admonition to Christians as part of it.

Homosexuality has naturally occurred in every race and species on earth. It is a naturally occurring human variant.

Please keep your facts straight. No pun intended.

Wrong. The Bible does forbid abortion. There are numerous passages that tell about that.

Cite them.

Abortion isn't murder...

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. -- Exodus 21:22-23

Abortion is murder.

Thou shalt not kill.
Exodus 20:13

Abortion is not murder.

Jesus never once said it was.

And abortion- and even infanticide was commonly practiced.

Children are a gift from the LORD. They are not to be slaughtered /given away / sacrificed to the wicked one. That is the act of Baal worshippers - sacrificing their babies to Satan and is condemned by God.

It is written:

Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.
Psalm 127:3

And again- where is abortion mentioned?

Where is Jesus's condemnation of abortion?
Gay Sex Marriage is challenged by Texas' Christians: FRAMING THE ARGUMENT

Same-sex marriage ruling faces religious rights battle in Texas
As supporters of gay marriages celebrated a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling, a new battle for same-sex marriage erupted in Texas where government leaders asserted their citizens' religious liberties trumped the individual right to marry...
Contesting the law on religious grounds will be the next major battlefield for the issue and could see it return to the Supreme Court, said Texas A&M University Law Professor Meg Penrose, who has followed the issue.
All Texas county clerks take an oath to uphold state laws and the U.S. Constitution, which includes Friday's decision, she said. But how far religious beliefs can protect state and county workers from performing their duties remains an unanswered constitutional question. Extending that argument could mean a Catholic judge deny a divorce because it goes against his religion, or a state worker could refuse to issue liquor licenses because it clashes with his religious beliefs, Penrose said.
Ultimately, it will come down to two fundamental rights – religious freedom granted explicitly in the Constitution, and same-sex liberties, which have been confirmed through previous court decisions – battling for precedence, she said.
I'm glad the author wrote it that way..."same-sex". Because that is a verb, not a noun. And that will be the ultimate question at the end of all this.
'GAY SEX' marriage is in no way shape or form born of a static state of being. It is an action; something done. And something done BTW that deprives children of either a father or a mother in marriage. This is a brand spanking new human concept, never before heard of or tried. Black men and white women still provided a father and a mother in marriage. More importantly, NO New Testament teaching advocated that races couldn't intermarry. Christians follow the new testament.

However, in Jude 1 of the New Testament, Jesus Christ's constant companion, confidant and personal servant tells the world what will happen if Christians promote the spread of a homosexual culture. The hub of any culture is marriage. So if Christians promote that spread, they are sentenced to eternal soul-death. They are reminded that everyone in Sodom was sentenced to the pit of fire forever, not just the homosexual cult there that forced its way upon every fold of life; but also those Christians who refused to do anything in order to stop it.

Price for your eternal soul? One marriage license, one catered meal, one photograph, one cake...make that strawberry with pineapple filling

Gay sex marriage is a verb, not a noun.

Opponents of the freedom of religion, the 1st Amendment are already alleging that their in-Pocket Justices who amended the Constitution to include a special class of just their favorite deviant sex behaviors as protected (while polygamy and incest remain without that protection), say that public accomodation laws and their new addition to the Constitution will trump freedom of religion. However, lawyers familiar with the Constitution will know of the 9th Amendment that says even if the judicial branch of government significantly changes the Constitution (which isn't allowed), that change may not suppress or abridge the rights enjoyed in another part of the Constitution.

I can see the bumper stickers now as to the 1st Amendment (adjunct to the democracy-killing "8 IS HATE) NUMBER 1 IS DONE! You know, with the rainbow logo off to the side..

Marriage is a noun.
Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

You seem to think yours is the only religion. I haven't tried to proselytize you. It's not proper for you to proselytize me.

Right you prefer to force your beliefs on people at the point of a gun.

Great imagination you have there.. When exactly did that happen?

Last Friday, who will be charged with enforcing this newly invented law, that's right, government agents with GUNS.

LOL....thats right- FBI agents will all be swooping down and forcing you into 'gay' marriages now......your dreams have come true......
They come from the same places they come from for everyone else.

In a society where all women are lesbians and all men are gay- without artificial insemination- where do the kids come from?

I am genuinely curious what those who believe that the story of Sodom is about a city full of homosexuals(hence 'sodomites') explain where their kids came from.
Children come from female eggs, but only after sperm penetrates the wall of the eggs. Ask your parents to explain it further.

I guess this topic was too complicated for you.

In a population of all homosexuals- male and female- with no artificial insemination- how are children conceived?

We can have sex...you don't HAVE TO enjoy it. (Ask straight women)

But in a population of all homosexuals- which is what Jeremiah believes Sodom consisted of(since he calls every homosexual 'a sodomite')- would any of the population choose to have sex in order to have children- with a person that they are not attracted to?

While some might- God would not have needed to destroy Sodom- within a generation or two the population would be so reduced that the nearby warring tribes would have long since taken Sodom over.

Sodomites are what you are calling homosexuals today. No difference. Same sin, same judgment. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God changes not. Neither does His Word.
Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?

How are you defining discrimination?

If I were a Pastor I would refuse to perform weddings for sodomites whereas I would perform a wedding for a Christian man and Christian woman whom God had brought together. The laws of this land permit murder too, Blindboo. Am I going to give my support to doctors who perform abortions when the bible calls them murderers? No. Am I going to give my approval to sodomites committing acts that are an abomination to God Almighty? No.

Gods law stands irregardless of how lawless a nation becomes - His judgment will fall on a nation that departs from His Word. His judgment is about to fall on America.

Sodomy is not a race. It's a sin.

The Bible does not forbid abortion. Period.

The story of Sodom was in the Old Testament so there was no admonition to Christians as part of it.

Homosexuality has naturally occurred in every race and species on earth. It is a naturally occurring human variant.

Please keep your facts straight. No pun intended.

Wrong. The Bible does forbid abortion. There are numerous passages that tell about that.

Abortion is not mentioned once in the Bible.
In a society where all women are lesbians and all men are gay- without artificial insemination- where do the kids come from?

I am genuinely curious what those who believe that the story of Sodom is about a city full of homosexuals(hence 'sodomites') explain where their kids came from.
Children come from female eggs, but only after sperm penetrates the wall of the eggs. Ask your parents to explain it further.

I guess this topic was too complicated for you.

In a population of all homosexuals- male and female- with no artificial insemination- how are children conceived?

We can have sex...you don't HAVE TO enjoy it. (Ask straight women)

But in a population of all homosexuals- which is what Jeremiah believes Sodom consisted of(since he calls every homosexual 'a sodomite')- would any of the population choose to have sex in order to have children- with a person that they are not attracted to?

While some might- God would not have needed to destroy Sodom- within a generation or two the population would be so reduced that the nearby warring tribes would have long since taken Sodom over.

Sodomites are what you are calling homosexuals today. No difference. Same sin, same judgment. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God changes not. Neither does His Word.

You call homosexuals Sodomites- Jesus never did.
You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?

Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

You seem to think yours is the only religion. I haven't tried to proselytize you. It's not proper for you to proselytize me.

Right you prefer to force your beliefs on people at the point of a gun.

We are all going to be forcing you to get 'gay married' at gunpoint- a whole new reinvention of the term 'shotgun wedding'
The biological imperative is a hardwired trait of all life.

Sexual deviancy is however, a consequence of training... wherein, during the infancy and toddler stages of development, the individual is sexually molested, by a deviant... the molestation is in the form of Play, comprised of much laughing and cooing... and which involves the stimulating of the genitals, which triggers a hormonal discharge that associates Play, with sex... . This demonstrating the basis for homosexuals well established association of Sex with PLAY.

It's not even a debatable point.

And because of the processes common to infancy/toddler stages, wherein verbal communication skills and long term conscious memory is not printing, there is no means for the child to relate to another that "Uncle Cab touched my PeePee... or any conscious memory of such having ever occurred.

All the individuals 'knows' is that "I've always been this way". Which 'feels' that way because, from it's first recorded memory, IT WAS THAT WAY!"

You nailed it! So it's finished: Race is genetic, homosexuality is a choice.

I see no further need to continue this thread.
Race, like sexuality, can be described as both genetic and a choice. These are not either or things. But you can go along pretending all questions are binary.

Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to comprehend how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day. I've questioned more than one of the advocates of same-sex marriage on here, as to whether they could tell me if homosexuality is genetic or a choice, and nobody responded.

Change the question to are homosexual acts genetic or a choice and the answer is easy, they are choices. Change the question to are homosexual behaviors genetic or a choice and the answer is both. It's both because all behaviors are both genetic and learned.

Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

While sin may be handed down via a generational curse, sin is sin and should be repented of no matter how it came about.
Humans are animals.

You are mistaken. Humans were created in the Image of God and God is not an animal!

it is written:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:26, 27,28

Please note that man was created to have dominion over the animals, over the fish of the sea over all that was created, Blindboo. God commanded the man and the woman to be fruitful and multiply.

God created Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.

I don't believe in your supernaturalism. Our species evolved or emerged out of Africa some 200,000 year ago.

Wrong. Adam was created by God in the Garden - see Genesis 1:26 and Eve - God created out of Adam's rib.
Was the rib St. Louis style or baby back?

Have you no fear of God at all that you mock the Scriptures?

No- I do not fear your fairy tales.

Look- I do not normally mock a person's faith- but since you keep insisting that I live by your faith- and insisting that I believe what you believe- yes you are up for mockery.

No- I do not fear your fairy tales- or your cherry picking of the Bible.
You nailed it! So it's finished: Race is genetic, homosexuality is a choice.

I see no further need to continue this thread.
Race, like sexuality, can be described as both genetic and a choice. These are not either or things. But you can go along pretending all questions are binary.

Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to comprehend how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day. I've questioned more than one of the advocates of same-sex marriage on here, as to whether they could tell me if homosexuality is genetic or a choice, and nobody responded.

Change the question to are homosexual acts genetic or a choice and the answer is easy, they are choices. Change the question to are homosexual behaviors genetic or a choice and the answer is both. It's both because all behaviors are both genetic and learned.

Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

While sin may be handed down via a generational curse, sin is sin and should be repented of no matter how it came about.

I was speaking about biology- not sin.

You can babble about your fairy tales to someone else.
Race, like sexuality, can be described as both genetic and a choice. These are not either or things. But you can go along pretending all questions are binary.

Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to comprehend how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day. I've questioned more than one of the advocates of same-sex marriage on here, as to whether they could tell me if homosexuality is genetic or a choice, and nobody responded.

Change the question to are homosexual acts genetic or a choice and the answer is easy, they are choices. Change the question to are homosexual behaviors genetic or a choice and the answer is both. It's both because all behaviors are both genetic and learned.

Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

May well? So how do you know that? Is this something you know or something you heard?

LOL- you seem to want to believe that the only possible options are 'choice' or 'genetics'- science does not support either of those options.

The best alternative I have seen is epigenetics- but I no more care why someone is homosexual than I care why someone is left handed.

Some people are homosexuals- some people are left handed. Why they are is immaterial.

The only possible options are genetics or choice. First off, race is genetic. No matter what anyone says, you can't choose to be a black man. Or a white man. You were born the race you are. You can go through your life acting like a black man, but you're not.

Like race, our sexual identity is determined by our DNA. You are born either a man or a woman with the exception of an occasional freak of nature, which creates a hermaphrodite.

But a man going through life thinking he's a woman, or vice versa, is deceiving themselves into thinking they are something they're not. Worse yet, a person who surgically alters their own body to become something they're not, is committing a grievous crime against nature.
Children come from female eggs, but only after sperm penetrates the wall of the eggs. Ask your parents to explain it further.

I guess this topic was too complicated for you.

In a population of all homosexuals- male and female- with no artificial insemination- how are children conceived?

We can have sex...you don't HAVE TO enjoy it. (Ask straight women)

But in a population of all homosexuals- which is what Jeremiah believes Sodom consisted of(since he calls every homosexual 'a sodomite')- would any of the population choose to have sex in order to have children- with a person that they are not attracted to?

While some might- God would not have needed to destroy Sodom- within a generation or two the population would be so reduced that the nearby warring tribes would have long since taken Sodom over.

Sodomites are what you are calling homosexuals today. No difference. Same sin, same judgment. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God changes not. Neither does His Word.

You call homosexuals Sodomites- Jesus never did.

Actually you are mistaken. Jesus Christ is the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us. See John 1:14. It is in His Word that He named them Sodomites and that is why I am using that name. There is nothing gay about Sodomites. Less than 2% of all Sodomites live much past the age of 62 yrs old. That is tragic. Sin brings forth death. This is the fruit that sin brings. Death. Both physically and spiritually -finding themselves in hell thereafter.
Race, like sexuality, can be described as both genetic and a choice. These are not either or things. But you can go along pretending all questions are binary.

Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to comprehend how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day. I've questioned more than one of the advocates of same-sex marriage on here, as to whether they could tell me if homosexuality is genetic or a choice, and nobody responded.

Change the question to are homosexual acts genetic or a choice and the answer is easy, they are choices. Change the question to are homosexual behaviors genetic or a choice and the answer is both. It's both because all behaviors are both genetic and learned.

Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

While sin may be handed down via a generational curse, sin is sin and should be repented of no matter how it came about.

I was speaking about biology- not sin.

You can babble about your fairy tales to someone else.
Hell is not a fairy tale. It is more real than the room where you are seated right now. It is eternal. Hell has no exits. You had better think seriously about that. No pun intended.
Race, like sexuality, can be described as both genetic and a choice. These are not either or things. But you can go along pretending all questions are binary.

Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to comprehend how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day. I've questioned more than one of the advocates of same-sex marriage on here, as to whether they could tell me if homosexuality is genetic or a choice, and nobody responded.

Change the question to are homosexual acts genetic or a choice and the answer is easy, they are choices. Change the question to are homosexual behaviors genetic or a choice and the answer is both. It's both because all behaviors are both genetic and learned.

Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

While sin may be handed down via a generational curse, sin is sin and should be repented of no matter how it came about.

I was speaking about biology- not sin.

You can babble about your fairy tales to someone else.

If I did not care for your soul I would not warn you to flee from that sin, Syriusly.

If you are going to choose hell over obedience to Christ's Commandments then you should see this first.

I would be glad to have that discussion Silhouette- but you will never actually talk about that- will you?

What does 'gay marriage' do to kids?

For children being raised by straight couples- nothing.
For children being raised by gay couples- 'gay marriage' means that the children will have married parents.

Feel free to tell me what 'gay marriage' does to kids- if you dare pursue the topic.

I believe it is one of the most destructive things anyone could possibly do to a child. It creates an environment in which they are taught to be confused about something they should never have been confused about to begin with! I remember meeting two women who were living as sodomites and the one woman had been married prior resulting in 2 children, both boys. The mother of the children permitted her sodomite partner to beat her older son with a hanger and the boy grew resentful of the living arrangements he was forced to endure. He began to force his younger brother to perform oral sex on him. The younger brother was constantly crying and in a state of grief. No one knew what was wrong with him (these people were neighbors of mine who lived not too far from my home) until one day a neighbor said that her son had been molested by this same boy - that he had forced him also to perform oral sex on him - then it became apparent why the young boy was constantly crying and in such a state of grief. He was in fear of his older brother who threatened him if he told. Later I was told by a teacher at the school that boy attended that he had been caught trying to rape another student in the bathroom. This was not a middle school but in elementary school (5th or 6th grade). This is what happens when children are forced to live in such un-natural, perverse & demented environments.

Hah! Because abuse like that never happens in heterosexual households, right? :lol:

But keep using your second- or third- hand anecdotal evidence to try and make it seem as though homosexuality is the root cause.

I just read the story about the boy who was raised by two lesbian parents and they drugged him to confuse him over his sexuality - did you read that news article? That is more evidence that the idea of permitting Sodomites access to children is a crime against children and should not be permitted.

Is it your contention that homosexuality is the cause of parents acting a certain way about gender with their kids? That heterosexual parents would never do anything to confuse their children regarding gender?

How about this : The Swedish parents who are keeping their baby s gender a secret Life and style The Guardian

The Bible says that many things are sins, do you think that anyone who sins should be prevented from having or raising children? I doubt it.

it is written:
Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Luke 17: 1,2

and again it is written:
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6

and again it is written:

And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
Mark 9:42

Well that pretty much covers the whole 'Where does Jesus stand on "Humanism"' thing..., which includes all of the respective diseases that such perpetrates, such as degeneracy, which is its primary stock in trade.
They come from the same places they come from for everyone else.

In a society where all women are lesbians and all men are gay- without artificial insemination- where do the kids come from?

I am genuinely curious what those who believe that the story of Sodom is about a city full of homosexuals(hence 'sodomites') explain where their kids came from.
Children come from female eggs, but only after sperm penetrates the wall of the eggs. Ask your parents to explain it further.

I guess this topic was too complicated for you.

In a population of all homosexuals- male and female- with no artificial insemination- how are children conceived?

We can have sex...you don't HAVE TO enjoy it. (Ask straight women)

But in a population of all homosexuals- which is what Jeremiah believes Sodom consisted of(since he calls every homosexual 'a sodomite')- would any of the population choose to have sex in order to have children- with a person that they are not attracted to?

While some might- God would not have needed to destroy Sodom- within a generation or two the population would be so reduced that the nearby warring tribes would have long since taken Sodom over.

Oh...S&G?!? That silly story? That was about inhospitality and rape...not consenting adult relationships.
When I think about the people on this board who are right now unprepared for eternity should they die in their sleep tonight - I am horrified - it keeps me awake some nights praying for people here and pleading with God to save all who could be saved who write on / read this board. Every morning when I join my husband for bible reading, worship and prayer I lift up the USMB board and the people here. My heart is deeply troubled by what I see happening to the people here. I pray God open the eyes of the people on USMB that not one would perish. Not one. I couldn't bare to know it if even one slipped off into hell. God have mercy on these people - they are so lost! God have mercy.
Here's another article about abuse based on religious beliefs. That is more evidence that the idea of permitting religious fanatics access to children is a crime against children and should not be permitted
Child Abuse Under the Guise of Religion - NYTimes.com

While the cult of LGBT sharpens its word-game knives and strawmen stuffers...

...the only thing of importance to remember is that the New Testament in Jude 1 promises soul-death for anyone who enables the spread of a homosexual culture. That's it. Marriage is the hub of any culture.

1+1 = 2

The LGBT game therefore will be to "make it more complicated than just that". And it isn't. Venial sins are not the same as mortal ones that cost your eternal soul.

Interesting, but I'm not really basing my beliefs on your religion.

Your Beliefs?


Would anyone like to start a pool on the scope of those would-be 'Beliefs'?

My guess is that the entire list of those beliefs that can be sustained, could easily fit into the following

( ; )

This, of course, based on that area being from where those beliefs are pulled.
Oh...S&G?!? That silly story? That was about inhospitality and rape...not consenting adult relationships.


YEAH! Because sodomizing strangers is perfectly fine when they CONSENT!


Folks, you can NOT make this crap up.

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