Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

Will this boil down to the difference between actions/verb (gay sex) vs noun (race)

  • Yes, since gay sex is a verb, it isn't the same as static race. Christians cannot participate.

  • No, it doesn't matter whether gay sex is a noun or verb, it's a right!

  • Maybe. This is going to be a very dissecting Hearing this time and not just generalizations.

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Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to comprehend how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day. I've questioned more than one of the advocates of same-sex marriage on here, as to whether they could tell me if homosexuality is genetic or a choice, and nobody responded.

Change the question to are homosexual acts genetic or a choice and the answer is easy, they are choices. Change the question to are homosexual behaviors genetic or a choice and the answer is both. It's both because all behaviors are both genetic and learned.

Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

May well? So how do you know that? Is this something you know or something you heard?

LOL- you seem to want to believe that the only possible options are 'choice' or 'genetics'- science does not support either of those options.

The best alternative I have seen is epigenetics- but I no more care why someone is homosexual than I care why someone is left handed.

Some people are homosexuals- some people are left handed. Why they are is immaterial.

The only possible options are genetics or choice. First off, race is genetic. No matter what anyone says, you can't choose to be a black man. Or a white man. You were born the race you are. You can go through your life acting like a black man, but you're not.

Like race, our sexual identity is determined by our DNA. You are born either a man or a woman with the exception of an occasional freak of nature, which creates a hermaphrodite.

But a man going through life thinking he's a woman, or vice versa, is deceiving themselves into thinking they are something they're not. Worse yet, a person who surgically alters their own body to become something they're not, is committing a grievous crime against nature.

Religion is not genetic. Religion is a lifestyle choice. Owning a gun is not genetic. Owning a gun is a lifestyle choice.
Gay Sex Marriage is challenged by Texas' Christians: FRAMING THE ARGUMENT

Same-sex marriage ruling faces religious rights battle in Texas
As supporters of gay marriages celebrated a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling, a new battle for same-sex marriage erupted in Texas where government leaders asserted their citizens' religious liberties trumped the individual right to marry...
Contesting the law on religious grounds will be the next major battlefield for the issue and could see it return to the Supreme Court, said Texas A&M University Law Professor Meg Penrose, who has followed the issue.
All Texas county clerks take an oath to uphold state laws and the U.S. Constitution, which includes Friday's decision, she said. But how far religious beliefs can protect state and county workers from performing their duties remains an unanswered constitutional question. Extending that argument could mean a Catholic judge deny a divorce because it goes against his religion, or a state worker could refuse to issue liquor licenses because it clashes with his religious beliefs, Penrose said.
Ultimately, it will come down to two fundamental rights – religious freedom granted explicitly in the Constitution, and same-sex liberties, which have been confirmed through previous court decisions – battling for precedence, she said.
I'm glad the author wrote it that way..."same-sex". Because that is a verb, not a noun. And that will be the ultimate question at the end of all this.
'GAY SEX' marriage is in no way shape or form born of a static state of being. It is an action; something done. And something done BTW that deprives children of either a father or a mother in marriage. This is a brand spanking new human concept, never before heard of or tried. Black men and white women still provided a father and a mother in marriage. More importantly, NO New Testament teaching advocated that races couldn't intermarry. Christians follow the new testament.

However, in Jude 1 of the New Testament, Jesus Christ's constant companion, confidant and personal servant tells the world what will happen if Christians promote the spread of a homosexual culture. The hub of any culture is marriage. So if Christians promote that spread, they are sentenced to eternal soul-death. They are reminded that everyone in Sodom was sentenced to the pit of fire forever, not just the homosexual cult there that forced its way upon every fold of life; but also those Christians who refused to do anything in order to stop it.

Price for your eternal soul? One marriage license, one catered meal, one photograph, one cake...make that strawberry with pineapple filling

Gay sex marriage is a verb, not a noun.

Opponents of the freedom of religion, the 1st Amendment are already alleging that their in-Pocket Justices who amended the Constitution to include a special class of just their favorite deviant sex behaviors as protected (while polygamy and incest remain without that protection), say that public accomodation laws and their new addition to the Constitution will trump freedom of religion. However, lawyers familiar with the Constitution will know of the 9th Amendment that says even if the judicial branch of government significantly changes the Constitution (which isn't allowed), that change may not suppress or abridge the rights enjoyed in another part of the Constitution.

I can see the bumper stickers now as to the 1st Amendment (adjunct to the democracy-killing "8 IS HATE) NUMBER 1 IS DONE! You know, with the rainbow logo off to the side..
I've run several half marathons. Lots of blacks...several fags. Not sure that answers your inane question, yo....
When I think about the people on this board who are right now unprepared for eternity should they die in their sleep tonight - I am horrified - it keeps me awake some nights praying for people here and pleading with God to save all who could be saved who write on / read this board. Every morning when I join my husband for bible reading, worship and prayer I lift up the USMB board and the people here. My heart is deeply troubled by what I see happening to the people here. I pray God open the eyes of the people on USMB that not one would perish. Not one. I couldn't bare to know it if even one slipped off into hell. God have mercy on these people - they are so lost! God have mercy.

If it makes YOU feel better, great. Really though, don't waste your time on my account. Go feed a hungry person instead (like Jesus talked about. He lost more sleep over hungry people than people fucking each other)
Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?

How are you defining discrimination?

If I were a Pastor I would refuse to perform weddings for sodomites whereas I would perform a wedding for a Christian man and Christian woman whom God had brought together. The laws of this land permit murder too, Blindboo. Am I going to give my support to doctors who perform abortions when the bible calls them murderers? No. Am I going to give my approval to sodomites committing acts that are an abomination to God Almighty? No.

Gods law stands irregardless of how lawless a nation becomes - His judgment will fall on a nation that departs from His Word. His judgment is about to fall on America.

Sodomy is not a race. It's a sin.

The Bible does not forbid abortion. Period.

The story of Sodom was in the Old Testament so there was no admonition to Christians as part of it.

Homosexuality has naturally occurred in every race and species on earth. It is a naturally occurring human variant.

Please keep your facts straight. No pun intended.

Wrong. The Bible does forbid abortion. There are numerous passages that tell about that.

Cite them.

Abortion isn't murder...

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. -- Exodus 21:22-23

Abortion is murder.

Thou shalt not kill.
Exodus 20:13
The Bible does not forbid abortion. Period.

The story of Sodom was in the Old Testament so there was no admonition to Christians as part of it.

Homosexuality has naturally occurred in every race and species on earth. It is a naturally occurring human variant.

Please keep your facts straight. No pun intended.

Wrong. The Bible does forbid abortion. There are numerous passages that tell about that.

Cite them.

Abortion isn't murder...

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. -- Exodus 21:22-23

Abortion is murder.

Thou shalt not kill.
Exodus 20:13

Abortion is not murder.

Jesus never once said it was.

And abortion- and even infanticide was commonly practiced.

Children are a gift from the LORD. They are not to be slaughtered /given away / sacrificed to the wicked one. That is the act of Baal worshippers - sacrificing their babies to Satan and is condemned by God.

It is written:

Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.
Psalm 127:3

And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 18:21

Those who murder their own children are no different than those who sacrifice their own seed to Molech. It's satanic. If you have had an abortion -repent and ask the LORD to forgive you of your sins. Read Romans 10:9,10.

You seem to be set in stone; rigid and unable to think logically.
There are circumstances which necessitate the termination of a pregnancy. One particular case I read about was the excommunication of Sister Margaret McBride.
A 27 year-old mother, 11 weeks pregnant with her fifth child, was suffering and dying from pulmonary hypertension, and the medical staff at a Catholic hospital determined that in order to save her life, the pregnancy must be ended.
What would have been the moral purpose to allow the young mother to die along with her fetus?
Change the question to are homosexual acts genetic or a choice and the answer is easy, they are choices. Change the question to are homosexual behaviors genetic or a choice and the answer is both. It's both because all behaviors are both genetic and learned.

Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

May well? So how do you know that? Is this something you know or something you heard?

LOL- you seem to want to believe that the only possible options are 'choice' or 'genetics'- science does not support either of those options.

The best alternative I have seen is epigenetics- but I no more care why someone is homosexual than I care why someone is left handed.

Some people are homosexuals- some people are left handed. Why they are is immaterial.

The only possible options are genetics or choice. First off, race is genetic. No matter what anyone says, you can't choose to be a black man. Or a white man. You were born the race you are. You can go through your life acting like a black man, but you're not.

Like race, our sexual identity is determined by our DNA. You are born either a man or a woman with the exception of an occasional freak of nature, which creates a hermaphrodite.

But a man going through life thinking he's a woman, or vice versa, is deceiving themselves into thinking they are something they're not. Worse yet, a person who surgically alters their own body to become something they're not, is committing a grievous crime against nature.

Religion is not genetic. Religion is a lifestyle choice. Owning a gun is not genetic. Owning a gun is a lifestyle choice.

What did my post say about religion or owning a gun? The point is that race and sex are both genetic.
Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

May well? So how do you know that? Is this something you know or something you heard?

LOL- you seem to want to believe that the only possible options are 'choice' or 'genetics'- science does not support either of those options.

The best alternative I have seen is epigenetics- but I no more care why someone is homosexual than I care why someone is left handed.

Some people are homosexuals- some people are left handed. Why they are is immaterial.

The only possible options are genetics or choice. First off, race is genetic. No matter what anyone says, you can't choose to be a black man. Or a white man. You were born the race you are. You can go through your life acting like a black man, but you're not.

Like race, our sexual identity is determined by our DNA. You are born either a man or a woman with the exception of an occasional freak of nature, which creates a hermaphrodite.

But a man going through life thinking he's a woman, or vice versa, is deceiving themselves into thinking they are something they're not. Worse yet, a person who surgically alters their own body to become something they're not, is committing a grievous crime against nature.

Religion is not genetic. Religion is a lifestyle choice. Owning a gun is not genetic. Owning a gun is a lifestyle choice.

What did my post say about religion or owning a gun? The point is that race and sex are both genetic.

Whether gay people are born that way or not is irrelevant. Civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America have no meaningful connection to genetics.
When I think about the people on this board who are right now unprepared for eternity should they die in their sleep tonight - I am horrified -.

That is your perogative.

I will point out that the majority of human beings on this planet- throughout history- would be condemned to such a horrible fate by your 'loving' god.

Which is a good reason to reject him.
Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to comprehend how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day. I've questioned more than one of the advocates of same-sex marriage on here, as to whether they could tell me if homosexuality is genetic or a choice, and nobody responded.

Change the question to are homosexual acts genetic or a choice and the answer is easy, they are choices. Change the question to are homosexual behaviors genetic or a choice and the answer is both. It's both because all behaviors are both genetic and learned.

Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

While sin may be handed down via a generational curse, sin is sin and should be repented of no matter how it came about.

I was speaking about biology- not sin.

You can babble about your fairy tales to someone else.

If I did not care for your soul I would not warn you to flee from that sin, Syriusly.

If you are going to choose hell over obedience to Christ's Commandments then you should see this first.

I follow Christ's second commandment- I reject the first.
Religion is not genetic. Religion is a lifestyle choice. Owning a gun is not genetic. Owning a gun is a lifestyle choice.

I am constantly amazed at the perfect consistency Gilligan wields in his ability to miss the point.

LOL! But hey, such is the nature of Relativism.
Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?
Yes because it's not a natural sin to be of a different race.
That homosexuality is perceived to be 'sin' by some is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant; gay Americans manifest as a class of persons entitled to Constitutional protections, where to seek to discriminate against gay Americans through force of law is in fact un-Constitutional.
Whether gay people are born that way or not is irrelevant. Civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America have no meaningful connection to genetics.



Tell us Gilligan, what IS the basis for "Civil Rights under the Constitution"?

(Reader, feel free to build a civilization or set out on the world record for most times a person walks around the world... you've got plenty of time.)

“How are you defining discrimination?”

Seeking to disadvantage a class of citizens predicated solely on who they are, it's unwarranted and un-Constitutional.
Change the question to homosexuality and the answer is. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same gender- and we have no evidence that such attraction is a choice- and not much evidence that it is genetic.

It may well be neither.

May well? So how do you know that? Is this something you know or something you heard?

LOL- you seem to want to believe that the only possible options are 'choice' or 'genetics'- science does not support either of those options.

The best alternative I have seen is epigenetics- but I no more care why someone is homosexual than I care why someone is left handed.

Some people are homosexuals- some people are left handed. Why they are is immaterial.

The only possible options are genetics or choice. First off, race is genetic. No matter what anyone says, you can't choose to be a black man. Or a white man. You were born the race you are. You can go through your life acting like a black man, but you're not.

Like race, our sexual identity is determined by our DNA. You are born either a man or a woman with the exception of an occasional freak of nature, which creates a hermaphrodite.

But a man going through life thinking he's a woman, or vice versa, is deceiving themselves into thinking they are something they're not. Worse yet, a person who surgically alters their own body to become something they're not, is committing a grievous crime against nature.

Religion is not genetic. Religion is a lifestyle choice. Owning a gun is not genetic. Owning a gun is a lifestyle choice.

What did my post say about religion or owning a gun? The point is that race and sex are both genetic.

So circumcision is a grievous crime against nature? What about shaving and getting haircuts?
Whether gay people are born that way or not is irrelevant. Civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America have no meaningful connection to genetics.



Tell us Gilligan, what IS the basis for "Civil Rights under the Constitution"?

(Reader, feel free to build a civilization or set out on the world record for most times a person walks around the world... you've got plenty of time.)

Read the Constitution.
May well? So how do you know that? Is this something you know or something you heard?

LOL- you seem to want to believe that the only possible options are 'choice' or 'genetics'- science does not support either of those options.

The best alternative I have seen is epigenetics- but I no more care why someone is homosexual than I care why someone is left handed.

Some people are homosexuals- some people are left handed. Why they are is immaterial.

The only possible options are genetics or choice. First off, race is genetic. No matter what anyone says, you can't choose to be a black man. Or a white man. You were born the race you are. You can go through your life acting like a black man, but you're not.

Like race, our sexual identity is determined by our DNA. You are born either a man or a woman with the exception of an occasional freak of nature, which creates a hermaphrodite.

But a man going through life thinking he's a woman, or vice versa, is deceiving themselves into thinking they are something they're not. Worse yet, a person who surgically alters their own body to become something they're not, is committing a grievous crime against nature.

Religion is not genetic. Religion is a lifestyle choice. Owning a gun is not genetic. Owning a gun is a lifestyle choice.

What did my post say about religion or owning a gun? The point is that race and sex are both genetic.

Whether gay people are born that way or not is irrelevant. Civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America have no meaningful connection to genetics.

Well, not any more, they did. How about you prove that the folks who proposed and ratified the 14th Amendment did so with the expressed intent to overturn the marriage laws in every State of the union.
LOL- you seem to want to believe that the only possible options are 'choice' or 'genetics'- science does not support either of those options.

The best alternative I have seen is epigenetics- but I no more care why someone is homosexual than I care why someone is left handed.

Some people are homosexuals- some people are left handed. Why they are is immaterial.

The only possible options are genetics or choice. First off, race is genetic. No matter what anyone says, you can't choose to be a black man. Or a white man. You were born the race you are. You can go through your life acting like a black man, but you're not.

Like race, our sexual identity is determined by our DNA. You are born either a man or a woman with the exception of an occasional freak of nature, which creates a hermaphrodite.

But a man going through life thinking he's a woman, or vice versa, is deceiving themselves into thinking they are something they're not. Worse yet, a person who surgically alters their own body to become something they're not, is committing a grievous crime against nature.

Religion is not genetic. Religion is a lifestyle choice. Owning a gun is not genetic. Owning a gun is a lifestyle choice.

What did my post say about religion or owning a gun? The point is that race and sex are both genetic.

Whether gay people are born that way or not is irrelevant. Civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America have no meaningful connection to genetics.

Well, not any more, they did. How about you prove that the folks who proposed and ratified the 14th Amendment did so with the expressed intent to overturn the marriage laws in every State of the union.

Whether gay people are born that way or not is irrelevant. Civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America have no meaningful connection to genetics.
Religion is not genetic. Religion is a lifestyle choice. Owning a gun is not genetic. Owning a gun is a lifestyle choice.

I am constantly amazed at the perfect consistency Gilligan wields in his ability to miss the point.

LOL! But hey, such is the nature of Relativism.

Why try to make homosexuality a genetic issue if genetics are irrelevant?

Because Genetics IS entirely relevant.

Blacks were not 'GIVEN' Rights by the US Constitution Gilligan.

And this remains true, without regard to your need to believe otherwise.

Those who were abusing them and preventing them from freely exercising their INALIENABLE RIGHTS were precluded from doing so under the color of LAW.

Homosexuals were not being precluded from doing ANYTHING that anyone else was allowed to do.


If you can't understand that, that's understandable. But your limited means to reason does not obligate me to do a dam' thing.
The only possible options are genetics or choice. First off, race is genetic. No matter what anyone says, you can't choose to be a black man. Or a white man. You were born the race you are. You can go through your life acting like a black man, but you're not.

Like race, our sexual identity is determined by our DNA. You are born either a man or a woman with the exception of an occasional freak of nature, which creates a hermaphrodite.

But a man going through life thinking he's a woman, or vice versa, is deceiving themselves into thinking they are something they're not. Worse yet, a person who surgically alters their own body to become something they're not, is committing a grievous crime against nature.

Religion is not genetic. Religion is a lifestyle choice. Owning a gun is not genetic. Owning a gun is a lifestyle choice.

What did my post say about religion or owning a gun? The point is that race and sex are both genetic.

Whether gay people are born that way or not is irrelevant. Civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America have no meaningful connection to genetics.

Well, not any more, they did. How about you prove that the folks who proposed and ratified the 14th Amendment did so with the expressed intent to overturn the marriage laws in every State of the union.

Whether gay people are born that way or not is irrelevant. Civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America have no meaningful connection to genetics.

It's very relevant. If homosexuality is a behavior instead of a genetic issue such as race or sex, it has no business being lumped in with constitutional protections of race and gender. Period.

“How are you defining discrimination?”

Seeking to disadvantage a class of citizens predicated solely on who they are, it's unwarranted and un-Constitutional.


Seeking to disadvantage a class of citizens predicated solely on who they are?

You're saying that THAT is not warranted? Now wouldn't that require that the terms of 'why they are, who they are' be defined? Otherwise you're reasoning just licensed degeneracy...

Oh WAIT! Your reasoning has already done that... .

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up!
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