Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

Will this boil down to the difference between actions/verb (gay sex) vs noun (race)

  • Yes, since gay sex is a verb, it isn't the same as static race. Christians cannot participate.

  • No, it doesn't matter whether gay sex is a noun or verb, it's a right!

  • Maybe. This is going to be a very dissecting Hearing this time and not just generalizations.

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Not with animal beasts but with humans it is. That old argument doesn't fly.

Humans are animals.

You are mistaken. Humans were created in the Image of God and God is not an animal!

it is written:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:26, 27,28

Please note that man was created to have dominion over the animals, over the fish of the sea over all that was created, Blindboo. God commanded the man and the woman to be fruitful and multiply.

God created Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.

I don't believe in your supernaturalism. Our species evolved or emerged out of Africa some 200,000 year ago.

Wrong. Adam was created by God in the Garden - see Genesis 1:26 and Eve - God created out of Adam's rib.
Was the rib St. Louis style or baby back?

Have you no fear of God at all that you mock the Scriptures?

It is written:
And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Genesis 2:22

You know, Rothstein, should the destruction of this nation and your own household - come upon you suddenly - and you were found in this sin? You would be destroyed along with the wicked. Being Jewish could not save you. You do realize that, right? Read II Chronicles 7:14 today. Today is the day of Salvation.
You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?

Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

But no. They can't help themselves because it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice". Or it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice".

Sadly, I can't get a single homosexual to tell me if it's genetic or a choice. All I hear are a bunch of brainwashed left-wingers who support sodomites, because it's the "In thing to do".

Because it is the right thing to do.
No, the right thing to do would be to tell them they are going to hell if they do not turn from this sin. That would be the right thing to do.
You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?

Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

But no. They can't help themselves because it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice". Or it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice".

Sadly, I can't get a single homosexual to tell me if it's genetic or a choice. All I hear are a bunch of brainwashed left-wingers who support sodomites, because it's the "In thing to do".

Because it is the right thing to do.

So when all your left-wing buddies go lay down on the railroad track, you're going to do the same because they told you it was alright? Seriously?
You seem to think yours is the only religion. I haven't tried to proselytize you. It's not proper for you to proselytize me.

If you're a member of the cult of LGBT, that isn't quite necessarily true, is it?

This gay lawmaker in CA has been quite the busy-bee...

A bill devised by a homosexual California lawmaker, Mark Leno, requiring schools to promote homosexuality and other alternative sexual lifestyles to children without parental permission or even knowledge has been approved by the legislature and is on its way to Gov. Jerry Brown....Critics say the vote to approve SB48 could create a vast new opportunity for indoctrinating children into such roles...Teachers also will be required to portray homosexuality positively, “because to be silent can bring the charge of ‘reflecting adversely’ or ‘promoting a discriminatory bias.’” School boards will have to adopt textbooks and other materials based on their positive advocacy for homosexuality and parents – because the teachings are a part of the state’s core curriculum – will be neither notified nor given the option of withdrawing their children from the teachings
California lawmakers demand schools teach gay history
You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?

Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

You seem to think yours is the only religion. I haven't tried to proselytize you. It's not proper for you to proselytize me.

I'm not talking to you about religion. I am talking to you about God and that you have the right to choose to spend eternity in hell if you so choose. God's desire is that none would perish and that all (including you) would turn from their wicked ways but if not? Destruction will be the end result. I would hope you would choose life and not death.

Obviously, that is between God and myself. Neither of us needs your to poke your nose into the discussion. Did you ever consider that your obnoxious and continuous ranting might convince people to reject religion based on your poor example?
Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

But no. They can't help themselves because it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice". Or it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice".

Sadly, I can't get a single homosexual to tell me if it's genetic or a choice. All I hear are a bunch of brainwashed left-wingers who support sodomites, because it's the "In thing to do".

Because it is the right thing to do.
No, the right thing to do would be to tell them they are going to hell if they do not turn from this sin. That would be the right thing to do.
In nature many animals exhibit homosexuality. Nothing unnatural about it.
Not with animal beasts but with humans it is. That old argument doesn't fly.

Humans are animals.

You are mistaken. Humans were created in the Image of God and God is not an animal!

it is written:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:26, 27,28

Please note that man was created to have dominion over the animals, over the fish of the sea over all that was created, Blindboo. God commanded the man and the woman to be fruitful and multiply.

God created Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.

I don't believe in your supernaturalism. Our species evolved or emerged out of Africa some 200,000 year ago.

Wrong. Adam was created by God in the Garden - see Genesis 1:26 and Eve - God created out of Adam's rib.

Why on earth would I read a book full of mythology, supernatural creatures and rules for Nomadic Goat herders?

Try this instead. One Species Living Worldwide The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program

The billions of human beings living today all belong to one species: Homo sapiens.

As in all species, there is variation among individual human beings, from size and shape to skin tone and eye color. But we are much more alike than we are different. We are, in fact, remarkably similar. The DNA of all human beings living today is 99.9% alike.

We all have roots extending back 200,000 years to the emergence of the first modernhumans in Africa, and back more than 6 million years to the evolution of the earliesthuman species in Africa. This amazing story of adaptation and survival is written in the language of our genes, in every cell of our bodies—as well as in the fossil and behavioral evidence.

This ancient heritage is yours.
Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

But no. They can't help themselves because it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice". Or it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice".

Sadly, I can't get a single homosexual to tell me if it's genetic or a choice. All I hear are a bunch of brainwashed left-wingers who support sodomites, because it's the "In thing to do".

Because it is the right thing to do.
No, the right thing to do would be to tell them they are going to hell if they do not turn from this sin. That would be the right thing to do.

You've done that. Now go away.
Are you a homosexual too? Then please answer this question for me: Is homosexuality genetic or is it a choice?

You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?

Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

You seem to think yours is the only religion. I haven't tried to proselytize you. It's not proper for you to proselytize me.

Right you prefer to force your beliefs on people at the point of a gun.
Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

But no. They can't help themselves because it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice". Or it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice".

Sadly, I can't get a single homosexual to tell me if it's genetic or a choice. All I hear are a bunch of brainwashed left-wingers who support sodomites, because it's the "In thing to do".

Because it is the right thing to do.

So when all your left-wing buddies go lay down on the railroad track, you're going to do the same because they told you it was alright? Seriously?

Damn bubba. Are you really going to try sounding like a nagging mother? Is that what you are going for?
It's a little late to frame the argument. The decision has already been made.

Are you a homosexual too? Then please answer this question for me: Is homosexuality genetic or is it a choice?

You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?

So you yourself are not a homosexual, and don't know whether it's genetic or a choice?

How exactly does it make a difference?

It makes a difference because you are involving yourself in something you know nothing about. Homosexuals only account for a microscopic percentage of the population, and all this squawk we're hearing about same sex marriage is only coming from a bunch of liberals, who aren't even real gays.
Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

But no. They can't help themselves because it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice". Or it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice".

Sadly, I can't get a single homosexual to tell me if it's genetic or a choice. All I hear are a bunch of brainwashed left-wingers who support sodomites, because it's the "In thing to do".

Because it is the right thing to do.

So when all your left-wing buddies go lay down on the railroad track, you're going to do the same because they told you it was alright? Seriously?

Damn bubba. Are you really going to try sounding like a nagging mother? Is that what you are going for?

Nope. Just trying to get you to open your eyes, look at things from more than one perspective, and start thinking for yourself.

You're welcome.
You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?

Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

You seem to think yours is the only religion. I haven't tried to proselytize you. It's not proper for you to proselytize me.

Right you prefer to force your beliefs on people at the point of a gun.

Great imagination you have there.. When exactly did that happen?
While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

But no. They can't help themselves because it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice". Or it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice".

Sadly, I can't get a single homosexual to tell me if it's genetic or a choice. All I hear are a bunch of brainwashed left-wingers who support sodomites, because it's the "In thing to do".

Because it is the right thing to do.

So when all your left-wing buddies go lay down on the railroad track, you're going to do the same because they told you it was alright? Seriously?

Damn bubba. Are you really going to try sounding like a nagging mother? Is that what you are going for?

Nope. Just trying to get you to open your eyes, look at things from more than one perspective, and start thinking for yourself.

You're welcome.

You're an idiot. Go away.
Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?

How are you defining discrimination?

If I were a Pastor I would refuse to perform weddings for sodomites whereas I would perform a wedding for a Christian man and Christian woman whom God had brought together. The laws of this land permit murder too, Blindboo. Am I going to give my support to doctors who perform abortions when the bible calls them murderers? No. Am I going to give my approval to sodomites committing acts that are an abomination to God Almighty? No.

Gods law stands irregardless of how lawless a nation becomes - His judgment will fall on a nation that departs from His Word. His judgment is about to fall on America.

Sodomy is not a race. It's a sin.

The Bible does not forbid abortion. Period.

The story of Sodom was in the Old Testament so there was no admonition to Christians as part of it.

Homosexuality has naturally occurred in every race and species on earth. It is a naturally occurring human variant.

Please keep your facts straight. No pun intended.
But no. They can't help themselves because it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice". Or it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice".

Sadly, I can't get a single homosexual to tell me if it's genetic or a choice. All I hear are a bunch of brainwashed left-wingers who support sodomites, because it's the "In thing to do".

Because it is the right thing to do.

So when all your left-wing buddies go lay down on the railroad track, you're going to do the same because they told you it was alright? Seriously?

Damn bubba. Are you really going to try sounding like a nagging mother? Is that what you are going for?

Nope. Just trying to get you to open your eyes, look at things from more than one perspective, and start thinking for yourself.

You're welcome.

You're an idiot. Go away.

In the immortal words of the Captain, "What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you..."
Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?

How are you defining discrimination?

If I were a Pastor I would refuse to perform weddings for sodomites whereas I would perform a wedding for a Christian man and Christian woman whom God had brought together. The laws of this land permit murder too, Blindboo. Am I going to give my support to doctors who perform abortions when the bible calls them murderers? No. Am I going to give my approval to sodomites committing acts that are an abomination to God Almighty? No.

Gods law stands irregardless of how lawless a nation becomes - His judgment will fall on a nation that departs from His Word. His judgment is about to fall on America.

Sodomy is not a race. It's a sin.

The Bible does not forbid abortion. Period.

The story of Sodom was in the Old Testament so there was no admonition to Christians as part of it.

Homosexuality has naturally occurred in every race and species on earth. It is a naturally occurring human variant.

Please keep your facts straight. No pun intended.

Wrong. The Bible does forbid abortion. There are numerous passages that tell about that.
Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

If the behavior is hard wired into you, then the answer for that particular question is yes. The urge to mate is hard wired into everyone. Even a very retarded person will masturbate. Who knows what they are thinking about? But that urge to orgasm is something they just can't ignore.
If you wonder if you are gay or straight, what you think about is the clue. Just because there are right wingers who think about boys doesn't mean they all do. Ask Larry Craig and Mark Foley.

The biological imperative is a hardwired trait of all life.

Sexual deviancy is however, a consequence of training... wherein, during the infancy and toddler stages of development, the individual is sexually molested, by a deviant... the molestation is in the form of Play, comprised of much laughing and cooing... and which involves the stimulating of the genitals, which triggers a hormonal discharge that associates Play, with sex... . This demonstrating the basis for homosexuals well established association of Sex with PLAY.

It's not even a debatable point.

And because of the processes common to infancy/toddler stages, wherein verbal communication skills and long term conscious memory is not printing, there is no means for the child to relate to another that "Uncle Cab touched my PeePee... or any conscious memory of such having ever occurred.

All the individuals 'knows' is that "I've always been this way". Which 'feels' that way because, from it's first recorded memory, IT WAS THAT WAY!"

You nailed it! So it's finished: Race is genetic, homosexuality is a choice.

I see no further need to continue this thread.
Race, like sexuality, can be described as both genetic and a choice. These are not either or things. But you can go along pretending all questions are binary.

Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to comprehend how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day. I've questioned more than one of the advocates of same-sex marriage on here, as to whether they could tell me if homosexuality is genetic or a choice, and nobody responded.
It's really pretty easy. If you have a black mother, an asian father, and a european grandfather, you can call yourself white one day, black the next, or asian the third day. That would be a benefit of a mixed heritage.

There are two popular definitions for homosexuality. One definition is such that it could be a choice the other definition indicates that it can't be a choice. So if by the word "homosexuality" you mean the version that does not allow for it being a choice well then we need a different word to have the discussion. If you are using the version that allows that it may be a choice... then by definition it could be a choice.

Clearly having a desire is a behavior and acting out of that desire is a choice. Thus if the definition is about homosexuality as a behavior then the question is irrelevant... if the definition is about homosexuality as an act, then of course its a choice because all acts are choices.

In other words... the age old question is it genetics or a choice... yeah that question is a puzzle, begging for the question to be parsed into a more complex question before the answer of yes or no can be provided.

Change the question to are homosexual acts genetic or a choice and the answer is easy, they are choices. Change the question to are homosexual behaviors genetic or a choice and the answer is both. It's both because all behaviors are both genetic and learned.
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Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

You seem to think yours is the only religion. I haven't tried to proselytize you. It's not proper for you to proselytize me.

Right you prefer to force your beliefs on people at the point of a gun.

Great imagination you have there.. When exactly did that happen?

Last Friday, who will be charged with enforcing this newly invented law, that's right, government agents with GUNS.
Are you a homosexual too? Then please answer this question for me: Is homosexuality genetic or is it a choice?

You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?

Here's the thing... Marriage is not a right, except and unless one comports themselves within the STANDARDS THAT DEFINE MARRIAGE.

For instance you can't marry your Tennis Racket, your golf clubs, your goat (No matter how much you love your goat), your Sister or your parents; and due to nature defining marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman, ya also can't marry your Home Owners association, your Kiwanis Club or your softball team. Likewise, ya can't marry your bestee from way back in the day... because he or she is the same gender as you are.

These are conditions which sustain the purpose of marriage, providing for the integrity, thus maintaining the viability of the institution.

YOU reject all of that that that's fine. Your standing on the tracks, rejecting that the approaching train can have any bearing on your physical well being is just as irrelevant to the train, as it is the laws of nature promoting your physical well being, which say that if you remain in the path of that train, you're physical well being is SCREWED!

Not sure why you would think I'm in love with my tennis racquet, but the supreme court has determined that same sex marriage is a right. You have every right to maintain your beliefs, and run your life according to them. You just no longer have the right to deny those rights to same sex marriages. Worry about your own train, and I'll worry about mine.

While you may have the right legally - you are also using your right to reject the Word of God which is going to result in your spending eternity in hell. Is it worth that to you? Really?

But no. They can't help themselves because it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice". Or it's "genetic". Or it's a "choice".

Sadly, I can't get a single homosexual to tell me if it's genetic or a choice. All I hear are a bunch of brainwashed left-wingers who support sodomites, because it's the "In thing to do".

I'm not single, I'm legally married. I am gay though and I'm telling you I did not choose my attractions.

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