Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

Will this boil down to the difference between actions/verb (gay sex) vs noun (race)

  • Yes, since gay sex is a verb, it isn't the same as static race. Christians cannot participate.

  • No, it doesn't matter whether gay sex is a noun or verb, it's a right!

  • Maybe. This is going to be a very dissecting Hearing this time and not just generalizations.

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And yay! Another thread in which Sil repeats previously stated arguments as though somehow they will gain validity in a new thread. :lol:
No, the reason I posted this specific thread was because of a conversation I watched on CNN's AC-360 where Anderson Cooper was chatting with a pal about the angle that the LGBT cult is going to try to use to defeat this, the REAL gay marriage SCOTUS case. And that was that they were saying that "Christians objected to blacks marrying too on religious grounds, so this one will have that same merit and outcome"....

Ergo, the reason why I made the CLEAR DISTINCTION between gay sex AS A BEHAVIOR and blacks as A NOBLE STATIC RACE. And I pointed out that nowhere in the New Testament that I'm aware of did Jesus preach "thou shalt not intermarry racially". What Jesus imparted to his friend Jude was that "thou shalt NOT promote or enable the spread of a homosexual culture". That is lined out clearly in the NEW TESTAMENT OF JESUS CHRIST; and the punishment for failing is soul-death.

So syriusly counters with "Gays were born that way". My first witness to that allegation would be Anne Heche.. I'm sure heroin addicts feel like they were "born that way" too. However, we know better.

And the dissection begins...

You've been making the 'homosexuality is not a static trait' argument for a while now. Are you trying to say that's not the case?
When did you choose not to be a homosexual?

See- I have always known I was a heterosexual- I never made the choice to be attracted to women.

Or let me put this another way- do you think if you really wanted to- you could choose to stop being attracted to women- and be attracted to men?

So you're hetero now? See how confused you are? I thought you were a lesbian in a relationship where you had 5 pregnancies and child-trafficked two of those out to gay men you knew?

Oh the trouble we can get into when verbs become nouns...

God forbid. I pray to God that is not true. How awful to give any child to such a perverse and depraved future!

There are actually gay couples who have adopted kids, and dress their little boys up like girls. Or their little girls likewise. That's bound to have some serious psychological detriment to those poor kids.

There are actually heterosexual couples who have dressed their little girls up like boys, or boys up like girls. Your point? Or is that only important if a gay couple does it?
It is wrong no matter who does it! The bible is very clear that a man isn't to dress as a woman and a woman is not to dress as a man! That would include children!
Let's not forget this topic is about gay marriage and a Christian's 1st Amendment right to not participate in it based on NEW TESTAMENT ONLY CITATIONS...
Race is not the same as Religion.
Gender is not the same as Race
Sexual Preference is not the same as Gender
Religion is not the same as Sexual Preference.

And none of that matters- because people can- and have been- discriminated against because of one of those labels.

You never want to look at what gay-sex marriage does to kids do you? ..

I would be glad to have that discussion Silhouette- but you will never actually talk about that- will you?

What does 'gay marriage' do to kids?

For children being raised by straight couples- nothing.
For children being raised by gay couples- 'gay marriage' means that the children will have married parents.

Feel free to tell me what 'gay marriage' does to kids- if you dare pursue the topic.

I believe it is one of the most destructive things anyone could possibly do to a child. It creates an environment in which they are taught to be confused about something they should never have been confused about to begin with! I remember meeting two women who were living as sodomites and the one woman had been married prior resulting in 2 children, both boys. The mother of the children permitted her sodomite partner to beat her older son with a hanger and the boy grew resentful of the living arrangements he was forced to endure. He began to force his younger brother to perform oral sex on him. The younger brother was constantly crying and in a state of grief. No one knew what was wrong with him (these people were neighbors of mine who lived not too far from my home) until one day a neighbor said that her son had been molested by this same boy - that he had forced him also to perform oral sex on him - then it became apparent why the young boy was constantly crying and in such a state of grief. He was in fear of his older brother who threatened him if he told. Later I was told by a teacher at the school that boy attended that he had been caught trying to rape another student in the bathroom. This was not a middle school but in elementary school (5th or 6th grade). This is what happens when children are forced to live in such un-natural, perverse & demented environments.

Hah! Because abuse like that never happens in heterosexual households, right? :lol:

But keep using your second- or third- hand anecdotal evidence to try and make it seem as though homosexuality is the root cause.
When did you choose not to be a homosexual?

See- I have always known I was a heterosexual- I never made the choice to be attracted to women.

Or let me put this another way- do you think if you really wanted to- you could choose to stop being attracted to women- and be attracted to men?

So you're hetero now? See how confused you are? I thought you were a lesbian in a relationship where you had 5 pregnancies and child-trafficked two of those out to gay men you knew?

Oh the trouble we can get into when verbs become nouns...

God forbid. I pray to God that is not true. How awful to give any child to such a perverse and depraved future!

There are actually gay couples who have adopted kids, and dress their little boys up like girls. Or their little girls likewise. That's bound to have some serious psychological detriment to those poor kids.

There are actually heterosexual couples who have dressed their little girls up like boys, or boys up like girls. Your point? Or is that only important if a gay couple does it?

Since you are another defender of homosexuality, please answer this for me: Is homosexuality genetic or is it a choice?
It's a little late to frame the argument. The decision has already been made.
It's a little late to frame the argument. The decision has already been made.

Are you a homosexual too? Then please answer this question for me: Is homosexuality genetic or is it a choice?
Race is not the same as Religion.
Gender is not the same as Race
Sexual Preference is not the same as Gender
Religion is not the same as Sexual Preference.

And none of that matters- because people can- and have been- discriminated against because of one of those labels.

You never want to look at what gay-sex marriage does to kids do you? ..

I would be glad to have that discussion Silhouette- but you will never actually talk about that- will you?

What does 'gay marriage' do to kids?

For children being raised by straight couples- nothing.
For children being raised by gay couples- 'gay marriage' means that the children will have married parents.

Feel free to tell me what 'gay marriage' does to kids- if you dare pursue the topic.

I believe it is one of the most destructive things anyone could possibly do to a child. It creates an environment in which they are taught to be confused about something they should never have been confused about to begin with! I remember meeting two women who were living as sodomites and the one woman had been married prior resulting in 2 children, both boys. The mother of the children permitted her sodomite partner to beat her older son with a hanger and the boy grew resentful of the living arrangements he was forced to endure. He began to force his younger brother to perform oral sex on him. The younger brother was constantly crying and in a state of grief. No one knew what was wrong with him (these people were neighbors of mine who lived not too far from my home) until one day a neighbor said that her son had been molested by this same boy - that he had forced him also to perform oral sex on him - then it became apparent why the young boy was constantly crying and in such a state of grief. He was in fear of his older brother who threatened him if he told. Later I was told by a teacher at the school that boy attended that he had been caught trying to rape another student in the bathroom. This was not a middle school but in elementary school (5th or 6th grade). This is what happens when children are forced to live in such un-natural, perverse & demented environments.

Hah! Because abuse like that never happens in heterosexual households, right? :lol:

But keep using your second- or third- hand anecdotal evidence to try and make it seem as though homosexuality is the root cause.

I just read the story about the boy who was raised by two lesbian parents and they drugged him to confuse him over his sexuality - did you read that news article? That is more evidence that the idea of permitting Sodomites access to children is a crime against children and should not be permitted.
I am reading from the King James Bible and Corinthians, Romans, Galatians are ALL part of the New Testament. Leviticus and Deuteronomy (which I did not quote from) are old testament, Silhouette. We agree that Jude is also a New Testament book. Are you reading from a King James Bible?

Sorry ,I'm not up on my Old Testament stuff. Thought Galatians was Old. Like I've said before, I'm not actually Christian, only like a barrister for their arguments. I have reasons of my own, very good secular reasons for not mainstreaming gay sex via their hijacking the word "marriage" to spread it ultimately into kindergartens everywhere...

But you surely get my point, which is that the cult of LGBT or "gay sex marriage advocates" will be trying to blend the two tomes in order to allege that because idiot Christians in the 1960s claimed they had biblical reasons to deny interracial marriage, that somehow actual Christians actually following the actual teachings of the New Testament today "have no more right to deny participation than those 1960s (mistaken) bigots did!" (wrongly citing Old Testament passages as a support for a Christian denial).

And if King Kennedy has had too many aderol that day at that Hearing, he may "accidentally" not make the distinction clear...again...those muddied premises they like to launch "concrete conclusions" and binding edicts from their thrones upon.

The only citations any Christian should make in their defense MUST come from the New Testament. Really boiling it down to the "thou shalt....or else"...argument, there's no better passage than Jude 1. If we can't trust Jesus' faithful and daily companion/servant and confidant (Jude) as to a core edict, a mortal sin of Christianity, the entire Bible is no better than a roll of toilet paper..

Oh I get that entirely!

I am a Christian... and I approach the argument from a secular point of view myself.

I do so, because that demonstrates the lack of credibility of the humanist argument, and of course sets to lie the assumed correlation of Humanism with secularism... (Those are the keys to which my signature refers. The idiots glom onto the assumption that the keys are metal devices uses to actuate locks.)
It's a little late to frame the argument. The decision has already been made.

Actually I understand there is a 28 day period where it could be overturned. Was I misinformed about that?

You go ahead and hold your breath for that to happen.

Answer the question please. Is there a 28 day period before it is finalized or not? You said the decision had already been made and it was too late. If there is a 28 day period than you were not honest in your claim that it was "too late".
It's a little late to frame the argument. The decision has already been made.

Are you a homosexual too? Then please answer this question for me: Is homosexuality genetic or is it a choice?

You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?
I am not an LGBT plant! I'm a born again Christian! Are you a Christian or aren't you, Silhouette? I'm quoting the King James Bible! Genesis is part of the Bible and I am free to quote it in proving that man was not created to be an animal! Please read before responding. Thank you.
Fair enough. But beware if you are a Christian fighting for your right to not participate in gay sex marriage. Read my signature for details. It will be easy to remember since it will show up on every post I make..

You should also realize that it has been established that 6 of the Supreme Court Judges are Roman Catholic. They voted for same sex marriage. The other 3 are Jewish and are friendly towards this Pope and Vatican. There are 9 Judges total on the Supreme Court. Someone ought to be bringing that up too. This is what is wrong with our political system today. It has been overtaken by godless men and women.
I believe it is one of the most destructive things anyone could possibly do to a child. It creates an environment in which they are taught to be confused about something they should never have been confused about to begin with! I remember meeting two women who were living as sodomites .

How did 'sodomites' have children?

Not the lesbians you are calling 'sodomites'- which is just odd since the Bible never mentions lesbians as being Sodomites- but since you are calling them Sodomites, then I assume you believe that all the women and all the men in Sodom were homosexuals.

So where did their kids come from?
They come from the same places they come from for everyone else.

In a society where all women are lesbians and all men are gay- without artificial insemination- where do the kids come from?

I am genuinely curious what those who believe that the story of Sodom is about a city full of homosexuals(hence 'sodomites') explain where their kids came from.

Instead of defending just homosexuality without offering any real insight, why don't you just man up and explain to the class whether your homosexuality is by choice or genetic? You have an audience here.

As a heterosexual- I defend homosexuals because they do not deserve to be attacked for who they are sexually attracted to.

As a heterosexual, my sexual preference has never been a choice- I have always been attracted to women. The gay friends I do have tell me that there experiences in regards to men is the same.

So- how about you- is your sexual preference genetic- or your choice? Do you think you could be attracted to women if you really, really wanted to be?

Why must it be an either/or dynamic? Why can't sexuality be something which can change over time but does not have to do so based on conscious choice? I find it strange how easily it can be accepted that a person's sexual tastes can change over time, but not when it comes to gender. I also find it strange that something not being a conscious choice is automatically assumed to be genetic.
It's a little late to frame the argument. The decision has already been made.

Are you a homosexual too? Then please answer this question for me: Is homosexuality genetic or is it a choice?

You don't have to be homosexual to believe this country should offer the same rights to everybody. Are you now going to ask if I'm black?

So you yourself are not a homosexual, and don't know whether it's genetic or a choice?
How did 'sodomites' have children?

Not the lesbians you are calling 'sodomites'- which is just odd since the Bible never mentions lesbians as being Sodomites- but since you are calling them Sodomites, then I assume you believe that all the women and all the men in Sodom were homosexuals.

So where did their kids come from?
They come from the same places they come from for everyone else.

In a society where all women are lesbians and all men are gay- without artificial insemination- where do the kids come from?

I am genuinely curious what those who believe that the story of Sodom is about a city full of homosexuals(hence 'sodomites') explain where their kids came from.

Instead of defending just homosexuality without offering any real insight, why don't you just man up and explain to the class whether your homosexuality is by choice or genetic? You have an audience here.

As a heterosexual- I defend homosexuals because they do not deserve to be attacked for who they are sexually attracted to.

As a heterosexual, my sexual preference has never been a choice- I have always been attracted to women. The gay friends I do have tell me that there experiences in regards to men is the same.

So- how about you- is your sexual preference genetic- or your choice? Do you think you could be attracted to women if you really, really wanted to be?

Why must it be an either/or dynamic? Why can't sexuality be something which can change over time but does not have to do so based on conscious choice? I find it strange how easily it can be accepted that a person's sexual tastes can change over time, but not when it comes to gender. I also find it strange that something not being a conscious choice is automatically assumed to be genetic.

So if sexuality is something that changes over time, it is a choice.
When did you choose not to be a homosexual?

See- I have always known I was a heterosexual- I never made the choice to be attracted to women.

Or let me put this another way- do you think if you really wanted to- you could choose to stop being attracted to women- and be attracted to men?

So you're hetero now? See how confused you are? I thought you were a lesbian in a relationship where you had 5 pregnancies and child-trafficked two of those out to gay men you knew?

Oh the trouble we can get into when verbs become nouns...

God forbid. I pray to God that is not true. How awful to give any child to such a perverse and depraved future!

There are actually gay couples who have adopted kids, and dress their little boys up like girls. Or their little girls likewise. That's bound to have some serious psychological detriment to those poor kids.

There are actually heterosexual couples who have dressed their little girls up like boys, or boys up like girls. Your point? Or is that only important if a gay couple does it?

Since you are another defender of homosexuality, please answer this for me: Is homosexuality genetic or is it a choice?

I don't know. It may not be entirely either. As I've said, this black or white paradigm seems foolish to me. I see no reason that human sexuality must be both hardwired and unchangeable without a conscious decision.

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