Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

Will this boil down to the difference between actions/verb (gay sex) vs noun (race)

  • Yes, since gay sex is a verb, it isn't the same as static race. Christians cannot participate.

  • No, it doesn't matter whether gay sex is a noun or verb, it's a right!

  • Maybe. This is going to be a very dissecting Hearing this time and not just generalizations.

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Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

If the behavior is hard wired into you, then the answer for that particular question is yes. The urge to mate is hard wired into everyone. Even a very retarded person will masturbate. Who knows what they are thinking about? But that urge to orgasm is something they just can't ignore.
If you wonder if you are gay or straight, what you think about is the clue. Just because there are right wingers who think about boys doesn't mean they all do. Ask Larry Craig and Mark Foley.

I'd rather hear that from Syriusly, He or she can't seem to tell me the reason he or she is a homosexual. Therefore it's up to we straights to define whatever they are.

The biological imperative is a hardwired trait of all life.

Sexual deviancy is however, a consequence of training... and presents in many ways.

In the Homosexual, during the infancy and toddler stages of development, the individual is sexually molested, by a deviant... the molestation is in the form of Play; comprised of much laughing and cooing... which involves and is largely focused upon the stimulating of the genitals.

This triggers a hormonal response that associates Play, with Sex... . This demonstrating the basis for homosexuals well established association of Sex with Play.

It also associates pleasure of sexual stimulation and play with the Gender that happens to be molesting it.

It's not even a debatable point.

And because of the processes common to infancy/toddler stages, wherein the child lacks verbal communication skills and its long term conscious memory is not printing, there is no means for the child to relate to another that "Uncle Cab touched my PeePee"... or any conscious memory of such having ever occurred.

All the individuals 'knows' is that "I've always been this way". Which 'feels' that way because, from it's first recorded memory, IT WAS THAT WAY!"
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Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

If the behavior is hard wired into you, then the answer for that particular question is yes. The urge to mate is hard wired into everyone. Even a very retarded person will masturbate. Who knows what they are thinking about? But that urge to orgasm is something they just can't ignore.
If you wonder if you are gay or straight, what you think about is the clue. Just because there are right wingers who think about boys doesn't mean they all do. Ask Larry Craig and Mark Foley.

The biological imperative is a hardwired trait of all life.

Sexual deviancy is however, a consequence of training... wherein, during the infancy and toddler stages of development, the individual is sexually molested, by a deviant... the molestation is in the form of Play, comprised of much laughing and cooing... and which involves the stimulating of the genitals, which triggers a hormonal discharge that associates Play, with sex... . This demonstrating the basis for homosexuals well established association of Sex with PLAY.

It's not even a debatable point.

And because of the processes common to infancy/toddler stages, wherein verbal communication skills and long term conscious memory is not printing, there is no means for the child to relate to another that "Uncle Cab touched my PeePee... or any conscious memory of such having ever occurred.

All the individuals 'knows' is that "I've always been this way". Which 'feels' that way because, from it's first recorded memory, IT WAS THAT WAY!"

You nailed it! So it's finished: Race is genetic, homosexuality is a choice.

I see no further need to continue this thread.
You are wrong. Romans 1 clearly condemns the sin of sodomy, men laying with men, women with women, read Romans 1:26,27. Jesus also warns in Revelation 22:15 that no whoremonger will enter the kingdom of heaven. Again he warns in Revelation 21:6 that all whoremongers, the abominable shall have their part in the lake of fire. Again he warns in 1 Corinthians 6: 9 That no fornicators, no effeminate (sodomites) nor abusers of themselves with mankind - will enter the kingdom of heaven. Again in 1 Corinthians 6:13 the LORD warns us in His Word that the body is not for fornication but for the LORD and the LORD for the body. Again he warns in Galatians 5:19 that the works of the flesh are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness............and that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven. The LORD warns in His Word repeatedly, over and over and over and over again that those who do such things shall be cast into hell. They will be eternally separated from God. You have been warned, Syriusly, and you will not have any excuse when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

Don't leave out Jude 1.

The only passages relevent to the Christian objection are those from the New Testament. So your Corinthians, your Galatians, your Leviticus and Deuteronmy are all part of the Old Testament "history book" that Christians cite as a history book and to separate themselves from.

This Old Testament/New Testament stuff is what the LGBT will try to blend together and sell as "Christianity"! When in fact the Old Testament are jewish laws from bygone days. Christians would be taking their talking points therefore from Romans and Jude predominantly. Especially Jude 1.

The reason as I stated in the OP why LGBTs are going to be blending the two distinct Biblical tomes together is very carefully crafted. They will call Christians "those who can take passages from the Old Testament and claim exemption". Then they will spin that to mean 'Christians could use the Old Testament to refuse to sell pork on Fridays too!!".

And all that would be fallicy because Christians don't worry about pork on Friday. It's an amusing tale from that old jewish history book that tags along with the gospels they actually follow. But it is no more binding to them than gay marriage.
Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?
Yes those are two different types of discrimination.

I disagree. The "We don't serve your kind" attitude is the same from the "holier than thou" crowed.

This is why you should have defined what you consider discrimination when speaking about sodomites. If a group of Sodomites came into my restaurant (I do not own one but if I did.....) I would certainly serve them food and treat them no differently than any other customer. I would not be rude to them in any way. But if they came to my church asking to be married (and I were a Pastor who did weddings) I would tell them no and the reason why I refused.

Churches are not public institutions.

It matters not how you define a church - the bottom line is I will continue to preach against sin - ALL SIN INCLUDING SODOMY - until Jesus comes back. It does not matter if I do it from the outside of a jail or the inside of one. I'm not going to stop preaching against sin and Sodomy is sin. As for marriage of Sodomites? It is another abomination before God. Utterly wicked.
You are wrong. Romans 1 clearly condemns the sin of sodomy, men laying with men, women with women, read Romans 1:26,27. Jesus also warns in Revelation 22:15 that no whoremonger will enter the kingdom of heaven. Again he warns in Revelation 21:6 that all whoremongers, the abominable shall have their part in the lake of fire. Again he warns in 1 Corinthians 6: 9 That no fornicators, no effeminate (sodomites) nor abusers of themselves with mankind - will enter the kingdom of heaven. Again in 1 Corinthians 6:13 the LORD warns us in His Word that the body is not for fornication but for the LORD and the LORD for the body. Again he warns in Galatians 5:19 that the works of the flesh are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness............and that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven. The LORD warns in His Word repeatedly, over and over and over and over again that those who do such things shall be cast into hell. They will be eternally separated from God. You have been warned, Syriusly, and you will not have any excuse when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

Don't leave out Jude 1.

The only passages relevent to the Christian objeciton are those from the New Testament. So your Corinthians, your Galatians, your Leviticus and Deuteronmy are all part of the Old Testament "history book" that Christians cite as a history book and to separate themselves from.

This Old Testament/New Testament stuff is what the LGBT will try to blend together and sell as "Christianity"! When in fact the Old Testament are jewish laws from bygone days. Christians would be taking their talking points therefore from Romans and Jude predominantly. Especially Jude 1.

I am reading from the King James Bible and Corinthians, Romans, Galatians are ALL part of the New Testament. Leviticus and Deuteronomy (which I did not quote from) are old testament, Silhouette. We agree that Jude is also a New Testament book. Are you reading from a King James Bible?
I am reading from the King James Bible and Corinthians, Romans, Galatians are ALL part of the New Testament. Leviticus and Deuteronomy (which I did not quote from) are old testament, Silhouette. We agree that Jude is also a New Testament book. Are you reading from a King James Bible?

Sorry ,I'm not up on my Old Testament stuff. Thought Galatians was Old. Like I've said before, I'm not actually Christian, only like a barrister for their arguments. I have reasons of my own, very good secular reasons for not mainstreaming gay sex via their hijacking the word "marriage" to spread it ultimately into kindergartens everywhere...

But you surely get my point, which is that the cult of LGBT or "gay sex marriage advocates" will be trying to blend the two tomes in order to allege that because idiot Christians in the 1960s claimed they had biblical reasons to deny interracial marriage, that somehow actual Christians actually following the actual teachings of the New Testament today "have no more right to deny participation than those 1960s (mistaken) bigots did!" (wrongly citing Old Testament passages as a support for a Christian denial).

And if King Kennedy has had too many aderol that day at that Hearing, he may "accidentally" not make the distinction clear...again...those muddied premises they like to launch "concrete conclusions" and binding edicts from their thrones upon.

The only citations any Christian should make in their defense MUST come from the New Testament. Really boiling it down to the "thou shalt....or else"...argument, there's no better passage than Jude 1. If we can't trust Jesus' faithful and daily companion/servant and confidant (Jude) as to a core edict, a mortal sin of Christianity, the entire Bible is no better than a roll of toilet paper..
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Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?
Yes because it's not a natural sin to be of a different race.

In nature many animals exhibit homosexuality. Nothing unnatural about it.
Not with animal beasts but with humans it is. That old argument doesn't fly.

Humans are animals.

You are mistaken. Humans were created in the Image of God and God is not an animal!

it is written:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:26, 27,28

Please note that man was created to have dominion over the animals, over the fish of the sea over all that was created, Blindboo. God commanded the man and the woman to be fruitful and multiply.

God created Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.
I am reading from the King James Bible and Corinthians, Romans, Galatians are ALL part of the New Testament. Leviticus and Deuteronomy (which I did not quote from) are old testament, Silhouette. We agree that Jude is also a New Testament book. Are you reading from a King James Bible?

Sorry ,I'm not up on my Old Testament stuff. Thought Galatians was Old. Like I've said before, I'm not actually Christian, only like a barrister for their arguments. I have reasons of my own, very good secular reasons for not mainstreaming gay sex via their hijacking the word "marriage" to spread it ultimately into kindergartens everywhere...

But you surely get my point, which is that the cult of LGBT or "gay sex marriage advocates" will be trying to blend the two tomes in order to allege that because idiot Christians in the 1960s claimed they had biblical reasons to deny interracial marriage, that somehow actual Christians actually following the actual teachings of the New Testament today "have no more right to deny participation than those 1960s (mistaken) bigots did!" And if King Kennedy has had too many aderol that day at that Hearing, he may "accidentally" not make the distinction clear...again...those muddied premises they like to launch "concrete conclusions" and binding edicts from their thrones upon.

That's okay! I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't quoting the Old Testament because much of the time I do! ha! ha! I actually have a great love for the Old Testament and have spent most of my Christian life reading those books - even more than the New Testament.

I do understand the importance of your thread and your point and I agree with you - when addressing the sin of sodomy I use New Testament Scriptures - we are going to have to be vigilant to pray for this nation and to speak up for the truth because our nation is being destroyed from within.
I don't believe you Jeremiah...and here's why...

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth....Genesis 1:26, 27,28...Please note that man was created to have dominion over the animals, over the fish of the sea over all that was created, Blindboo. God commanded the man and the woman to be fruitful and multiply.

God created Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.
Here we are again. I submit that "Jeremiah" is an LGBT plant leading Christians away from this post I just made:

I am reading from the King James Bible and Corinthians, Romans, Galatians are ALL part of the New Testament. Leviticus and Deuteronomy (which I did not quote from) are old testament, Silhouette. We agree that Jude is also a New Testament book. Are you reading from a King James Bible?
Sorry ,I'm not up on my Old Testament stuff. Thought Galatians was Old. Like I've said before, I'm not actually Christian, only like a barrister for their arguments. I have reasons of my own, very good secular reasons for not mainstreaming gay sex via their hijacking the word "marriage" to spread it ultimately into kindergartens everywhere...

But you surely get my point, which is that the cult of LGBT or "gay sex marriage advocates" will be trying to blend the two tomes in order to allege that because idiot Christians in the 1960s claimed they had biblical reasons to deny interracial marriage, that somehow actual Christians actually following the actual teachings of the New Testament today "have no more right to deny participation than those 1960s (mistaken) bigots did!" (wrongly citing Old Testament passages as a support for a Christian denial).

And if King Kennedy has had too many aderol that day at that Hearing, he may "accidentally" not make the distinction clear...again...those muddied premises they like to launch "concrete conclusions" and binding edicts from their thrones upon.

The only citations any Christian should make in their defense MUST come from the New Testament. Really boiling it down to the "thou shalt....or else"...argument, there's no better passage than Jude 1. If we can't trust Jesus' faithful and daily companion/servant and confidant (Jude) as to a core edict, a mortal sin of Christianity, the entire Bible is no better than a roll of toilet paper..
Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?
Yes those are two different types of discrimination.

I disagree. The "We don't serve your kind" attitude is the same from the "holier than thou" crowed.

This is why you should have defined what you consider discrimination when speaking about sodomites. If a group of Sodomites came into my restaurant (I do not own one but if I did.....) I would certainly serve them food and treat them no differently than any other customer. I would not be rude to them in any way. But if they came to my church asking to be married (and I were a Pastor who did weddings) I would tell them no and the reason why I refused.

Churches are not public institutions.

It matters not how you define a church - the bottom line is I will continue to preach against sin - ALL SIN INCLUDING SODOMY - until Jesus comes back. It does not matter if I do it from the outside of a jail or the inside of one. I'm not going to stop preaching against sin and Sodomy is sin. As for marriage of Sodomites? It is another abomination before God. Utterly wicked.

I didn't define it, the law did. Most anyone in this country is allowed to preach hate too or just about anything, just about anywhere too.
So for those just tuning in, "Jeremiah" is an LGBT poster posing as a Christian "who draws his core edicts of faith from BOTH the New Testament and the Old Testament".

This is the legal quicksand that the cult of LGBT hopes Christians will step into. Christians must therefore ONLY pull their religious objections from Jude and Romans of the New Testament.
? I am not an LGBT plant! I'm a born again Christian! Are you a Christian or aren't you, Silhouette? I'm quoting the King James Bible! Genesis is part of the Bible and I am free to quote it in proving that man was not created to be an animal! Please read before responding. Thank you.
Actually there is no such thing as a sodomite that was born a sodomite. I remember a young man I had known in my city who told me he was a homosexual - and then after we had spent some time talking about Jesus Christ he told me - you know, I was not born this way. I know I was not born this way. Of course I knew he was not born "that way".. no one is!
Just because one person is confused, does not prove that people aren't born that way.
The only way they could be "born that way" is to be twin boys in the womb in a sixty-nine position with a dick in their mouths. I'll buy that.

So you weren't born straight- you made the concious decision to be straight?

How is that working out for you?

If it doesn't work out- do you think you could choose to be attracted to men?
Everyone is born straight. Being attracted to another man is like acquiring a taste for cat shit.

I'd rather hear that from Syriusly, He or she can't seem to tell me the reason he or she is a homosexual. Therefore it's up to we straights to define whatever they are.
You are wrong. Romans 1 clearly condemns the sin of sodomy, men laying with men, women with women, read Romans 1:26,27. Jesus also warns in Revelation 22:15 that no whoremonger will enter the kingdom of heaven. Again he warns in Revelation 21:6 that all whoremongers, the abominable shall have their part in the lake of fire. Again he warns in 1 Corinthians 6: 9 That no fornicators, no effeminate (sodomites) nor abusers of themselves with mankind - will enter the kingdom of heaven. Again in 1 Corinthians 6:13 the LORD warns us in His Word that the body is not for fornication but for the LORD and the LORD for the body. Again he warns in Galatians 5:19 that the works of the flesh are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness............and that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven. The LORD warns in His Word repeatedly, over and over and over and over again that those who do such things shall be cast into hell. They will be eternally separated from God. You have been warned, Syriusly, and you will not have any excuse when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

Don't leave out Jude 1.

The only passages relevent to the Christian objection are those from the New Testament. So your Corinthians, your Galatians, your Leviticus and Deuteronmy are all part of the Old Testament "history book" that Christians cite as a history book and to separate themselves from.

This Old Testament/New Testament stuff is what the LGBT will try to blend together and sell as "Christianity"! When in fact the Old Testament are jewish laws from bygone days. Christians would be taking their talking points therefore from Romans and Jude predominantly. Especially Jude 1.

The reason as I stated in the OP why LGBTs are going to be blending the two distinct Biblical tomes together is very carefully crafted. They will call Christians "those who can take passages from the Old Testament and claim exemption". Then they will spin that to mean 'Christians could use the Old Testament to refuse to sell pork on Fridays too!!".

And all that would be fallicy because Christians don't worry about pork on Friday. It's an amusing tale from that old jewish history book that tags along with the gospels they actually follow. But it is no more binding to them than gay marriage.

Well, the Old Testament largely represents Jewish law. And it speaks to God, specifically interacting with the Jewish Nation, enforcing his law, punishing those who broke the law, as raining hell down upon those outside of Judaism who sought to injure it.

Which is why the Cult loves to point to David's harem... in its advocacy to justify the de-validation of marriage.

Of course, in the event that God comes to you to build a new nation, and part and parcel of his need to populate that nation, with those of a specific bloodline, I would advise snapping to, issuing a sharp salute and getting on down to BITNESS...

'cause... Congrats! You done hit Nature's actual LOTTO!
So for those just tuning in, "Jeremiah" is an LGBT poster posing as a Christian "who draws his core edicts of faith from BOTH the New Testament and the Old Testament".

This is the legal quicksand that the cult of LGBT hopes Christians will step into. Christians must therefore ONLY pull their religious objections from Jude and Romans of the New Testament.

I thought you left Catholicism, Silhouette. Did you or didn't you leave the Roman Catholic Church? I'm quoting the King James Bible and am free to quote from any book that addresses the subject at hand! The book of Genesis proves that God created man in His image and that evolution is a lie - which proves the Roman Catholic Pope is a liar.

In addressing the sin of sodomy I clearly used ONLY NEW TESTAMENT SCRIPTURE. I am free to use all Scripture as Jesus Christ didn't come to do away with the law but to fulfill it.
Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

If the behavior is hard wired into you, then the answer for that particular question is yes. The urge to mate is hard wired into everyone. Even a very retarded person will masturbate. Who knows what they are thinking about? But that urge to orgasm is something they just can't ignore.
If you wonder if you are gay or straight, what you think about is the clue. Just because there are right wingers who think about boys doesn't mean they all do. Ask Larry Craig and Mark Foley.

The biological imperative is a hardwired trait of all life.

Sexual deviancy is however, a consequence of training... wherein, during the infancy and toddler stages of development, the individual is sexually molested, by a deviant... the molestation is in the form of Play, comprised of much laughing and cooing... and which involves the stimulating of the genitals, which triggers a hormonal discharge that associates Play, with sex... . This demonstrating the basis for homosexuals well established association of Sex with PLAY.

It's not even a debatable point.

And because of the processes common to infancy/toddler stages, wherein verbal communication skills and long term conscious memory is not printing, there is no means for the child to relate to another that "Uncle Cab touched my PeePee... or any conscious memory of such having ever occurred.

All the individuals 'knows' is that "I've always been this way". Which 'feels' that way because, from it's first recorded memory, IT WAS THAT WAY!"

You nailed it! So it's finished: Race is genetic, homosexuality is a choice.

I see no further need to continue this thread.
Race, like sexuality, can be described as both genetic and a choice. These are not either or things. But you can go along pretending all questions are binary.
I am not an LGBT plant! I'm a born again Christian! Are you a Christian or aren't you, Silhouette? I'm quoting the King James Bible! Genesis is part of the Bible and I am free to quote it in proving that man was not created to be an animal! Please read before responding. Thank you.
Fair enough. But beware if you are a Christian fighting for your right to not participate in gay sex marriage. Read my signature for details. It will be easy to remember since it will show up on every post I make..
Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

If the behavior is hard wired into you, then the answer for that particular question is yes. The urge to mate is hard wired into everyone. Even a very retarded person will masturbate. Who knows what they are thinking about? But that urge to orgasm is something they just can't ignore.
If you wonder if you are gay or straight, what you think about is the clue. Just because there are right wingers who think about boys doesn't mean they all do. Ask Larry Craig and Mark Foley.

The biological imperative is a hardwired trait of all life.

Sexual deviancy is however, a consequence of training... wherein, during the infancy and toddler stages of development, the individual is sexually molested, by a deviant... the molestation is in the form of Play, comprised of much laughing and cooing... and which involves the stimulating of the genitals, which triggers a hormonal discharge that associates Play, with sex... . This demonstrating the basis for homosexuals well established association of Sex with PLAY.

It's not even a debatable point.

And because of the processes common to infancy/toddler stages, wherein verbal communication skills and long term conscious memory is not printing, there is no means for the child to relate to another that "Uncle Cab touched my PeePee... or any conscious memory of such having ever occurred.

All the individuals 'knows' is that "I've always been this way". Which 'feels' that way because, from it's first recorded memory, IT WAS THAT WAY!"

You nailed it! So it's finished: Race is genetic, homosexuality is a choice.

I see no further need to continue this thread.
Race, like sexuality, can be described as both genetic and a choice. These are not either or things. But you can go along pretending all questions are binary.

Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to comprehend how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day. I've questioned more than one of the advocates of same-sex marriage on here, as to whether they could tell me if homosexuality is genetic or a choice, and nobody responded.
I have to disagree with you about the Old Testament, Silhouette. Had God not intended for us to read, quote and declare Scripture from the Old Testament he wouldn't have made it part of our Bible! The King James Bible is both Old and New Testament! I read the Psalms and pray the Psalms - those Psalms comprise of my prayers many days - I am greatly encouraged by them. I read Proverbs for wisdom and direction. I read the Old Testament most every single day! I am not familiar with the use of Scripture by Christians to stop interracial marriages. The Scriptures in the Old Testament reinforce that God will judge those who are against it - see the story of what happened to those who came against Moses for marrying a black woman (Cushite),
When did you choose not to be a homosexual?

See- I have always known I was a heterosexual- I never made the choice to be attracted to women.

Or let me put this another way- do you think if you really wanted to- you could choose to stop being attracted to women- and be attracted to men?

So you're hetero now? See how confused you are? I thought you were a lesbian in a relationship where you had 5 pregnancies and child-trafficked two of those out to gay men you knew?

Oh the trouble we can get into when verbs become nouns...

God forbid. I pray to God that is not true. How awful to give any child to such a perverse and depraved future!

There are actually gay couples who have adopted kids, and dress their little boys up like girls. Or their little girls likewise. That's bound to have some serious psychological detriment to those poor kids.

There are actually heterosexual couples who have dressed their little girls up like boys, or boys up like girls. Your point? Or is that only important if a gay couple does it?
Race, like sexuality, can be described as both genetic and a choice. These are not either or things. But you can go along pretending all questions are binary.

Sorry, as hard as I try, I fail to see how a person can choose to be white one day, black, the next, or asian the third day.

Yes, Anne Heche will tell you about that distinction.. An African American person was born that way. Anne Heche was born..um..and then...wait...what?

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