Texas Will Turn Blue

Now you are lying again. I don't hold it against you, you lie allot. This type of thing is endemic of folks who had very loanly childhoods. I kind of feel sorry for you.

Attack on family, reported again.

That said, the man in that photo killed his daughter. His corps should be tossed in a field and pissed on for being such a selfish pig.

Yes, how dare he seek a better life for his family? Of course, most white people in this country had ancestors who did the same thing, but never mind, how dare a BROWN person seek a better life for his family?

They also died on the Mexican side.

Um, no, those bodies are washed up on the American side, not that it matters. The point was that because Trump is throwing asylum seekers into concentration camps, they are taking risks they probably shouldn't be taking to get here.

If you are not ashamed of this, you are barely human.


You do better when you tell your lies about being a combat veteran. You atleast get that right alittle bit.

Never said I was in combat. Said I was in the Army for a long time. The problem here is that you conflate me with every other poster who makes you look like a barely literate fool.
The demographics of Texas are very similar to what California looked like in the mid 80s right before the GOP lost it for good.
Which means that the Democrats don’t have long before they are literally fighting a war that they wish they never started.

Violence got the left power, violence will restore the power to the right as well.
Which means that the Democrats don’t have long before they are literally fighting a war that they wish they never started.

Violence got the left power, violence will restore the power to the right as well.

Yawn, guy, here's what's going to happen.

Because you used racism to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests, you've permanently alienated minorities.... and now you are stuck with that.
Now you are lying again. I don't hold it against you, you lie allot. This type of thing is endemic of folks who had very loanly childhoods. I kind of feel sorry for you.

Attack on family, reported again.

That said, the man in that photo killed his daughter. His corps should be tossed in a field and pissed on for being such a selfish pig.

Yes, how dare he seek a better life for his family? Of course, most white people in this country had ancestors who did the same thing, but never mind, how dare a BROWN person seek a better life for his family?

They also died on the Mexican side.

Um, no, those bodies are washed up on the American side, not that it matters. The point was that because Trump is throwing asylum seekers into concentration camps, they are taking risks they probably shouldn't be taking to get here.

If you are not ashamed of this, you are barely human.


You do better when you tell your lies about being a combat veteran. You atleast get that right alittle bit.

Never said I was in combat. Said I was in the Army for a long time. The problem here is that you conflate me with every other poster who makes you look like a barely literate fool.

There was no family attack queer. How sad. Went from veteran of three wars, and professional writer (lie) to little school yard cry baby. I still potty you for having such a crappy life.

How dare I seek a better life for my family? How is that anyone else's problem? He murdered his kid. But if it's just a better life he is after, why break the law to get it? The kids death means nothing to you. You don't even care about the kid. You are okay with dead kids. the dead kid in that picture is nothing but a style point to you.

And you need to read more. The wetbacks killed himself and mirdered his kid in Mexico. The President of El Salvador took responsibility for the deaths.

You did to say you were in combat. You even said you were a decorated veteran. You did this allot in the past, but got caught lying all the time. That's all you are Jose. A liar and attention whore.

As for being ashamed for the dead illegals, I feel no shame at all. I hope daddy is roasting in hell, or whatever hell is for being so selfish that he got his baby killed. And I'm alittle ashamed of you. One day you celebrate killing kids, but when you can get a little happy face thingy you all of a sudden love them. Meh, go on and report it again Jose.
Which means that the Democrats don’t have long before they are literally fighting a war that they wish they never started.

Violence got the left power, violence will restore the power to the right as well.

Yawn, guy, here's what's going to happen.

Because you used racism to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests, you've permanently alienated minorities.... and now you are stuck with that.

Back that up. Demonstrate the racism. If you worked for a living instead of mooching off people it would be different for ya.
Which means that the Democrats don’t have long before they are literally fighting a war that they wish they never started.

Violence got the left power, violence will restore the power to the right as well.

Yawn, guy, here's what's going to happen.

Because you used racism to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests, you've permanently alienated minorities.... and now you are stuck with that.
Here is what is actually going to happen:

We are going to demand white student unions, white television networks, white neighborhoods, white scholarships, white businesses, white cities, white caucuses, white nations and every single thing that non-white Americans and non-white westerners have that white people don’t, and if you don’t actually create a equal and just society you will have a gun to your head with a timer attached to it as your last warning.

You will stop your racism against white people for political gain or you and everyone who agrees with you will wish you were in front of ISIS grunts just before your head is sawed off.
How dare I seek a better life for my family? How is that anyone else's problem? He murdered his kid. But if it's just a better life he is after, why break the law to get it? The kids death means nothing to you. You don't even care about the kid. You are okay with dead kids. the dead kid in that picture is nothing but a style point to you.

He didn't murder his kid, Trump's policies did.

And you need to read more. The wetbacks killed himself and mirdered his kid in Mexico. The President of El Salvador took responsibility for the deaths.

No, Trump's policies murdered them.


You see, what would have happened before Trump, was they could have shown up at the border, applied for asylum, found a place to stay and their case would have been heard in due course. Now your boy Trump throws them into concentration camps and makes them drink out of the toilet.

As for being ashamed for the dead illegals, I feel no shame at all.

Of course you don't, you are an awful person... dumb-ass illiterate white trash living in mortal fear that some immigrant will take your petty job.
Which means that the Democrats don’t have long before they are literally fighting a war that they wish they never started.

Violence got the left power, violence will restore the power to the right as well.

Yawn, guy, here's what's going to happen.

Because you used racism to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests, you've permanently alienated minorities.... and now you are stuck with that.
Here is what is actually going to happen:

We are going to demand white student unions, white television networks, white neighborhoods, white scholarships, white businesses, white cities, white caucuses, white nations and every single thing that non-white Americans and non-white westerners have that white people don’t, and if you don’t actually create a equal and just society you will have a gun to your head with a timer attached to it as your last warning.

You will stop your racism against white people for political gain or you and everyone who agrees with you will wish you were in front of ISIS grunts just before your head is sawed off.

Well, we already got the white student unions. Main one is ANTIFA. But yeah, it's getting segregated again. That has been the goal of the democrats ever since losing the civil war.
Which means that the Democrats don’t have long before they are literally fighting a war that they wish they never started.

Violence got the left power, violence will restore the power to the right as well.

Yawn, guy, here's what's going to happen.

Because you used racism to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests, you've permanently alienated minorities.... and now you are stuck with that.
Here is what is actually going to happen:

We are going to demand white student unions, white television networks, white neighborhoods, white scholarships, white businesses, white cities, white caucuses, white nations and every single thing that non-white Americans and non-white westerners have that white people don’t, and if you don’t actually create a equal and just society you will have a gun to your head with a timer attached to it as your last warning.

You will stop your racism against white people for political gain or you and everyone who agrees with you will wish you were in front of ISIS grunts just before your head is sawed off.

Well, we already got the white student unions. Main one is ANTIFA. But yeah, it's getting segregated again. That has been the goal of the democrats ever since losing the civil war.
Antifa are nothing but illiterate cuckolds.

White people need actual representation in schools, in their communities, at their jobs and everywhere.

Democrats gave non white Americans their own separate country a long time ago.
We are going to demand white student unions, white television networks, white neighborhoods, white scholarships, white businesses, white cities, white caucuses, white nations and every single thing that non-white Americans and non-white westerners have that white people don’t, and if you don’t actually create a equal and just society you will have a gun to your head with a timer attached to it as your last warning.

yeah, and you'll look silly and racist when you do it.

Hey, here's the thing about White Supremacists... you just all look silly in your swastikas and Klan hoods.

You will stop your racism against white people for political gain or you and everyone who agrees with you will wish you were in front of ISIS grunts just before your head is sawed off.

Yawn, guy, here's the thing. I don't believe the agenda of rich white people is my agenda just because we share a skin color.

What I learned a long time ago is that the Hispanic Lesbian and I are in the same boat the One percent is trying to sink.
How dare I seek a better life for my family? How is that anyone else's problem? He murdered his kid. But if it's just a better life he is after, why break the law to get it? The kids death means nothing to you. You don't even care about the kid. You are okay with dead kids. the dead kid in that picture is nothing but a style point to you.

He didn't murder his kid, Trump's policies did.

And you need to read more. The wetbacks killed himself and mirdered his kid in Mexico. The President of El Salvador took responsibility for the deaths.

No, Trump's policies murdered them.

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You see, what would have happened before Trump, was they could have shown up at the border, applied for asylum, found a place to stay and their case would have been heard in due course. Now your boy Trump throws them into concentration camps and makes them drink out of the toilet.

As for being ashamed for the dead illegals, I feel no shame at all.

Of course you don't, you are an awful person... dumb-ass illiterate white trash living in mortal fear that some immigrant will take your petty job.

Nope. That man killed his kid. Plain and simple. And stop acting like you care, you don't. In your own words, that little girl is nothing but medical waste.

You don't have a clue what you are even talking about. If you came up your own stuff instead of ripping it off from other posters you may find a clue. But you ain't stopped yet so I don't see it improving for you any time soon.
We are going to demand white student unions, white television networks, white neighborhoods, white scholarships, white businesses, white cities, white caucuses, white nations and every single thing that non-white Americans and non-white westerners have that white people don’t, and if you don’t actually create a equal and just society you will have a gun to your head with a timer attached to it as your last warning.

yeah, and you'll look silly and racist when you do it.

Hey, here's the thing about White Supremacists... you just all look silly in your swastikas and Klan hoods.

You will stop your racism against white people for political gain or you and everyone who agrees with you will wish you were in front of ISIS grunts just before your head is sawed off.

Yawn, guy, here's the thing. I don't believe the agenda of rich white people is my agenda just because we share a skin color.

What I learned a long time ago is that the Hispanic Lesbian and I are in the same boat the One percent is trying to sink.

Says the guy who supports eugenics.
We are going to demand white student unions, white television networks, white neighborhoods, white scholarships, white businesses, white cities, white caucuses, white nations and every single thing that non-white Americans and non-white westerners have that white people don’t, and if you don’t actually create a equal and just society you will have a gun to your head with a timer attached to it as your last warning.

yeah, and you'll look silly and racist when you do it.

Hey, here's the thing about White Supremacists... you just all look silly in your swastikas and Klan hoods.

You will stop your racism against white people for political gain or you and everyone who agrees with you will wish you were in front of ISIS grunts just before your head is sawed off.

Yawn, guy, here's the thing. I don't believe the agenda of rich white people is my agenda just because we share a skin color.

What I learned a long time ago is that the Hispanic Lesbian and I are in the same boat the One percent is trying to sink.
I have never worn a hood and I have never seen a swastika in person.

Come up with another racist stereotype for uppity white people who are smarter than you.

Rich white people are primarily idiots who think they are exempt from anti-white racism and discrimination, they are almost all in lockstep with self-hating dumbasses like you.
Texas will only go blue if illegals are allowed to vote.
Face reality, that is the dem plan, the only dem plan.
Yes! Reagan did Amnesty and those people vote and their children vote!

The majority of young people in Texas are minorities. Yes!!
and if that happens it will be a disaster for everyone including lefists like you !
Leftists are going to be too busy being skewered by righteous white people to worry about what minorities have in store for them.
I have never worn a hood and I have never seen a swastika in person.

Come up with another racist stereotype for uppity white people who are smarter than you.

Rich white people are primarily idiots who think they are exempt from anti-white racism and discrimination, they are almost all in lockstep with self-hating dumbasses like you.

Oh, they aren't idiots, they are playing you very well.

You see, what made the White Middle Class a thing was unions, fair labor laws, and so on... things that they have been dismantling for the last 50 years.

But they point at the scary minority, and you dumb-asses keep voting for more.
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
I think it's inevitable
Nope. That man killed his kid. Plain and simple. And stop acting like you care, you don't. In your own words, that little girl is nothing but medical waste.

No, at that point they are people. If her mother chose to have an abortion, that would be different. Fetuses still aren't people.

Try to stay illiterate on one topic at a time... you'll look less silly.

You don't have a clue what you are even talking about. If you came up your own stuff instead of ripping it off from other posters you may find a clue. But you ain't stopped yet so I don't see it improving for you any time soon.

Guy, you can't even get through a paragraph without massive spelling and grammatical errors... Have you figured out the difference between College and Collage yet?
Nope. That man killed his kid. Plain and simple. And stop acting like you care, you don't. In your own words, that little girl is nothing but medical waste.

No, at that point they are people. If her mother chose to have an abortion, that would be different. Fetuses still aren't people.

Try to stay illiterate on one topic at a time... you'll look less silly.

You don't have a clue what you are even talking about. If you came up your own stuff instead of ripping it off from other posters you may find a clue. But you ain't stopped yet so I don't see it improving for you any time soon.

Guy, you can't even get through a paragraph without massive spelling and grammatical errors... Have you figured out the difference between College and Collage yet?

I'll make an effort when you stop stealing valor. Your are just a disgusting pig. A dead grown child or an aborted fetus, a child is nothing to you but a little happy face icon on USMB. Just a tool an attention whore uses to get attention. You don't have a clue what your talking about. That picture is nothing new. And it's not even the worst there is. None of it is any Americans fault either. Those children's parents made a choice. It was a stupid choice and it's getting their kids killed. Not my problem.
I have never worn a hood and I have never seen a swastika in person.

Come up with another racist stereotype for uppity white people who are smarter than you.

Rich white people are primarily idiots who think they are exempt from anti-white racism and discrimination, they are almost all in lockstep with self-hating dumbasses like you.

Oh, they aren't idiots, they are playing you very well.

You see, what made the White Middle Class a thing was unions, fair labor laws, and so on... things that they have been dismantling for the last 50 years.

But they point at the scary minority, and you dumb-asses keep voting for more.
Oh, they very much are idiots.

And they are marching right off the cliff with other idiots like you. Unlike what happened in South Africa the white elites will have nowhere to go if they destroy the west, the rest of the world doesn’t care that they are rich.

Democrats destroyed the white middle class and unions betrayed the white working class for illegals and ghetto hooligans. Democrats are who I have always pointed at and your self hatred isn’t convincing me any differently.

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