Texas Will Turn Blue

Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
I think it's inevitable
Which is why politics needs to evolve beyond the ballot box.
True. If the left is successful in flooding the country with immigrants from shithole countries who kill Americans, Texas will certainly turn blue.

It is up to Americans to rebel against their displacement.

"You will not replace us " should be the battle cry.

Keep saying that... Just missing a tiki torch...

Was a time when everyone was on the side against the NAZIs...
this is why we are going to build a big beautiful wall

gives us a few more decades before the idiots take over

a big beautiful wall - This is a socialist program rooted in communist ideals

Why do you want everyone to be Commies... Is it because you love Putin?
True. If the left is successful in flooding the country with immigrants from shithole countries who kill Americans, Texas will certainly turn blue.

It is up to Americans to rebel against their displacement.

"You will not replace us " should be the battle cry.

Keep saying that... Just missing a tiki torch...

Was a time when everyone was on the side against the NAZIs...
Too bad you are the Nazis who are going to be brought down.
Texas will only go blue if illegals are allowed to vote.
Face reality, that is the dem plan, the only dem plan.

This might not happen this time but it is getting close:
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Texas: Trump vs. Biden
If Texas and Florida go blue, the Ds should have a lock on the presidency. Unless of course, they nominate HER again.
Democrats will be bled dry, they won’t have a lock on anything.
True. If the left is successful in flooding the country with immigrants from shithole countries who kill Americans, Texas will certainly turn blue.

It is up to Americans to rebel against their displacement.

"You will not replace us " should be the battle cry.

Keep saying that... Just missing a tiki torch...

Was a time when everyone was on the side against the NAZIs...
That's not the definition of a nazi you antifa fool
Which means that the Democrats don’t have long before they are literally fighting a war that they wish they never started.

Violence got the left power, violence will restore the power to the right as well.

Yawn, guy, here's what's going to happen.

Because you used racism to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests, you've permanently alienated minorities.... and now you are stuck with that.
-------------------------------------- I agree that the show going on is going to show 'illegal aliens' and 'legals' that they are not liked and are despised by some people . Oh well , such is life and that's the way it goes , can't make every body happy . But good observation , lets see if your prediction works the way that you think it will JoeB .
Texas will only go blue if illegals are allowed to vote.
Face reality, that is the dem plan, the only dem plan.

This might not happen this time but it is getting close:
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Texas: Trump vs. Biden
If Texas and Florida go blue, the Ds should have a lock on the presidency. Unless of course, they nominate HER again.

With the change to the Felony Voting Laws, Democrats should get a boost...
True. If the left is successful in flooding the country with immigrants from shithole countries who kill Americans, Texas will certainly turn blue.

It is up to Americans to rebel against their displacement.

"You will not replace us " should be the battle cry.

Keep saying that... Just missing a tiki torch...

Was a time when everyone was on the side against the NAZIs...
That's not the definition of a nazi you antifa fool

US nationalists: 'You will not replace us'

So you are repeating NAZI chants and calling other a part of violent groups...

Could you please show how I am 'antifa'?

So you are saying objecting to NAZI chants now makes you a member of antifa... WW2 Veterans must be evil to you...
Nope. That man killed his kid. Plain and simple. And stop acting like you care, you don't. In your own words, that little girl is nothing but medical waste.

No, at that point they are people. If her mother chose to have an abortion, that would be different. Fetuses still aren't people.

Try to stay illiterate on one topic at a time... you'll look less silly.

You don't have a clue what you are even talking about. If you came up your own stuff instead of ripping it off from other posters you may find a clue. But you ain't stopped yet so I don't see it improving for you any time soon.

Guy, you can't even get through a paragraph without massive spelling and grammatical errors... Have you figured out the difference between College and Collage yet?
Neither are liberals.
True. If the left is successful in flooding the country with immigrants from shithole countries who kill Americans, Texas will certainly turn blue.

It is up to Americans to rebel against their displacement.

"You will not replace us " should be the battle cry.

Keep saying that... Just missing a tiki torch...

Was a time when everyone was on the side against the NAZIs...
That's not the definition of a nazi you antifa fool

US nationalists: 'You will not replace us'

So you are repeating NAZI chants and calling other a part of violent groups...

Could you please show how I am 'antifa'?

So you are saying objecting to NAZI chants now makes you a member of antifa... WW2 Veterans must be evil to you...
Sorry. that's still not what makes a "nazi."
folks think of Texans as destroyers of the climate when its the opposite. Texas is No. 1 in wind energy!

Iowa is No.2, folks dont know that either!
Oh, they very much are idiots.

And they are marching right off the cliff with other idiots like you. Unlike what happened in South Africa the white elites will have nowhere to go if they destroy the west, the rest of the world doesn’t care that they are rich.

Democrats destroyed the white middle class and unions betrayed the white working class for illegals and ghetto hooligans. Democrats are who I have always pointed at and your self hatred isn’t convincing me any differently.

The Cleaners called. They say they can't get those soot stains out of your robes before the next cross burning.
This is one more reason we need to shut down the border. It's bad enough that the ones already here breed like rabbits.
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
Har, har, har!
Do they think? Thank God for voter ID. We've had dozens of none citizens prosecuted for voting illegally.
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
Here is one saying Texas AND Florida would be blue by now.

Pure genius.
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
You filth really want a war.

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