
Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
If this was actually put to a popular vote... I think it would pass - especially if Hillary wins in November. And maybe even if she doesn't.

And as much as I would like for Texas to secede from the US, for oh so many reasons, it would be a disaster for the US and especially for Texas.

And yet illegal immigration would still continue from Mexico and Central America into Texas and into the US, just like the open movement of labor will continue in the UK from the EU despite a bunch of ethnocentric, nationalistic, xenophobic pussies who think that they are somehow "taking their country back".

Life is too complicated for absolutism, simplistic and easy answers, or black and white thinking. Often times the solution to a problem is counterintuitive, especially for those with a narrow view of "common sense".

Anyway, Texas gave us brisket and mesquite barbecue and for that I believe we need a more perfect union.

Hell, I wish texas would take Ok, LA, MISS, AL, SC, Tenn, Ark, and ks and get the fuck out. Your idea of a more perfect union only benefits the riches and fucks everyone else...Please get out so we sane civilized people can make a real union that works.
Hell, I wish texas would take Ok, LA, MISS, AL, SC, Tenn, Ark, and ks and get the fuck out. Your idea of a more perfect union only benefits the riches and fucks everyone else...Please get out so we sane civilized people can make a real union that works.

If Oklahoma, that'd be OKexit....Arkansas wouldn't sound right though, ARKexit.
May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
Better idea, just give a massive fine to anyone that educates them, treats them in a hospital, hires them, allows them to vote, or allows them to collect financial aid, and the illegal in question attempting to do any of those things. They'd stop border hopping REAL quick.
Texas will not ‘secede’ from the US, given the fact that it would be un-Constitutional.

And that most conservatives are ignorant of that fact comes as no surprise, or otherwise in contempt of it.
May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
Better idea, just give a massive fine to anyone that educates them, treats them in a hospital, hires them, allows them to vote, or allows them to collect financial aid, and the illegal in question attempting to do any of those things. They'd stop border hopping REAL quick.

I don't think the government should fine people for engaging in moral behavior as in the case of educating children, treating those in need of medical treatment, or ensuring that people aren't starving or homeless. It is already illegal to vote if one isn't a citizen.

There are probably better and more humane ways to solve our immigration problems.

Your idea

May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
Better idea, just give a massive fine to anyone that educates them, treats them in a hospital, hires them, allows them to vote, or allows them to collect financial aid, and the illegal in question attempting to do any of those things. They'd stop border hopping REAL quick.
This would be un-Constitutional: more ignorance from the right, more bigotry from the right, and more hatred from the right.

Those undocumented are entitled to due process of the law, to deny them access to education or other similar services would violate the 14th Amendment (Plyler v. Doe).
Texas will not ‘secede’ from the US, given the fact that it would be un-Constitutional.

And that most conservatives are ignorant of that fact comes as no surprise, or otherwise in contempt of it.
They can go. But we shouldn't trade freely with them if they continue their protectionist policies.
May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
Better idea, just give a massive fine to anyone that educates them, treats them in a hospital, hires them, allows them to vote, or allows them to collect financial aid, and the illegal in question attempting to do any of those things. They'd stop border hopping REAL quick.

I don't think the government should fine people for engaging in moral behavior as in the case of educating children, treating those in need of medical treatment, or ensuring that people aren't starving or homeless. It is already illegal to vote if one isn't a citizen.

There are probably better and more humane ways to solve our immigration problems.

Your idea

It's their fault for breaking the law to get here in the first place. They don't care about our sovereignty or our laws enough to come here legally, we don't care what they want. They're criminals, they don't deserve to benefit from anything this country has to offer. Helping a criminal is not a moral act, it's assisting a criminal, and in every case, should be illegal.
If this was actually put to a popular vote... I think it would pass - especially if Hillary wins in November. And maybe even if she doesn't.

And as much as I would like for Texas to secede from the US, for oh so many reasons, it would be a disaster for the US and especially for Texas.

And yet illegal immigration would still continue from Mexico and Central America into Texas and into the US, just like the open movement of labor will continue in the UK from the EU despite a bunch of ethnocentric, nationalistic, xenophobic pussies who think that they are somehow "taking their country back".

Life is too complicated for absolutism, simplistic and easy answers, or black and white thinking. Often times the solution to a problem is counterintuitive, especially for those with a narrow view of "common sense".

Anyway, Texas gave us brisket and mesquite barbecue and for that I believe we need a more perfect union.

Without the federal government Texas wouldn't have any illegal immigrants. Open season, target practice. Unleash the people and the problem would be solved.
May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
Better idea, just give a massive fine to anyone that educates them, treats them in a hospital, hires them, allows them to vote, or allows them to collect financial aid, and the illegal in question attempting to do any of those things. They'd stop border hopping REAL quick.
This would be un-Constitutional: more ignorance from the right, more bigotry from the right, and more hatred from the right.

Those undocumented are entitled to due process of the law, to deny them access to education or other similar services would violate the 14th Amendment (Plyler v. Doe).
Our constitutional rights only apply to citizens. Get your head out of your rectum, you have trouble reading while it's in there.

They are not citizens, by any definition, and are criminals, as they broke the law by getting here illegally.
If this was actually put to a popular vote... I think it would pass - especially if Hillary wins in November. And maybe even if she doesn't.

And as much as I would like for Texas to secede from the US, for oh so many reasons, it would be a disaster for the US and especially for Texas.

And yet illegal immigration would still continue from Mexico and Central America into Texas and into the US, just like the open movement of labor will continue in the UK from the EU despite a bunch of ethnocentric, nationalistic, xenophobic pussies who think that they are somehow "taking their country back".

Life is too complicated for absolutism, simplistic and easy answers, or black and white thinking. Often times the solution to a problem is counterintuitive, especially for those with a narrow view of "common sense".

Anyway, Texas gave us brisket and mesquite barbecue and for that I believe we need a more perfect union.

Without the federal government Texas wouldn't have any illegal immigrants. Open season, target practice. Unleash the people and the problem would be solved.
No one has a leash on you unless you are a white child. If you are being held back its only because you lack resolve.
May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
Better idea, just give a massive fine to anyone that educates them, treats them in a hospital, hires them, allows them to vote, or allows them to collect financial aid, and the illegal in question attempting to do any of those things. They'd stop border hopping REAL quick.
Sounds exactly like what they did to people that helped Blacks in the south.

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