No I dont agree. If you white boys want to be bound by your pieces of paper then thats your issue. I dont have to believe that bullshit like you do.
Of course you don't. You're a fucking racist.

FWIW, according to your own racist "one drop" philosophy I'm not a "white boy" so kindly pedal your bullshit to your idiot crackhead friends. :D

Nope. You are trying to rationalize your white propensity for violence and genocide. All other cultures believed in group. You whites brought into being private land ownership and thus your thirst for more land.
Who you callin' white, brutha?
No I dont agree. If you white boys want to be bound by your pieces of paper then thats your issue. I dont have to believe that bullshit like you do.
Of course you don't. You're a fucking racist.

FWIW, according to your own racist "one drop" philosophy I'm not a "white boy" so kindly pedal your bullshit to your idiot crackhead friends. :D

Nope. You are trying to rationalize your white propensity for violence and genocide. All other cultures believed in group. You whites brought into being private land ownership and thus your thirst for more land.
Who you callin' white, brutha?
Not believing you have a right to land just because you wrote something down on paper doesnt make me a racist. You can believe that shit but I dont.

Of course youre a white boy or you suffer from being brainwashed by their culture. You dont have any other choice.

I'm calling you white....boy.
Of course youre a white boy or you suffer from being brainwashed by their culture. You dont have any other choice.

I'm calling you white....boy.
Hmmm, so you are backpedaling on the one drop rule when it's inconvenient for you? That's not only very hypocritical, but retarded.
...I have no problem with the one drop rule....
Are you retarded, boy? Too many drugs or just too many lead paint chips as a kid?
Of course youre a white boy or you suffer from being brainwashed by their culture. You dont have any other choice.

I'm calling you white....boy.
Hmmm, so you are backpedaling on the one drop rule when it's inconvenient for you? That's not only very hypocritical, but retarded.
...I have no problem with the one drop rule....
Are you retarded, boy? Too many drugs or just too many lead paint chips as a kid?
I said nothing about the one drop rule in regards to our current conversation. Thats you talking about a non issue. I just said you are eithe a white boy or one of their puppets.

You must be retarded and someone squeezed your head too tightly after dropping you on it repeatedly as a child.
I said nothing about the one drop rule in regards to our current conversation. Thats you talking about a non issue. I just said you are eithe a white boy or one of their puppets.

You must be retarded and someone squeezed your head too tightly after dropping you on it repeatedly as a child.
Unsurprising a hypocritical, lying racist would flip-flop on various issues from thread to thread.

You supported the one drop rule then flip-flopped on it on both the other thread and this thread when I stated I fell under that rule.
I said nothing about the one drop rule in regards to our current conversation. Thats you talking about a non issue. I just said you are eithe a white boy or one of their puppets.

You must be retarded and someone squeezed your head too tightly after dropping you on it repeatedly as a child.
Unsurprising a hypocritical, lying racist would flip-flop on various issues from thread to thread.

You supported the one drop rule then flip-flopped on it on both the other thread and this thread when I stated I fell under that rule.
I've never flip or flopped on anything. You just have nothing else to talk about since you cant deal with my point.
I've never flip or flopped on anything. You just have nothing else to talk about since you cant deal with my point.
Once again proving you are a hypocritical, lying racist as anyone can see by scrolling through our statements and links to quotes.
I've never flip or flopped on anything. You just have nothing else to talk about since you cant deal with my point.
Once again proving you are a hypocritical, lying racist as anyone can see by scrolling through our statements and links to quotes.
You still havent proven I flipped or flopped. Youre just trying to deflect from the point but its not working.
I've never flip or flopped on anything. You just have nothing else to talk about since you cant deal with my point.
Once again proving you are a hypocritical, lying racist as anyone can see by scrolling through our statements and links to quotes.
You still havent proven I flipped or flopped. Youre just trying to deflect from the point but its not working.
I've never flip or flopped on anything. You just have nothing else to talk about since you cant deal with my point.
Once again proving you are a hypocritical, lying racist as anyone can see by scrolling through our statements and links to quotes.
You still havent proven I flipped or flopped. Youre just trying to deflect from the point but its not working.
View attachment 79473
You havent given up. Youre just reduced to posting pictures. See? I can do it too.

May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
Better idea, just give a massive fine to anyone that educates them, treats them in a hospital, hires them, allows them to vote, or allows them to collect financial aid, and the illegal in question attempting to do any of those things. They'd stop border hopping REAL quick.

I don't think the government should fine people for engaging in moral behavior as in the case of educating children, treating those in need of medical treatment, or ensuring that people aren't starving or homeless. It is already illegal to vote if one isn't a citizen.

There are probably better and more humane ways to solve our immigration problems.

Your idea

It's their fault for breaking the law to get here in the first place. They don't care about our sovereignty or our laws enough to come here legally, we don't care what they want. They're criminals, they don't deserve to benefit from anything this country has to offer. Helping a criminal is not a moral act, it's assisting a criminal, and in every case, should be illegal.

Do you think that human rights should be extended to people who have committed non-violent crimes even if they are not US citizens?

Do you think that there are instances when societies should not extend human rights to particular individuals or groups?
If this was actually put to a popular vote... I think it would pass - especially if Hillary wins in November. And maybe even if she doesn't.

And as much as I would like for Texas to secede from the US, for oh so many reasons, it would be a disaster for the US and especially for Texas.

And yet illegal immigration would still continue from Mexico and Central America into Texas and into the US, just like the open movement of labor will continue in the UK from the EU despite a bunch of ethnocentric, nationalistic, xenophobic pussies who think that they are somehow "taking their country back".

Life is too complicated for absolutism, simplistic and easy answers, or black and white thinking. Often times the solution to a problem is counterintuitive, especially for those with a narrow view of "common sense".

Anyway, Texas gave us brisket and mesquite barbecue and for that I believe we need a more perfect union.

Without the federal government Texas wouldn't have any illegal immigrants. Open season, target practice. Unleash the people and the problem would be solved.

Do you think that widespread vigilante justice with no official oversight resulting in the deaths of thousands who have committed non-violent crimes would be morally or ethically acceptable?
May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
When an illegal is picked up, you don't believe they should be forced to return home?

Depends. I would like for a judge to decide that on a case-by-case basis.
If this was actually put to a popular vote... I think it would pass - especially if Hillary wins in November. And maybe even if she doesn't.

And as much as I would like for Texas to secede from the US, for oh so many reasons, it would be a disaster for the US and especially for Texas.

And yet illegal immigration would still continue from Mexico and Central America into Texas and into the US, just like the open movement of labor will continue in the UK from the EU despite a bunch of ethnocentric, nationalistic, xenophobic pussies who think that they are somehow "taking their country back".

Life is too complicated for absolutism, simplistic and easy answers, or black and white thinking. Often times the solution to a problem is counterintuitive, especially for those with a narrow view of "common sense".

Anyway, Texas gave us brisket and mesquite barbecue and for that I believe we need a more perfect union.

Good....Texas should leave....they should have left long ago. In fact, the U.S. should have ignored their begging to be annexed in the 1840s.
If this was actually put to a popular vote... I think it would pass - especially if Hillary wins in November. And maybe even if she doesn't.

And as much as I would like for Texas to secede from the US, for oh so many reasons, it would be a disaster for the US and especially for Texas.

And yet illegal immigration would still continue from Mexico and Central America into Texas and into the US, just like the open movement of labor will continue in the UK from the EU despite a bunch of ethnocentric, nationalistic, xenophobic pussies who think that they are somehow "taking their country back".

Life is too complicated for absolutism, simplistic and easy answers, or black and white thinking. Often times the solution to a problem is counterintuitive, especially for those with a narrow view of "common sense".

Anyway, Texas gave us brisket and mesquite barbecue and for that I believe we need a more perfect union.

Without the federal government Texas wouldn't have any illegal immigrants. Open season, target practice. Unleash the people and the problem would be solved.

Do you think that widespread vigilante justice with no official oversight resulting in the deaths of thousands who have committed non-violent crimes would be morally or ethically acceptable?
To Red Staters, it would be like heaven for them.
If this was actually put to a popular vote... I think it would pass - especially if Hillary wins in November. And maybe even if she doesn't.

And as much as I would like for Texas to secede from the US, for oh so many reasons, it would be a disaster for the US and especially for Texas.

And yet illegal immigration would still continue from Mexico and Central America into Texas and into the US, just like the open movement of labor will continue in the UK from the EU despite a bunch of ethnocentric, nationalistic, xenophobic pussies who think that they are somehow "taking their country back".

Life is too complicated for absolutism, simplistic and easy answers, or black and white thinking. Often times the solution to a problem is counterintuitive, especially for those with a narrow view of "common sense".

Anyway, Texas gave us brisket and mesquite barbecue and for that I believe we need a more perfect union.

Were Texas independent along the same model as the Baltic nations became independent of Russia, Texas would do just fine, thank you.
May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
Better idea, just give a massive fine to anyone that educates them, treats them in a hospital, hires them, allows them to vote, or allows them to collect financial aid, and the illegal in question attempting to do any of those things. They'd stop border hopping REAL quick.

I don't think the government should fine people for engaging in moral behavior as in the case of educating children, treating those in need of medical treatment, or ensuring that people aren't starving or homeless. It is already illegal to vote if one isn't a citizen.

There are probably better and more humane ways to solve our immigration problems.

Your idea

I would like to see for a first offense crossing our borders: 1. education for 3 weeks on US immigration laws. 2. labor on US highways cleaning up trash for 4 weeks. 3. Deportation to Cuba.

For Second offense: 1. Felony conviction. 2. Not allowed to EVER get legal US immigration of any kind. 3. a six year sentence at hard labor cleaning US highways. 4. Deportation to Venezuela.

For employers of illegal immigrants First offense 1. Felony conviction under RICO statutes. 2. Confiscation of all assets. 3 Minimum five year sentence to a maximum security prison. 4. Loss of citizenship 5.Upon completion of sentence, immediate deportation to France and loss of right to ever return to the US.

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