If this was actually put to a popular vote... I think it would pass - especially if Hillary wins in November. And maybe even if she doesn't.

And as much as I would like for Texas to secede from the US, for oh so many reasons, it would be a disaster for the US and especially for Texas.

And yet illegal immigration would still continue from Mexico and Central America into Texas and into the US, just like the open movement of labor will continue in the UK from the EU despite a bunch of ethnocentric, nationalistic, xenophobic pussies who think that they are somehow "taking their country back".

Life is too complicated for absolutism, simplistic and easy answers, or black and white thinking. Often times the solution to a problem is counterintuitive, especially for those with a narrow view of "common sense".

Anyway, Texas gave us brisket and mesquite barbecue and for that I believe we need a more perfect union.

Without the federal government Texas wouldn't have any illegal immigrants. Open season, target practice. Unleash the people and the problem would be solved.

How about that! Another great idea from the party of peace.
I'd rather New York and California leave.
What would you do with no silicon valley to drag the rest of the country along?

Silly Con Valley was a government invention to begin with, and still is; and a lot of it has been moving to Texas anyway, which has it's own history of high tech and electronics and computer industry. Nobody working in Silly Con Valley was from there, anyway; like Manhattan, most of the skilled labor comes from out of state.
Lots of New York and California plates on the roads around here. Reminds me of the Red River Wetback invasions of the 1980's and early '90's. California has driven out its 'middle class', and is on its way to oblivion. Best to dump it now, sell it to Mexico. Let them take care of it after their next quake and all those fires and mudslides, and see if they like being La Raza homies and beingrun from Mexico City.
Lots of New York and California plates on the roads around here. Reminds me of the Red River Wetback invasions of the 1980's and early '90's. California has driven out its 'middle class', and is on its way to oblivion. Best to dump it now, sell it to Mexico. Let them take care of it after their next quake and all those fires and mudslides, and see if they like being La Raza homies and beingrun from Mexico City.

My preference would be to drive the illegals out with draconian sentences and loss of the right to ever return here, but if that fails, simply ejecting California from the Union would be a decent second approach.
You still havent proven I flipped or flopped. Youre just trying to deflect from the point but its not working.
Brutha, you can live on de Nile, but that fact remains you support the "one drop rule" when it pleases you and disregard it when you dislike someone. You're a hypocrite and, by denying you flip-flopped on the "one drop rule" as I proved previously, a liar.
My preference would be to drive the illegals out with draconian sentences and loss of the right to ever return here, but if that fails, simply ejecting California from the Union would be a decent second approach.
Why spend all that money incarcerating thousands of illegals? Why not just arrest, convict and imprison employers and renters who encourage illegal immigration? Do that to a few and everyone else will straighten up real quick!

The most effective deterrent to illegal immigration in the past 30+ years was the Great Recession. No jobs and the illegals stay home. The relatively few that remain can then be mopped up more efficiently and with less cost to American taxpayers.
Hell, I wish texas would take Ok, LA, MISS, AL, SC, Tenn, Ark, and ks and get the fuck out. Your idea of a more perfect union only benefits the riches and fucks everyone else...Please get out so we sane civilized people can make a real union that works.
Me too. I'd move to one in a heart beat. You can stuff you beloved socialism and try to make it work for the first time in human history. While we laugh.
Depends. I would like for a judge to decide that on a case-by-case basis.
12 million trials will take too long. You speak only Spanish? You don't have a birth certificate to be found? Send your ass back to. Mexico.

There are way more than 12 million; the media has been citing that number over and over and over since the 1980's, as if they stopped coming 35 years ago or something. Given how far Mexico's poverty rates have dropped, it's more 25 million or more.
Texas will not ‘secede’ from the US, given the fact that it would be un-Constitutional.

And that most conservatives are ignorant of that fact comes as no surprise, or otherwise in contempt of it.

I think any state could secede. Nothing in the constitution prohibits it.
I'd rather New York and California leave.

Then you want an entire internal collapse of the American economy. Yes, let's have New York leave with America's entire financial network in its back pocket and the food basket that is California pull out of the U.S., too.
Texas will not ‘secede’ from the US, given the fact that it would be un-Constitutional.

And that most conservatives are ignorant of that fact comes as no surprise, or otherwise in contempt of it.
The only surprise here is the fact you seem to think there is actual serious consideration being given to secession it's an amusing idea people talk about for laughs but the only ones being remotely serious are a small number of fringe nuts.
I'd rather New York and California leave.

Then you want an entire internal collapse of the American economy. Yes, let's have New York leave with America's entire financial network in its back pocket and the food basket that is California pull out of the U.S., too.
WALL STREET is nothing but paper pushers. The wealth is in the companies in "fly over" land. As for California, try living on dates and raisins. Well keep our corn, wheat, oats, soybeans, potatoes, pork and beef.
May I suggest a term for getting the fucking illegal Mexicans out by force?


As long as I can retort with a question about how such an action could possible be financially feasible?


Side note: Although I disagree with your position on the forcible removal of illegal immigrants, MEXIT is pretty funny.
Better idea, just give a massive fine to anyone that educates them, treats them in a hospital, hires them, allows them to vote, or allows them to collect financial aid, and the illegal in question attempting to do any of those things. They'd stop border hopping REAL quick.

I don't think the government should fine people for engaging in moral behavior as in the case of educating children, treating those in need of medical treatment, or ensuring that people aren't starving or homeless. It is already illegal to vote if one isn't a citizen.

There are probably better and more humane ways to solve our immigration problems.

Your idea

It's their fault for breaking the law to get here in the first place. They don't care about our sovereignty or our laws enough to come here legally, we don't care what they want. They're criminals, they don't deserve to benefit from anything this country has to offer. Helping a criminal is not a moral act, it's assisting a criminal, and in every case, should be illegal.

Do you think that human rights should be extended to people who have committed non-violent crimes even if they are not US citizens?

Do you think that there are instances when societies should not extend human rights to particular individuals or groups?
I believe that they should respect our laws first. Again, coming here legally is a thing people can do. I did it, they can, too. What you're advocating is breaking the law out of... not even convenience, as there's no reason to border hop. They'll realize nothing can be done after coming here illegally, they'll leave, they'll come back legally if it's that important.
I'd rather New York and California leave.
What would you do with no silicon valley to drag the rest of the country along?

Silly Con Valley was a government invention to begin with, and still is; and a lot of it has been moving to Texas anyway, which has it's own history of high tech and electronics and computer industry. Nobody working in Silly Con Valley was from there, anyway; like Manhattan, most of the skilled labor comes from out of state.
Last week, Avigdor Lieberman, Israeli Defense Minister was here in Ft Worth to accept the first of thirty three F-35s being built for Israel. At a cost of $161 million per plane, Lockheed Martin will make a bundle. Lockheed is just one of 21 Fortune 500 companies in the DFW Metroplex. Texas has 54 Fortune 500 companies. It's no wonder Texans use Rolls Royce cars for golf carts. :biggrin:
Hell, I wish texas would take Ok, LA, MISS, AL, SC, Tenn, Ark, and ks and get the fuck out. Your idea of a more perfect union only benefits the riches and fucks everyone else...Please get out so we sane civilized people can make a real union that works.
people with your mindset need to be sent with them....you are no better than they are matt....

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