Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

You Libtard filth always want to believe the lies put out by the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department, don't you? But you always get schlonged with the truth.

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You didn’t answer my question. Why would a life long Republican insider lie under oath to make other republicans simply look bad and risk prison for perjury? Now, why would someone not under oath lie with no downside when the truth would make them look bad?
I love this bar. The DewDropInn at the corner of Cloud Cuckoo Land.
There be nutters there. But entertaining nutters. :thup: 🖖


"attempted to walk back"?????
Ummm, nope. That is a sad mis-read of the statement. The lawyer is simply re-enforcing the fact that Ms Hutchinson made her statement under oath. The others contradicting her are refusing.....or at any rate, haven't raised their right hand to testify they are truthful.
So there is that.

  • And we have her publicly given statement on tape.
  • AND...not unimportantly.......her's is under oath.
Straight from The Nazi Playbook and The Satanic DemNazi book Rules for Radicals on how to tell lies and undermine everyone who tells the truth.
You didn’t answer my question. Why would a life long Republican insider lie under oath to make other republicans simply look bad and risk prison for perjury? Now, why would someone not under oath lie with no downside when the truth would make them look bad?
Globalists have no party but The Satanic Party. People lie. Liars go to Hell. Party affiliation has nothing to do with whether a person will lie or not.
How ironic. All you have is hearsay that other people present say she lied.

Only Engel and Ornato can confirm or deny her testimony. No one else.
Thier statements have been recorded. They are UNSCOLISTITED statement's unlike Hutchenson's and are admissible in court as direct evidence... Hers, not so much..
You didn’t answer my question. Why would a life long Republican insider lie under oath to make other republicans simply look bad and risk prison for perjury?

They want to be loved by the left wing media, like Liz Chaney. Or they're afraid of leftist violence, like Kavanaugh

Now, why would someone not under oath lie with no downside when the truth would make them look bad?

Because Democrats are the only ones who matter and they will all back up the lie
So Engles has already spoken to the Committee and they chose to include that tidbit about about Trump assaulting Engles.

What does that tell you?
It tells me that Engles probably testified to this privately but refused to do so publicly so Hutchinson did instead.
I can’t imagine something so explosive would be made public without prior corroboration.
^^^Says the guy who swore Jussie Smollett and Christine Blasey Ford were telling the truth.

LOL! You fucking idiots will literally believe anything.
Link. Or are you lying about that too? You’ll try to simply insulting me rather than think logically.
Key testimony is that Trump was informed they were armed and refused to tone down his rhetoric and still sent them to the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying

As Trump stated, they were not after him, so why would he care?
“Peacefully and Patriotically let your voices be heard”

Why won’t Nazi play that part?
Nothing she said was a lie. And any grand jury will believe her testimony. And nobody is going to perjure themselves under oath n a courtroom, to protect Trump. That’s why they don’t want to testify.

See how that works?
She has been caught in multiple lies, Dumbass.
"She also said she witnessed her former boss burn documents in his office following a meeting with Pennsylvania Republican Scott Perry, a far-right congressman who pushed Trump to replace Jeffrey Rosen, the acting attorney general at the time, with Jeffrey Clark, a DOJ official prepared to use the department to aid the fraudulent electors plot. (Perry was among the GOP lawmakers who sought pardons after the January 6 riot.) Hutchinson expanded on that earlier testimony Tuesday, revealing that Meadows was among those who sought a pardon from Trump after the attack."

Perry and Jordan were also the two excluded from the committee. Now we see why.
Meadows claimed in his book that Trump was speaking “metaphorically” about going to the capital. Proving that was BS (and that Trump knew some of his people were armed when he tried to lead them to the capital) is hugely important to sedition charges for Trump (and probably Meadows).

Whether Trump grabbed the steering wheel, or attempted to grab it, or grabbed at the agent, or didnt grab him is interesting but not relevant.
But you are stupid enough to believe the Gateway Pundit.

naw, just abc and nbc news
Has anyone corroborated anything Gossip Girl had to say at the Show yesterday?

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