Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

No, just more evidence you're an idiot. As though the forum even needs more evidence.

A lie is telling something the liar knows to be false.

She testified, “I looked at Tony, and he said, ‘Did you f—ing hear what happened in the Beast? He proceeded to tell me that when the president got in the Beast, he was under the impression from Mr. Meadows that the off the record movement to the Capitol was still possible or likely to happen and that Bobby had more information.”

So let's see your proof that Tony didn't tell her what happened in the Beast when Trump got in....
Engel and Ornato will need to testify.
A pair of clichéd Trump Supporters?
Are poster 'Lastamender' and poster 'Flash' really just the same person with two different avatars?
They sound so similar. Use the same language. The same thought process and word choice.
They sound so Trump Supporter cliché' -like.


And, are all Trump Supporters like Lastamender and Flash?
Just telling the truth to these stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bat turds that thought it would be a great idea to steal an election and install an idiot like Potatohead as President.
All you are capable of doing is manufacturing bullshit to deflect from the facts which you have steadfastly refused to observe.

You are just showing yourself to be a full-fledge piss guzzling useful idiot for Trump who does not care one whit about the truth.
You have no facts. The committee is a failure and a national joke.
If "intellectual honesty" were one of your actual guideposts, you would be a Never Trumper.
Once again, tard, the Republicans had their chance to place Trump lickspittles on the committee, and they refused in a snit.

Only a seriously stupid person like yourself would now drink their piss and cries of moral outrage.
All you are capable of doing is manufacturing bullshit to deflect from the facts which you have steadfastly refused to observe.

You are just showing yourself to be a full-fledge piss guzzling useful idiot for Trump who does not care one whit about the truth.
And now major news sources are pulling their Jan 6 "Bombshell" stories....

I hope they like the egg that is all over them... The Jan 6 narrative is collapsing, Schiff and Cheney are now the laughingstock as they were the ones who fabricated this schitt show that has been proven false in less than 24 hours.
Trump is very athletic. He smashed the RPG proof glass with his fist and tried to grab the wheel. Really.
There is no partition in the SUV.

As for the limo, the president has the ability to lower the partition. In fact, he is the ONLY person able to lower the partition.

Are you done making shit up yet?
Um...they condemned him from the beginning of the hearings.

But you didn't know that, because you know less than nothing about the hearings.

They said on day one that they would establish, using facts and testimony, Trump's high crimes.
I am sure you have a list of actual crimes committed, right Butt Plug?

I see you still use that Obama bobblehead dildo you lovingly call, Russian Collusion.
I bet you watch that fake pee tape over and over again and fantasize that you are Donald Trump making love to Vladimir Putin.

Delusional as always.

If we actually started lining people up for Treason like we should have with The Russian Collusion Scam, this annoying bullshit would stop.

In my opinion Obama, Comey, Strozk, Mueller, Baker, Ohr, Paige, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Clinton and Biden should all be on trial for treason and should be sentenced appropriately.
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None of that matters when there are people within the USSS willing to testify under oath that she lied about the whole incident.
The only testimony which can confirm or deny Hutchinson's statements about what took place in the Beast is from Engel and/or Ornato.

They are the only witnesses as to what they told Hutchinson about the incident.
Turley asked the obvious question, why didn't the J6 Committee clear this with the lead SS involved with transportation of Trump.

From Twitter

Jonathan Turley

...It is curious that the Committee would air the account without confirming from the Secret Service, particularly since Bobby Engel appears willing to testify. This is the danger of using witnesses to repeat third party accounts.

Engel has already been interviewed by the J6 committee. Earlier this month.

I would be surprised if the J6 committee allowed Hutchinson as a warmup act if they didn't already have Engel on record about the incident in the beast.
Her "testimony" is HEARSAY you idiot!

It was NOT even a testimony at all,


"a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official"

bolding mine


She wasn't a witness.
Only a small fraction of her testimony was hearsay.

The bulk was firsthand account.

Nice try.
Wow. Her political partisanship is legendary in modern American politics. And it only leads one to assume she let her politics dictate who she put on that committee.

Do I have to spell this out for you?
You do have to spell it out because your logic is retarded given the facts.
Of course that’s complete nonsense.
The Repubs were offered just as many members as the Dems. Two were refused as they were potential witnesses. Replacements were allowed but the Minority leader instead pulled them all and refused to participate.

Per the House Rules, the Speaker then made her choice without the republicans.
Matter of FACT witnesses, people who were present, say she LIED..
How ironic. All you have is hearsay that other people present say she lied.

Only Engel and Ornato can confirm or deny her testimony. No one else.
Only a small portion of her testimony was hearsay.

The bulk was a firsthand account. Not hearsay.

^^^Says the guy who swore Jussie Smollett and Christine Blasey Ford were telling the truth.

LOL! You fucking idiots will literally believe anything.
You really, really should have watched Hutchinson's testimony. That way you would have avoided sounding like a complete retard.
So yeah.... you are just going to ignore the fact that everyone who was actually there, all of the Secret Servicemen have said to both Fox News and CNN they want to testify that what Hutchinson said happened - never happened. And who she says told her - has also come forward and said he is willing to testify he not only did not tell her that, but he was not even there.
So just... gloss that right over eh?
You're not too bright are you? Your entire screed is a crock of shit based on conspiracy theories, lies spread by Dotard Trump & his goons over at Fox News. There isn't one shred of proof in anything you've alleged.

Seek help soon.
Biden's, Clinton's, & Obama's Russian Collusion was the only attack on our Democracy of late. That is all I need to know about you and your treasonous friends. COVID19 was also used to attack The Republic and make our election of Joe Biden completely illegitimate.

You all should face a firing squad. If you did then people like you would quit weaponizing the government against The American People and their political rivals like a Banana Republic or like the Nazis did in Nazi Germany.

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