Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

The committee cannot look any worse if they tried, but it seems they are trying.
Once again, an investigation is different than a court trial. Hearsay is evidence that leads to further investigation. Your claim that mens rea was within the character of this witness cannot be proved. Of course you've already taken a "lock her up" attitude and that I find is deplorable.

For a moment consider Mens Rea which refers to criminal intent. The literal translation from Latin is "guilty mind." The statements by Barrett, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh clearly intended to overturn R v. W and did not answer the question on R v W truthfully.
Regurgitating known lies to further your agenda is not helping you...
... who quoted someone other than the agents in the car that day with Trump. The agents themselves have not yet made a public comment about it.
The agents that provoked the riot on Jan. 6th have made no public comment either.
They should. At the very least, if those agents make a public statement disputing her account, the 1/6 committee should address that so that it's on the public record.

That aside, you lied. You falsely claimed she lied but you have no proof Tony Ornato didn't tell her what she claimed he told her.
She is a proven liar. Deal with it, Simp.
If they do testify, all that is needed for corroboration is that Trump wanted to go to the Capital building. Thats the issue, not if he threw a fit or whatever.
And the two people in the car with Trump are prepared to testify under oath what she said never happened. Case closed, more lies.
Can I ask you why you believe the men who aren’t under oath that have a reason to lie are telling the truth and the person who is under oath with no reason to lie… is lying?
Once again, an investigation is different than a court trial. Hearsay is evidence that leads to further investigation. Your claim that mens rea was within the character of this witness cannot be proved. Of course you've already taken a "lock her up" attitude and that I find is deplorable.

For a moment consider Mens Rea which refers to criminal intent. The literal translation from Latin is "guilty mind." The statements by Barrett, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh clearly intended to overturn R v. W and did not answer the question on R v W truthfully.
Is that like the two dingbats that The Worthless Negro appointed and that dumbass affrimative action Negro bitch Potatohead appointed lying when they said they would uphold the Constitution but yet voted against basic Constitutional rights? Well the dumbass Negor hasn't done it yet but we know she will.
Can I ask you why you believe the men who aren’t under oath that have a reason to lie are telling the truth and the person who is under oath with no reason to lie… is lying?
You Libtard filth always want to believe the lies put out by the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department, don't you? But you always get schlonged with the truth.

And nobody is going to perjure themselves under oath in a courtroom, to protect Trump. That’s why they don’t want to testify.
I agree that is likely a major part of their motivation.
THAT.....and they don't want to be on video depicting their taking the 5th 100 times in a row.
Both look bad.
But the perjury sends 'em to jail.

Also, one would think that one's loyalty to Don Trump may, possibly, probably, likely .....NOT be returned in kind by Don Trump.
Meaning, will Don be your six?
Does he have your back if you get down to the nut-cutting?


Facts established:
1. Trump knew the election wasn’t stolen as told by his staff
2.Trump knew the crowd he assembled to go over to the capitol was armed
3. Trump intended to personally lead the assault on the Capitol........
4. Trump knew there was a violent attack on the Capitol ongoing with an armed crowd and held out for hours.......
5. Trump expressed his lack of concern for the VPs safety to key personnel.

CG's list bears repeating.
CG's list is the real deal.
Some wrestling match between grown men in a luxury automobile....doesn't threaten America's democracy.
The items on CG's list......do.

Also, I found Cheney's closing comments about witness intimidation notable.
Notable in that: They think it has occurred.
Notable in that they were issuing a warning.
Notable in that I suspect we will hear more about that little gig.

Witness intimidation against a federal witness ain't bean-bag. The Feds, the DOJ, can throw some real hardball heaters-to-the-head on a charge like that.
And....if I was one of the blokes who made one of those calls....well, I'd hire a lawyer insto-presto.
And I wouldn't look to Don Trump to have my six ---for the call --- I made ---for him --- to a witness.

Anyway, that's just how I think.

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