Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Facts established:
1. Trump knew the election wasn’t stolen as told by his staff

2. Trump knew the crowd he assembled to go over to the capitol was armed

3. Trump intended to personally lead the assault on the Capitol but had to have his orders disobeyed to be kept in check

4. Trump knew there was a violent attack on the Capitol ongoing with an armed crowd and held out for hours to see what would happen before calming the crowd

5. Trump expressed his lack of concern for the VPs safety to key personnel.

Hang Trump for treason.
All of what you posted is a fabricated lie by DEMOCRATS. Propagated by Pelosi's Salem Witch Trial of falsified testimony.
Facts established:
1. Trump knew the election wasn’t stolen as told by his staff

2. Trump knew the crowd he assembled to go over to the capitol was armed

3. Trump intended to personally lead the assault on the Capitol but had to have his orders disobeyed to be kept in check

4. Trump knew there was a violent attack on the Capitol ongoing with an armed crowd and held out for hours to see what would happen before calming the crowd

5. Trump expressed his lack of concern for the VPs safety to key personnel.

Hang Trump for treason.
Fact. You are
Facts established:
1. Trump knew the election wasn’t stolen as told by his staff

2. Trump knew the crowd he assembled to go over to the capitol was armed

3. Trump intended to personally lead the assault on the Capitol but had to have his orders disobeyed to be kept in check

4. Trump knew there was a violent attack on the Capitol ongoing with an armed crowd and held out for hours to see what would happen before calming the crowd

5. Trump expressed his lack of concern for the VPs safety to key personnel.

Hang Trump for treason.
Fact. Your bombshell testimony fell flat as it was exposed as double hearsay.
no he’s said it wasn’t true and said he’d like to testify…that’s what nbc reported

He hasn't said that and NBC didn't report he said that. What the did report was someone else claiming he would testify to that.
i can only assume you're intentionally being "obtuse".

ANY LIE the left lobs out, you sucker-fish onto and swear it's true regardless of the fact it's "heresay" and refuted by the very people who WERE THERE.

so i'll ask - why? why do you reject ANYTHING that doesn't advance your hatred of trump as a lie? why do you believe 2nd hand info vs people who were there?
She’s not the left you dim wit. She one of yours.
All of what you posted is a fabricated lie by DEMOCRATS. Propagated by Pelosi's Salem Witch Trial of falsified testimony.
That’s republican testimony. We’ve had no democrats give relevant testimony. They are all Trump staff. Give it up dude. Your guy is a traitor. Why battle insanity by believing nonsense?
Seems like we need a reminder. She was a hardcore republican Trump staff insider. She has zero allegiance with liberals.

You either can believe she is lying under oath for the other side or men are lying while not under oath to keep from going to jail for wrong doing. Which is more likely dipshits?
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You keep getting your butt handed to you...

I love it.. the black Knight crying "it's only a flesh wound"...


By getting my ass handed to me, you mean by me embarrassing you by showing you were full of shit when you falsely claimed Tony Ornato had given a taped unsolicited statement? Or do you mean me educating a rightard who didn't know that Epps already gave testimony to the 1/6 committee?

By getting my ass handed to me, you mean by me embarrassing you by showing you were full of shit when you falsely claimed Tony Ornato had given a taped unsolicited statement? Or do you mean me educating a rightard who didn't know that Epps already gave testimony to the 1/6 committee?
AND just like the black knight you can't see that your story has no arms and no legs while you bleed out...
I guess we will call it a draw... What are you going to do? Bleed on me..? LOL
AND just like the black knight you can't see that your story has no arms and no legs while you bleed out...
I guess we will call it a draw... What are you going to do? Bleed on me..? LOL
She’s a right wing hard core Trump staff insider under oath. She’s not a liberal. She was there and telling you what she saw as a fellow conservative. She’s telling you because she is under oath. What the fuck is wrong with you?
AND just like the black knight you can't see that your story has no arms and no legs while you bleed out...
I guess we will call it a draw... What are you going to do? Bleed on me..? LOL

Except it's not my story.
She’s a right wing hard core Trump staff insider under oath. She’s not a liberal. She was there and telling you what she saw as a fellow conservative. She’s telling you because she is under oath. What the fuck is wrong with you?
And the two people in the car with Trump are prepared to testify under oath what she said never happened. Case closed, more lies.
I never believe a lib

She's not a liberal.

But the reporter you just sourced in your article is.

So apparently you do believe libs over Trump's people, when it suits you to do so.
The item she was testifying about is at issue. She wasn't there for the event so her testimony is nothing more than hearsay. No court will give it any credibility. It doesn't matter that she was under oath, she lied. She lied before congress, and it will be proven...

Thanks for playing..
Once again, an investigation is different than a court trial. Hearsay is evidence that leads to further investigation. Your claim that mens rea was within the character of this witness cannot be proved. Of course you've already taken a "lock her up" attitude and that I find is deplorable.

For a moment consider Mens Rea which refers to criminal intent. The literal translation from Latin is "guilty mind." The statements by Barrett, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh clearly intended to overturn R v. W and did not answer the question on R v W truthfully.

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