Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Its irrelevant. A story she relayed that makes the papers. Again this is the real bombshell:
Direct testimony that both Trump and Meadows were deeply involved and planned the march to the Capital; that there were armed members of the crowd; that he sent the crowd to the Capital; and that he wanted to meet the crowd there. Whether he "grabbed for the wheel" is irrelevant.
If she lied about Trump lunging for the wheel and lied about what those agents told her, that easily calls the rest of her testimony into question.

She is no longer a believable witness.
She was absolutry present for most of her testimony.

Most damning were the parts where Trump was informed that members in the crowd were armed (including with AR-a5s and Glocks) and Trump's response was "They aren't here to hurt me" and repeatedly demanding that the magnetometers that check for weapons be removed
i can only assume you're intentionally being "obtuse".

ANY LIE the left lobs out, you sucker-fish onto and swear it's true regardless of the fact it's "heresay" and refuted by the very people who WERE THERE.

so i'll ask - why? why do you reject ANYTHING that doesn't advance your hatred of trump as a lie? why do you believe 2nd hand info vs people who were there?
If she lied about Trump lunging for the wheel and lied about what those agents told her, that easily calls the rest of her testimony into question.

She is no longer a believable witness.
If she relayed gossip its not lying if the gossiper told her something false.
If she relayed gossip its not lying if the gossiper told her something false.
you verify things like this before you make these accusations.

or can we accuse you of massive crimes and call you guilty based on what someone heard someone else say? even this has been refuted as not what she was told.

is that how you want THE SYSTEM to work? how it works for ONE is how it needs to work for ALL. so if you're cool doing this to someone else, you're cool it being done to you.

are you?
Nothing she said was a lie. And any grand jury will believe her testimony. And nobody is going to perjure themselves under oath n a courtroom, to protect Trump. That’s why they don’t want to testify.

See how that works?
Sorry....career federal agents, that she claims were at the heart of this...say she lied
Conservatives deny that he attempted to grab the wheel

What they don’t deny is that he was in the middle of a Temper Tantrum at the time and that he was trying to participate in the attack on the Capitol

You pieces of shit are stretching really bad... and you just got cut off by the driver and the assistant chief of staff. all you idiots have is a bloody stump now....

This doesn’t seem to be much of a bombshell. How long do you suppose they are going keep this going?
Facts established:
1. Trump knew the election wasn’t stolen as told by his staff

2. Trump knew the crowd he assembled to go over to the capitol was armed

3. Trump intended to personally lead the assault on the Capitol but had to have his orders disobeyed to be kept in check

4. Trump knew there was a violent attack on the Capitol ongoing with an armed crowd and held out for hours to see what would happen before calming the crowd

5. Trump expressed his lack of concern for the VPs safety to key personnel.

Hang Trump for treason.
Actually most of her testimony was from direct conversations with key staff and Trump himself
Actually RW, her testimony is not worth the air it took to make her vocal chords vibrate.
Four people who were all there stated, and are willing to testify that what she says simply isn't true. And the person she cited as who told her, says he WANTS to testify because he not only never said that to her - but couldn't have because he wasn't even there.
When a "witness" is shown to have provably lied under oath - the rest of their testimony is invalid for obvious reasons.
If you choose to still believe her - then it is because you CHOOSE to.

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