Texting while driving ban.. STUPID..WHERE IS our COMMON SENSE GONE?

I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!

My state (Maryland) already has a law banning texting while driving. I'm all for it. If you're making the case its common sense to NOT text while driving, then why do you have an issue with a law banning it? People like you and me might have enough common sense to not text while driving, but the problem is a lot of people don't. You cant fix stupid as they say, but I see no issue with making something so common sense illegal.
Common sense? I don't think they've made that app yet for our smartphones. So until then, we'll have to settle for stupid laws to fight stupid behaviors.
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!


Stupid is he! Let's hope that you never have to eat your words stupid fucking moron! How would you feel if a loved one was killed by someone texting while driving!

Do you really believe a law making texting while driving illegal will stop it?

It won't.
What a silly comment by you. We have laws because of stupid people. They can be punished for the harm they cause. And should be.
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I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!


Stupid is he! Let's hope that you never have to eat your words stupid fucking moron! How would you feel if a loved one was killed by someone texting while driving!

Do you really believe a law making texting while driving illegal will stop it?

It won't.
Any more than the 18th stopped drinking...
I live in Michigan, and we have a law against texting while driving.
Although i agree we have to educate young people as much as possible, they're still TEENAGERS and they are not all going to agree with what we tell them.
Perfect Example: healthmyths

Well most of you still missed my point!
And evidently MOST of you MUST have a parent i.e. cop looking at EVERY action you do to make sure you won't hurt yourself or someone else!
MY how times have changed!
It appears MOST of you WANT to be like sheep.
NOT responsible! No common sense!
Literally stupid dumb animals ONLY responding to an adult that knows
Where are you people with any sense of responsibility? Adults? COMMON SENSE?
I don't text and drive because it is dangerous to others and to me!
Are the rest of you too stupid, too dumb, too lacking in common sense to GET IT?
YOU ARE really pathetic and a growing concern for society's existence when "there oughta be a law" is the ONLY way you sheep respond!

I want the law so that some idiot doesn't kill me while I'm driving to work or somewhere one day, obeying the law, minding my own business, and trying to survive.

If you want to conduct a social experiment on the power of teaching common sense vs. the power of using the law as a deterrent to behaviours that threaten public safety,

fine, just don't do it where my life becomes part of the experiment.

So let me get this straight!
YOU are against teaching common sense..
BUT in favor of teaching global warming and as a result idiot people like Obama
reject the pipeline in order that 1 million barrels be shipped to China potentially spilling over 1,000 miles of ocean killing thousands of wildlife all because you are ok with
teaching environmental radicalism in pre-school BUT NOT common sense!

THAT makes SENSE considering your output!
YEA... Don't teach common sense i.e. you can't stop your car if you are texting BUT you are OK teaching pre-schoolers Obama is their ecological savior by canceling a pipeline and allowing 1 million barrels a day on a tanker risking shipwreck while only 300 barrels in ONE mile of PIPE MIGHT spill!

YUP makes a lot of SENSE that YOU accept NON-SENSE instead of COMMON SENSE!
What a silly comment by you. We have laws because of stupid people. They can be punished for the harm they cause. And should be.
But penalizes responsible people in the process. YOU aren't very bright fakey.
Anyone convicted of texting while driving should pay a $1,000 fine before his license is given back.

Anyone convicted of texting as second time should have the vehicle impounded for a month and a $5,000 fine.

A third conviction should result in a suspension of driving license for five years and a $10,000 fine.

Any subsequent violations should result in a six-month contempt of court sentence.

Keep repeating.

HOW About repeating this COMMON SENSE illustration!
Car A and Car B are heading at 40 mph towards each other 60 feet apart.
Car A driver is texting doesn't realize the car is in the other lane
and by the time Car A driver looks away from cellphone applies the brakes turning the wheel,
the physical distance the signal from the eye to the brain to the spine to the leg to the foot is 4 feet!
In the 4 feet the signal has to travel to hit the brakes and turn the wheel,
the cars have each traveled 30 FEET! BAM!!!!!

MY point is unless we TEACH pre-schoolers every day the common sense Laws of physics and reaction times like the above, NO MATTER how many laws.. people will still TEXT AND DRIVE UNLESS they are educated towards the realities!

Why is it you don't question the billions spent on advertising i.e. it must be working or why else are billions spent, BUT you won't believe the same tools i.e. advertising, education CAN'T TEACH COMMON SENSE?

Is COMMON SENSE to hard for you to understand??
Well again.. consider the above example.. your eye to brain to spinal cord to extremities take TIME and closing cars at 40 mph each .. THERE ISN"T ENOUGH TIME!!!

That's the practical common sense illustration THAT SHOULD BE equally taught if not more the dumb ass global warming lessons! If you believe those messages are needed then GEEZ how much more needed are COMMON SENSE messages!
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Some simply don't care for others' welfare, others are stupid, and some are criminal.

hm, we have laws for a reason.
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!


Stupid is he! Let's hope that you never have to eat your words stupid fucking moron! How would you feel if a loved one was killed by someone texting while driving!

Do you really believe a law making texting while driving illegal will stop it?

It won't.

Laws against murder don't stop murders from happening. Do you want to do away with those laws?
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!

The question is do YOU have any common sense.

Yes, we NEED a law against texting while driving.

Do you need a real world example? What do you think would happen if there were no laws against drinking and driving?

Well even the LAWS don't keep people from drinking and driving NOR will texting laws!
The point of a LAW is that it is for the LAW breakers!
WELL if we continue to grow less socially responsible and more LEGALLY restrictive the end all is a cop for every one of us! That is called prison!
40,000 new laws in 2012 alone!

So taking your illogical to conclusion.. we should have a law that anyone caught texting should be imprison for the safety of society for xx years!
First time offender! AFter all we have multiple DUI offenders who WHEN they kill someone they generally go to jail!
SO why wait. Anyone texting while driving does so because they don't CARE about others.. so let's put EVERYONE that is stopped for TEXTING in jail!

See that is so illogically right?
BUT asking the majority of people advertising to the majority with the same religious fervor global warming has had that TEXTING AND DRIVING will KILL WILL halt some idiots. Most likely the same ratio of MADD successes in DUI ad campaign would be similarly achieve with TEXTING while driving campaign!
BUT we would NOT be falling back on the adult/child methodology i.e. EVERY ONE is a child and so we need a LAW to tell EVERYONE that can't TEXT and DRive!

My position will always be far superior then yours because ULTIMATELY the ONLY way making something illegal works i.e. absolutely no law breaking is to have a cop who also has a cop watching for EVERYONE!

At some point that obviously is ludicrous and THAT's MY POINT!
THERE IS NO WAY making a law regarding drunk driving has stopped DRUNK DRIVING!
AND so making a NO texting law while driving is just as ineffective!

BUT if you are smart enough to be typing on the Internet, GEEZ you should be smart enough to realize the BEST method of societies advancing is the existence of fewer laws!

As I've said before superior alien visitors to the EARTH will be amused to see the inability of the majority of earth societies needing "laws" to govern actions!

I am extremely confident that superior aliens don't require artificial legal remedies but BECAUSE of superior intelligence UNDERSTAND for example drinking and driving or texting and driving will not extend a person's life!
Anyone convicted of texting while driving should pay a $1,000 fine before his license is given back.

Anyone convicted of texting as second time should have the vehicle impounded for a month and a $5,000 fine.

A third conviction should result in a suspension of driving license for five years and a $10,000 fine.

Any subsequent violations should result in a six-month contempt of court sentence.

Keep repeating.

There also needs to be incarceration. Shit can be more dangerous than drunk driving.
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!


Our state has already taken the plunge.:clap2:

It's nice to see completely unreasonable people be reasonable in other areas.

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