Texting while driving ban.. STUPID..WHERE IS our COMMON SENSE GONE?

I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!


Our state has already taken the plunge.:clap2:

It's nice to see completely unreasonable people be reasonable in other areas.

That could easily be said for you.

healthmyths likes big caps very much :lol:

Some simply don't care for others' welfare, others are stupid, and some are criminal.

Hm, we have laws for a reason.
Do you have a point Lieutenant obvious?
I have never owned a cell phone. Dont see the need to own one. I love watching others who do own one though as it gives me a chuckle to see them constantly checking them in hopes some other loser will contact them for some reason. You see those total and complete pathetic losers constantly checking their phones. FOR WHAT? Holy cow how did we exist without them? Just another sign of a society headed downward. Cell phones are speeding up the process.
What a silly comment by you. We have laws because of stupid people. They can be punished for the harm they cause. And should be.

A law won't stop people from being stupid.

All this law will do is give an excuse for the cops to search the cell phones of people involved in an accident and it won't decrease the frequency of texting.

How many accidents are caused by people shaving, eating, changing a CD, putting on make up, etc etc etc while driving?

Maybe we should make all those illegal while driving too.
I have never owned a cell phone. Dont see the need to own one. I love watching others who do own one though as it gives me a chuckle to see them constantly checking them in hopes some other loser will contact them for some reason. You see those total and complete pathetic losers constantly checking their phones. FOR WHAT? Holy cow how did we exist without them? Just another sign of a society headed downward. Cell phones are speeding up the process.

That's quite the broad brush you're painting with, there. Oh, and since you have never owned a cell phone, I realize that you don't know/understand this, and that you're just spewing shit out of your mouth without having any idea what you're saying. But cell phone technology nowadays allows people to do a great many things with their phones. When you see people "checking" their phones, which you assume is because they are pathetic and waiting for some other pathetic person to contact them, there's actually a whole world of things that they could be doing. They could be checking the time, they could be using their phone for GPS directions, they could be playing a game to pass the time, they could be reading an email, they could be writing an email, they could be checking the Super Bowl score, they could be checking the weather forecast, they could be reviewing their schedule for the rest of the week, they could be downloading a song, or any one of a great may other things.
What a silly comment by you. We have laws because of stupid people. They can be punished for the harm they cause. And should be.

A law won't stop people from being stupid. All this law will do is give an excuse for the cops to search the cell phones of people involved in an accident and it won't decrease the frequency of texting. How many accidents are caused by people shaving, eating, changing a CD, putting on make up, etc etc etc while driving? Maybe we should make all those illegal while driving too.

A law will punish people for being stupid, will punish stupid people who have hurt other people.

That's a fine, good thing.
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!

My state (Maryland) already has a law banning texting while driving. I'm all for it. If you're making the case its common sense to NOT text while driving, then why do you have an issue with a law banning it? People like you and me might have enough common sense to not text while driving, but the problem is a lot of people don't. You cant fix stupid as they say, but I see no issue with making something so common sense illegal.

Let me try another way..
At what point in YOUR life will there be too many laws, rules regulations?
In other words when do you use common sense?
For example IT IS AGAINST THE LAW in some places to spit on the ground!
WHY? Because spit spreads Tuberculosis. But people still spit and there are laws!
Why aren't they enforced?

My point is any superior alien visitor to earth would be appalled that supposedly
"intelligent" people HAVE to have a LAW that MOST people will abide by i.e. "no texting while driving"!
Appalled because the idea of "intelligence" and KNOWING distractions i.e. texting.. can kill and yet "intelligent" people would text doesn't go together!

There is a law on the books everywhere.. "thou shalt not kill"!
You text and drive and kill there is a law against killing!

It's just like "hate" crime laws! You beat someone up because they are gay doesn't
alter the affect of the beating! The same with texting and driving!
YOU text an accident occurs you are at fault!

BUT to continually build more and more laws.. 40,000 new state laws in 2012 alone!!
is NOT a sign of a civilization but a decline of a civilization!

AT what point do we hire a cop to drive with you? And another cop to watch that cop?

YOU see that's the idiocy of the mentality of "there oughta be a law"!

When is enough enough???
What a silly comment by you. We have laws because of stupid people. They can be punished for the harm they cause. And should be.

A law won't stop people from being stupid.

All this law will do is give an excuse for the cops to search the cell phones of people involved in an accident and it won't decrease the frequency of texting.

How many accidents are caused by people shaving, eating, changing a CD, putting on make up, etc etc etc while driving?

Maybe we should make all those illegal while driving too.

All true, perhaps we need no laws prohibiting murder either?
Murder being illegal does keep people from murdering people.

Or child abuse? Rape? DUI? Theft, speeding?

The laws allow us to prosecute the offenders though for their misdeeds.
and laws do keep some from doing bad things.
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!

My state (Maryland) already has a law banning texting while driving. I'm all for it. If you're making the case its common sense to NOT text while driving, then why do you have an issue with a law banning it? People like you and me might have enough common sense to not text while driving, but the problem is a lot of people don't. You cant fix stupid as they say, but I see no issue with making something so common sense illegal.

Let me try another way..
At what point in YOUR life will there be too many laws, rules regulations?
In other words when do you use common sense?
For example IT IS AGAINST THE LAW in some places to spit on the ground!
WHY? Because spit spreads Tuberculosis. But people still spit and there are laws!
Why aren't they enforced?

My point is any superior alien visitor to earth would be appalled that supposedly
"intelligent" people HAVE to have a LAW that MOST people will abide by i.e. "no texting while driving"!
Appalled because the idea of "intelligence" and KNOWING distractions i.e. texting.. can kill and yet "intelligent" people would text doesn't go together!

There is a law on the books everywhere.. "thou shalt not kill"!
You text and drive and kill there is a law against killing!

It's just like "hate" crime laws! You beat someone up because they are gay doesn't
alter the affect of the beating! The same with texting and driving!
YOU text an accident occurs you are at fault!

BUT to continually build more and more laws.. 40,000 new state laws in 2012 alone!!
is NOT a sign of a civilization but a decline of a civilization!

AT what point do we hire a cop to drive with you? And another cop to watch that cop?

YOU see that's the idiocy of the mentality of "there oughta be a law"!

When is enough enough???

Give it up healthmyths.

If prohibiting texting while driving saves ONE life, then it's a law worth making.

Besides, 10 years ago or so, texting wasn't an issue. Things change. New laws are made as a result.

And how are you going to teach physics to kids every morning? By passing a law requiring teachers to do so? Doesn't that go against your "too many laws" theory?
A law will punish people for being stupid

And withholding medical services will expedite natural selection and add a little more chlorine to the gene pool. Just sayin'.

And that's why your way will not happen. Just sayin'

I'm being facetious. It's an unfortunate irony, but life tends to reward stupidity far moreso than it should. We can lament the fact that there are alot of stupid people out there who think nothing of texting while driving. But what's the point? Fact of the matter is that's what we're working with. We can't stop stupidity from spreading. All we can really do at the end of the day is mitigate and manage it. To include sometimes passing and enforcing laws that prohibit things that ought to be common sense, like texting while driving.
I have never owned a cell phone. Dont see the need to own one. I love watching others who do own one though as it gives me a chuckle to see them constantly checking them in hopes some other loser will contact them for some reason. You see those total and complete pathetic losers constantly checking their phones. FOR WHAT? Holy cow how did we exist without them? Just another sign of a society headed downward. Cell phones are speeding up the process.

That's quite the broad brush you're painting with, there. Oh, and since you have never owned a cell phone, I realize that you don't know/understand this, and that you're just spewing shit out of your mouth without having any idea what you're saying. But cell phone technology nowadays allows people to do a great many things with their phones. When you see people "checking" their phones, which you assume is because they are pathetic and waiting for some other pathetic person to contact them, there's actually a whole world of things that they could be doing. They could be checking the time, they could be using their phone for GPS directions, they could be playing a game to pass the time, they could be reading an email, they could be writing an email, they could be checking the Super Bowl score, they could be checking the weather forecast, they could be reviewing their schedule for the rest of the week, they could be downloading a song, or any one of a great may other things.

You're a cell phone addict aren't you? It's easy to tell........ if you forget it at home, do you go absolutely nuts for the rest of the day? Can you remember the distant past where cell phones didn't exist? Can you go 5 minutes without pulling that obnoxious little shit out of your pants and playing with it? Yea, that's right, you are an addict and it's a bit pathetic.:razz:
Some laws are indeed stupid and counterproductive, such as most drug laws -- marijuana laws outstandingly. But some laws are necessary and the law against texting while driving is one example. But the existence of a law forbidding this stupidly dangerous practice should not exclude or replace the requirement for education.
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You're a cell phone addict aren't you? It's easy to tell........ if you forget it at home, do you go absolutely nuts for the rest of the day? Can you remember the distant past where cell phones didn't exist? Can you go 5 minutes without pulling that obnoxious little shit out of your pants and playing with it? Yea, that's right, you are an addict and it's a bit pathetic.:razz:

Actually, quite the opposite. I have a phone that makes phone calls, and doesn't do much else. Since the beginning of last fall, I started adding a text package since my girlfriend likes to text me constantly. But often gives me a hard time about my "Zack Morris" phone. She gets upset at me at times if she texts me and I don't respond in a timely manner. I don't always have my phone on my person to even know she's messaged me. I don't always think about the fact that I don't have it on me.

I bought my first cell phone about 10 years ago. At the time, I was dating a girl who lived on the other side of the country, and the cell phone with free long distance, and free nights and weekends was cheaper than all the long distance calls. My boss was happy that I finally had one, because I commuted an hour to work, and with some major bridge construction going on at the time I'd had a few times when I'd been caught in traffic and couldn't tell work that I was going to be late. He kept telling me to get a cell phone, but I told him that I had no interest in paying for a cell phone just for the company's convenience. Back then, it was still very rare for teenagers to have cell phones, and to this day I still baffle that most kids have their first cell phone by the time the start high school. I wouldn't have wanted a phone in HS. It would have been pointless. Nowadays, I keep a cell phone as my primary line of communication. I don't keep a house phone, because there's no point if I'm going to have a cell phone. And really, my cell phone is cheaper than a land line.

So no, I'm not a cell phone addict. I have one, I use it for what it's useful for. But beyond basic communication, that's all I need. That being said, there are all kinds of things that people use their cell phones for and it's illogical to jump to condoscending conclusions about people just because they use their cell phones frequently. Just because you see someone looking at their phone frequently does not mean that they are desperately waiting for someone to call them. You haven't a clue what they are doing.
I have never owned a cell phone. Dont see the need to own one. I love watching others who do own one though as it gives me a chuckle to see them constantly checking them in hopes some other loser will contact them for some reason. You see those total and complete pathetic losers constantly checking their phones. FOR WHAT? Holy cow how did we exist without them? Just another sign of a society headed downward. Cell phones are speeding up the process.

I felt the same way up to two years ago when my car's battery gave up and I was stranded in a strip mall parking lot at 2AM.

I now have a cell phone that stays in my car. I got it from Consumer Cellular. They gave me the phone free and I pay ten dollars a month ($13.75 with tax and fees) plus .25 per minute when I use it, which is virtually never. I've had to use it only five times and each of those times it was a convenience that makes the cost worthwhile. I think cell phones are a good thing for emergencies and I'm surprised at the redundant, apparently addictive use of these gadgets.

When I was a boy my father had a phone in his locksmith shop but a home telephone was a luxury. I remember when we got our first telephone. It was an exciting event. And I remember when the first bill arrived my mother had a fit and laid the law down on restricting use to necessity.

Today I have phones in every room and I hate the damn things. I have an answering machine and the only time I will answer a call is when I'm near one of the phones and I'm not busy. But my grandkids won't give up. they call, the machine answers, and they just stay on and holler "Pick up!" And they laugh.
That's one interpretation, and probably wrong on your part.

Stare at it real hard, and see if you can figure out what is really going on.

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