Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

The left-wing ideology continues to completely implode before our eyes. Here is yet another mass shooting prevented by an armed citizen. So much for the left-wing lie that armed citizens never prevent mass shootings! Thank God for our right to keep and bear arms.

Man opens fire inside Oklahoma City restaurant, before being killed by an armed citizen
This is a very, very rare occurance.
Ahahahah! First progressives go with the false narrative that this "never happens". And now they are going with the false narrative "this is a rare occurrence".

It is not a "rare" occurrence, snowflake. It happens many dozens of times per year in the U.S. for decades.
This is a very, very rare occurance.
But not nearly as rare an occurrence as proper grammar and spelling by your dumb ass... :lmao:

(Pst...there is no "a" in occurrence and there are TWO "r's" - not one)

When you traitors run out of everything else, you resort to trying to running down the other person. Works for me, Achmed.
So far, there hasn't been any of those times you keep referring to.
Happens almost once a week in this country, snowflake.

yet only one has been reported. Seems to me that if there were more they would be yelled from the steeple tops. Looks to me like you are lying once again. Your NRA is giving false information and you are just repeating it. We ain't buying what you are peddling.
And it's obvious that you really don't have a message other than "Buy more guns".
I’m not a fascist like you. I would never tell anyone what to buy or what not to buy. My only “message” is “not upholding the U.S. Constitution is not acceptable”.
By pure luck, things worked out like it did.
Isn't amazing how there is "pure luck" everywhere there are armed citizens? :laugh:

Just pure luck once. Everywhere would be where it happens in more than one sport more than one time. It isn't happening in more than one spot and more than one time. You are just saying over and over, "Buy More Guns". Nothing more. Your message is lost. We ain't buying what you are selling, Achmed. We deserve better than the Middle East.
So far, there hasn't been any of those times you keep referring to.
Happens almost once a week in this country, snowflake.
yet only one has been reported.
Uh...they are reported weekly. I’ve added them to this thread. The media refuses to cover them because they weren’t a mass shooting. They aren’t interested in a firearm protects citizens story. They are interested in carnage stories for ratings and to push their agenda.
And it's obvious that you really don't have a message other than "Buy more guns".
I’m not a fascist like you. I would never tell anyone what to buy or what not to buy. My only “message” is “not upholding the U.S. Constitution is not acceptable”.

You mean the way you demand it be upheld. Not necessarily the way that it really is to most other people including the Supreme Court and Most states. In the end, the only message you end up screaming is the one your masters, the NRA tells you to yell is, Buy More Guns. The answer to that is, we don't have to if we don't want to.
So far, there hasn't been any of those times you keep referring to.
Happens almost once a week in this country, snowflake.
yet only one has been reported.
Uh...they are reported weekly. I’ve added them to this thread. The media refuses to cover them because they weren’t a mass shooting. They aren’t interested in a firearm protects citizens story. They are interested in carnage stories for ratings and to push their agenda.

You don't add a thing except for this one thing. You do add where it's done by on duty cops, off duty cops, security Cops but this is the first time that it has been by private citizens. Your message is clear, you are lying out your ass. The majority of the Population does not feel the need to buy more guns. You might but the bulk of us don't feel that need. We aren't falling for your message that we need to live in fear of our lives and of our loved ones. We are doing just fine. We are looking for solutions and buying more guns will just add to the problem not become the solution. You want to hide under your bed stroking your AR, go ahead. Maybe it will keep you off the street and make it safer for the rest of us.
the NRA tells you to yell is, Buy More Guns. The answer to that is, we don't have to if we don't want to.
We the People understand that you anti-American welfare queens would rather spend your stipend on drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. We don’t expect you to purchase firearms (frankly we’re happy that you stoned people don’t).
We are looking for solutions and buying more guns will just add to the problem not become the solution.
You mean the way you demand it be upheld.
Exactly. Which is exactly as it is written. Nothing less. Nothing more.

Once again, let's look at the 2nd amendment.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

As of the National Guard Act of 1917 this became outdated. it needs to be stricken or rewritten. Therefore, the 2nd amendment is no longer valid.

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Why was this written? The FFs wanted to make sure that no Federal Government could ever do what the King did to them. If the firearms were taken, they could not put meat on the table or protect themselves from various bandits or marauding Indians. There were no real police forces to protect the citizens. As a group, they had to do it themselves. They, were in effect, the Militia or Police Force. The King tried to take the firearms from them to prevent them from having them in case of a Revolution. What he did was to bring on the very thing he feared.

Using that logic today, is anyone really trying to take your firearms? They aren't mine. Maybe you are a special case but mine are doing just fine and so are almost every other person that owns firearms. We are not detrimental to Society in any way. There is no reason to take those weapons from our homes. The Weapons in our homes are except from any and all laws as long as they aren't under FFL licensing and even then, we can get a FFL to have them in our homes, transport them, use them on a range, hunt with them. They aren't coming for my guns and never have been. If they are yours, I suggest we take a close look at whether you should have them in the first place.

Let's say you want them just in case a Tyrannical Government were ever to take over the United States of America. It's already been shown that really can't happen. But let's say it does. And the full force of the US Military comes down on you. Again, it's been shown that will never happen. But, let's just say it can happen. What chance will you and your bunch of AR-15s have against the US Military Might and the really cool toys they have to play with? How about ZERO. That part of what you think is the 2nd amendment is no longer valid.

Now on to the next batch. There is a reason that the Full Autos were moved to the FFL in the first place. Criminals ended up with them and they were spraying all over the place. If it were just criminals killing each other it would have been no big thing. And most of the intended targets were other Criminals. But there were more Civilians being killed than criminals. So they moved them to the FFL, confiscated them when they found them, made it where only those with FFL could purchase them either new or used and over about a 10 year period, they disappeared from the Criminals bag of tricks. When the Criminals broke one or lost one for whatever reason, their were no replacement parts for the Thompsons or replacement Thompsons to be had unless you had a FFL license. They didn't ban them. They regulated them in 1934. And that still stands today. When one weapons is the primary weapon that is used for mass shooting (not 1 or 2 or even 7 body counts) then the community has the right to regulate that weapon. Hence the court rulings on the AR-15. They aren't banned. They are regulated. If you want to obtain a FFL license in those areas, I am sure that you will find an exemption for your AR.

That all means the 2nd part of the 2nd Amendment is just too broad a statement for todays world. I don't mean to say we need to get rid of it but we do need to update it. Otherwise, this horseshit argument will go on and one between the two factions of; "We need to Ban all Guns" and "They are trying to take all my Guns". And it's just plain horseshit on both sides. What's worse, the rest of us have to listen to the horseshit.


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