Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

The left-wing ideology continues to completely implode before our eyes. Here is yet another mass shooting prevented by an armed citizen. So much for the left-wing lie that armed citizens never prevent mass shootings! Thank God for our right to keep and bear arms.

Man opens fire inside Oklahoma City restaurant, before being killed by an armed citizen
Now for the real story.
Even CNN admits what you continue to lie about...

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And that's the only one. You can't keep repeating the same one over and over and say that it's happened MANY times. And when you look at this particular situation, there were some laws in Oklahoma that kept the Civilians safer by NOT allowing non CCW shooters to be armed inside of the Diner. This was a very good case to not allow non CCW on the streets and in the public buildings. Thank you for bringing that up. The NRA is pissed.
the NRA tells you to yell is, Buy More Guns. The answer to that is, we don't have to if we don't want to.
We the People understand that you anti-American welfare queens would rather spend your stipend on drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. We don’t expect you to purchase firearms (frankly we’re happy that you stoned people don’t).

I think that I would rather have them buying drugs than guns. At least they will be killing themselves instead of others. In that case, drugs are far safer. I have yet to year of someone coming into a school and doing a mass shooting with Grass. Maybe a mass stoning, but not a mass shooting.
And it's obvious that you really don't have a message other than "Buy more guns".
I’m not a fascist like you. I would never tell anyone what to buy or what not to buy. My only “message” is “not upholding the U.S. Constitution is not acceptable”.

As you read it. Not all interpret it as you do. And it IS up to interpretation. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many damned many Lawyers, now would there.
That all means the 2nd part of the 2nd Amendment is just too broad a statement for todays world.
If that’s true, the onus is on the American people to legally and properly amend it. No such action has occurred. Therefore, the 2nd Amendment is still law as written.
I guess, to you, anyone short of a potential homicidal axe murderer must be a democrat.
Short of? Dumbocrats are mostly made up of homicidal maniacs. Who engages in violence in the streets? Dumbocrats. Who makes up the majority of our prison population? Dumbocrats.
I guess, to you, anyone short of a potential homicidal axe murderer must be a democrat.
Short of? Dumbocrats are mostly made up of homicidal maniacs. Who engages in violence in the streets? Dumbocrats. Who makes up the majority of our prison population? Dumbocrats.

Funny, the ones around here are all Republican. Guess it's because this is a solid Red Area. Guess we need to import some Blue Criminals to offset it because you say we must. And the biggest criminals around here are all in Public Office and they are all Republicans. Guess they just don't like competition.
And it IS up to interpretation.
Nowhere does the U.S. Constitution grant any governing body the right to “interpret” the U.S. Constitution itself. Sorry, snowflake.

Just like a fascist. You are trying to put all those lawyers out of work. What's next, you going to use the 2B Immigration to replace them? Hate to break it to you, cupcake, if it weren't up to interpretation then we wouldn't be having this discussion and the Supreme Court would be agreeing with you.
That all means the 2nd part of the 2nd Amendment is just too broad a statement for todays world.
If that’s true, the onus is on the American people to legally and properly amend it. No such action has occurred. Therefore, the 2nd Amendment is still law as written.

As interpreted by YOU. I don't see you sitting in any Public Office or on any Court Bench? When I do then I might listen to the way you interpret it. But I doubt that will happen, cupcake.
Good, because we have a Weak Whyte Racist problem that needa to be taking care of!
No, we have an unwitting, control-freak, statist, authoritarian, goose-stepping communist problem, where most of the pajama-boy commies don't even know that their collectivist bullshit came straight out of Marx's asshole and that it will lead to their subjugation and enslavement.

The History of American Marxist Progression:
Communists-->Socialists-->Progressives-->Socialists-->Liberals-->Progressives-->Democratic Socialists

I am sure the commies changed their stripes a few more times, but you get the idea.

The "White Racist" claim is an attempt to shame and discredit any opposition to the commie borg by shutting down the discussion or real exchange of ideas. Cries of racism are the tools of cowards who cannot win on the battlefield of ideas, which communism/socialism/Marxism/collectivism cannot. History is littered with examples of its complete failure, going all the way back to William Bradford.

The only way commie bullshit can survive is if it has no competition. That is why it is not good enough to leave America alone. America competes against, and completely destroys the communist ideal.

The reason commie bullshit cannot compete is because it ignores the power and indispensability of human nature. Capitalism harnesses it.

The whole point of society is to benefit the individual. Under commie rule there is no individual. They say "this belongs to The People" which really means it belongs to no one but the rulers. This is "the business of The People" which means it is not the business of people, but the rulers.

In essence, under commie bullshit rule, the individual is deprived of the benefits of society, and is better off fighting and dying for freedom. The individual will always be at war with the collective. Thus, the individual looks for escape to a place where society still provides those benefits. America still (somewhat) serves the interest of the individual. It competes agaist the collectivist commie bullshit.

So, how do the commie useful idiots take out the only competition? There must be no means of individuals resisting the borg. The people must be subjects, not citizens. The people must have no recourse.

Thus, guns must go. It is never about public safety.

So, take your "White Racist" bullshit nonargument copout and shove it right up your goose-stepping ass.

We're not banning any guns or give in on any new regulations or restrictions. We are repealing and are willing to die shooting commies to get there.

Complete repeal or Valhalla, bitches!!!
Good, because we have a Weak Whyte Racist problem that needa to be taking care of!
No, we have an unwitting, control-freak, statist, authoritarian, goose-stepping communist problem, where most of the pajama-boy commies don't even know that their collectivist bullshit came straight out of Marx's asshole and that it will lead to their subjugation and enslavement.

The History of American Marxist Progression:
Communists-->Socialists-->Progressives-->Socialists-->Liberals-->Progressives-->Democratic Socialists

I am sure the commies changed their stripes a few more times, but you get the idea.

The "White Racist" claim is an attempt to shame and discredit any opposition to the commie borg by shutting down the discussion or real exchange of ideas. Cries of racism are the tools of cowards who cannot win on the battlefield of ideas, which communism/socialism/Marxism/collectivism cannot. History is littered with examples of its complete failure, going all the way back to William Bradford.

The only way commie bullshit can survive is if it has no competition. That is why it is not good enough to leave America alone. America competes against, and completely destroys the communist ideal.

The reason commie bullshit cannot compete is because it ignores the power and indispensability of human nature. Capitalism harnesses it.

The whole point of society is to benefit the individual. Under commie rule there is no individual. They say "this belongs to The People" which really means it belongs to no one but the rulers. This is "the business of The People" which means it is not the business of people, but the rulers.

In essence, under commie bullshit rule, the individual is deprived of the benefits of society, and is better off fighting and dying for freedom. The individual will always be at war with the collective. Thus, the individual looks for escape to a place where society still provides those benefits. America still (somewhat) serves the interest of the individual. It competes agaist the collectivist commie bullshit.

So, how do the commie useful idiots take out the only competition? There must be no means of individuals resisting the borg. The people must be subjects, not citizens. The people must have no recourse.

Thus, guns must go. It is never about public safety.

So, take your "White Racist" bullshit nonargument copout and shove it right up your goose-stepping ass.

We're not banning any guns or give in on any new regulations or restrictions. We are repealing and are willing to die shooting commies to get there.

Complete repeal or Valhalla, bitches!!!

Bam! Awesome post!
Good, because we have a Weak Whyte Racist problem that needa to be taking care of!
No, we have an unwitting, control-freak, statist, authoritarian, goose-stepping communist problem, where most of the pajama-boy commies don't even know that their collectivist bullshit came straight out of Marx's asshole and that it will lead to their subjugation and enslavement.

The History of American Marxist Progression:
Communists-->Socialists-->Progressives-->Socialists-->Liberals-->Progressives-->Democratic Socialists

I am sure the commies changed their stripes a few more times, but you get the idea.

The "White Racist" claim is an attempt to shame and discredit any opposition to the commie borg by shutting down the discussion or real exchange of ideas. Cries of racism are the tools of cowards who cannot win on the battlefield of ideas, which communism/socialism/Marxism/collectivism cannot. History is littered with examples of its complete failure, going all the way back to William Bradford.

The only way commie bullshit can survive is if it has no competition. That is why it is not good enough to leave America alone. America competes against, and completely destroys the communist ideal.

The reason commie bullshit cannot compete is because it ignores the power and indispensability of human nature. Capitalism harnesses it.

The whole point of society is to benefit the individual. Under commie rule there is no individual. They say "this belongs to The People" which really means it belongs to no one but the rulers. This is "the business of The People" which means it is not the business of people, but the rulers.

In essence, under commie bullshit rule, the individual is deprived of the benefits of society, and is better off fighting and dying for freedom. The individual will always be at war with the collective. Thus, the individual looks for escape to a place where society still provides those benefits. America still (somewhat) serves the interest of the individual. It competes agaist the collectivist commie bullshit.

So, how do the commie useful idiots take out the only competition? There must be no means of individuals resisting the borg. The people must be subjects, not citizens. The people must have no recourse.

Thus, guns must go. It is never about public safety.

So, take your "White Racist" bullshit nonargument copout and shove it right up your goose-stepping ass.

We're not banning any guns or give in on any new regulations or restrictions. We are repealing and are willing to die shooting commies to get there.

Complete repeal or Valhalla, bitches!!!

I was going to lecture you about responding to that retard, but then I read your post and I was like hell YEAH! :up:
Hate to break it to you, cupcake, if it weren't up to interpretation then we wouldn't be having this discussion and the Supreme Court would be agreeing with you.
Hate to break it to you, snowflake, but we are having this conversation because Dumbocrats break the law when they don’t get their way. You people can’t accept the fact that We the People have spoken so you just lie about the U.S. Constitution and then violate it.
That all means the 2nd part of the 2nd Amendment is just too broad a statement for todays world.
If that’s true, the onus is on the American people to legally and properly amend it. No such action has occurred. Therefore, the 2nd Amendment is still law as written.
As interpreted by YOU. snowflake. As written in the U.S. Constitution. The highest law in the land.

Like all fascists, you’re pissed off that you can’t get the votes you want to control the people. You can’t accept the fact that We the People have spoken.
Good, because we have a Weak Whyte Racist problem that needa to be taking care of!
No, we have an unwitting, control-freak, statist, authoritarian, goose-stepping communist problem, where most of the pajama-boy commies don't even know that their collectivist bullshit came straight out of Marx's asshole and that it will lead to their subjugation and enslavement.

The History of American Marxist Progression:
Communists-->Socialists-->Progressives-->Socialists-->Liberals-->Progressives-->Democratic Socialists

I am sure the commies changed their stripes a few more times, but you get the idea.

The "White Racist" claim is an attempt to shame and discredit any opposition to the commie borg by shutting down the discussion or real exchange of ideas. Cries of racism are the tools of cowards who cannot win on the battlefield of ideas, which communism/socialism/Marxism/collectivism cannot. History is littered with examples of its complete failure, going all the way back to William Bradford.

The only way commie bullshit can survive is if it has no competition. That is why it is not good enough to leave America alone. America competes against, and completely destroys the communist ideal.

The reason commie bullshit cannot compete is because it ignores the power and indispensability of human nature. Capitalism harnesses it.

The whole point of society is to benefit the individual. Under commie rule there is no individual. They say "this belongs to The People" which really means it belongs to no one but the rulers. This is "the business of The People" which means it is not the business of people, but the rulers.

In essence, under commie bullshit rule, the individual is deprived of the benefits of society, and is better off fighting and dying for freedom. The individual will always be at war with the collective. Thus, the individual looks for escape to a place where society still provides those benefits. America still (somewhat) serves the interest of the individual. It competes agaist the collectivist commie bullshit.

So, how do the commie useful idiots take out the only competition? There must be no means of individuals resisting the borg. The people must be subjects, not citizens. The people must have no recourse.

Thus, guns must go. It is never about public safety.

So, take your "White Racist" bullshit nonargument copout and shove it right up your goose-stepping ass.

We're not banning any guns or give in on any new regulations or restrictions. We are repealing and are willing to die shooting commies to get there.

Complete repeal or Valhalla, bitches!!!

Will you hurry up and die like you promised you would? Vahalla is calling.
That all means the 2nd part of the 2nd Amendment is just too broad a statement for todays world.
If that’s true, the onus is on the American people to legally and properly amend it. No such action has occurred. Therefore, the 2nd Amendment is still law as written.
As interpreted by YOU. snowflake. As written in the U.S. Constitution. The highest law in the land.

Like all fascists, you’re pissed off that you can’t get the votes you want to control the people. You can’t accept the fact that We the People have spoken.

As interpreted by you. You know, the one without the law degree nor the political science degree. You making policy for everyone else is about as dumb as a screen door in a submarine. You the People is just you. Not the rest of us. Sort of like all the other "Most" you keep bringing up, cupcake.

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