Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

No you don’t. You’re openly stating here that the 2nd Amendment “isn’t modern” and you advocated hundreds of times violating it.

I don't just advocate it. According to the Supreme Court, it's outdated. This is why they rule like they do. The problem is, the do nothing "NRA Purchased" Congress won't step up to the plate. And the Supreme Court keeps making the rulings they keep making. As long as the NRA is more interested in selling more guns and ammo than what is best of America and they keep purchasing our Politicos, this will continue as it is. And the only thing standing in their way is the Supreme Court. Even the Right Leaning Supreme Court rules against them all the time. I know you can't see it that way because it's against your "Buy More Guns" mentality but that's the way it is.
Why would you care about someone else’s personal firearm ownership?
There are most likely 400+ million legally owned firearms in this country, What percentage of those used in violent crime a fraction, of a fraction of a percent tops?
You are not the moral Authority on personal firearm ownership… No one is. So shut the fuck up

As long as it's to the best interest of the safety of the public. And that is the bottom line. It's up to the State, County and Township to make that determination on what is the best interest or safety of the public. Personally, I like the way it is where I am therefore I stay here. If you don't like it where you are, move to somewhere that you like better. Simple as that. I don't believe I could care to live in the stifling NY State but I find the Texas is a bit loose for my tastes. There IS a happy medium that has enough controls to protect the citizen, has enough law enforcement and enough leeway for the Citizen. We aren't having a huge discussion here since we seem to have found that happy medium. And this is a deep Red area.

I AM a moral authority for the area I live in. And so is every other person that lives here. We don't need your kind screwing things up for the rest of us. We like it the way it is. And we don't need the NRA to keep dumping their millions in lawsuits like they keep doing. So far, they haven't won a single case. They did win one special election but in the next election that was corrected. We like balance. Yes, even a deep Red area likes things balanced where we have just enough regulations to do the job and enough freedom to do what we like to do.

About me Shutting the F Up, No. And it's my right not to shut up. Get over it.
Well, the areas that would be the most affected by fucked upped frivolous federal gun control laws are the areas where there is no Significant firearm violence.
Why should people that live in those areas that don’t have any firearm violence to speak of jump through the hoops made up by fucked up gun control freaks like yourself?
More frivolous gun control laws here in rural America make no sense except for the fact that the deep state/federal government want to control people that they do not agree with.
Gun control has never been about guns, it’s always been about control…
And you keep on trying to make the NRA as some type of boogie man… They are absolutely harmless. You need to grow a fucking backbone, and shut the fuck up...

The NRA is for

Bump Stocks
Keeping the Age for buying firearms at 18
No Background Checks
Unlimited Mag size
Open Carry without CCW or any Checks or Training

Sounds like the NRA is run by a bunch of Crazies. And since you also support those that pretty well means that you are a crazy as well.

Now, about me shutting up. No. Simple as that.
-Bump stocks are an harmless gimmick, a thousand and one ways to do the same thing. Like a string, belt loop and so on.
-People are considered an adult, You can get a learners permit at 13-14 years old in this country for vehicles. And no one has an right to those, unlike firearms.
Vehicle kill far more people than people using firearms anyways...
-Background checks take too long, In most cases in my store and they take 2 to 4 minutes. Far too long… Yes that system needs some serious upgrading.
This should be instantaneous..
-Magazines are just an accessory, Size does not matter… LOL
-Open carry, conceal carry, whatever carry cause no problems here in rural America… So why don’t you mind your own business?
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded
Another one off carefully researched example.
I have more of a life than to research. How many 3 yr olds killed their siblings.
Still posting. Ben, our first keep the swarthy German immigrants out?
Another perfect example of how the Constitution saves lives and liberal policy would cause deaths. This hatchet-wielding maniac would be fully compliant with law under liberals gun control utopia. But thankfully, the Constitution granted this person the right to protect himself and those around him.

Customer Steps Up to Stop a Hatchet-Wielding Masked Man From Wreaking Havoc at a 7-Eleven
Did you look up the definition of liberal yet?
Might help your argument.
How do you argue with a guy who has our original immigrant hating guy as his pic?
Says it all
I have more of a life than to research
That should be the slogan of the Dumbocrats. That is literally the perfect left-wing sentence. I'm "too busy" trying to "Keep up with the Kardashians" to be informed and educated.

Sorry, but nothing is more important than being informed through good research. That is your fucking job as a U.S. citizen. But, you'd rather smoke pot and follow MTV pop-culture. Which is why you are an ignorant progressive and I can run circles around you here on USMB (and in the real world).
Thought you would be battling instead of sucking off your socialist SS Medicare.
A. I'm not eligible for Social Security. I'm still gainfully employed in the labor force.

B. I have torn apart that ignorant left-wing narrative a zillion times already. You can't take all of my money against my will and expect me to refuse to get some of it back when I have the chance. Allow me to opt out of Social Security (meaning I get ALL of my money back and you're not allowed to take any more) and I'll gladly forgo Social Security and Medicare in the future. The fact that you don't allow people to opt out says it all.

"Progressivism: ideas so good they have to be forced on society at the barrel of a gun"
As long as it's to the best interest of the safety of the public. And that is the bottom line., snowflake. The bottom line is that “as long as it is constitutional”. The “safety of the public” doesn’t play into that at all.

You continue to illustrate profound ignorance.

Not according to the Supreme Courts rulings from the last 80 years or so. You don't like the law? Too bad.
Thought you would be battling instead of sucking off your socialist SS Medicare.
A. I'm not eligible for Social Security. I'm still gainfully employed in the labor force.

B. I have torn apart that ignorant left-wing narrative a zillion times already. You can't take all of my money against my will and expect me to refuse to get some of it back when I have the chance. Allow me to opt out of Social Security (meaning I get ALL of my money back and you're not allowed to take any more) and I'll gladly forgo Social Security and Medicare in the future. The fact that you don't allow people to opt out says it all.

"Progressivism: ideas so good they have to be forced on society at the barrel of a gun"

And your ideas are good enough that they are to be forced on society at the barrel of a gun that you hold cupcake.
Not according to the Supreme Courts rulings from the last 80 years or so. mean like Heller vs. D.C.? :lmao:

You have no clue what you are talking about. Yes, idiot progressive political activists (such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg) have shredded the U.S. Constitution for their own personal gain. But the Supreme Court has largely upheld the 2nd Amendment as a whole.

Sorry, not sorry that that bothers you.

This was far from a life threatening situation. The Transient was just looking for a place to get out of the elements and the house looked empty. He wasn't there to steal. he wasn't there to murder. He wasn't there to do anything physical. This is a case where the use of a firearm is just too far. You gun nutters need to rethink some of the uses. When you have to go looking for a reason to kill someone then it's downright murder.
And your ideas are good enough that they are to be forced on society at the barrel of a gun that you hold cupcake.
No such thing on the conservative side, snowflake. We don’t do anything by force. Free market. Free thinking. Freedom.

The fact that you parrot my quotes back at me shows just how limited you are intellectually. :eusa_doh:
The Transient was just looking for a place to get out of the elements and the house looked empty.
Yeah....uh....tresspassing laws are still in effect (even for “transients”). It’s comical watching you ignorant progressives defend criminal actions.
When you have to go looking for a reason to kill someone then it's downright murder.
The law says you are permitted to protect yourself and your property. The 80-year old man (who you desperately want to become a victim) didn’t need to go “looking for a reason”. This “transient” thug brought the reason to him.
Not according to the Supreme Courts rulings from the last 80 years or so. mean like Heller vs. D.C.? :lmao:

You have no clue what you are talking about. Yes, idiot progressive political activists (such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg) have shredded the U.S. Constitution for their own personal gain. But the Supreme Court has largely upheld the 2nd Amendment as a whole.

Sorry, not sorry that that bothers you.

They have upheld that normal firearms like handguns, shotguns and rifles are okay for the home. But when you step out into the street, the community has the right to regulate the firearms outside of the home. If you got all of the toys in your kit bag the streets would be lined with bodies. This was the reason many western towns in the 1870s went to the no open carry weapons laws. The Supreme Court normally doesn't let you have all your fondest dreams and sides with the communities. You are dreaming otherwise, cupcake.
This was the reason many western towns in the 1870s went to the no open carry weapons laws.
I don’t know what fantasy land you live in, but open carry has been 100% legal in my state from the day it was founded right up to this moment as I type. :dunno:
The Transient was just looking for a place to get out of the elements and the house looked empty.
Yeah....uh....tresspassing laws are still in effect (even for “transients”). It’s comical watching you ignorant progressives defend criminal actions.

It's called Justifiable force. If a Cop had fired on the transient he would have been in front of the AI shooting board post haste. In Most States, the old guy would be in front of a judge for attempted homicide. You notice that there isn't a followup on the story. He just might still be.

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