Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Talk about moving the goalposts. There was no one living there. The transient wasn't armed and made no effort to intimidate in any way.
Just lying as always. The article didn’t cover that so you have absolutely no way of knowing what the dirt-bag criminal did or didn’t do.

It did cover it. It was a rental house. You sure do like to omit facts to cover the fact that it's a clear case of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill at the very least. You will notice there is no followon on your story. Chances are, the old guy is in serious legal trouble right about now. Your hero is a criminal.
Thank God for our right to keep and bear arms. Just ask yourself why the left is so desperate to violate the U.S. Constitution and disarm the American people (it’s not a tough one to figure out)...

Masked Attacker Killed by Pizzeria Employee Who Was Closing Up for the Night: Fla. Police
Thank God for our right to keep and bear arms. Just ask yourself why the left is so desperate to violate the U.S. Constitution and disarm the American people (it’s not a tough one to figure out)...

Masked Attacker Killed by Pizzeria Employee Who Was Closing Up for the Night: Fla. Police

That's 2. And we have two armed bad guys stopped by non armed citizens. Looks to me like the gun isn't any more effective than the no armed person. But at least this time, this was done completely legal and justified.
Talk about moving the goalposts. There was no one living there. The transient wasn't armed and made no effort to intimidate in any way.
Just lying as always. The article didn’t cover that so you have absolutely no way of knowing what the dirt-bag criminal did or didn’t do.

It did cover it. It was a rental house.
Awe...snowflake...look at you try to get out from under your lies. You said “The transient wasn't armed and made no effort to intimidate in any way”. You’re hero is a life long criminal meth head and you’re literally making shit up to defend him. At no point did the article say that.

It’s ok lying little Duh-ryl :itsok:
Thank God for our right to keep and bear arms. Just ask yourself why the left is so desperate to violate the U.S. Constitution and disarm the American people (it’s not a tough one to figure out)...

Masked Attacker Killed by Pizzeria Employee Who Was Closing Up for the Night: Fla. Police
That's 2. And we have two armed bad guys stopped by non armed citizens. Looks to me like the gun isn't any more effective than the no armed person.
Uh-oh...someone has a serious reading comprehension problem. :eusa_whistle:

(Psst...stupid...the pizzeria employee was carrying a gun :lmao: )
The employee was carrying a gun and said he then fired on his attacker four to five times.
Talk about moving the goalposts. There was no one living there. The transient wasn't armed and made no effort to intimidate in any way.
Just lying as always. The article didn’t cover that so you have absolutely no way of knowing what the dirt-bag criminal did or didn’t do.

It did cover it. It was a rental house.
Awe...snowflake...look at you try to get out from under your lies. You said “The transient wasn't armed and made no effort to intimidate in any way”. You’re hero is a life long criminal meth head and you’re literally making shit up to defend him. At no point did the article say that.

It’s ok lying little Duh-ryl :itsok:

What's the matter, you don't like to be presented with the facts so you have to invent lies to back a bunch of other lies that you are making? Well, cupcake, you are just condoning attempted Murder, nothing else. Next you are going to say the intruder was Black. Get to it, I know you want to say it.
That's 2. And we have two armed bad guys stopped by non armed citizens. Looks to me like the gun isn't any more effective than the no armed person. But at least this time, this was done completely legal and justified.
If you weren't a pants-shitting septuagenarian, I would invite you to volunteer to go into combat unarmed.
Thank God for our right to keep and bear arms. Just ask yourself why the left is so desperate to violate the U.S. Constitution and disarm the American people (it’s not a tough one to figure out)...

Masked Attacker Killed by Pizzeria Employee Who Was Closing Up for the Night: Fla. Police
That's 2. And we have two armed bad guys stopped by non armed citizens. Looks to me like the gun isn't any more effective than the no armed person.
Uh-oh...someone has a serious reading comprehension problem. :eusa_whistle:

(Psst...stupid...the pizzeria employee was carrying a gun :lmao: )
The employee was carrying a gun and said he then fired on his attacker four to five times.

And if you were keeping up, the Pizza Dude was one of the two armed good guys. But there were also 2 unarmed good guys that went up against armed bad guys trying to do mass shootings. Having the Gun about evens it out and doesn't show that it's any better than not having it. But it did take a robbery assault into a body count though. Without the Gun, the warning from the board carrying bad guy would have been met by the victim turning over the money. Pizza Drivers are a common robbery Victim in this country. And MOST just turn the money over and no one dies. Is 50 bucks worth a life? To you, it is since you place such a low value on a life. Okay, maybe yours isn't worth a plug nickel but everyone elses lives are beyond price. You have NEVER been in such a situation. Even having the Gun makes the person react differently and it's taken from a simple assault robbery to a life threatening situation. I know you don't understand that since all you learned are from some kind of stupid fictional movie. If you are in a situation where the Perp is going to use deadly force in the first place, the gun won't change a thing except maybe decide who the body count will be. But if it cause it to escalate then the Gun certainly should not be there in the first place. Most encounters do not start out as a body count. Only in your Movies and in your Head.
That's 2. And we have two armed bad guys stopped by non armed citizens. Looks to me like the gun isn't any more effective than the no armed person. But at least this time, this was done completely legal and justified.
If you weren't a pants-shitting septuagenarian, I would invite you to volunteer to go into combat unarmed.

I already have. Taking a tool box into an active firefight where the bad guys are armed with SKSs and AK-47s is not a fun thing to do and I don't highly recommend it for anyone. Luckily, our guys (The US Army) was armed with M-16s and M-60s so they kept them, for the most part, off our backs. Did you know that a Maintenance Troop can learn to one time teleport from the top of a Maintenance Stand to under it when taking fire? If you can't understand that, you will never understand it. I didn't sh%%% my pants but it was close. And since I was Air Force, you could come up with the argument that I was a volunteer but I never saw it that way.

You seem to think that only you gun nutters have combat experience. Actually, only about 3% of you gun nutters have combat experience but all of you will claim that you do. I don't propose the taking of legal guns but I do wonder if we shouldn't come up with a law that anyone that is posting like you gunnutters do shouldn't go though a mental test to see if you are a danger to society. Maybe that's why the laws to do just that is so fervently fought against by the NRA. Nut Cases like you couldn't buy more guns and ammo.
I already have. Taking a tool box into an active firefight where the bad guys are armed with SKSs and AK-47s is not a fun thing to do and I don't highly recommend it for anyone.
Then, you get my point. Being armed in a firefight is better than being unarmed.

Both my parents were Vietnam vets. Mom served as a surgical nurse. Dad served in Saigon where he was awarded the Bronze Star with the "V" device on it. He never talked about what he did to deserve it, and I have never seen any citation for it. So, I sincerely thank you for your service.

Now, back to insulting you.
I already have. Taking a tool box into an active firefight where the bad guys are armed with SKSs and AK-47s is not a fun thing to do and I don't highly recommend it for anyone.
Then, you get my point. Being armed in a firefight is better than being unarmed.

Both my parents were Vietnam vets. Mom served as a surgical nurse. Dad served in Saigon where he was awarded the Bronze Star with the "V" device on it. He never talked about what he did to deserve it, and I have never seen any citation for it. So, I sincerely thank you for your service.

Now, back to insulting you.

Since you have never been in a situtation then You don't get my point. A War situation is not even close to a civilian robbery of a Pizza Delivery Person or a Quick Stop Clerk. There are thousands of robberies of those people yearly you don't hear about because they elect to just give them the money without violence. There are only a few that the perp comes in with body count on their minds. There are also fewer that the "Victim" will be armed and get killed. And then there are only a couple that will end up with the "Victim" getting it over the "Perp". There are more "Perps" stopped with baseball bats than guns. It's not the baseball bat, it's the crazy behavior that scares the living hell out of the Perp.

And since you haven't paid the admission, you don't have the right to insult.
Talk about moving the goalposts. There was no one living there. The transient wasn't armed and made no effort to intimidate in any way.
Just lying as always. The article didn’t cover that so you have absolutely no way of knowing what the dirt-bag criminal did or didn’t do.

It did cover it. It was a rental house.
Awe...snowflake...look at you try to get out from under your lies. You said “The transient wasn't armed and made no effort to intimidate in any way”. You’re hero is a life long criminal meth head and you’re literally making shit up to defend him. At no point did the article say that.

It’s ok lying little Duh-ryl :itsok:

What's the matter, you don't like to be presented with the facts so you have to invent lies to back a bunch of other lies that you are making?
Show us in the article where it said that the intruder "made no effort to intimidate in any way". Can't do it? So you're just admitting you lied without actually admitting you lied. Good enough I guess. Thank you!!!

By the way, like all dirt-bag progressives, you're actually sitting here attempting to defend a life-long meth head and burglar, while attempting to claim that an 80-year old man is "evil" and should go to prison. That says it all.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Yes there are many such stories about how someone with a gun saved lives, but that would defeat the entire far left religious narrative.
Talk about moving the goalposts. There was no one living there. The transient wasn't armed and made no effort to intimidate in any way.
Just lying as always. The article didn’t cover that so you have absolutely no way of knowing what the dirt-bag criminal did or didn’t do.

It did cover it. It was a rental house.
Awe...snowflake...look at you try to get out from under your lies. You said “The transient wasn't armed and made no effort to intimidate in any way”. You’re hero is a life long criminal meth head and you’re literally making shit up to defend him. At no point did the article say that.

It’s ok lying little Duh-ryl :itsok:

What's the matter, you don't like to be presented with the facts so you have to invent lies to back a bunch of other lies that you are making?
Show us in the article where it said that the intruder "made no effort to intimidate in any way". Can't do it? So you're just admitting you lied without actually admitting you lied. Good enough I guess. Thank you!!!

By the way, like all dirt-bag progressives, you're actually sitting here attempting to defend a life-long meth head and burglar, while attempting to claim that an 80-year old man is "evil" and should go to prison. That says it all.

You are pulling the "Fake News" crap that we are all on to. Since no news of the intruder was reported of him being agressive, guess what, that means he made no aggressive moves towards the old man. Unless you considering standing there and absorbing bullets as an agressive move. All the other crap you are coming up with is just "Fake News" crap. You are the only one that has reported that he is a life long anything. He's homeless. And no doubt uses drugs and might steal anything not nailed down if he got the chance. But there is no record of him EVER being violent. So he gets shot for trying to get out of the elements in an empty house. Now, that's a reason for a Death Sentence if I ever heard of one, right?

He shouldn't go to prison but he should have to surrender his weapons and pay for the medical bills of the person he shot along with a nice tidy fine and damages. It doesn't do any good to lock an 80 year old up in prison. But he can't get off scot free either. And I have a feeling that the trespassing charges will go "Time Served" for the vagrant. The old guy used Excessive Force, period.

I guess the next person that leans up against your car or truck needs to be pumped full of bullets, right? Now, that would serve them right.
And since you haven't paid the admission, you don't have the right to insult.
I disagree....granny.


And you have discounted and/or wholly ignored deterrence. Texas has very few home invasions because breaking into someone's home is almost always a death sentence. You want to rid us of that very real advantage?

In most mugging situations, a person carrying concealed will likely comply and turn over money without pulling their firearm. Assault? Rape? All bets are off. I would much rather be armed or have my wife/daughter armed in those situations than NOT--just like combatants would much rather be armed on the battlefield than not. You said so yourself.

And, take care not to shit your pants----you old codger, you. Or, should I say......CUPCAKE...
It's not the baseball bat, it's the crazy behavior that scares the living hell out of the Perp.
And, a firearm wouldn't produce similar responses?

There are many examples of soldiers who are outnumbered and who survived because they acted decisively, with extreme violence toward the enemies.

Are you saying that approach does not apply to assaults or rape situations? Just firing the firearm will have a much more dramatic effect, even if you hit nothing. The baseball bat situation may allow the perp to regroup and come back for a second attack, but few will come back for round 2 when a firearm is involved.
And since you haven't paid the admission, you don't have the right to insult.
I disagree....granny.


And you have discounted and/or wholly ignored deterrence. Texas has very few home invasions because breaking into someone's home is almost always a death sentence. You want to rid us of that very real advantage?

In most mugging situations, a person carrying concealed will likely comply and turn over money without pulling their firearm. Assault? Rape? All bets are off. I would much rather be armed or have my wife/daughter armed in those situations than NOT--just like combatants would much rather be armed on the battlefield than not. You said so yourself.

And, take care not to shit your pants----you old codger, you. Or, should I say......CUPCAKE...

If you are putting your Wife or your Daughter into that type of Situation you shouldn't have a Wife or a Daughter. If you live in an area that you truly have reasons to fear such things either do something about it through law enforcement or get the hell out of there. Do you hate your Wife and Daughter that much?
It's not the baseball bat, it's the crazy behavior that scares the living hell out of the Perp.
And, a firearm wouldn't produce similar responses?

There are many examples of soldiers who are outnumbered and who survived because they acted decisively, with extreme violence toward the enemies.

Are you saying that approach does not apply to assaults or rape situations? Just firing the firearm will have a much more dramatic effect, even if you hit nothing. The baseball bat situation may allow the perp to regroup and come back for a second attack, but few will come back for round 2 when a firearm is involved.

In Anti Rape Classes, they do teach this type or behavior. It works. That is, unless the perp already has his weapon drawn and pointed at you. Then it's better to cooperate and look for an opening down the tracks. If you don't find one then the perp gets what they want and you keep breathing. But at the first second, if the woman goes into full attack mode and just goes nuts there is a chance that she can buy enough space to disengage. The Perp will think twice before persuing. But once that perp has the weapon out (a gun) then it's cooperation time. Just remember, a man can't really hold a gun with his pants down trying to insert. Good time to go beserk for a woman can run faster with her skirts up than a man can with his pants down.

But if you are really worried about this happening you need to do a rethink of the area you are living. Either do something by increasing funding for the Law Enforcement or just get the hell out of there. I don't worry about any of that where I live. A Woman can walk down the street at 2 am alone without fear of any of this here because if it becomes a problem, someone will come to their aid and everyone know that is the case. If you are living in an area where there are just too many animals then why haven't you done something about it? Are you slathering at the mouth waiting for it to happen so you can have an excuse for violent action? Send you wife/daughters to a self defense class. You would be surprised at what they learn and how it changes their day to day operation. Maybe they would even hide you guns since it sounds like you might be a little unhinged as well.

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