Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

And it IS up to interpretation.
Nowhere does the U.S. Constitution grant any governing body the right to “interpret” the U.S. Constitution itself. Sorry, snowflake.
Just like a fascist.
“Just like a facist” to obey the law created by the people? :uhh:

I obey all the laws created by the people. Unlike you that you only want to obey the ones that you agree with, cupcake.
Good, because we have a Weak Whyte Racist problem that needa to be taking care of!
No, we have an unwitting, control-freak, statist, authoritarian, goose-stepping communist problem, where most of the pajama-boy commies don't even know that their collectivist bullshit came straight out of Marx's asshole and that it will lead to their subjugation and enslavement.

The History of American Marxist Progression:
Communists-->Socialists-->Progressives-->Socialists-->Liberals-->Progressives-->Democratic Socialists

I am sure the commies changed their stripes a few more times, but you get the idea.

The "White Racist" claim is an attempt to shame and discredit any opposition to the commie borg by shutting down the discussion or real exchange of ideas. Cries of racism are the tools of cowards who cannot win on the battlefield of ideas, which communism/socialism/Marxism/collectivism cannot. History is littered with examples of its complete failure, going all the way back to William Bradford.

The only way commie bullshit can survive is if it has no competition. That is why it is not good enough to leave America alone. America competes against, and completely destroys the communist ideal.

The reason commie bullshit cannot compete is because it ignores the power and indispensability of human nature. Capitalism harnesses it.

The whole point of society is to benefit the individual. Under commie rule there is no individual. They say "this belongs to The People" which really means it belongs to no one but the rulers. This is "the business of The People" which means it is not the business of people, but the rulers.

In essence, under commie bullshit rule, the individual is deprived of the benefits of society, and is better off fighting and dying for freedom. The individual will always be at war with the collective. Thus, the individual looks for escape to a place where society still provides those benefits. America still (somewhat) serves the interest of the individual. It competes agaist the collectivist commie bullshit.

So, how do the commie useful idiots take out the only competition? There must be no means of individuals resisting the borg. The people must be subjects, not citizens. The people must have no recourse.

Thus, guns must go. It is never about public safety.

So, take your "White Racist" bullshit nonargument copout and shove it right up your goose-stepping ass.

We're not banning any guns or give in on any new regulations or restrictions. We are repealing and are willing to die shooting commies to get there.

Complete repeal or Valhalla, bitches!!!

Will you hurry up and die like you promised you would? Vahalla is calling.
I can’t unless I try to make sure you join me. Don’t you know the rules?

Vahalla, Daryl might be coming.


You’re getting pretty close to Vahalla anyway, right, granny? Better keep a weapon in your hand at all times. It could be any moment.

Daryl has an immediate physical and religious interest in open carry.
I obey all the laws created by the people.
No you don’t. You’re openly stating here that the 2nd Amendment “isn’t modern” and you advocated hundreds of times violating it.

I don't just advocate it. According to the Supreme Court, it's outdated. This is why they rule like they do. The problem is, the do nothing "NRA Purchased" Congress won't step up to the plate. And the Supreme Court keeps making the rulings they keep making. As long as the NRA is more interested in selling more guns and ammo than what is best of America and they keep purchasing our Politicos, this will continue as it is. And the only thing standing in their way is the Supreme Court. Even the Right Leaning Supreme Court rules against them all the time. I know you can't see it that way because it's against your "Buy More Guns" mentality but that's the way it is.
You making policy for everyone else is about as dumb as a screen door in a submarine.
“Making policy” :lmao:

Duh-ryl is so stupid, he doesn’t understand the difference between accepting existing law and creating “policy”.

I understand that you are interpreting the 2nd amendment different than the Supreme Court. I interpret it as the Supreme Court rules it. Since Congress can't get off their NRA paid for asses and fix it then the only thing we have to go by is the Supreme Court ruling.
You making policy for everyone else is about as dumb as a screen door in a submarine.
“Making policy” :lmao:

Duh-ryl is so stupid, he doesn’t understand the difference between accepting existing law and creating “policy”.

I understand that you are interpreting the 2nd amendment different than the Supreme Court. I interpret it as the Supreme Court rules it. Since Congress can't get off their NRA paid for asses and fix it then the only thing we have to go by is the Supreme Court ruling.
The only fixing needed from Congress is to repeal all the bullshit.

This problem presists because for years too many irresponsible, lazy, child-like people have traded in their liberty and put the responsibility of their own security on others, mainly those who are never timely available.

I guess it fits the communist proletariat mentality of being a ward of the state.

Those who are unwilling to arm themselves, or to directly pay other individuals to personally do it, should expect no protection or rights.
You making policy for everyone else is about as dumb as a screen door in a submarine.
“Making policy” :lmao:

Duh-ryl is so stupid, he doesn’t understand the difference between accepting existing law and creating “policy”.

I understand that you are interpreting the 2nd amendment different than the Supreme Court. I interpret it as the Supreme Court rules it. Since Congress can't get off their NRA paid for asses and fix it then the only thing we have to go by is the Supreme Court ruling.
The only fixing needed from Congress is to repeal all the bullshit.

This problem presists because for years too many irresponsible, lazy, child-like people have traded in their liberty and put the responsibility of their own security on others, mainly those who are never timely available.

I guess it fits the communist proletariat mentality of being a ward of the state.

Those who are unwilling to arm themselves, or to directly pay other individuals to personally do it, should expect no protection or rights.

When you trade your own selfish wishes and wants for the security and safety of the public then we will end up with what you demand. You seem to toss the term communism around freely. Most Democratic countries have gun regulations much tighter than we have here. And they have lower gun crimes than we have as well. If you hate this country shis much, why don't you leave.
I obey all the laws created by the people.
No you don’t. You’re openly stating here that the 2nd Amendment “isn’t modern” and you advocated hundreds of times violating it.

I don't just advocate it. According to the Supreme Court, it's outdated. This is why they rule like they do. The problem is, the do nothing "NRA Purchased" Congress won't step up to the plate. And the Supreme Court keeps making the rulings they keep making. As long as the NRA is more interested in selling more guns and ammo than what is best of America and they keep purchasing our Politicos, this will continue as it is. And the only thing standing in their way is the Supreme Court. Even the Right Leaning Supreme Court rules against them all the time. I know you can't see it that way because it's against your "Buy More Guns" mentality but that's the way it is.
Why would you care about someone else’s personal firearm ownership?
There are most likely 400+ million legally owned firearms in this country, What percentage of those used in violent crime a fraction, of a fraction of a percent tops?
You are not the moral Authority on personal firearm ownership… No one is. So shut the fuck up
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When you trade your own selfish wishes and wants for the security and safety of the public then we will end up with what you demand.
When you and all the wet blankets like you trade in your own selfish, yet naive wishes to disarm everybody so you can FEEL safe, and decide that you are responsible for your own security (like a responsible adult) the public part will take care of itself.
According to the Supreme Court, it's outdated.
They’ve made no such declaration, snowflake. And even if they had, so what? It’s not their call to make. The American people decide if if is “outdated”. And so far, We the People feel is I still more timely and appropriate than ever.

You fascists are just going to have to figure out how to deal with that. You’re fighting a war you can’t possibly win.
When you trade your own selfish wishes and wants for the security and safety of the public then we will end up with what you demand.
When you and all the wet blankets like you trade in your own selfish, yet naive wishes to disarm everybody so you can FEEL safe, and decide that you are responsible for your own security (like a responsible adult) the public part will take care of itself.
:clap2: :clap: :clap2:
I obey all the laws created by the people.
No you don’t. You’re openly stating here that the 2nd Amendment “isn’t modern” and you advocated hundreds of times violating it.

I don't just advocate it. According to the Supreme Court, it's outdated. This is why they rule like they do. The problem is, the do nothing "NRA Purchased" Congress won't step up to the plate. And the Supreme Court keeps making the rulings they keep making. As long as the NRA is more interested in selling more guns and ammo than what is best of America and they keep purchasing our Politicos, this will continue as it is. And the only thing standing in their way is the Supreme Court. Even the Right Leaning Supreme Court rules against them all the time. I know you can't see it that way because it's against your "Buy More Guns" mentality but that's the way it is.
Why would you care about someone else’s personal firearm ownership?
There are most likely 400+ million legally owned firearms in this country, What percentage of those used in violent crime a fraction, of a fraction of a percent tops?
You are not the moral Authority on personal firearm ownership… No one is. So shut the fuck up

As long as it's to the best interest of the safety of the public. And that is the bottom line. It's up to the State, County and Township to make that determination on what is the best interest or safety of the public. Personally, I like the way it is where I am therefore I stay here. If you don't like it where you are, move to somewhere that you like better. Simple as that. I don't believe I could care to live in the stifling NY State but I find the Texas is a bit loose for my tastes. There IS a happy medium that has enough controls to protect the citizen, has enough law enforcement and enough leeway for the Citizen. We aren't having a huge discussion here since we seem to have found that happy medium. And this is a deep Red area.

I AM a moral authority for the area I live in. And so is every other person that lives here. We don't need your kind screwing things up for the rest of us. We like it the way it is. And we don't need the NRA to keep dumping their millions in lawsuits like they keep doing. So far, they haven't won a single case. They did win one special election but in the next election that was corrected. We like balance. Yes, even a deep Red area likes things balanced where we have just enough regulations to do the job and enough freedom to do what we like to do.

About me Shutting the F Up, No. And it's my right not to shut up. Get over it.
When you trade your own selfish wishes and wants for the security and safety of the public then we will end up with what you demand.
When you and all the wet blankets like you trade in your own selfish, yet naive wishes to disarm everybody so you can FEEL safe, and decide that you are responsible for your own security (like a responsible adult) the public part will take care of itself.
:clap2: :clap: :clap2:

So, anyone that agrees with you are "We the People" and anyone that doesn't fall completely in lockstep isn't. Wow, that's pretty narrow minded. The only people I want to see disarmed are the sick puppies that are detrimental to the health of the American People. If you fit that bill, then so be it. Please check yourself in the nearest booby hatch.
I obey all the laws created by the people.
No you don’t. You’re openly stating here that the 2nd Amendment “isn’t modern” and you advocated hundreds of times violating it.

I don't just advocate it. According to the Supreme Court, it's outdated. This is why they rule like they do. The problem is, the do nothing "NRA Purchased" Congress won't step up to the plate. And the Supreme Court keeps making the rulings they keep making. As long as the NRA is more interested in selling more guns and ammo than what is best of America and they keep purchasing our Politicos, this will continue as it is. And the only thing standing in their way is the Supreme Court. Even the Right Leaning Supreme Court rules against them all the time. I know you can't see it that way because it's against your "Buy More Guns" mentality but that's the way it is.
Why would you care about someone else’s personal firearm ownership?
There are most likely 400+ million legally owned firearms in this country, What percentage of those used in violent crime a fraction, of a fraction of a percent tops?
You are not the moral Authority on personal firearm ownership… No one is. So shut the fuck up

As long as it's to the best interest of the safety of the public. And that is the bottom line. It's up to the State, County and Township to make that determination on what is the best interest or safety of the public. Personally, I like the way it is where I am therefore I stay here. If you don't like it where you are, move to somewhere that you like better. Simple as that. I don't believe I could care to live in the stifling NY State but I find the Texas is a bit loose for my tastes. There IS a happy medium that has enough controls to protect the citizen, has enough law enforcement and enough leeway for the Citizen. We aren't having a huge discussion here since we seem to have found that happy medium. And this is a deep Red area.

I AM a moral authority for the area I live in. And so is every other person that lives here. We don't need your kind screwing things up for the rest of us. We like it the way it is. And we don't need the NRA to keep dumping their millions in lawsuits like they keep doing. So far, they haven't won a single case. They did win one special election but in the next election that was corrected. We like balance. Yes, even a deep Red area likes things balanced where we have just enough regulations to do the job and enough freedom to do what we like to do.

About me Shutting the F Up, No. And it's my right not to shut up. Get over it.
Well, the areas that would be the most affected by fucked upped frivolous federal gun control laws are the areas where there is no Significant firearm violence.
Why should people that live in those areas that don’t have any firearm violence to speak of jump through the hoops made up by fucked up gun control freaks like yourself?
More frivolous gun control laws here in rural America make no sense except for the fact that the deep state/federal government want to control people that they do not agree with.
Gun control has never been about guns, it’s always been about control…
And you keep on trying to make the NRA as some type of boogie man… They are absolutely harmless. You need to grow a fucking backbone, and shut the fuck up...
obey all the laws created by the people. Unlike you that you only want to obey the ones that you agree with, cupcake.
Well, cupcake. The only reason we bitch about your communist laws is because...I don’t know, Cupcake....we will actually obey your commie laws? Maybe? Otherwise, cupcake. We woildn’t give a fuck. Cupcake.


So, anyone that agrees with you are "We the People" and anyone that doesn't fall completely in lockstep isn't. Wow, that's pretty narrow minded. The only people I want to see disarmed are the sick puppies that are detrimental to the health of the American People. If you fit that bill, then so be it. Please check yourself in the nearest booby hatch
Likewise, it is only “We the People” when you commies say. You’re a commire. You invented the collective not-you form of WethePeolle.



Septuagenarians calling grown-ass men “cupcake?” It doesn’t get any more “tap dancing” than that. Dude’s a straight-up bum surveyor (and the “straight” part of “straight-up” has nothing to do with it).

I obey all the laws created by the people.
No you don’t. You’re openly stating here that the 2nd Amendment “isn’t modern” and you advocated hundreds of times violating it.

I don't just advocate it. According to the Supreme Court, it's outdated. This is why they rule like they do. The problem is, the do nothing "NRA Purchased" Congress won't step up to the plate. And the Supreme Court keeps making the rulings they keep making. As long as the NRA is more interested in selling more guns and ammo than what is best of America and they keep purchasing our Politicos, this will continue as it is. And the only thing standing in their way is the Supreme Court. Even the Right Leaning Supreme Court rules against them all the time. I know you can't see it that way because it's against your "Buy More Guns" mentality but that's the way it is.
Why would you care about someone else’s personal firearm ownership?
There are most likely 400+ million legally owned firearms in this country, What percentage of those used in violent crime a fraction, of a fraction of a percent tops?
You are not the moral Authority on personal firearm ownership… No one is. So shut the fuck up

As long as it's to the best interest of the safety of the public. And that is the bottom line. It's up to the State, County and Township to make that determination on what is the best interest or safety of the public. Personally, I like the way it is where I am therefore I stay here. If you don't like it where you are, move to somewhere that you like better. Simple as that. I don't believe I could care to live in the stifling NY State but I find the Texas is a bit loose for my tastes. There IS a happy medium that has enough controls to protect the citizen, has enough law enforcement and enough leeway for the Citizen. We aren't having a huge discussion here since we seem to have found that happy medium. And this is a deep Red area.

I AM a moral authority for the area I live in. And so is every other person that lives here. We don't need your kind screwing things up for the rest of us. We like it the way it is. And we don't need the NRA to keep dumping their millions in lawsuits like they keep doing. So far, they haven't won a single case. They did win one special election but in the next election that was corrected. We like balance. Yes, even a deep Red area likes things balanced where we have just enough regulations to do the job and enough freedom to do what we like to do.

About me Shutting the F Up, No. And it's my right not to shut up. Get over it.
Well, the areas that would be the most affected by fucked upped frivolous federal gun control laws are the areas where there is no Significant firearm violence.
Why should people that live in those areas that don’t have any firearm violence to speak of jump through the hoops made up by fucked up gun control freaks like yourself?
More frivolous gun control laws here in rural America make no sense except for the fact that the deep state/federal government want to control people that they do not agree with.
Gun control has never been about guns, it’s always been about control…
And you keep on trying to make the NRA as some type of boogie man… They are absolutely harmless. You need to grow a fucking backbone, and shut the fuck up...

The NRA is for

Bump Stocks
Keeping the Age for buying firearms at 18
No Background Checks
Unlimited Mag size
Open Carry without CCW or any Checks or Training

Sounds like the NRA is run by a bunch of Crazies. And since you also support those that pretty well means that you are a crazy as well.

Now, about me shutting up. No. Simple as that.
As long as it's to the best interest of the safety of the public. And that is the bottom line., snowflake. The bottom line is that “as long as it is constitutional”. The “safety of the public” doesn’t play into that at all.

You continue to illustrate profound ignorance.

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