Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

You have said that you support treasonous acts. That makes you as guilty as if you actually did them. You support the vilent overthrow of the Government of the United States of America by your own posts. But no one has acted on your suggestions. So no crime has occurred.

BTW, thanks for the new school shooting in Texas. It's all on you and yours. Your employer, the NRA should be proud.

Lies, I posted your direct quote.

You are not simply a lier, but completely discredited.

And my bitch

You made a threat. You don't have the nerve to follow through it.

What threat was that EXACTLY Daryl?

Do tell us all, won’t you

Quote the Post Daryl.

You can’t, can you.

And we all know why, don’t we Daryl

Because you lied about the most serious crime a citizen can make against his country.

That make you nothing but a flea on my dogs ass.

And I hate to insult fleas like that.

Where is that poll you threatened me with. You don't have the guts, cupcake.

Where is that quote you threatened me with Dime Store Patriot. You don’t have the guts to post it, huh buttercup?

Here is an excellent article as to what constitutes Treason and why morons like you should not use the term lightly.


Opinion | Steve Vladeck: America's overuse of 'treason' has reached alarming levels

Preaching for the Violent overthrow of the Government certainly falls well within the Treasonous Acts. You don't have to actually do it, you just have to preach it and you have done so numerous times in the past. You support your Thug "Militias" that is exactly what they are formed to do. You have supported the Bundy's in the past as well. Why they haven't bagged them as traitors is beyond me. Taking over Federal Lands with Lethal Weapons is well within the definition of a Traitorous act. But I have more respect for the Bundy's than I do for you. They have the guts to act on their convictions no matter how misplaced they may be and are willing to take it on the chin. Gutless wonders like you only makes them believe they will get wholesale support when, in fact, they won't.
There is a name for what you constently do. Now, why would I admit to lying when I didn't lie. So you just lie about me lying and then declare a victory.

Well, Cupcake, I am still here and will be here forever and we all know that forever is well.......Forever. Get used to it, Traitor.

You claimed I did this:

The only point you have is that you have publicaly announced that you want an armed revolution against the United States of America.

This would equate to me committing a treasonous act, and that I did so publicly.

You've been called out to prove I actually said this, something that, upon being found guilty, can earn a death sentence.


Lame Daryl, so very lame.

You have said that you support treasonous acts. That makes you as guilty as if you actually did them. You support the vilent overthrow of the Government of the United States of America by your own posts. But no one has acted on your suggestions. So no crime has occurred.

BTW, thanks for the new school shooting in Texas. It's all on you and yours. Your employer, the NRA should be proud.

The shooter was a left wing nutter who liked satanism.....likely he voted democrat. The NRA fights against the democrats as the democrats keep releasing violent gun criminals out of prison....
No he wasn't...but we all saw how your alt-right homies tried to photoshop pics from the shooter's Facebook page to make us think that.

I'm not alt-right, but you are definitely a left wing extremist...... you and your asshole buddies throughout history have the blood of about 200 million people on your hands...

You got caught with your pants down. The kid is 17 years old and not a member of either party. He's a sick puppy. Simple as that. Going to extremes to use faked information to make a point one way or another is just stupid and should be pointed out as such.

Trust me, you are an ultra right wingnut if that is what you are defending.
Lies, I posted your direct quote.

You are not simply a lier, but completely discredited.

And my bitch

You made a threat. You don't have the nerve to follow through it.

What threat was that EXACTLY Daryl?

Do tell us all, won’t you

Quote the Post Daryl.

You can’t, can you.

And we all know why, don’t we Daryl

Because you lied about the most serious crime a citizen can make against his country.

That make you nothing but a flea on my dogs ass.

And I hate to insult fleas like that.

Where is that poll you threatened me with. You don't have the guts, cupcake.

Where is that quote you threatened me with Dime Store Patriot. You don’t have the guts to post it, huh buttercup?

Here is an excellent article as to what constitutes Treason and why morons like you should not use the term lightly.


Opinion | Steve Vladeck: America's overuse of 'treason' has reached alarming levels

Preaching for the Violent overthrow of the Government certainly falls well within the Treasonous Acts. You don't have to actually do it, you just have to preach it and you have done so numerous times in the past. You support your Thug "Militias" that is exactly what they are formed to do. You have supported the Bundy's in the past as well. Why they haven't bagged them as traitors is beyond me. Taking over Federal Lands with Lethal Weapons is well within the definition of a Traitorous act. But I have more respect for the Bundy's than I do for you. They have the guts to act on their convictions no matter how misplaced they may be and are willing to take it on the chin. Gutless wonders like you only makes them believe they will get wholesale support when, in fact, they won't.

Yawn, nobody believes a liar.

Go get the quote that I advocated Overthrowing “the government”

You’re boring me kid.

Google “2nd Amendment and tyranny”

Look at all the web sites that come up.

Then get on the phone to the DOJ. A Patriot like you better get to reporting all that Treason going on out there!

Last edited:
You made a threat. You don't have the nerve to follow through it.

What threat was that EXACTLY Daryl?

Do tell us all, won’t you

Quote the Post Daryl.

You can’t, can you.

And we all know why, don’t we Daryl

Because you lied about the most serious crime a citizen can make against his country.

That make you nothing but a flea on my dogs ass.

And I hate to insult fleas like that.

Where is that poll you threatened me with. You don't have the guts, cupcake.

Where is that quote you threatened me with Dime Store Patriot. You don’t have the guts to post it, huh buttercup?

Here is an excellent article as to what constitutes Treason and why morons like you should not use the term lightly.


Opinion | Steve Vladeck: America's overuse of 'treason' has reached alarming levels

Preaching for the Violent overthrow of the Government certainly falls well within the Treasonous Acts. You don't have to actually do it, you just have to preach it and you have done so numerous times in the past. You support your Thug "Militias" that is exactly what they are formed to do. You have supported the Bundy's in the past as well. Why they haven't bagged them as traitors is beyond me. Taking over Federal Lands with Lethal Weapons is well within the definition of a Traitorous act. But I have more respect for the Bundy's than I do for you. They have the guts to act on their convictions no matter how misplaced they may be and are willing to take it on the chin. Gutless wonders like you only makes them believe they will get wholesale support when, in fact, they won't.

Yawn, nobody believes a liar.

Go get the quote that I advocated Overthrowing “the government”

You’re boring me kid.

Google “2nd Amendment and tyranny”

Look at all the web sites that come up.

Then get on the phone to the DOJ. A Patriot like you better get to reporting all that Treason going on out there!


You wait and deny it every so often until it's proven over and over again. I don't feel the need to go digging up your old messages anymore. Enough people have seen them. You just denying them all you wish. The more you deny them them more you are proven a liar and a traitor. You are just one step away from being a terrorist.
What threat was that EXACTLY Daryl?

Do tell us all, won’t you

Quote the Post Daryl.

You can’t, can you.

And we all know why, don’t we Daryl

Because you lied about the most serious crime a citizen can make against his country.

That make you nothing but a flea on my dogs ass.

And I hate to insult fleas like that.

Where is that poll you threatened me with. You don't have the guts, cupcake.

Where is that quote you threatened me with Dime Store Patriot. You don’t have the guts to post it, huh buttercup?

Here is an excellent article as to what constitutes Treason and why morons like you should not use the term lightly.


Opinion | Steve Vladeck: America's overuse of 'treason' has reached alarming levels

Preaching for the Violent overthrow of the Government certainly falls well within the Treasonous Acts. You don't have to actually do it, you just have to preach it and you have done so numerous times in the past. You support your Thug "Militias" that is exactly what they are formed to do. You have supported the Bundy's in the past as well. Why they haven't bagged them as traitors is beyond me. Taking over Federal Lands with Lethal Weapons is well within the definition of a Traitorous act. But I have more respect for the Bundy's than I do for you. They have the guts to act on their convictions no matter how misplaced they may be and are willing to take it on the chin. Gutless wonders like you only makes them believe they will get wholesale support when, in fact, they won't.

Yawn, nobody believes a liar.

Go get the quote that I advocated Overthrowing “the government”

You’re boring me kid.

Google “2nd Amendment and tyranny”

Look at all the web sites that come up.

Then get on the phone to the DOJ. A Patriot like you better get to reporting all that Treason going on out there!


You wait and deny it every so often until it's proven over and over again. I don't feel the need to go digging up your old messages anymore. Enough people have seen them. You just denying them all you wish. The more you deny them them more you are proven a liar and a traitor. You are just one step away from being a terrorist.

To prove an assertion one normally supply evidence

You can’t huh?

You said everyone saw it

But you just can’t find it?

Why? When it’s so obvious?

Daryl, doubling down on stupid, makes you look double stupid.
Where is that poll you threatened me with. You don't have the guts, cupcake.

Where is that quote you threatened me with Dime Store Patriot. You don’t have the guts to post it, huh buttercup?

Here is an excellent article as to what constitutes Treason and why morons like you should not use the term lightly.


Opinion | Steve Vladeck: America's overuse of 'treason' has reached alarming levels

Preaching for the Violent overthrow of the Government certainly falls well within the Treasonous Acts. You don't have to actually do it, you just have to preach it and you have done so numerous times in the past. You support your Thug "Militias" that is exactly what they are formed to do. You have supported the Bundy's in the past as well. Why they haven't bagged them as traitors is beyond me. Taking over Federal Lands with Lethal Weapons is well within the definition of a Traitorous act. But I have more respect for the Bundy's than I do for you. They have the guts to act on their convictions no matter how misplaced they may be and are willing to take it on the chin. Gutless wonders like you only makes them believe they will get wholesale support when, in fact, they won't.

Yawn, nobody believes a liar.

Go get the quote that I advocated Overthrowing “the government”

You’re boring me kid.

Google “2nd Amendment and tyranny”

Look at all the web sites that come up.

Then get on the phone to the DOJ. A Patriot like you better get to reporting all that Treason going on out there!


You wait and deny it every so often until it's proven over and over again. I don't feel the need to go digging up your old messages anymore. Enough people have seen them. You just denying them all you wish. The more you deny them them more you are proven a liar and a traitor. You are just one step away from being a terrorist.

To prove an assertion one normally supply evidence

You can’t huh?

You said everyone saw it

But you just can’t find it?

Why? When it’s so obvious?

Daryl, doubling down on stupid, makes you look double stupid.

The evidence has already been presented. You presented it yourself. You can deny, deny and deny more. It only proves that if you say a lie enough times that you honestly start to believe it yourself, it's still a lie. Now, go play with your gun. I have better things to do than listen to your traitorous ass.
Where is that quote you threatened me with Dime Store Patriot. You don’t have the guts to post it, huh buttercup?

Here is an excellent article as to what constitutes Treason and why morons like you should not use the term lightly.


Opinion | Steve Vladeck: America's overuse of 'treason' has reached alarming levels

Preaching for the Violent overthrow of the Government certainly falls well within the Treasonous Acts. You don't have to actually do it, you just have to preach it and you have done so numerous times in the past. You support your Thug "Militias" that is exactly what they are formed to do. You have supported the Bundy's in the past as well. Why they haven't bagged them as traitors is beyond me. Taking over Federal Lands with Lethal Weapons is well within the definition of a Traitorous act. But I have more respect for the Bundy's than I do for you. They have the guts to act on their convictions no matter how misplaced they may be and are willing to take it on the chin. Gutless wonders like you only makes them believe they will get wholesale support when, in fact, they won't.

Yawn, nobody believes a liar.

Go get the quote that I advocated Overthrowing “the government”

You’re boring me kid.

Google “2nd Amendment and tyranny”

Look at all the web sites that come up.

Then get on the phone to the DOJ. A Patriot like you better get to reporting all that Treason going on out there!


You wait and deny it every so often until it's proven over and over again. I don't feel the need to go digging up your old messages anymore. Enough people have seen them. You just denying them all you wish. The more you deny them them more you are proven a liar and a traitor. You are just one step away from being a terrorist.

To prove an assertion one normally supply evidence

You can’t huh?

You said everyone saw it

But you just can’t find it?

Why? When it’s so obvious?

Daryl, doubling down on stupid, makes you look double stupid.

The evidence has already been presented. You presented it yourself. You can deny, deny and deny more. It only proves that if you say a lie enough times that you honestly start to believe it yourself, it's still a lie. Now, go play with your gun. I have better things to do than listen to your traitorous ass.

Daryl, seriously, nobody cares what you claim if you can’t back it up.

You keep claiming I made traitorous statements.

Unless you lack honor, you’d back it up.

Your yellow spine is showing

And that is what everyone see’s

Worthless claims are just that, worthless.
Thank God for free speech. It reveals so much.

"Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them"
Vote Cast -- Daryl Hunt
Thank God for free speech. It reveals so much.

"Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them"
Vote Cast -- Daryl Hunt

USing a strawman method is still lying. I didn't cast that vote that way. You sure are deperate to win, aren't you. So deseperate that you just lost.
What would you do with the second amendment?

2 People voted for "Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them" and you were one of them.
Thank God for free speech. It reveals so much.

"Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them"
Vote Cast -- Daryl Hunt

USing a strawman method is still lying. I didn't cast that vote that way. You sure are deperate to win, aren't you. So deseperate that you just lost.
What would you do with the second amendment?

2 People voted for "Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them" and you were one of them.

And you know this how, Sherlock? Tell us how you know considering the polls are supposed to be anon.
Thank God for free speech. It reveals so much.

"Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them"
Vote Cast -- Daryl Hunt

USing a strawman method is still lying. I didn't cast that vote that way. You sure are deperate to win, aren't you. So deseperate that you just lost.
What would you do with the second amendment?

2 People voted for "Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them" and you were one of them.

And you know this how, Sherlock? Tell us how you know considering the polls are supposed to be anon.
Because they weren't anonymous. Go click and see your name.

You tried to lie. You pretend that you are some "sensible" gun advocate, but you're really a fucking liar. You are a commie wanting a total ban. You're busted!
Thank God for free speech. It reveals so much.

"Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them"
Vote Cast -- Daryl Hunt

USing a strawman method is still lying. I didn't cast that vote that way. You sure are deperate to win, aren't you. So deseperate that you just lost.
What would you do with the second amendment?

2 People voted for "Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them" and you were one of them.

And you know this how, Sherlock? Tell us how you know considering the polls are supposed to be anon.
Because they weren't anonymous. Go click and see your name.

You tried to lie. You pretend that you are some "sensible" gun advocate, but you're really a fucking liar. You are a commie wanting a total ban. You're busted!

So I clicked on the 2nd one instead of the 3rd one where it gives the states the rights. I notice that you left off the ability to change the vote in hopes to fool someone into mis casting the vote so you could do this stupidity.

I don't have time for you. Now go play with the other morons with the gun flavored lollypops.
Thank God for free speech. It reveals so much.

"Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them"
Vote Cast -- Daryl Hunt

USing a strawman method is still lying. I didn't cast that vote that way. You sure are deperate to win, aren't you. So deseperate that you just lost.
What would you do with the second amendment?

2 People voted for "Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them" and you were one of them.

And you know this how, Sherlock? Tell us how you know considering the polls are supposed to be anon.
Because they weren't anonymous. Go click and see your name.

You tried to lie. You pretend that you are some "sensible" gun advocate, but you're really a fucking liar. You are a commie wanting a total ban. You're busted!

So I clicked on the 2nd one instead of the 3rd one where it gives the states the rights. I notice that you left off the ability to change the vote in hopes to fool someone into mis casting the vote so you could do this stupidity.

I don't have time for you. Now go play with the other morons with the gun flavored lollypops.
1. Not my thread

2. You are lying, gun-ban commie.

3. Fuck off, commie
Lies, I posted your direct quote.

You are not simply a lier, but completely discredited.

And my bitch

You made a threat. You don't have the nerve to follow through it.

What threat was that EXACTLY Daryl?

Do tell us all, won’t you

Quote the Post Daryl.

You can’t, can you.

And we all know why, don’t we Daryl

Because you lied about the most serious crime a citizen can make against his country.

That make you nothing but a flea on my dogs ass.

And I hate to insult fleas like that.

Where is that poll you threatened me with. You don't have the guts, cupcake.

Where is that quote you threatened me with Dime Store Patriot. You don’t have the guts to post it, huh buttercup?

Here is an excellent article as to what constitutes Treason and why morons like you should not use the term lightly.


Opinion | Steve Vladeck: America's overuse of 'treason' has reached alarming levels

Preaching for the Violent overthrow of the Government certainly falls well within the Treasonous Acts. You don't have to actually do it, you just have to preach it and you have done so numerous times in the past. You support your Thug "Militias" that is exactly what they are formed to do. You have supported the Bundy's in the past as well. Why they haven't bagged them as traitors is beyond me. Taking over Federal Lands with Lethal Weapons is well within the definition of a Traitorous act. But I have more respect for the Bundy's than I do for you. They have the guts to act on their convictions no matter how misplaced they may be and are willing to take it on the chin. Gutless wonders like you only makes them believe they will get wholesale support when, in fact, they won't.

Quote where I preached for the violent overthrow of our government fool.

Sorry bubba, you look an idiot.
The left-wing ideology continues to completely implode before our eyes. Here is yet another mass shooting prevented by an armed citizen. So much for the left-wing lie that armed citizens never prevent mass shootings! Thank God for our right to keep and bear arms.

Man opens fire inside Oklahoma City restaurant, before being killed by an armed citizen

Now for the real story.
Oklahoma City shooting: Armed bystanders kill restaurant shooter

“I don’t think he had any intention of dropping the weapon,” Chilling account of the Lake Hefner shooting

The shooter had already left the building after shooting two people in the resturant. He was confronted by two armed people outside of the building. He was told to drop his weapon. He refused and was shot and killed. Outside of the building there were no other people that were in jeapordy from errant bullets like it would have been inside of the building where there were a large group of people.

The shooter went in the building, did the shooting, quickly exited and tried to leave the parking lot and was confronted by two people who were well concealed. Neither had a CCW so they had to get their weapons from their cars. The two citizens did nothing illegal. Oklahoma does not have a Non Licensed CCW Law but it's fairly easy to get a license for a CCW. I agree with that law. Had shots been fired by the good samaritians in the crowded building there is a good chance errant shots would have hurt civilians in friendly fire. And we all know there is no such thing as friendly fire. By pure luck, things worked out like it did.

BTW, normally, the shooters are stopped by the cops and not citizens. Either on duty or off duty cops do the shooting. This is a very, very rare occurance. The "Yet Again" is very misleading. The NRA is trying to use this to shame the Oklahoma Governor into not vetoing the next time a law that enables non CCW to come across his desk like it did last week. And the Gun Nutz want us to believe this is a normal ocurrance. It's not even close. In fact, it was handled exactly like a Cop would have handled it by an untrained Citizen. I hope you know just how rare that type of situation is when even the Cops may not even have handled it as well.
Last edited:
The left-wing ideology continues to completely implode before our eyes. Here is yet another mass shooting prevented by an armed citizen. So much for the left-wing lie that armed citizens never prevent mass shootings! Thank God for our right to keep and bear arms.

Man opens fire inside Oklahoma City restaurant, before being killed by an armed citizen

Now for the real story.
Oklahoma City shooting: Armed bystanders kill restaurant shooter

“I don’t think he had any intention of dropping the weapon,” Chilling account of the Lake Hefner shooting

The shooter had already left the building after shooting two people in the resturant. He was confronted by two armed people outside of the building. He was told to drop his weapon. He refused and was shot and killed. Outside of the building there were no other people that were in jeapordy from errant bullets like it would have been inside of the building where there were a large group of people.

The shooter went in the building, did the shooting, quickly exited and tried to leave the parking lot and was confronted by two people who were well concealed. Neither had a CCW so they had to get their weapons from their cars. The two citizens did nothing illegal. Oklahoma does not have a Non Licensed CCW Law but it's fairly easy to get a license for a CCW. I agree with that law. Had shots been fired by the good samaritians in the crowded building there is a good chance errant shots would have hurt civilians in friendly fire. And we all know there is no such thing as friendly fire. By pure luck, things worked out like it did.

BTW, normally, the shooters are stopped by the cops and not citizens. Either on duty or off duty cops do the shooting. This is a very, very rare occurance. The "Yet Again" is very misleading. The NRA is trying to use this to shame the Oklahoma Governor into not vetoing the next time a law that enables non CCW to come across his desk like it did last week. And the Gun Nutz want us to believe this is a normal ocurrance. It's not even close. In fact, it was handled exactly like a Cop would have handled it by an untrained Citizen. I hope you know just how rare that type of situation is when even the Cops may not even have handled it as well.
Cry, bitch.

This should happen everyday until motherfuckers stop doing this shit.

Arm yourself or you can die, motherfucker.
The left-wing ideology continues to completely implode before our eyes. Here is yet another mass shooting prevented by an armed citizen. So much for the left-wing lie that armed citizens never prevent mass shootings! Thank God for our right to keep and bear arms.

Man opens fire inside Oklahoma City restaurant, before being killed by an armed citizen

Now for the real story.
Oklahoma City shooting: Armed bystanders kill restaurant shooter

“I don’t think he had any intention of dropping the weapon,” Chilling account of the Lake Hefner shooting

The shooter had already left the building after shooting two people in the resturant. He was confronted by two armed people outside of the building. He was told to drop his weapon. He refused and was shot and killed. Outside of the building there were no other people that were in jeapordy from errant bullets like it would have been inside of the building where there were a large group of people.

The shooter went in the building, did the shooting, quickly exited and tried to leave the parking lot and was confronted by two people who were well concealed. Neither had a CCW so they had to get their weapons from their cars. The two citizens did nothing illegal. Oklahoma does not have a Non Licensed CCW Law but it's fairly easy to get a license for a CCW. I agree with that law. Had shots been fired by the good samaritians in the crowded building there is a good chance errant shots would have hurt civilians in friendly fire. And we all know there is no such thing as friendly fire. By pure luck, things worked out like it did.

BTW, normally, the shooters are stopped by the cops and not citizens. Either on duty or off duty cops do the shooting. This is a very, very rare occurance. The "Yet Again" is very misleading. The NRA is trying to use this to shame the Oklahoma Governor into not vetoing the next time a law that enables non CCW to come across his desk like it did last week. And the Gun Nutz want us to believe this is a normal ocurrance. It's not even close. In fact, it was handled exactly like a Cop would have handled it by an untrained Citizen. I hope you know just how rare that type of situation is when even the Cops may not even have handled it as well.
Cry, bitch.

This should happen everyday until motherfuckers stop doing this shit.

Arm yourself or you can die, motherfucker.

The very law that is in affect in Oklahoma that prevented untrained armed citizens from roaming the streets with weapons prevented innocent civilians from being killed by errant rounds. For as big as a pest hole as Oklahoma is, at least they did one thing right. And the system worked. It was pure luck it ended like it did.

It appears that it's you that is crying on this one. All the other times it's either been an on duty or off duty cop or a trained Security Guard (cop) either on duty or off duty that has stopped the shooter. I notice no one has looked real deep into the back ground of the two guys that took up arms from their trunks. Wanna bet there is more to this story than meets the eye? I know what it takes to get a CCW. It makes you think more than twice before you pull your weapon. A Person without that training will more than likely just pull it and play rambo and innocents will get killed in the process. Pushing the "All Citizens should be Armed and not Trained" really doesn't make your "Cause" look so good. And it's directly being supported by the NRA who is there to sell more guns. Imagine if a bunch of Rambos drew weapons in that building and started shooting away. Instead of 2 being wounded and a couple being harmed there would have been a body count of at least 4 or 5. The shooter knew he had to exit fast as the Cops would be there in seconds. He knew he had to try and blend in to make his escape. He just never got the chance. This was well thought out on his case. He just wanted to shoot someone. Nothing personal. Due to State Laws that no citizen could be armed in that Diner without a CCW License, he popped off a few rounds, hitting two, leaves the building where he is confronted by two legally armed citizens who handled it exactly like cops would have. There is more than meets the eye to this one.

And you think I am crying? Hell, kid, I am damned proud of all of the Citizens and the Governor of Oklahoma.

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