Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

You are a long winded loon.

Watch out behind ya, someone’s trying to steal your tin foil hat

I have led a rich full life with many challenges and occupations. I am looking for my next challenge. I don't know what it will be but it will probably be in helping those people that you and scum like you insult because they have so little and have not much in opportunity to enrich themselves with. I don't expect you to understand that since you have led such a boring life and have accomplished so little. I guess your dream of conquering the United States of America is about the only dream you have, traitor.
...and you desire to control people you disagree with, obviously.

You just can't stand it that you can't control me. Well, put on that 'luminum hat and cry in corner. It's good for your soul. If you can't find your soul, you can find one at your neighborhood Soul Shop. They come cheap these days.
I don’t care to control anyone else... I’m not a progressive.
Obviously you are.

No, you are just a Nutcase who works for the NRA
the NRA is not pro gun enough, America needs to be better armed.
...and you desire to control people you disagree with, obviously.

You just can't stand it that you can't control me. Well, put on that 'luminum hat and cry in corner. It's good for your soul. If you can't find your soul, you can find one at your neighborhood Soul Shop. They come cheap these days.

Why would I want to control you?

You make my point for me daily. I need far less effort then if you had never shown up Daryl.

If I haven't yet done so, then I will do so now and publicly thank you for making most of my points for me.

The only point you have is that you have publicaly announced that you want an armed revolution against the United States of America. And you are willing to shout down anyone that apposes that idea. Well, if apposing you for that idea is called control, then we need more of it. While others have the right to own guns, I suspect you would fail a mental test as to whether you should be allowed to have them or not. No wonder many of the ultra right wing appose allowing judges to rule that some of the violent and mentally ill people not have guns at their disposal. People like you would be stripped of their guns for the the safety of everyone else. Ah, the NRA at work.

Supply the quote stating such, if you can't, which you can't because it was never made, you just proved my point that you do my work for me.

How's it feel to be my Bitch Daryl?

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

The fact remains you are an UnAmerican Traitor that wishes to overthrown the Government and replace it with whatever sick bunch of puppies you have in mind. And if someone would put together a bunch of thugs you felt were strong enough to do just that you would take up arms with them. You have stated that pretty much already. I wished we could give all you sick puppies a small area in the middle of a dessert to setup your new government and put all of you there. Bet that would be entertaining. Then we could watch on TV as all of you slowly broke into small groups and started killing each other.

There is another area that works that way. It's called the Middle East. And it's been happening ever since the two sons of Abraham had a falling out after their Fathers passing away. They've been killing each other ever since. Nice bunch of folks to be compared with. Hope you are proud of yourself, Achmed.

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

I would expect nothing less if you had even a tenth of the Courage of Conviction you say you do.

You say you caught someone actively plotting the overthrow of a legally sitting Government, and you don't make the effort to, at a minimum back up your words with a single quote of me saying what you say I made?

You have accused me of one of, if not the greatest crimes on the books and you can't back that up Daryl?

You claim to have this incredibly well rounded life and plenty of time and resources. You claim to be this great Patriot, yet you make the claim I am plotting the overthrow of our Government and can't do a search of posts to provide any evidence for what you claim? Not very Patriotic if you ask me.

There is a group looking to overthrow the sitting government, and it isn't those of us that kind of like the ability of the weak to defend themselves against the strong, it is a group called Antifa and their supporters. Maybe you can do the nation a great service and infiltrate them.

I await the quotes you say I made.

Thank you in advance.
You just can't stand it that you can't control me. Well, put on that 'luminum hat and cry in corner. It's good for your soul. If you can't find your soul, you can find one at your neighborhood Soul Shop. They come cheap these days.

Why would I want to control you?

You make my point for me daily. I need far less effort then if you had never shown up Daryl.

If I haven't yet done so, then I will do so now and publicly thank you for making most of my points for me.

The only point you have is that you have publicaly announced that you want an armed revolution against the United States of America. And you are willing to shout down anyone that apposes that idea. Well, if apposing you for that idea is called control, then we need more of it. While others have the right to own guns, I suspect you would fail a mental test as to whether you should be allowed to have them or not. No wonder many of the ultra right wing appose allowing judges to rule that some of the violent and mentally ill people not have guns at their disposal. People like you would be stripped of their guns for the the safety of everyone else. Ah, the NRA at work.

Supply the quote stating such, if you can't, which you can't because it was never made, you just proved my point that you do my work for me.

How's it feel to be my Bitch Daryl?

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

The fact remains you are an UnAmerican Traitor that wishes to overthrown the Government and replace it with whatever sick bunch of puppies you have in mind. And if someone would put together a bunch of thugs you felt were strong enough to do just that you would take up arms with them. You have stated that pretty much already. I wished we could give all you sick puppies a small area in the middle of a dessert to setup your new government and put all of you there. Bet that would be entertaining. Then we could watch on TV as all of you slowly broke into small groups and started killing each other.

There is another area that works that way. It's called the Middle East. And it's been happening ever since the two sons of Abraham had a falling out after their Fathers passing away. They've been killing each other ever since. Nice bunch of folks to be compared with. Hope you are proud of yourself, Achmed.

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

I would expect nothing less if you had even a tenth of the Courage of Conviction you say you do.

You say you caught someone actively plotting the overthrow of a legally sitting Government, and you don't make the effort to, at a minimum back up your words with a single quote of me saying what you say I made?

You have accused me of one of, if not the greatest crimes on the books and you can't back that up Daryl?

You claim to have this incredibly well rounded life and plenty of time and resources. You claim to be this great Patriot, yet you make the claim I am plotting the overthrow of our Government and can't do a search of posts to provide any evidence for what you claim? Not very Patriotic if you ask me.

There is a group looking to overthrow the sitting government, and it isn't those of us that kind of like the ability of the weak to defend themselves against the strong, it is a group called Antifa and their supporters. Maybe you can do the nation a great service and infiltrate them.

I await the quotes you say I made.

Thank you in advance.
Don’t mind Daryl, he’s obviously a delusional control freak... all progressives are.
He’s one of those guys that sit in the corner/off by themselves talking to themselves in public places.
Why would I want to control you?

You make my point for me daily. I need far less effort then if you had never shown up Daryl.

If I haven't yet done so, then I will do so now and publicly thank you for making most of my points for me.

The only point you have is that you have publicaly announced that you want an armed revolution against the United States of America. And you are willing to shout down anyone that apposes that idea. Well, if apposing you for that idea is called control, then we need more of it. While others have the right to own guns, I suspect you would fail a mental test as to whether you should be allowed to have them or not. No wonder many of the ultra right wing appose allowing judges to rule that some of the violent and mentally ill people not have guns at their disposal. People like you would be stripped of their guns for the the safety of everyone else. Ah, the NRA at work.

Supply the quote stating such, if you can't, which you can't because it was never made, you just proved my point that you do my work for me.

How's it feel to be my Bitch Daryl?

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

The fact remains you are an UnAmerican Traitor that wishes to overthrown the Government and replace it with whatever sick bunch of puppies you have in mind. And if someone would put together a bunch of thugs you felt were strong enough to do just that you would take up arms with them. You have stated that pretty much already. I wished we could give all you sick puppies a small area in the middle of a dessert to setup your new government and put all of you there. Bet that would be entertaining. Then we could watch on TV as all of you slowly broke into small groups and started killing each other.

There is another area that works that way. It's called the Middle East. And it's been happening ever since the two sons of Abraham had a falling out after their Fathers passing away. They've been killing each other ever since. Nice bunch of folks to be compared with. Hope you are proud of yourself, Achmed.

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

I would expect nothing less if you had even a tenth of the Courage of Conviction you say you do.

You say you caught someone actively plotting the overthrow of a legally sitting Government, and you don't make the effort to, at a minimum back up your words with a single quote of me saying what you say I made?

You have accused me of one of, if not the greatest crimes on the books and you can't back that up Daryl?

You claim to have this incredibly well rounded life and plenty of time and resources. You claim to be this great Patriot, yet you make the claim I am plotting the overthrow of our Government and can't do a search of posts to provide any evidence for what you claim? Not very Patriotic if you ask me.

There is a group looking to overthrow the sitting government, and it isn't those of us that kind of like the ability of the weak to defend themselves against the strong, it is a group called Antifa and their supporters. Maybe you can do the nation a great service and infiltrate them.

I await the quotes you say I made.

Thank you in advance.
Don’t mind Daryl, he’s obviously a delusional control freak... all progressives are.
He’s one of those guys that sit in the corner/off by themselves talking to themselves in public places.

But if I did commit this heinous act, should I not be punished? Daryl could supply that evidence to bring me to justice, couldn't he?

I mean, I do drinks a bit, but even in my most excessive state of disorientation, I'm thinking I could. After all, the security of the greatest nation is at stake. And that is far more important than enjoying another PBR (and I do so enjoy that rich flavor of an ice cold PBR).

What am I missing here?
The only point you have is that you have publicaly announced that you want an armed revolution against the United States of America. And you are willing to shout down anyone that apposes that idea. Well, if apposing you for that idea is called control, then we need more of it. While others have the right to own guns, I suspect you would fail a mental test as to whether you should be allowed to have them or not. No wonder many of the ultra right wing appose allowing judges to rule that some of the violent and mentally ill people not have guns at their disposal. People like you would be stripped of their guns for the the safety of everyone else. Ah, the NRA at work.

Supply the quote stating such, if you can't, which you can't because it was never made, you just proved my point that you do my work for me.

How's it feel to be my Bitch Daryl?

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

The fact remains you are an UnAmerican Traitor that wishes to overthrown the Government and replace it with whatever sick bunch of puppies you have in mind. And if someone would put together a bunch of thugs you felt were strong enough to do just that you would take up arms with them. You have stated that pretty much already. I wished we could give all you sick puppies a small area in the middle of a dessert to setup your new government and put all of you there. Bet that would be entertaining. Then we could watch on TV as all of you slowly broke into small groups and started killing each other.

There is another area that works that way. It's called the Middle East. And it's been happening ever since the two sons of Abraham had a falling out after their Fathers passing away. They've been killing each other ever since. Nice bunch of folks to be compared with. Hope you are proud of yourself, Achmed.

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

I would expect nothing less if you had even a tenth of the Courage of Conviction you say you do.

You say you caught someone actively plotting the overthrow of a legally sitting Government, and you don't make the effort to, at a minimum back up your words with a single quote of me saying what you say I made?

You have accused me of one of, if not the greatest crimes on the books and you can't back that up Daryl?

You claim to have this incredibly well rounded life and plenty of time and resources. You claim to be this great Patriot, yet you make the claim I am plotting the overthrow of our Government and can't do a search of posts to provide any evidence for what you claim? Not very Patriotic if you ask me.

There is a group looking to overthrow the sitting government, and it isn't those of us that kind of like the ability of the weak to defend themselves against the strong, it is a group called Antifa and their supporters. Maybe you can do the nation a great service and infiltrate them.

I await the quotes you say I made.

Thank you in advance.
Don’t mind Daryl, he’s obviously a delusional control freak... all progressives are.
He’s one of those guys that sit in the corner/off by themselves talking to themselves in public places.

But if I did commit this heinous act, should I not be punished? Daryl could supply that evidence to bring me to justice, couldn't he?

I mean, I do drinks a bit, but even in my most excessive state of disorientation, I'm thinking I could. After all, the security of the greatest nation is at stake. And that is far more important than enjoying another PBR (and I do so enjoy that rich flavor of an ice cold PBR).

What am I missing here?
Daryl is insane???
...And pees his pants every time he sees an Ar15.
Supply the quote stating such, if you can't, which you can't because it was never made, you just proved my point that you do my work for me.

How's it feel to be my Bitch Daryl?

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

The fact remains you are an UnAmerican Traitor that wishes to overthrown the Government and replace it with whatever sick bunch of puppies you have in mind. And if someone would put together a bunch of thugs you felt were strong enough to do just that you would take up arms with them. You have stated that pretty much already. I wished we could give all you sick puppies a small area in the middle of a dessert to setup your new government and put all of you there. Bet that would be entertaining. Then we could watch on TV as all of you slowly broke into small groups and started killing each other.

There is another area that works that way. It's called the Middle East. And it's been happening ever since the two sons of Abraham had a falling out after their Fathers passing away. They've been killing each other ever since. Nice bunch of folks to be compared with. Hope you are proud of yourself, Achmed.

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

I would expect nothing less if you had even a tenth of the Courage of Conviction you say you do.

You say you caught someone actively plotting the overthrow of a legally sitting Government, and you don't make the effort to, at a minimum back up your words with a single quote of me saying what you say I made?

You have accused me of one of, if not the greatest crimes on the books and you can't back that up Daryl?

You claim to have this incredibly well rounded life and plenty of time and resources. You claim to be this great Patriot, yet you make the claim I am plotting the overthrow of our Government and can't do a search of posts to provide any evidence for what you claim? Not very Patriotic if you ask me.

There is a group looking to overthrow the sitting government, and it isn't those of us that kind of like the ability of the weak to defend themselves against the strong, it is a group called Antifa and their supporters. Maybe you can do the nation a great service and infiltrate them.

I await the quotes you say I made.

Thank you in advance.
Don’t mind Daryl, he’s obviously a delusional control freak... all progressives are.
He’s one of those guys that sit in the corner/off by themselves talking to themselves in public places.

But if I did commit this heinous act, should I not be punished? Daryl could supply that evidence to bring me to justice, couldn't he?

I mean, I do drinks a bit, but even in my most excessive state of disorientation, I'm thinking I could. After all, the security of the greatest nation is at stake. And that is far more important than enjoying another PBR (and I do so enjoy that rich flavor of an ice cold PBR).

What am I missing here?
Daryl is insane???
...And pees his pants every time he sees an Ar15.

I think Daryl is indisposed at the moment. I can here him yelling at his computer screen:

You just can't stand it that you can't control me. Well, put on that 'luminum hat and cry in corner. It's good for your soul. If you can't find your soul, you can find one at your neighborhood Soul Shop. They come cheap these days.

Why would I want to control you?

You make my point for me daily. I need far less effort then if you had never shown up Daryl.

If I haven't yet done so, then I will do so now and publicly thank you for making most of my points for me.

The only point you have is that you have publicaly announced that you want an armed revolution against the United States of America. And you are willing to shout down anyone that apposes that idea. Well, if apposing you for that idea is called control, then we need more of it. While others have the right to own guns, I suspect you would fail a mental test as to whether you should be allowed to have them or not. No wonder many of the ultra right wing appose allowing judges to rule that some of the violent and mentally ill people not have guns at their disposal. People like you would be stripped of their guns for the the safety of everyone else. Ah, the NRA at work.

Supply the quote stating such, if you can't, which you can't because it was never made, you just proved my point that you do my work for me.

How's it feel to be my Bitch Daryl?

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

The fact remains you are an UnAmerican Traitor that wishes to overthrown the Government and replace it with whatever sick bunch of puppies you have in mind. And if someone would put together a bunch of thugs you felt were strong enough to do just that you would take up arms with them. You have stated that pretty much already. I wished we could give all you sick puppies a small area in the middle of a dessert to setup your new government and put all of you there. Bet that would be entertaining. Then we could watch on TV as all of you slowly broke into small groups and started killing each other.

There is another area that works that way. It's called the Middle East. And it's been happening ever since the two sons of Abraham had a falling out after their Fathers passing away. They've been killing each other ever since. Nice bunch of folks to be compared with. Hope you are proud of yourself, Achmed.
Nice misinterpretation, Daryl needs to be educated.

Well, at least you don't deny you are a NRA paid shill. But I know you will. You seem to lie about everything else. Now, get that tin foiled hat on and try and educate me, there Achmed.
Supply the quote stating such, if you can't, which you can't because it was never made, you just proved my point that you do my work for me.

How's it feel to be my Bitch Daryl?

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

The fact remains you are an UnAmerican Traitor that wishes to overthrown the Government and replace it with whatever sick bunch of puppies you have in mind. And if someone would put together a bunch of thugs you felt were strong enough to do just that you would take up arms with them. You have stated that pretty much already. I wished we could give all you sick puppies a small area in the middle of a dessert to setup your new government and put all of you there. Bet that would be entertaining. Then we could watch on TV as all of you slowly broke into small groups and started killing each other.

There is another area that works that way. It's called the Middle East. And it's been happening ever since the two sons of Abraham had a falling out after their Fathers passing away. They've been killing each other ever since. Nice bunch of folks to be compared with. Hope you are proud of yourself, Achmed.

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

I would expect nothing less if you had even a tenth of the Courage of Conviction you say you do.

You say you caught someone actively plotting the overthrow of a legally sitting Government, and you don't make the effort to, at a minimum back up your words with a single quote of me saying what you say I made?

You have accused me of one of, if not the greatest crimes on the books and you can't back that up Daryl?

You claim to have this incredibly well rounded life and plenty of time and resources. You claim to be this great Patriot, yet you make the claim I am plotting the overthrow of our Government and can't do a search of posts to provide any evidence for what you claim? Not very Patriotic if you ask me.

There is a group looking to overthrow the sitting government, and it isn't those of us that kind of like the ability of the weak to defend themselves against the strong, it is a group called Antifa and their supporters. Maybe you can do the nation a great service and infiltrate them.

I await the quotes you say I made.

Thank you in advance.
Don’t mind Daryl, he’s obviously a delusional control freak... all progressives are.
He’s one of those guys that sit in the corner/off by themselves talking to themselves in public places.

But if I did commit this heinous act, should I not be punished? Daryl could supply that evidence to bring me to justice, couldn't he?

I mean, I do drinks a bit, but even in my most excessive state of disorientation, I'm thinking I could. After all, the security of the greatest nation is at stake. And that is far more important than enjoying another PBR (and I do so enjoy that rich flavor of an ice cold PBR).

What am I missing here?
Daryl is insane???
...And pees his pants every time he sees an Ar15.

I arm up when I see one or your kind strutting down the street with yours.
You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

The fact remains you are an UnAmerican Traitor that wishes to overthrown the Government and replace it with whatever sick bunch of puppies you have in mind. And if someone would put together a bunch of thugs you felt were strong enough to do just that you would take up arms with them. You have stated that pretty much already. I wished we could give all you sick puppies a small area in the middle of a dessert to setup your new government and put all of you there. Bet that would be entertaining. Then we could watch on TV as all of you slowly broke into small groups and started killing each other.

There is another area that works that way. It's called the Middle East. And it's been happening ever since the two sons of Abraham had a falling out after their Fathers passing away. They've been killing each other ever since. Nice bunch of folks to be compared with. Hope you are proud of yourself, Achmed.

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

I would expect nothing less if you had even a tenth of the Courage of Conviction you say you do.

You say you caught someone actively plotting the overthrow of a legally sitting Government, and you don't make the effort to, at a minimum back up your words with a single quote of me saying what you say I made?

You have accused me of one of, if not the greatest crimes on the books and you can't back that up Daryl?

You claim to have this incredibly well rounded life and plenty of time and resources. You claim to be this great Patriot, yet you make the claim I am plotting the overthrow of our Government and can't do a search of posts to provide any evidence for what you claim? Not very Patriotic if you ask me.

There is a group looking to overthrow the sitting government, and it isn't those of us that kind of like the ability of the weak to defend themselves against the strong, it is a group called Antifa and their supporters. Maybe you can do the nation a great service and infiltrate them.

I await the quotes you say I made.

Thank you in advance.
Don’t mind Daryl, he’s obviously a delusional control freak... all progressives are.
He’s one of those guys that sit in the corner/off by themselves talking to themselves in public places.

But if I did commit this heinous act, should I not be punished? Daryl could supply that evidence to bring me to justice, couldn't he?

I mean, I do drinks a bit, but even in my most excessive state of disorientation, I'm thinking I could. After all, the security of the greatest nation is at stake. And that is far more important than enjoying another PBR (and I do so enjoy that rich flavor of an ice cold PBR).

What am I missing here?
Daryl is insane???
...And pees his pants every time he sees an Ar15.

I arm up when I see one or your kind strutting down the street with yours.

Not just Delusional, but Paranoid as well. Such an attractive portrait you paint of your life.

The postman is your friend Daryl, don't shoot him because you think he might be on my side, OK?
I would expect nothing less if you had even a tenth of the Courage of Conviction you say you do.

You say you caught someone actively plotting the overthrow of a legally sitting Government, and you don't make the effort to, at a minimum back up your words with a single quote of me saying what you say I made?

You have accused me of one of, if not the greatest crimes on the books and you can't back that up Daryl?

You claim to have this incredibly well rounded life and plenty of time and resources. You claim to be this great Patriot, yet you make the claim I am plotting the overthrow of our Government and can't do a search of posts to provide any evidence for what you claim? Not very Patriotic if you ask me.

There is a group looking to overthrow the sitting government, and it isn't those of us that kind of like the ability of the weak to defend themselves against the strong, it is a group called Antifa and their supporters. Maybe you can do the nation a great service and infiltrate them.

I await the quotes you say I made.

Thank you in advance.
Don’t mind Daryl, he’s obviously a delusional control freak... all progressives are.
He’s one of those guys that sit in the corner/off by themselves talking to themselves in public places.

But if I did commit this heinous act, should I not be punished? Daryl could supply that evidence to bring me to justice, couldn't he?

I mean, I do drinks a bit, but even in my most excessive state of disorientation, I'm thinking I could. After all, the security of the greatest nation is at stake. And that is far more important than enjoying another PBR (and I do so enjoy that rich flavor of an ice cold PBR).

What am I missing here?
Daryl is insane???
...And pees his pants every time he sees an Ar15.

I arm up when I see one or your kind strutting down the street with yours.

Not just Delusional, but Paranoid as well. Such an attractive portrait you paint of your life.

The postman is your friend Daryl, don't shoot him because you think he might be on my side, OK?

When the Postman finds the need to start packing because of you gun nutz then it's time to get you out of the neighborhood.

Now, go back and report to your NRA employer that your mission failed once again.
Don’t mind Daryl, he’s obviously a delusional control freak... all progressives are.
He’s one of those guys that sit in the corner/off by themselves talking to themselves in public places.

But if I did commit this heinous act, should I not be punished? Daryl could supply that evidence to bring me to justice, couldn't he?

I mean, I do drinks a bit, but even in my most excessive state of disorientation, I'm thinking I could. After all, the security of the greatest nation is at stake. And that is far more important than enjoying another PBR (and I do so enjoy that rich flavor of an ice cold PBR).

What am I missing here?
Daryl is insane???
...And pees his pants every time he sees an Ar15.

I arm up when I see one or your kind strutting down the street with yours.

Not just Delusional, but Paranoid as well. Such an attractive portrait you paint of your life.

The postman is your friend Daryl, don't shoot him because you think he might be on my side, OK?

When the Postman finds the need to start packing because of you gun nutz then it's time to get you out of the neighborhood.

Now, go back and report to your NRA employer that your mission failed once again.

You have just as much proof I am an NRA employee, or for that matter an NRA member as you have of me making treasonous posts. Exactly NONE fool, which make you, from this moment on, MY BITCH.

Now run along and get your Master a sammie!
Why would I want to control you?

You make my point for me daily. I need far less effort then if you had never shown up Daryl.

If I haven't yet done so, then I will do so now and publicly thank you for making most of my points for me.

The only point you have is that you have publicaly announced that you want an armed revolution against the United States of America. And you are willing to shout down anyone that apposes that idea. Well, if apposing you for that idea is called control, then we need more of it. While others have the right to own guns, I suspect you would fail a mental test as to whether you should be allowed to have them or not. No wonder many of the ultra right wing appose allowing judges to rule that some of the violent and mentally ill people not have guns at their disposal. People like you would be stripped of their guns for the the safety of everyone else. Ah, the NRA at work.

Supply the quote stating such, if you can't, which you can't because it was never made, you just proved my point that you do my work for me.

How's it feel to be my Bitch Daryl?

You expect me to go through your thousands of anti American posts to find just one? Tell you what. Just take it on the chin and move on. The other readers remember it. You just keep lying. I don't feel the need to prove you wrong once more. Why that would be a full time job. I realize that you are paid to post this nonsense by the NRA. I am not paid and don't have the time nor the will to do so.

The fact remains you are an UnAmerican Traitor that wishes to overthrown the Government and replace it with whatever sick bunch of puppies you have in mind. And if someone would put together a bunch of thugs you felt were strong enough to do just that you would take up arms with them. You have stated that pretty much already. I wished we could give all you sick puppies a small area in the middle of a dessert to setup your new government and put all of you there. Bet that would be entertaining. Then we could watch on TV as all of you slowly broke into small groups and started killing each other.

There is another area that works that way. It's called the Middle East. And it's been happening ever since the two sons of Abraham had a falling out after their Fathers passing away. They've been killing each other ever since. Nice bunch of folks to be compared with. Hope you are proud of yourself, Achmed.
Nice misinterpretation, Daryl needs to be educated.

Well, at least you don't deny you are a NRA paid shill. But I know you will. You seem to lie about everything else. Now, get that tin foiled hat on and try and educate me, there Achmed.
Your reference to Abraham and his two sons and their supposed “falling out” are that of politically correct pussy... a total lack of understanding of what really happened there. Get along is way overrated... snowflake
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded
Never fear, somewhere someplace, someone who is a nut job is going to see about a school shooting and will try to get his claim to fame. This is brought on by the Media coverage. Mental people are all on the ground who are going to take it as a go sign from God or some other reason for attacking other people. These people take the lead from the Media. This sounds simple but it is true.
The right to bear arms doens't go far enough in this country. The military is developing some pretty powerful weapons such as laser tanks. Why can't we have access to those things? What is the point of having the right to bear arms if the public's access to them is severely restricted?
You could not afford the cost of the purchase or the fuel to run a tank, let alone the 1500.00 for a RPG.
But if I did commit this heinous act, should I not be punished? Daryl could supply that evidence to bring me to justice, couldn't he?

I mean, I do drinks a bit, but even in my most excessive state of disorientation, I'm thinking I could. After all, the security of the greatest nation is at stake. And that is far more important than enjoying another PBR (and I do so enjoy that rich flavor of an ice cold PBR).

What am I missing here?
Daryl is insane???
...And pees his pants every time he sees an Ar15.

I arm up when I see one or your kind strutting down the street with yours.

Not just Delusional, but Paranoid as well. Such an attractive portrait you paint of your life.

The postman is your friend Daryl, don't shoot him because you think he might be on my side, OK?

When the Postman finds the need to start packing because of you gun nutz then it's time to get you out of the neighborhood.

Now, go back and report to your NRA employer that your mission failed once again.

You have just as much proof I am an NRA employee, or for that matter an NRA member as you have of me making treasonous posts. Exactly NONE fool, which make you, from this moment on, MY BITCH.

Now run along and get your Master a sammie!

No, cupcake.
Daryl is insane???
...And pees his pants every time he sees an Ar15.

I arm up when I see one or your kind strutting down the street with yours.

Not just Delusional, but Paranoid as well. Such an attractive portrait you paint of your life.

The postman is your friend Daryl, don't shoot him because you think he might be on my side, OK?

When the Postman finds the need to start packing because of you gun nutz then it's time to get you out of the neighborhood.

Now, go back and report to your NRA employer that your mission failed once again.

You have just as much proof I am an NRA employee, or for that matter an NRA member as you have of me making treasonous posts. Exactly NONE fool, which make you, from this moment on, MY BITCH.

Now run along and get your Master a sammie!

No, cupcake.

No, I tell ya what big fella.

You run along and get that post you claim I made that was treasonous and post it right here.

I might just start a poll on if what I posted really was treason, or if you are just a paranoid flake.
I arm up when I see one or your kind strutting down the street with yours.

Not just Delusional, but Paranoid as well. Such an attractive portrait you paint of your life.

The postman is your friend Daryl, don't shoot him because you think he might be on my side, OK?

When the Postman finds the need to start packing because of you gun nutz then it's time to get you out of the neighborhood.

Now, go back and report to your NRA employer that your mission failed once again.

You have just as much proof I am an NRA employee, or for that matter an NRA member as you have of me making treasonous posts. Exactly NONE fool, which make you, from this moment on, MY BITCH.

Now run along and get your Master a sammie!

No, cupcake.

No, I tell ya what big fella.

You run along and get that post you claim I made that was treasonous and post it right here.

I might just start a poll on if what I posted really was treason, or if you are just a paranoid flake.

Now look who is trying to control in here. Your stripes are showing. You know, the one white one down the your back. Please stop smelling up America.

As for me running along. No, cupcake.
Not just Delusional, but Paranoid as well. Such an attractive portrait you paint of your life.

The postman is your friend Daryl, don't shoot him because you think he might be on my side, OK?

When the Postman finds the need to start packing because of you gun nutz then it's time to get you out of the neighborhood.

Now, go back and report to your NRA employer that your mission failed once again.

You have just as much proof I am an NRA employee, or for that matter an NRA member as you have of me making treasonous posts. Exactly NONE fool, which make you, from this moment on, MY BITCH.

Now run along and get your Master a sammie!

No, cupcake.

No, I tell ya what big fella.

You run along and get that post you claim I made that was treasonous and post it right here.

I might just start a poll on if what I posted really was treason, or if you are just a paranoid flake.

Now look who is trying to control in here. Your stripes are showing. You know, the one white one down the your back. Please stop smelling up America.

As for me running along. No, cupcake.

So you admit you lied.

Got it, and to much a weenie to admit it as well.

Why am I not surprised Daryl?
When the Postman finds the need to start packing because of you gun nutz then it's time to get you out of the neighborhood.

Now, go back and report to your NRA employer that your mission failed once again.

You have just as much proof I am an NRA employee, or for that matter an NRA member as you have of me making treasonous posts. Exactly NONE fool, which make you, from this moment on, MY BITCH.

Now run along and get your Master a sammie!

No, cupcake.

No, I tell ya what big fella.

You run along and get that post you claim I made that was treasonous and post it right here.

I might just start a poll on if what I posted really was treason, or if you are just a paranoid flake.

Now look who is trying to control in here. Your stripes are showing. You know, the one white one down the your back. Please stop smelling up America.

As for me running along. No, cupcake.

So you admit you lied.

Got it, and to much a weenie to admit it as well.

Why am I not surprised Daryl?

There is a name for what you constently do. Now, why would I admit to lying when I didn't lie. So you just lie about me lying and then declare a victory.

Well, Cupcake, I am still here and will be here forever and we all know that forever is well.......Forever. Get used to it, Traitor.
You have just as much proof I am an NRA employee, or for that matter an NRA member as you have of me making treasonous posts. Exactly NONE fool, which make you, from this moment on, MY BITCH.

Now run along and get your Master a sammie!

No, cupcake.

No, I tell ya what big fella.

You run along and get that post you claim I made that was treasonous and post it right here.

I might just start a poll on if what I posted really was treason, or if you are just a paranoid flake.

Now look who is trying to control in here. Your stripes are showing. You know, the one white one down the your back. Please stop smelling up America.

As for me running along. No, cupcake.

So you admit you lied.

Got it, and to much a weenie to admit it as well.

Why am I not surprised Daryl?

There is a name for what you constently do. Now, why would I admit to lying when I didn't lie. So you just lie about me lying and then declare a victory.

Well, Cupcake, I am still here and will be here forever and we all know that forever is well.......Forever. Get used to it, Traitor.

You claimed I did this:

The only point you have is that you have publicaly announced that you want an armed revolution against the United States of America.

This would equate to me committing a treasonous act, and that I did so publicly.

You've been called out to prove I actually said this, something that, upon being found guilty, can earn a death sentence.


Lame Daryl, so very lame.

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