Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

...Fact remains: Your opinion doesn't matter.
True... however, the opinions of dozens of millions of similarly-inclined Americans will...
The opinion of millions of Americans doesn't outweigh the protections afforded by the constitution.
Until such time as...

1. SCOTUS reinterprets the Constitution sufficiently to allow a more sane gun-control, or...

2. Popular momentum for sane gun-control facilitates a fresh Amendment that removes existing barriers, or...

3. Popular momentum for sane gun-control facilitates nationwide gun-control mechanisms that will hold-up under SCOTUS review
We kill all the fucking commies and live happily ever after.
The US will collapse under the weight of its federal debt long before the multi-generational change he fantasizes about comes into play - at which point,we will indeed kill all the commies.
Tell me where I'm wrong... tell me how an AR-15 is easier to wield in close quarters than a .38 police special...
You're wrong because you don't know a damn thing about CQC. Unless the battle is in a cardboard box, you're much better off with the AR-15. There is a reason that Special Forces clears houses with rifles and not ".38 specials" :laugh:
...but multi-generational efforts require multiple generations to reach their desired goal
Well then you guys are screwed. For starters, you keep killing future generations of libtards because you people think that children are a curse, abortion is the bomb, and the planet is in "danger" from babies. :laugh:

No wonder you've been unsuccessful!
...but multi-generational efforts require multiple generations to reach their desired goal
Well then you guys are screwed. For starters, you keep killing future generations of libtards because you people think that children are a curse, abortion is the bomb, and the planet is in "danger" from babies. :laugh:

No wonder you've been unsuccessful!

Please continue to feel comfortable that you've got this locked-up for generations to come.

As your political fortunes fall - and they're about to, once again - others who do not think like you will rush to fill the vacuum.

Face it... next year... or ten years from now... at some point, we're gonna have one too many school massacres, then the reforms begin.

And those reforms will come leaning on the same Federal law that allows government to ban military-grade weapons from civilian hands.

By then... obstructing progress for as long as you have... the bans and restrictions will be more onerous than if you had played ball earlier.

But... it is the Fate of Man... not to be able to see beyond the end of his nose, so... you will reap then what you now sow.
As your political fortunes fall - and they're about to, once again - others who do not think like you will rush to fill the vacuum.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We heard this hilarious idiocy during the Obama Administration. And then DONALD freaking TRUMP whipped your ass. And the Tea Party whipped your ass.

Americans aren't not surrendering America. Ever.

Please continue to feel comfortable that you've got this locked-up for generations to come.

As your political fortunes fall - and they're about to, once again - others who do not think like you will rush to fill the vacuum.

Face it... next year... or ten years from now... at some point, we're gonna have one too many school massacres, then the reforms begin.

And those reforms will come leaning on the same Federal law that allows government to ban military-grade weapons from civilian hands.

By then... obstructing progress for as long as you have... the bans and restrictions will be more onerous than if you had played ball earlier.

But... it is the Fate of Man... not to be able to see beyond the end of his nose, so... you will reap then what you now sow.
This is a lie
...but multi-generational efforts require multiple generations to reach their desired goal
Well then you guys are screwed. For starters, you keep killing future generations of libtards because you people think that children are a curse, abortion is the bomb, and the planet is in "danger" from babies. :laugh:

No wonder you've been unsuccessful!

Please continue to feel comfortable that you've got this locked-up for generations to come.

As your political fortunes fall - and they're about to, once again - others who do not think like you will rush to fill the vacuum.

Face it... next year... or ten years from now... at some point, we're gonna have one too many school massacres, then the reforms begin.

And those reforms will come leaning on the same Federal law that allows government to ban military-grade weapons from civilian hands.

By then... obstructing progress for as long as you have... the bans and restrictions will be more onerous than if you had played ball earlier.

But... it is the Fate of Man... not to be able to see beyond the end of his nose, so... you will reap then what you now sow.

Civilians can’t own military grade weapons Asshole. There are big differences. You liberals all sound like fools when it comes to guns. Like Biden who we can’t let people own magazines that hold a thousand clips. Your fucking retarded.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
...but multi-generational efforts require multiple generations to reach their desired goal
Well then you guys are screwed. For starters, you keep killing future generations of libtards because you people think that children are a curse, abortion is the bomb, and the planet is in "danger" from babies. :laugh:

No wonder you've been unsuccessful!

Please continue to feel comfortable that you've got this locked-up for generations to come.

As your political fortunes fall - and they're about to, once again - others who do not think like you will rush to fill the vacuum.

Face it... next year... or ten years from now... at some point, we're gonna have one too many school massacres, then the reforms begin.

And those reforms will come leaning on the same Federal law that allows government to ban military-grade weapons from civilian hands.

By then... obstructing progress for as long as you have... the bans and restrictions will be more onerous than if you had played ball earlier.

But... it is the Fate of Man... not to be able to see beyond the end of his nose, so... you will reap then what you now sow.

Civilians can’t own military grade weapons Asshole. There are big differences. You liberals all sound like fools when it comes to guns. Like Biden who we can’t let people own magazines that hold a thousand clips. Your fucking retarded.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In shootoffs, a well made civilian AR-15 custom outshoots the M-16A-4 and the M-4. It's parts exceed Military Grade. But if you have a Colt Model 750 or a Colt LE6920, both are listed as military grade and both are AR-15s. MilSpec means all parts come from either Colt or FN. And all but a couple of those parts comes from the same parts bins that the M-16 and the M-4 is built from. The difference between a Colt LE6920 or Colt Model 750 Carbine is negligible from a M-16 or M-4. Even a cheap piece of junk AR-15 can hang with a M-4 for a few mag loads before it starts falling apart. Rustbucket would be glad to sell you one of those. Save your money and buy a good one though. There are some good ones for under 1000 bucks that are either MilSpec or exceed MilSpec. And you can customize it to fit you.

The fruitcakes that go for the "High Body Count" records don't pack the good stuff. They own the junk. One of the reasons the body counts are higher is because of the malfunction rate. People that invest in the MilSpec or better than MilSpec aren't the ones that shoot up the Schools or public gatherings. I would class the AR that sells for less than 500 bucks new right up there with the old Saturday Night Specials. And those banned at the factory level for many reasons.

We all need to rethink about the AR and the AK. There are ways to address it that will get them out of the fruitcakes hands without anyone losing the better ARs and AKs. Think about it.
...but multi-generational efforts require multiple generations to reach their desired goal
Well then you guys are screwed. For starters, you keep killing future generations of libtards because you people think that children are a curse, abortion is the bomb, and the planet is in "danger" from babies. :laugh:

No wonder you've been unsuccessful!

Please continue to feel comfortable that you've got this locked-up for generations to come.

As your political fortunes fall - and they're about to, once again - others who do not think like you will rush to fill the vacuum.

Face it... next year... or ten years from now... at some point, we're gonna have one too many school massacres, then the reforms begin.

And those reforms will come leaning on the same Federal law that allows government to ban military-grade weapons from civilian hands.

By then... obstructing progress for as long as you have... the bans and restrictions will be more onerous than if you had played ball earlier.

But... it is the Fate of Man... not to be able to see beyond the end of his nose, so... you will reap then what you now sow.

Civilians can’t own military grade weapons Asshole. There are big differences. You liberals all sound like fools when it comes to guns. Like Biden who we can’t let people own magazines that hold a thousand clips. Your fucking retarded.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In shootoffs, a well made civilian AR-15 custom outshoots the M-16A-4 and the M-4. It's parts exceed Military Grade. But if you have a Colt Model 750 or a Colt LE6920, both are listed as military grade and both are AR-15s. MilSpec means all parts come from either Colt or FN. And all but a couple of those parts comes from the same parts bins that the M-16 and the M-4 is built from. The difference between a Colt LE6920 or Colt Model 750 Carbine is negligible from a M-16 or M-4. Even a cheap piece of junk AR-15 can hang with a M-4 for a few mag loads before it starts falling apart. Rustbucket would be glad to sell you one of those. Save your money and buy a good one though. There are some good ones for under 1000 bucks that are either MilSpec or exceed MilSpec. And you can customize it to fit you.

The fruitcakes that go for the "High Body Count" records don't pack the good stuff. They own the junk. One of the reasons the body counts are higher is because of the malfunction rate. People that invest in the MilSpec or better than MilSpec aren't the ones that shoot up the Schools or public gatherings. I would class the AR that sells for less than 500 bucks new right up there with the old Saturday Night Specials. And those banned at the factory level for many reasons.

We all need to rethink about the AR and the AK. There are ways to address it that will get them out of the fruitcakes hands without anyone losing the better ARs and AKs. Think about it.
"Military grade" what a honking load of bullshit nobody in the regular US military uses an AR-15.

In shootoffs, a well made civilian AR-15 custom outshoots the M-16A-4 and the M-4. It's parts exceed Military Grade. But if you have a Colt Model 750 or a Colt LE6920, both are listed as military grade and both are AR-15s. MilSpec means all parts come from either Colt or FN. And all but a couple of those parts comes from the same parts bins that the M-16 and the M-4 is built from. The difference between a Colt LE6920 or Colt Model 750 Carbine is negligible from a M-16 or M-4. Even a cheap piece of junk AR-15 can hang with a M-4 for a few mag loads before it starts falling apart. Rustbucket would be glad to sell you one of those. Save your money and buy a good one though. There are some good ones for under 1000 bucks that are either MilSpec or exceed MilSpec. And you can customize it to fit you.

The fruitcakes that go for the "High Body Count" records don't pack the good stuff. They own the junk. One of the reasons the body counts are higher is because of the malfunction rate. People that invest in the MilSpec or better than MilSpec aren't the ones that shoot up the Schools or public gatherings. I would class the AR that sells for less than 500 bucks new right up there with the old Saturday Night Specials. And those banned at the factory level for many reasons.

We all need to rethink about the AR and the AK. There are ways to address it that will get them out of the fruitcakes hands without anyone losing the better ARs and AKs. Think about it.[/QUOTE]
Amazingly, there actually are some rational people who participate here.
As said elsewhere, the "weakbrains" go for that M16 look at discount. It's fake, they're fake, their obsession with arms is fundamentally sick.

In shootoffs, a well made civilian AR-15 custom outshoots the M-16A-4 and the M-4. It's parts exceed Military Grade. But if you have a Colt Model 750 or a Colt LE6920, both are listed as military grade and both are AR-15s. MilSpec means all parts come from either Colt or FN. And all but a couple of those parts comes from the same parts bins that the M-16 and the M-4 is built from. The difference between a Colt LE6920 or Colt Model 750 Carbine is negligible from a M-16 or M-4. Even a cheap piece of junk AR-15 can hang with a M-4 for a few mag loads before it starts falling apart. Rustbucket would be glad to sell you one of those. Save your money and buy a good one though. There are some good ones for under 1000 bucks that are either MilSpec or exceed MilSpec. And you can customize it to fit you.

The fruitcakes that go for the "High Body Count" records don't pack the good stuff. They own the junk. One of the reasons the body counts are higher is because of the malfunction rate. People that invest in the MilSpec or better than MilSpec aren't the ones that shoot up the Schools or public gatherings. I would class the AR that sells for less than 500 bucks new right up there with the old Saturday Night Specials. And those banned at the factory level for many reasons.

We all need to rethink about the AR and the AK. There are ways to address it that will get them out of the fruitcakes hands without anyone losing the better ARs and AKs. Think about it.[/QUOTE]
Amazingly, there actually are some rational people who participate here.
As said elsewhere, the "weakbrains" go for that M16 look at discount. It's fake, they're fake, their obsession with arms is fundamentally sick.[/QUOTE]
Daryl is delusional and apparently has dementia...
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

not god

the constitution

and the liberals who wrote it!
...but multi-generational efforts require multiple generations to reach their desired goal
Well then you guys are screwed. For starters, you keep killing future generations of libtards because you people think that children are a curse, abortion is the bomb, and the planet is in "danger" from babies. :laugh:

No wonder you've been unsuccessful!

Please continue to feel comfortable that you've got this locked-up for generations to come.

As your political fortunes fall - and they're about to, once again - others who do not think like you will rush to fill the vacuum.

Face it... next year... or ten years from now... at some point, we're gonna have one too many school massacres, then the reforms begin.

And those reforms will come leaning on the same Federal law that allows government to ban military-grade weapons from civilian hands.

By then... obstructing progress for as long as you have... the bans and restrictions will be more onerous than if you had played ball earlier.

But... it is the Fate of Man... not to be able to see beyond the end of his nose, so... you will reap then what you now sow.

Civilians can’t own military grade weapons Asshole. There are big differences. You liberals all sound like fools when it comes to guns. Like Biden who we can’t let people own magazines that hold a thousand clips. Your fucking retarded.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In shootoffs, a well made civilian AR-15 custom outshoots the M-16A-4 and the M-4. It's parts exceed Military Grade. But if you have a Colt Model 750 or a Colt LE6920, both are listed as military grade and both are AR-15s. MilSpec means all parts come from either Colt or FN. And all but a couple of those parts comes from the same parts bins that the M-16 and the M-4 is built from. The difference between a Colt LE6920 or Colt Model 750 Carbine is negligible from a M-16 or M-4. Even a cheap piece of junk AR-15 can hang with a M-4 for a few mag loads before it starts falling apart. Rustbucket would be glad to sell you one of those. Save your money and buy a good one though. There are some good ones for under 1000 bucks that are either MilSpec or exceed MilSpec. And you can customize it to fit you.

The fruitcakes that go for the "High Body Count" records don't pack the good stuff. They own the junk. One of the reasons the body counts are higher is because of the malfunction rate. People that invest in the MilSpec or better than MilSpec aren't the ones that shoot up the Schools or public gatherings. I would class the AR that sells for less than 500 bucks new right up there with the old Saturday Night Specials. And those banned at the factory level for many reasons.

We all need to rethink about the AR and the AK. There are ways to address it that will get them out of the fruitcakes hands without anyone losing the better ARs and AKs. Think about it.
"Military grade" what a honking load of bullshit nobody in the regular US military uses an AR-15.

The Colt Model numbers before they are stamped for the M-16A-4 is the AR-15 Model 604.
Civilians can’t own military grade weapons Asshole. There are big differences. You liberals all sound like fools when it comes to guns.
I've told Duh-ryl that many times. But the dumb ass still wants people to believe that Americans can purchase modern, fully automatic weapons. I even posted the actual law and additional information from the ATF's website.
...but multi-generational efforts require multiple generations to reach their desired goal
Well then you guys are screwed. For starters, you keep killing future generations of libtards because you people think that children are a curse, abortion is the bomb, and the planet is in "danger" from babies. :laugh:

No wonder you've been unsuccessful!

Please continue to feel comfortable that you've got this locked-up for generations to come.

As your political fortunes fall - and they're about to, once again - others who do not think like you will rush to fill the vacuum.

Face it... next year... or ten years from now... at some point, we're gonna have one too many school massacres, then the reforms begin.

And those reforms will come leaning on the same Federal law that allows government to ban military-grade weapons from civilian hands.

By then... obstructing progress for as long as you have... the bans and restrictions will be more onerous than if you had played ball earlier.

But... it is the Fate of Man... not to be able to see beyond the end of his nose, so... you will reap then what you now sow.

Civilians can’t own military grade weapons Asshole. There are big differences. You liberals all sound like fools when it comes to guns. Like Biden who we can’t let people own magazines that hold a thousand clips. Your fucking retarded.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In shootoffs, a well made civilian AR-15 custom outshoots the M-16A-4 and the M-4. It's parts exceed Military Grade. But if you have a Colt Model 750 or a Colt LE6920, both are listed as military grade and both are AR-15s. MilSpec means all parts come from either Colt or FN. And all but a couple of those parts comes from the same parts bins that the M-16 and the M-4 is built from. The difference between a Colt LE6920 or Colt Model 750 Carbine is negligible from a M-16 or M-4. Even a cheap piece of junk AR-15 can hang with a M-4 for a few mag loads before it starts falling apart. Rustbucket would be glad to sell you one of those. Save your money and buy a good one though. There are some good ones for under 1000 bucks that are either MilSpec or exceed MilSpec. And you can customize it to fit you.

The fruitcakes that go for the "High Body Count" records don't pack the good stuff. They own the junk. One of the reasons the body counts are higher is because of the malfunction rate. People that invest in the MilSpec or better than MilSpec aren't the ones that shoot up the Schools or public gatherings. I would class the AR that sells for less than 500 bucks new right up there with the old Saturday Night Specials. And those banned at the factory level for many reasons.

We all need to rethink about the AR and the AK. There are ways to address it that will get them out of the fruitcakes hands without anyone losing the better ARs and AKs. Think about it.

You can talk till you blue in the face. Our military’s weapons are much better then what we own or even fix up. Plus the 2nd amendment doesn’t say anything about scary looking guns. Not one Democrat knows anything about firearms. There interviews are funny. Kind of like listening to your dumbass talk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Civilians can’t own military grade weapons Asshole. There are big differences. You liberals all sound like fools when it comes to guns.
I've told Duh-ryl that many times. But the dumb ass still wants people to believe that Americans can purchase modern, fully automatic weapons. I even posted the actual law and additional information from the ATF's website.

Yeah. He just doesn’t get it but that is like all libtards.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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