Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Here is another example of why we can't trust the filthy ass Liberals with our Constitutional rights.

A man in Conn gets a firearm stolen from his car and he reports it and then the jackbooted government thugs comes to his home and confiscates the rest of firearms. Asshole police for doing what the assholes politicians told them to do.

Connecticut Man Reports Pistol Stolen – Police Seize His Guns

Man Reports His Pistol Stolen — So Police Take Away All His Guns and License to Carry

A Connecticut man had his pistol permit and firearms seized by authorities after he reported the theft of one of his guns on Monday.

Officers responded on Tuesday to a report of car burglary made by Christopher Jerome, 26, the New Haven Register reported.

He told police that, believing he would get back into the vehicle shortly, he didn’t lock his car doors after parking on Monday evening.

Jerome said the next day he discovered his pistol had been lifted from the car’s unlocked glove box and the driver’s side door was open.

Police arrested Jerome on a reckless endangerment charge.

Under a recently implemented state law, police then entered Jerome’s home and removed the rest of his firearms: a Glock, another handgun and an AR-15.
That’s the goal of progressives they want to get rid of the Second Amendment all together... fact

Because you said so?
Not likely.

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It is easy to show an intent to wide out all civilian weapons.
Look at the proposed Assault Weapons ban.
An assault weapon is not military or any thing in particular.
During the 1700s it was a coach gun, also called a blunderbuss, with a flared barrel.
During the 1800s it was a pair of revolver pistols, whether percussion cap or with cased bullets.
During the Spanish American War and WWI, it was pump shotguns.
During WWII it was carbines.

So actually, when someone talks about an assault weapons ban, they actually mean all pistols, carbines, and shotgun.
In fact, there hardly is anything they don't mean.
And when it comes down to it, they likely do mean everything really, but just want to start with the words, "assault weapon" because they think they have better chances working their PR job on that.
And it is not weapons access, because you used to be able to buy Thompson machine guns for $27 from 1918 to 1934 when they added a $200 registration stamp charge. And they remained legal until 1986.
Just so you know, Rigby, Thompson sub-machine guns are still legal. They were “grandfathered in”. What became illegal in 1986 was any fully automatic manufactured after that point. I have friends that own Tommy Guns, Uzi’s, etc. purchased in the last decade - but all manufactured prior to 1986.

They just became very expensive or semi auto after 1986.
I was trying to keep it simple though.
In the US, we do not. We have a government that is constantly illegally invading innocent countries, for colonialism and imperialism, murdering millions.
View attachment 283094

How many times did we illegally invade Mexico?
The Spanish American War was fake and illegal, since we now know the USS Maine boiler blew up by itself.
WWI was illegal because we took the side of the terrorists who had assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, and used illegal civilian food blockade to get Germany to surrender.
Korea was illegal because we had placed Syngman Rhee in power, even though he was a US citizen, and he committed massacres.
Vietnam was obviously illegal.
So were Grenada, Panama, and Haiti.
We murdered almost half a million innocents in Iraq.
Likely about half a million innocents also murdered in Afghanistan.
Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iran, and Yemen are also subjected to illegal regime change by the US.
Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iran, and Yemen are also subjected to illegal regime change by the US.
“Illegal” by who?!? Don’t even say “international law”. That is an idiotic concept. We are a sovereign nation. We do not answer to anyone (nor does England, nor does Australia, nor does Canada, etc.).

There is nothing “illegal” about ousting vicious dictators guilty of human atrocities. Nothing. No matter how hard you try to make a case for it.
Apologies. I've just lived in oz and uk for work. you are a U.S. citizen but just living abroad for work? Well that's different then. If you're actually a U.S. citizen then you have a vested interest in our laws.
I go back and forward.
You should try it sometime.
Euro trains and healthcare are awesome
I just look at laws written by slave owners and rapists with a jaundiced eye. Just Question why every rube should be allowed to pack
I do believe women and blacks shouldn't be allowed to vote though.
Merry Xmas darlin
I go back and forward.
You should try it sometime.
Euro trains and healthcare are awesome
I just look at laws written by slave owners and rapists with a jaundiced eye. Just Question why every rube should be allowed to pack
I do believe women and blacks shouldn't be allowed to vote though.
Merry Xmas darlin
I bet you don't want them armed either.

Thank God for her right to keep and bear arms. There’s a reason that the party of sexual assault desperately wants to disarm women.
Woman awakened in middle of night by two men allegedly trying break into her home. She grabs a gun — and they pay the ultimate price.
The United States is unique among the countries of the world in that women are freely able to carry firearms for personal defense..
Anti-gun loons hate this will do all they can to change it.
Why do anti-gun loons hate women?
Apologies. I've just lived in oz and uk for work. you are a U.S. citizen but just living abroad for work? Well that's different then. If you're actually a U.S. citizen then you have a vested interest in our laws.
I go back and forward.
You should try it sometime.
Euro trains and healthcare are awesome
I just look at laws written by slave owners and rapists with a jaundiced eye. Just Question why every rube should be allowed to pack
I do believe women and blacks shouldn't be allowed to vote though.
Merry Xmas darlin live in the country that bought and transported the slave before the U.S. was even dumb ass........Britain started the slave trade you moron....are you really that stupid?
Thank God for her right to keep and bear arms. There’s a reason that the party of sexual assault desperately wants to disarm women.
Woman awakened in middle of night by two men allegedly trying break into her home. She grabs a gun — and they pay the ultimate price.
The United States is unique among the countries of the world in that women are freely able to carry firearms for personal defense..
Anti-gun loons hate this will do all they can to change it.
Why do anti-gun loons hate women?

Yes......the democrat males believe it is their right to sexually assault women, even low ranking democrat women....just look at the democrat party leadership and their why would they want women to be able to fight back?

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