Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

If you mean that I refuse to allow you to control the laws where I live, then you are correct. You need to take control and responsibility for where you live and stop trying to control where I live. We like it the way it is here.
The U.S. Constitution trumps what you “like”, snowflake. Deal with it.
Once again, you look like an idjit. I support common sense gun regs. I support the ones we have in Colorado right now. No more no less. We were the first to have them and we were the first to prove the Due Process in the Courts at great expense against the NRA and your GOA and make the stick. I can still go buy a gun in 15 minutes. I can have as many as I want to have. I am not limited in the amount of ammo I have on hand. I don't live in fear that anyone is going to come and take my guns. Am I a gun owner? Well, cupcake, that's a personal question. Will I buy any guns from you? Never, I don't support gun crazies financially. I like things as they are and we spent a lot of time, money and childrens lives to get it like it is. You spent zero of all the above so you have zero say in any of it.
Just like I suspected, it’s a control thing with you isn’t it?

If you mean that I refuse to allow you to control the laws where I live, then you are correct. You need to take control and responsibility for where you live and stop trying to control where I live. We like it the way it is here.

If you think we should control the mass shootings like we do then you would be right. You don't have the population we do and don't need the control. But after 3 major mass shootings we took the bull by the horns and not only passed gun regulations but also did community education along with it to prevent more shootings. Or we could do what Texas and Florida has done and done nothing and allowed the mass shootings to continue. Yes, WE (collectively) took control and responsibility for our own fate. And we don't listen to you trying to control us.

In other words, it appears it's you that are trying to exert the control and are pissed that we won't allow it.
Rural America does not have shootings, nor does it have any substantial violence. The one thing it does have is more firearms than any other place in America and all types of firearms… So we don’t need your fucked up gun control laws…

I already showed where where you live has a much higher gun crime rate than anywhere in New York City by far. You live near Rapid City, S.D.. It's the crime capital of South Dakota. And it's Rural. So don't give me that crap. I live in what is called Rural as well and about 100 feet from here we had a shooting with a fatality yesterday. And this is considered one of the safest parts of the town. This was a first for around here. But it happened. In other areas, it's almost quite common. This Rural Area rivals Denver in the gun violence now. Rural America isn't like it once was.
Only a fool would think that Rapid City is Rural.
And I live about 100 miles northwest as the crow flies from Rapid City… And you can count on one hand the number of murders so far in 2019 in the Rapid City area.

The vast majority of criminal behavior in this country and violence is done by repeat offenders in progressive controlled urban America with extremely strict gun control laws, execute repeat offenders problem solved. Fact

Rapid City has less than 100K population. It's listed as Rural. Just like where I live. There are as many living outside the city limits in the county as inside the city. The City is part of the County. Making it rural. You can tap dance on this all you wish but you are in a dangerous area.

Now, let's look at the population numbers. So you had only 5 murders in Rapid City in 2019 so far. That means you will have about 9 by the end of the year. When you figure against a population of about 50K you get a number of 9 units against NYC with a number of 2.4 or Denvers 5.7. Sioux Falls has a lower Number and That is definitely a Urban Area. You live in an area nearly as violent as Detroit with a number of not much higher. I live in an area with slightly higher population than where you are. We will have about 3 this year total. That means, although it's low, NYC is still lower. But it used to be higher. And we are working on making it Zero although we may never reach that but it won't stop us from trying without affecting everyones basic rights and privileges.

I suggest you take care of your own problems instead of trying to tell the rest of us how we should lead out lives. It appears your life ain't the heaven you claim it to be. Your control is noted.
Just like I suspected, it’s a control thing with you isn’t it?

If you mean that I refuse to allow you to control the laws where I live, then you are correct. You need to take control and responsibility for where you live and stop trying to control where I live. We like it the way it is here.

If you think we should control the mass shootings like we do then you would be right. You don't have the population we do and don't need the control. But after 3 major mass shootings we took the bull by the horns and not only passed gun regulations but also did community education along with it to prevent more shootings. Or we could do what Texas and Florida has done and done nothing and allowed the mass shootings to continue. Yes, WE (collectively) took control and responsibility for our own fate. And we don't listen to you trying to control us.

In other words, it appears it's you that are trying to exert the control and are pissed that we won't allow it.
Rural America does not have shootings, nor does it have any substantial violence. The one thing it does have is more firearms than any other place in America and all types of firearms… So we don’t need your fucked up gun control laws…

I already showed where where you live has a much higher gun crime rate than anywhere in New York City by far. You live near Rapid City, S.D.. It's the crime capital of South Dakota. And it's Rural. So don't give me that crap. I live in what is called Rural as well and about 100 feet from here we had a shooting with a fatality yesterday. And this is considered one of the safest parts of the town. This was a first for around here. But it happened. In other areas, it's almost quite common. This Rural Area rivals Denver in the gun violence now. Rural America isn't like it once was.
Only a fool would think that Rapid City is Rural.
And I live about 100 miles northwest as the crow flies from Rapid City… And you can count on one hand the number of murders so far in 2019 in the Rapid City area.

The vast majority of criminal behavior in this country and violence is done by repeat offenders in progressive controlled urban America with extremely strict gun control laws, execute repeat offenders problem solved. Fact

Rapid City has less than 100K population. It's listed as Rural. Just like where I live. There are as many living outside the city limits in the county as inside the city. The City is part of the County. Making it rural. You can tap dance on this all you wish but you are in a dangerous area.

Now, let's look at the population numbers. So you had only 5 murders in Rapid City in 2019 so far. That means you will have about 9 by the end of the year. When you figure against a population of about 50K you get a number of 9 units against NYC with a number of 2.4 or Denvers 5.7. Sioux Falls has a lower Number and That is definitely a Urban Area. You live in an area nearly as violent as Detroit with a number of not much higher. I live in an area with slightly higher population than where you are. We will have about 3 this year total. That means, although it's low, NYC is still lower. But it used to be higher. And we are working on making it Zero although we may never reach that but it won't stop us from trying without affecting everyones basic rights and privileges.

I suggest you take care of your own problems instead of trying to tell the rest of us how we should lead out lives. It appears your life ain't the heaven you claim it to be. Your control is noted.
There won’t be nine murders in Rapid City area in 2019, crime goes way down in the winter time in western South Dakota.
And Rapid City is not rural whatsoever.. that area is crawling with people....

There is a reason why I live up here… Carefree
We? Don't.?
As a millionaire corporate guy it's as I'm not even from the us?
I'm Still waiting for your heroic repelling your house invaders with your guns.
Boy this is hilarious
Here's a non I gun estimate
A little drunk, are we? Someone has a substance abuse problem... :eusa_whistle:
I should be.
You are the paranoid one darlin.
So I feel more comfortable living in oz, U.K., you in our gun loaded country.
Each to his own.
God bless you to feel you have to be heavily armed to protect your dreaded freedom.
Try to help someone today.

I guess I can sort of understand where you are coming from because you live in a fairly nice country, with a reasonably honest government.
In the US, we do not.
We have a government that is constantly illegally invading innocent countries, for colonialism and imperialism, murdering millions.
We have the largest percentage incarcerated in the world.
About 30% of minorities are not allowed to vote due to convictions from the War on Drugs.
We have some of the most unfair tax laws in the world, so it is cheaper for landlords to buy up housing for rentals, than it is for people to be able to buy their own home.
We have mandatory private, for profit, health insurance.
The ONLY thing that prevents out right fascism in the US, is the threat of rebellion from an armed population.
And the corrupt in government are beginning to ignore even that.
They are a great organization, they don’t mess around... lol
Your dislike of them indicates their value.... Anti-gun nutter like yourself despise any type of firearm ownership.... fact

Once again, you look like an idjit. I support common sense gun regs. I support the ones we have in Colorado right now. No more no less. We were the first to have them and we were the first to prove the Due Process in the Courts at great expense against the NRA and your GOA and make the stick. I can still go buy a gun in 15 minutes. I can have as many as I want to have. I am not limited in the amount of ammo I have on hand. I don't live in fear that anyone is going to come and take my guns. Am I a gun owner? Well, cupcake, that's a personal question. Will I buy any guns from you? Never, I don't support gun crazies financially. I like things as they are and we spent a lot of time, money and childrens lives to get it like it is. You spent zero of all the above so you have zero say in any of it.
Just like I suspected, it’s a control thing with you isn’t it?

If you mean that I refuse to allow you to control the laws where I live, then you are correct. You need to take control and responsibility for where you live and stop trying to control where I live. We like it the way it is here.

If you think we should control the mass shootings like we do then you would be right. You don't have the population we do and don't need the control. But after 3 major mass shootings we took the bull by the horns and not only passed gun regulations but also did community education along with it to prevent more shootings. Or we could do what Texas and Florida has done and done nothing and allowed the mass shootings to continue. Yes, WE (collectively) took control and responsibility for our own fate. And we don't listen to you trying to control us.

In other words, it appears it's you that are trying to exert the control and are pissed that we won't allow it.
Rural America does not have shootings, nor does it have any substantial violence. The one thing it does have is more firearms than any other place in America and all types of firearms… So we don’t need your fucked up gun control laws…

Nice foul mouth.
Prerequisite of rural USA?
Is that why Iowa, rural has more gun suicide deaths than say California?

29. Iowa — 14.5
45. California — 10.5
( rate per 100,000 individuals:)

That is not much difference.
However, suicide likely is due to the cold Iowa winters, combined with the lack of job opportunities in the rust belt, with everything be offshored to China.
Rural isolation may also be a factor.
Access to weapons is not likely a factor at all.
If you mean that I refuse to allow you to control the laws where I live, then you are correct. You need to take control and responsibility for where you live and stop trying to control where I live. We like it the way it is here.

If you think we should control the mass shootings like we do then you would be right. You don't have the population we do and don't need the control. But after 3 major mass shootings we took the bull by the horns and not only passed gun regulations but also did community education along with it to prevent more shootings. Or we could do what Texas and Florida has done and done nothing and allowed the mass shootings to continue. Yes, WE (collectively) took control and responsibility for our own fate. And we don't listen to you trying to control us.

In other words, it appears it's you that are trying to exert the control and are pissed that we won't allow it.
Rural America does not have shootings, nor does it have any substantial violence. The one thing it does have is more firearms than any other place in America and all types of firearms… So we don’t need your fucked up gun control laws…

I already showed where where you live has a much higher gun crime rate than anywhere in New York City by far. You live near Rapid City, S.D.. It's the crime capital of South Dakota. And it's Rural. So don't give me that crap. I live in what is called Rural as well and about 100 feet from here we had a shooting with a fatality yesterday. And this is considered one of the safest parts of the town. This was a first for around here. But it happened. In other areas, it's almost quite common. This Rural Area rivals Denver in the gun violence now. Rural America isn't like it once was.
Only a fool would think that Rapid City is Rural.
And I live about 100 miles northwest as the crow flies from Rapid City… And you can count on one hand the number of murders so far in 2019 in the Rapid City area.

The vast majority of criminal behavior in this country and violence is done by repeat offenders in progressive controlled urban America with extremely strict gun control laws, execute repeat offenders problem solved. Fact

Rapid City has less than 100K population. It's listed as Rural. Just like where I live. There are as many living outside the city limits in the county as inside the city. The City is part of the County. Making it rural. You can tap dance on this all you wish but you are in a dangerous area.

Now, let's look at the population numbers. So you had only 5 murders in Rapid City in 2019 so far. That means you will have about 9 by the end of the year. When you figure against a population of about 50K you get a number of 9 units against NYC with a number of 2.4 or Denvers 5.7. Sioux Falls has a lower Number and That is definitely a Urban Area. You live in an area nearly as violent as Detroit with a number of not much higher. I live in an area with slightly higher population than where you are. We will have about 3 this year total. That means, although it's low, NYC is still lower. But it used to be higher. And we are working on making it Zero although we may never reach that but it won't stop us from trying without affecting everyones basic rights and privileges.

I suggest you take care of your own problems instead of trying to tell the rest of us how we should lead out lives. It appears your life ain't the heaven you claim it to be. Your control is noted.
There won’t be nine murders in Rapid City area in 2019, crime goes way down in the winter time in western South Dakota.
And Rapid City is not rural whatsoever.. that area is crawling with people....

There is a reason why I live up here… Carefree

You screwed the pooch on this one. You didn't bank on someone in here knowing the area you live in so well. Hell I not only lived there for 4 years, I played music in a band all over the entire area. Drove over most of the roads, played in many of the Barn Dances, Bars, Dance Halls and more. Had a blast at the Festivals, county Fairs and Rodeos. Yes, I was a GI but I spent more time as an Entertainer than a GI during my 20+ years in the Military and got to know the areas I was stationed at extremely well. And I know your area, obviously better than you do or are trying to convince us that you do. Considering that whole area is still frozen in time, nothing has changed outside of the number of Microwaves. So don't tell me how peaceful it is there. It only appears like that on the surface. Deep down, it's a powder keg waiting to go off just like every other area in the United States. Well, cupcake, your area ain't anything special.
They are a great organization, they don’t mess around... lol
Your dislike of them indicates their value.... Anti-gun nutter like yourself despise any type of firearm ownership.... fact

Once again, you look like an idjit. I support common sense gun regs. I support the ones we have in Colorado right now. No more no less. We were the first to have them and we were the first to prove the Due Process in the Courts at great expense against the NRA and your GOA and make the stick. I can still go buy a gun in 15 minutes. I can have as many as I want to have. I am not limited in the amount of ammo I have on hand. I don't live in fear that anyone is going to come and take my guns. Am I a gun owner? Well, cupcake, that's a personal question. Will I buy any guns from you? Never, I don't support gun crazies financially. I like things as they are and we spent a lot of time, money and childrens lives to get it like it is. You spent zero of all the above so you have zero say in any of it.
Just like I suspected, it’s a control thing with you isn’t it?

If you mean that I refuse to allow you to control the laws where I live, then you are correct. You need to take control and responsibility for where you live and stop trying to control where I live. We like it the way it is here.

If you think we should control the mass shootings like we do then you would be right. You don't have the population we do and don't need the control. But after 3 major mass shootings we took the bull by the horns and not only passed gun regulations but also did community education along with it to prevent more shootings. Or we could do what Texas and Florida has done and done nothing and allowed the mass shootings to continue. Yes, WE (collectively) took control and responsibility for our own fate. And we don't listen to you trying to control us.

In other words, it appears it's you that are trying to exert the control and are pissed that we won't allow it.
Rural America does not have shootings, nor does it have any substantial violence. The one thing it does have is more firearms than any other place in America and all types of firearms… So we don’t need your fucked up gun control laws…

I already showed where where you live has a much higher gun crime rate than anywhere in New York City by far. You live near Rapid City, S.D.. It's the crime capital of South Dakota. And it's Rural. So don't give me that crap. I live in what is called Rural as well and about 100 feet from here we had a shooting with a fatality yesterday. And this is considered one of the safest parts of the town. This was a first for around here. But it happened. In other areas, it's almost quite common. This Rural Area rivals Denver in the gun violence now. Rural America isn't like it once was.

Then you admit there is something changing that is increasing crime.
And it is not gun access, as that has not changed.
And if something has changed, that makes people more dangerous, it is that which needs to be fixed.
You can make all the gun laws in the world, and it won't make anyone less dangerous or reduce the number of murders.
Just like I suspected, it’s a control thing with you isn’t it?

If you mean that I refuse to allow you to control the laws where I live, then you are correct. You need to take control and responsibility for where you live and stop trying to control where I live. We like it the way it is here.

If you think we should control the mass shootings like we do then you would be right. You don't have the population we do and don't need the control. But after 3 major mass shootings we took the bull by the horns and not only passed gun regulations but also did community education along with it to prevent more shootings. Or we could do what Texas and Florida has done and done nothing and allowed the mass shootings to continue. Yes, WE (collectively) took control and responsibility for our own fate. And we don't listen to you trying to control us.

In other words, it appears it's you that are trying to exert the control and are pissed that we won't allow it.
Rural America does not have shootings, nor does it have any substantial violence. The one thing it does have is more firearms than any other place in America and all types of firearms… So we don’t need your fucked up gun control laws…

I already showed where where you live has a much higher gun crime rate than anywhere in New York City by far. You live near Rapid City, S.D.. It's the crime capital of South Dakota. And it's Rural. So don't give me that crap. I live in what is called Rural as well and about 100 feet from here we had a shooting with a fatality yesterday. And this is considered one of the safest parts of the town. This was a first for around here. But it happened. In other areas, it's almost quite common. This Rural Area rivals Denver in the gun violence now. Rural America isn't like it once was.
Only a fool would think that Rapid City is Rural.
And I live about 100 miles northwest as the crow flies from Rapid City… And you can count on one hand the number of murders so far in 2019 in the Rapid City area.

The vast majority of criminal behavior in this country and violence is done by repeat offenders in progressive controlled urban America with extremely strict gun control laws, execute repeat offenders problem solved. Fact

Rapid City has less than 100K population. It's listed as Rural. Just like where I live. There are as many living outside the city limits in the county as inside the city. The City is part of the County. Making it rural. You can tap dance on this all you wish but you are in a dangerous area.

Now, let's look at the population numbers. So you had only 5 murders in Rapid City in 2019 so far. That means you will have about 9 by the end of the year. When you figure against a population of about 50K you get a number of 9 units against NYC with a number of 2.4 or Denvers 5.7. Sioux Falls has a lower Number and That is definitely a Urban Area. You live in an area nearly as violent as Detroit with a number of not much higher. I live in an area with slightly higher population than where you are. We will have about 3 this year total. That means, although it's low, NYC is still lower. But it used to be higher. And we are working on making it Zero although we may never reach that but it won't stop us from trying without affecting everyones basic rights and privileges.

I suggest you take care of your own problems instead of trying to tell the rest of us how we should lead out lives. It appears your life ain't the heaven you claim it to be. Your control is noted.

You can eliminate every single murder, but that does not necessarily make anything better.
For example, the easiest way to prevent crime is to just preventive incarceration of everyone.
That not only is what someone like Kim Jung Un does, but is what gun control starts trying to do.
Things are not made better simply by suppressing symptoms.
The whole point of a democratic republic is that you don't want to suppress anything, but instead want to make everything as free and natural as possible, to encourage individual freedom and expression. You want to avoid corruption, where a central elite harms everyone else, for the benefit of a few.
That is always the purpose of gun control.
To prevent the majority from being able to resist the abuse by the few.
Rural America does not have shootings, nor does it have any substantial violence. The one thing it does have is more firearms than any other place in America and all types of firearms… So we don’t need your fucked up gun control laws…

I already showed where where you live has a much higher gun crime rate than anywhere in New York City by far. You live near Rapid City, S.D.. It's the crime capital of South Dakota. And it's Rural. So don't give me that crap. I live in what is called Rural as well and about 100 feet from here we had a shooting with a fatality yesterday. And this is considered one of the safest parts of the town. This was a first for around here. But it happened. In other areas, it's almost quite common. This Rural Area rivals Denver in the gun violence now. Rural America isn't like it once was.
Only a fool would think that Rapid City is Rural.
And I live about 100 miles northwest as the crow flies from Rapid City… And you can count on one hand the number of murders so far in 2019 in the Rapid City area.

The vast majority of criminal behavior in this country and violence is done by repeat offenders in progressive controlled urban America with extremely strict gun control laws, execute repeat offenders problem solved. Fact

Rapid City has less than 100K population. It's listed as Rural. Just like where I live. There are as many living outside the city limits in the county as inside the city. The City is part of the County. Making it rural. You can tap dance on this all you wish but you are in a dangerous area.

Now, let's look at the population numbers. So you had only 5 murders in Rapid City in 2019 so far. That means you will have about 9 by the end of the year. When you figure against a population of about 50K you get a number of 9 units against NYC with a number of 2.4 or Denvers 5.7. Sioux Falls has a lower Number and That is definitely a Urban Area. You live in an area nearly as violent as Detroit with a number of not much higher. I live in an area with slightly higher population than where you are. We will have about 3 this year total. That means, although it's low, NYC is still lower. But it used to be higher. And we are working on making it Zero although we may never reach that but it won't stop us from trying without affecting everyones basic rights and privileges.

I suggest you take care of your own problems instead of trying to tell the rest of us how we should lead out lives. It appears your life ain't the heaven you claim it to be. Your control is noted.
There won’t be nine murders in Rapid City area in 2019, crime goes way down in the winter time in western South Dakota.
And Rapid City is not rural whatsoever.. that area is crawling with people....

There is a reason why I live up here… Carefree

You screwed the pooch on this one. You didn't bank on someone in here knowing the area you live in so well. Hell I not only lived there for 4 years, I played music in a band all over the entire area. Drove over most of the roads, played in many of the Barn Dances, Bars, Dance Halls and more. Had a blast at the Festivals, county Fairs and Rodeos. Yes, I was a GI but I spent more time as an Entertainer than a GI during my 20+ years in the Military and got to know the areas I was stationed at extremely well. And I know your area, obviously better than you do or are trying to convince us that you do. Considering that whole area is still frozen in time, nothing has changed outside of the number of Microwaves. So don't tell me how peaceful it is there. It only appears like that on the surface. Deep down, it's a powder keg waiting to go off just like every other area in the United States. Well, cupcake, your area ain't anything special.

Again you are saying there are things that are wrong and getting worse.
So then the last thing anyone should want is gun control to just suppress symptoms.
The violence used to be much lower, so something is wrong now.
And it is not weapons access, because you used to be able to buy Thompson machine guns for $27 from 1918 to 1934 when they added a $200 registration stamp charge. And they remained legal until 1986.
Rural America does not have shootings, nor does it have any substantial violence. The one thing it does have is more firearms than any other place in America and all types of firearms… So we don’t need your fucked up gun control laws…

I already showed where where you live has a much higher gun crime rate than anywhere in New York City by far. You live near Rapid City, S.D.. It's the crime capital of South Dakota. And it's Rural. So don't give me that crap. I live in what is called Rural as well and about 100 feet from here we had a shooting with a fatality yesterday. And this is considered one of the safest parts of the town. This was a first for around here. But it happened. In other areas, it's almost quite common. This Rural Area rivals Denver in the gun violence now. Rural America isn't like it once was.
Only a fool would think that Rapid City is Rural.
And I live about 100 miles northwest as the crow flies from Rapid City… And you can count on one hand the number of murders so far in 2019 in the Rapid City area.

The vast majority of criminal behavior in this country and violence is done by repeat offenders in progressive controlled urban America with extremely strict gun control laws, execute repeat offenders problem solved. Fact

Rapid City has less than 100K population. It's listed as Rural. Just like where I live. There are as many living outside the city limits in the county as inside the city. The City is part of the County. Making it rural. You can tap dance on this all you wish but you are in a dangerous area.

Now, let's look at the population numbers. So you had only 5 murders in Rapid City in 2019 so far. That means you will have about 9 by the end of the year. When you figure against a population of about 50K you get a number of 9 units against NYC with a number of 2.4 or Denvers 5.7. Sioux Falls has a lower Number and That is definitely a Urban Area. You live in an area nearly as violent as Detroit with a number of not much higher. I live in an area with slightly higher population than where you are. We will have about 3 this year total. That means, although it's low, NYC is still lower. But it used to be higher. And we are working on making it Zero although we may never reach that but it won't stop us from trying without affecting everyones basic rights and privileges.

I suggest you take care of your own problems instead of trying to tell the rest of us how we should lead out lives. It appears your life ain't the heaven you claim it to be. Your control is noted.
There won’t be nine murders in Rapid City area in 2019, crime goes way down in the winter time in western South Dakota.
And Rapid City is not rural whatsoever.. that area is crawling with people....

There is a reason why I live up here… Carefree

You screwed the pooch on this one. You didn't bank on someone in here knowing the area you live in so well. Hell I not only lived there for 4 years, I played music in a band all over the entire area. Drove over most of the roads, played in many of the Barn Dances, Bars, Dance Halls and more. Had a blast at the Festivals, county Fairs and Rodeos. Yes, I was a GI but I spent more time as an Entertainer than a GI during my 20+ years in the Military and got to know the areas I was stationed at extremely well. And I know your area, obviously better than you do or are trying to convince us that you do. Considering that whole area is still frozen in time, nothing has changed outside of the number of Microwaves. So don't tell me how peaceful it is there. It only appears like that on the surface. Deep down, it's a powder keg waiting to go off just like every other area in the United States. Well, cupcake, your area ain't anything special.
You are a Delusional old coot aren’t you?
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

“Thou shalt not kill.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

“Thou shalt not kill.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually, it is "Thou shalt not do murder."
I already showed where where you live has a much higher gun crime rate than anywhere in New York City by far. You live near Rapid City, S.D.. It's the crime capital of South Dakota. And it's Rural. So don't give me that crap. I live in what is called Rural as well and about 100 feet from here we had a shooting with a fatality yesterday. And this is considered one of the safest parts of the town. This was a first for around here. But it happened. In other areas, it's almost quite common. This Rural Area rivals Denver in the gun violence now. Rural America isn't like it once was.
Only a fool would think that Rapid City is Rural.
And I live about 100 miles northwest as the crow flies from Rapid City… And you can count on one hand the number of murders so far in 2019 in the Rapid City area.

The vast majority of criminal behavior in this country and violence is done by repeat offenders in progressive controlled urban America with extremely strict gun control laws, execute repeat offenders problem solved. Fact

Rapid City has less than 100K population. It's listed as Rural. Just like where I live. There are as many living outside the city limits in the county as inside the city. The City is part of the County. Making it rural. You can tap dance on this all you wish but you are in a dangerous area.

Now, let's look at the population numbers. So you had only 5 murders in Rapid City in 2019 so far. That means you will have about 9 by the end of the year. When you figure against a population of about 50K you get a number of 9 units against NYC with a number of 2.4 or Denvers 5.7. Sioux Falls has a lower Number and That is definitely a Urban Area. You live in an area nearly as violent as Detroit with a number of not much higher. I live in an area with slightly higher population than where you are. We will have about 3 this year total. That means, although it's low, NYC is still lower. But it used to be higher. And we are working on making it Zero although we may never reach that but it won't stop us from trying without affecting everyones basic rights and privileges.

I suggest you take care of your own problems instead of trying to tell the rest of us how we should lead out lives. It appears your life ain't the heaven you claim it to be. Your control is noted.
There won’t be nine murders in Rapid City area in 2019, crime goes way down in the winter time in western South Dakota.
And Rapid City is not rural whatsoever.. that area is crawling with people....

There is a reason why I live up here… Carefree

You screwed the pooch on this one. You didn't bank on someone in here knowing the area you live in so well. Hell I not only lived there for 4 years, I played music in a band all over the entire area. Drove over most of the roads, played in many of the Barn Dances, Bars, Dance Halls and more. Had a blast at the Festivals, county Fairs and Rodeos. Yes, I was a GI but I spent more time as an Entertainer than a GI during my 20+ years in the Military and got to know the areas I was stationed at extremely well. And I know your area, obviously better than you do or are trying to convince us that you do. Considering that whole area is still frozen in time, nothing has changed outside of the number of Microwaves. So don't tell me how peaceful it is there. It only appears like that on the surface. Deep down, it's a powder keg waiting to go off just like every other area in the United States. Well, cupcake, your area ain't anything special.
You are a Delusional old coot aren’t you?

You got bagged so you revert back to insulting. You lose once again, fruitcake.
The Violence Policy Center also said the 259 justifiable homicides should be balanced against the theft of about 232,000 guns each year -- about 172,000 of them during burglaries. That’s a ratio of one justifiable homicide for every 896 guns put into the hands of criminals, the Times reported"
Note how the propaganda dupes mindless minions like Ph3iron? They choose “justifiable homicidesonly. I’ve filled this thread with hundreds of instances where a law abiding citizen prevented a crime by pulling out their firearm. They didn’t even have to fire, much less kill the perpetrator.

A rational person would prefer that outcome. Because law abiding citizens resort to deadly force so little, the study used that statistic to give the appearance that it’s not worth it. And dummies like Ph3iron fall for it! :laugh:

I'm a mindless minion as opposed to our PhD patriot.
Merry Xmas to you too darlin
Can you post the hundreds of instances again (not from a nra site if poss)
I would have thought a rational person would prefer no one had a gun except law enforcement
But enough humor, I leave our brave patriot to fume in his bath chair and double wide, waiting for an intruder
I'm still waiting for his record on repelling invaders
Zero I suspect?

The LAST people I want to have a gun is law enforcement or the military, who are people paid by the corrupt politicians of the wealthy elite.
Historically the destruction of all democratic republics and the start of all dictatorships comes from the police or military.
Whether they start with good intentions or not, those getting paid tend to begin doing whatever those who sign their paycheck want them to do.

Instead, I believe in the general population of the democratic republic.
I see them as being the least violent, corrupt, suspect, and abusive.
When they do commit a crime, it usually is from some greater harm that they have no control over.
Like injustice, poverty, lack of opportunity of education, jobs, health care, etc.
If you want to reduce crime in the general population, you do NOT want gun control, but instead you want progrressive social reform that reduces the CAUSES of crime and misery.
Trying to just suppress crime while leaving the causes, is just pure evil.
The Violence Policy Center also said the 259 justifiable homicides should be balanced against the theft of about 232,000 guns each year -- about 172,000 of them during burglaries. That’s a ratio of one justifiable homicide for every 896 guns put into the hands of criminals, the Times reported"
Note how the propaganda dupes mindless minions like Ph3iron? They choose “justifiable homicidesonly. I’ve filled this thread with hundreds of instances where a law abiding citizen prevented a crime by pulling out their firearm. They didn’t even have to fire, much less kill the perpetrator.

A rational person would prefer that outcome. Because law abiding citizens resort to deadly force so little, the study used that statistic to give the appearance that it’s not worth it. And dummies like Ph3iron fall for it! :laugh:

I'm a mindless minion as opposed to our PhD patriot.
Merry Xmas to you too darlin
Can you post the hundreds of instances again (not from a nra site if poss)
I would have thought a rational person would prefer no one had a gun except law enforcement
But enough humor, I leave our brave patriot to fume in his bath chair and double wide, waiting for an intruder
I'm still waiting for his record on repelling invaders
Zero I suspect?

The LAST people I want to have a gun is law enforcement or the military, who are people paid by the corrupt politicians of the wealthy elite.
Historically the destruction of all democratic republics and the start of all dictatorships comes from the police or military.
Whether they start with good intentions or not, those getting paid tend to begin doing whatever those who sign their paycheck want them to do.

Instead, I believe in the general population of the democratic republic.
I see them as being the least violent, corrupt, suspect, and abusive.
When they do commit a crime, it usually is from some greater harm that they have no control over.
Like injustice, poverty, lack of opportunity of education, jobs, health care, etc.
If you want to reduce crime in the general population, you do NOT want gun control, but instead you want progrressive social reform that reduces the CAUSES of crime and misery.
Trying to just suppress crime while leaving the causes, is just pure evil.

Yes...the left attacks the police and military first, driving out good people who don't want the hassle just to be called names or sued and put in prison for trying to do their job. Then, the left lowers the standards for both, and the police and military are filled with leftist goons who are more than happy to be corrupt and violent as long as their left wing masters pay them .......that is what you see in all these left wing controlled, mad max countries...
Only a fool would think that Rapid City is Rural.
And I live about 100 miles northwest as the crow flies from Rapid City… And you can count on one hand the number of murders so far in 2019 in the Rapid City area.

The vast majority of criminal behavior in this country and violence is done by repeat offenders in progressive controlled urban America with extremely strict gun control laws, execute repeat offenders problem solved. Fact

Rapid City has less than 100K population. It's listed as Rural. Just like where I live. There are as many living outside the city limits in the county as inside the city. The City is part of the County. Making it rural. You can tap dance on this all you wish but you are in a dangerous area.

Now, let's look at the population numbers. So you had only 5 murders in Rapid City in 2019 so far. That means you will have about 9 by the end of the year. When you figure against a population of about 50K you get a number of 9 units against NYC with a number of 2.4 or Denvers 5.7. Sioux Falls has a lower Number and That is definitely a Urban Area. You live in an area nearly as violent as Detroit with a number of not much higher. I live in an area with slightly higher population than where you are. We will have about 3 this year total. That means, although it's low, NYC is still lower. But it used to be higher. And we are working on making it Zero although we may never reach that but it won't stop us from trying without affecting everyones basic rights and privileges.

I suggest you take care of your own problems instead of trying to tell the rest of us how we should lead out lives. It appears your life ain't the heaven you claim it to be. Your control is noted.
There won’t be nine murders in Rapid City area in 2019, crime goes way down in the winter time in western South Dakota.
And Rapid City is not rural whatsoever.. that area is crawling with people....

There is a reason why I live up here… Carefree

You screwed the pooch on this one. You didn't bank on someone in here knowing the area you live in so well. Hell I not only lived there for 4 years, I played music in a band all over the entire area. Drove over most of the roads, played in many of the Barn Dances, Bars, Dance Halls and more. Had a blast at the Festivals, county Fairs and Rodeos. Yes, I was a GI but I spent more time as an Entertainer than a GI during my 20+ years in the Military and got to know the areas I was stationed at extremely well. And I know your area, obviously better than you do or are trying to convince us that you do. Considering that whole area is still frozen in time, nothing has changed outside of the number of Microwaves. So don't tell me how peaceful it is there. It only appears like that on the surface. Deep down, it's a powder keg waiting to go off just like every other area in the United States. Well, cupcake, your area ain't anything special.
You are a Delusional old coot aren’t you?

You got bagged so you revert back to insulting. You lose once again, fruitcake.
Says an anti-gun nutter
The Violence Policy Center also said the 259 justifiable homicides should be balanced against the theft of about 232,000 guns each year -- about 172,000 of them during burglaries. That’s a ratio of one justifiable homicide for every 896 guns put into the hands of criminals, the Times reported"
Note how the propaganda dupes mindless minions like Ph3iron? They choose “justifiable homicidesonly. I’ve filled this thread with hundreds of instances where a law abiding citizen prevented a crime by pulling out their firearm. They didn’t even have to fire, much less kill the perpetrator.

A rational person would prefer that outcome. Because law abiding citizens resort to deadly force so little, the study used that statistic to give the appearance that it’s not worth it. And dummies like Ph3iron fall for it! :laugh:

I'm a mindless minion as opposed to our PhD patriot.
Merry Xmas to you too darlin
Can you post the hundreds of instances again (not from a nra site if poss)
I would have thought a rational person would prefer no one had a gun except law enforcement
But enough humor, I leave our brave patriot to fume in his bath chair and double wide, waiting for an intruder
I'm still waiting for his record on repelling invaders
Zero I suspect?

The LAST people I want to have a gun is law enforcement or the military, who are people paid by the corrupt politicians of the wealthy elite.
Historically the destruction of all democratic republics and the start of all dictatorships comes from the police or military.
Whether they start with good intentions or not, those getting paid tend to begin doing whatever those who sign their paycheck want them to do.

Instead, I believe in the general population of the democratic republic.
I see them as being the least violent, corrupt, suspect, and abusive.
When they do commit a crime, it usually is from some greater harm that they have no control over.
Like injustice, poverty, lack of opportunity of education, jobs, health care, etc.
If you want to reduce crime in the general population, you do NOT want gun control, but instead you want progrressive social reform that reduces the CAUSES of crime and misery.
Trying to just suppress crime while leaving the causes, is just pure evil.

Yes...the left attacks the police and military first, driving out good people who don't want the hassle just to be called names or sued and put in prison for trying to do their job. Then, the left lowers the standards for both, and the police and military are filled with leftist goons who are more than happy to be corrupt and violent as long as their left wing masters pay them .......that is what you see in all these left wing controlled, mad max countries...

That is just mindless jingoism.
You know as well as I do that the police and military are always associated with a strong, dictatorial, central government.
The founders were against that, and wanted the opposite, decentralized, where you arm the population instead, for real citizen soldiers, and citizen posses of a real democratic republic.
Paychecks automatically corrupt.
There is no way around that.
Doing a job that should not necessarily be done, is not a noble thing.
For example, Prohibition, the War on Drugs, the invasion of Iraq, etc.
Here is another example of why we can't trust the filthy ass Liberals with our Constitutional rights.

A man in Conn gets a firearm stolen from his car and he reports it and then the jackbooted government thugs comes to his home and confiscates the rest of firearms. Asshole police for doing what the assholes politicians told them to do.

Connecticut Man Reports Pistol Stolen – Police Seize His Guns

Man Reports His Pistol Stolen — So Police Take Away All His Guns and License to Carry

A Connecticut man had his pistol permit and firearms seized by authorities after he reported the theft of one of his guns on Monday.

Officers responded on Tuesday to a report of car burglary made by Christopher Jerome, 26, the New Haven Register reported.

He told police that, believing he would get back into the vehicle shortly, he didn’t lock his car doors after parking on Monday evening.

Jerome said the next day he discovered his pistol had been lifted from the car’s unlocked glove box and the driver’s side door was open.

Police arrested Jerome on a reckless endangerment charge.

Under a recently implemented state law, police then entered Jerome’s home and removed the rest of his firearms: a Glock, another handgun and an AR-15.
Here is another example of why we can't trust the filthy ass Liberals with our Constitutional rights.

A man in Conn gets a firearm stolen from his car and he reports it and then the jackbooted government thugs comes to his home and confiscates the rest of firearms. Asshole police for doing what the assholes politicians told them to do.

Connecticut Man Reports Pistol Stolen – Police Seize His Guns

Man Reports His Pistol Stolen — So Police Take Away All His Guns and License to Carry

A Connecticut man had his pistol permit and firearms seized by authorities after he reported the theft of one of his guns on Monday.

Officers responded on Tuesday to a report of car burglary made by Christopher Jerome, 26, the New Haven Register reported.

He told police that, believing he would get back into the vehicle shortly, he didn’t lock his car doors after parking on Monday evening.

Jerome said the next day he discovered his pistol had been lifted from the car’s unlocked glove box and the driver’s side door was open.

Police arrested Jerome on a reckless endangerment charge.

Under a recently implemented state law, police then entered Jerome’s home and removed the rest of his firearms: a Glock, another handgun and an AR-15.
So, the victim of theft gets arrested for reporting it? Next time, don't call the cops to enforce laws. That shit never works.

God, I hate government bullshit.

Here is another example of why we can't trust the filthy ass Liberals with our Constitutional rights.

A man in Conn gets a firearm stolen from his car and he reports it and then the jackbooted government thugs comes to his home and confiscates the rest of firearms. Asshole police for doing what the assholes politicians told them to do.

Connecticut Man Reports Pistol Stolen – Police Seize His Guns

Man Reports His Pistol Stolen — So Police Take Away All His Guns and License to Carry

A Connecticut man had his pistol permit and firearms seized by authorities after he reported the theft of one of his guns on Monday.

Officers responded on Tuesday to a report of car burglary made by Christopher Jerome, 26, the New Haven Register reported.

He told police that, believing he would get back into the vehicle shortly, he didn’t lock his car doors after parking on Monday evening.

Jerome said the next day he discovered his pistol had been lifted from the car’s unlocked glove box and the driver’s side door was open.

Police arrested Jerome on a reckless endangerment charge.

Under a recently implemented state law, police then entered Jerome’s home and removed the rest of his firearms: a Glock, another handgun and an AR-15.
So, the victim of theft gets arrested for reporting it? Next time, don't call the cops to enforce laws. That shit never works.

God, I hate government bullshit.


That just shows you how batshit crazy the Liberals are. You cannot trust them with your Constitutional rights. They will take Liberty away from in a heartbeat if they can get away with it.

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