Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

You commit a gun crime…you should go to prison. For a very long time too in my view. The cops have a hard enough job without there being this revolving door in jails and prison. Stick up a shop owner, you get caught, you get X number of years for the robbery. If you don’t have the liability insurance (it would be called something else but insurance to pay the victims is what I mean), bingo, another 5 years added on to it.

You have a problem keeping criminals in jail?

Amen sister!!! A rare moment of lucidity from you! The only thing I would say is that you should replace "gun crime" with "crime". Whether a gun is used or a knife is used, a crime is a crime.

Does this mean there is hope for you or was this just some sort of anomaly?

I’ve been saying it for 6 months or so….

Still think you should be able to buy land-mines at Wal mart?

How about anti-tank weapons?
I get mine from a military surplus depot.
And if they don’t…well…tack on another 5-10 years to their sentence. Meanwhile, it decreases the number of guns made (higher costs means fewer guns), it decreased the number of guns sold (higher prices mean fewer guns), and it increases the prosecutorial powers of the law.

Why. I see. You don't mind having your fellow citizens rounded up and thrown in prisons.

You commit a gun crime…you should go to prison. For a very long time too in my view. The cops have a hard enough job without there being this revolving door in jails and prison. Stick up a shop owner, you get caught, you get X number of years for the robbery. If you don’t have the liability insurance (it would be called something else but insurance to pay the victims is what I mean), bingo, another 5 years added on to it.

You have a problem keeping criminals in jail?
Oh no. I don' t mind Criminals in jail. I'd prefer a firing squad. Save the taxpayers some money.

Why should I have to insure my firearms.

My homeowners insurance handles the loss in the event someone can get into my house, alive, and get into my safe and get my arms.

The same way that you get taxed for cigarettes and have to have liability insurance for the car. It serves the greater good. We have a gun problem in this nation. This will, at least, help the victims. Sucks but we all pay for it.
You don't own firearms. That is an unnecessary tax on me. Nope. A firing squad will fix this problem very quickly.

I find it to be a reasonable remedy. A serious deterrent to those who want to use firearms in the commission of a crime.

If you don’t own a car, you don’t have to carry liability insurance. If you do, you have to have it. Sorry.
Why. I see. You don't mind having your fellow citizens rounded up and thrown in prisons.

You commit a gun crime…you should go to prison. For a very long time too in my view. The cops have a hard enough job without there being this revolving door in jails and prison. Stick up a shop owner, you get caught, you get X number of years for the robbery. If you don’t have the liability insurance (it would be called something else but insurance to pay the victims is what I mean), bingo, another 5 years added on to it.

You have a problem keeping criminals in jail?
Oh no. I don' t mind Criminals in jail. I'd prefer a firing squad. Save the taxpayers some money.

Why should I have to insure my firearms.

My homeowners insurance handles the loss in the event someone can get into my house, alive, and get into my safe and get my arms.

The same way that you get taxed for cigarettes and have to have liability insurance for the car. It serves the greater good. We have a gun problem in this nation. This will, at least, help the victims. Sucks but we all pay for it.
You don't own firearms. That is an unnecessary tax on me. Nope. A firing squad will fix this problem very quickly.

I find it to be a reasonable remedy. A serious deterrent to those who want to use firearms in the commission of a crime.

If you don’t own a car, you don’t have to carry liability insurance. If you do, you have to have it. Sorry.
I'm supposed to be insured. And to think I've been driving my half-track without it.
They don't understand that criminals are not going to buy "insurance" or "register" their guns. Lol. :uhoh3:

No but when you don’t…you open yourself up to a longer prison sentence. In a case like Adam Lanza, the liability insurance compensates the 26 victims.

That's not how "rights" work. Lol. That would prevent some people from practicing their right. Getting it yet?
We have a gun problem in this nation.
For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, 16,000,000 were not.
Your conclusion: We have a gun problem.
It's the body-count, not the gun-count that matters.
We have a "gun" problem, she mindlessly stated.
Clearly, she means to relate the number of guns to this.
And so, for the argument to have any meaning at all, the number o guns must be related to the number of murders.
You commit a gun crime…you should go to prison. For a very long time too in my view. The cops have a hard enough job without there being this revolving door in jails and prison. Stick up a shop owner, you get caught, you get X number of years for the robbery. If you don’t have the liability insurance (it would be called something else but insurance to pay the victims is what I mean), bingo, another 5 years added on to it.

You have a problem keeping criminals in jail?

Amen sister!!! A rare moment of lucidity from you! The only thing I would say is that you should replace "gun crime" with "crime". Whether a gun is used or a knife is used, a crime is a crime.

Does this mean there is hope for you or was this just some sort of anomaly?

I’ve been saying it for 6 months or so….

Still think you should be able to buy land-mines at Wal mart?

How about anti-tank weapons?
I get mine from a military surplus depot.

Lets go down the rabbit hole…should you be able to carry around a LAW with you the same way these boobs are carrying guns into Target?

Why. I see. You don't mind having your fellow citizens rounded up and thrown in prisons.

You commit a gun crime…you should go to prison. For a very long time too in my view. The cops have a hard enough job without there being this revolving door in jails and prison. Stick up a shop owner, you get caught, you get X number of years for the robbery. If you don’t have the liability insurance (it would be called something else but insurance to pay the victims is what I mean), bingo, another 5 years added on to it.

You have a problem keeping criminals in jail?
Oh no. I don' t mind Criminals in jail. I'd prefer a firing squad. Save the taxpayers some money.

Why should I have to insure my firearms.

My homeowners insurance handles the loss in the event someone can get into my house, alive, and get into my safe and get my arms.

The same way that you get taxed for cigarettes and have to have liability insurance for the car. It serves the greater good. We have a gun problem in this nation. This will, at least, help the victims. Sucks but we all pay for it.
You don't own firearms. That is an unnecessary tax on me. Nope. A firing squad will fix this problem very quickly.

I find it to be a reasonable remedy. A serious deterrent to those who want to use firearms in the commission of a crime.

If you don’t own a car, you don’t have to carry liability insurance. If you do, you have to have it. Sorry.

Driving or owning a car is not a constitutional right. Apples and oranges. Now, shall we discuss "voter ID?" :D
They don't understand that criminals are not going to buy "insurance" or "register" their guns. Lol. :uhoh3:

No but when you don’t…you open yourself up to a longer prison sentence. In a case like Adam Lanza, the liability insurance compensates the 26 victims.

That's not how "rights" work. Lol. That would prevent some people from practicing their right. Getting it yet?

So does the base price of a gun. Should guns be free? If not, you’re a hypocrite.
They don't understand that criminals are not going to buy "insurance" or "register" their guns. Lol. :uhoh3:

No but when you don’t…you open yourself up to a longer prison sentence. In a case like Adam Lanza, the liability insurance compensates the 26 victims.

That's not how "rights" work. Lol. That would prevent some people from practicing their right. Getting it yet?

So does the base price of a gun. Should guns be free? If not, you’re a hypocrite.

No, but the price of a gun is not imposed by the government. :)
They don't understand that criminals are not going to buy "insurance" or "register" their guns. Lol. :uhoh3:
No but when you don’t…you open yourself up to a longer prison sentence. In a case like Adam Lanza, the liability insurance compensates the 26 victims.
That's not how "rights" work. Lol. That would prevent some people from practicing their right. Getting it yet?
So does the base price of a gun. Should guns be free? If not, you’re a hypocrite.
More mindless nonsense.
You commit a gun crime…you should go to prison. For a very long time too in my view. The cops have a hard enough job without there being this revolving door in jails and prison. Stick up a shop owner, you get caught, you get X number of years for the robbery. If you don’t have the liability insurance (it would be called something else but insurance to pay the victims is what I mean), bingo, another 5 years added on to it.

You have a problem keeping criminals in jail?

Amen sister!!! A rare moment of lucidity from you! The only thing I would say is that you should replace "gun crime" with "crime". Whether a gun is used or a knife is used, a crime is a crime.

Does this mean there is hope for you or was this just some sort of anomaly?

I’ve been saying it for 6 months or so….

Still think you should be able to buy land-mines at Wal mart?

How about anti-tank weapons?
I get mine from a military surplus depot.

Lets go down the rabbit hole…should you be able to carry around a LAW with you the same way these boobs are carrying guns into Target?

I prefer a .30 M1919
The same way that you get taxed for cigarettes and have to have liability insurance for the car. It serves the greater good. We have a gun problem in this nation. This will, at least, help the victims. Sucks but we all pay for it.

We don't have a gun problem. We have a criminal problem (of which you have no desire to address) and we have an automobile problem (of which you have no desire to address). Why? Because you were conditioned to fear an inanimate object (the gun), conditioned to love a considerably more dangerous object (the automobile), and conditioned to defend the most dangerous object (the criminal) - all for the agenda of a disturbed and failed ideology.

I guess denial is not just a river in Egypt after all.
Right? We have automobiles killing more people and you're worried about firearms!
We have a gun problem in this nation.
For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, 16,000,000 were not.
Your conclusion: We have a gun problem.
It's the body-count, not the gun-count that matters.
We have a "gun" problem, she mindlessly stated.
Clearly, she means to relate the number of guns to this.
And so, for the argument to have any meaning at all, the number o guns must be related to the number of murders.
If 30,000 people were killed each year by termites, it wouldn't matter a damn how many termites we had, we would have a termite problem.

Logic seems to be utterly lacking here.
So does the base price of a gun. Should guns be free? If not, you’re a hypocrite.

Yes! Liberals believe that a person should be forced to bake a cake for homosexuals even if it violates their religion, and a person should have to commit murder in an abortion even if it violates their religion, why not force liberals to pay taxes for arming all of us? How great would that be?
You commit a gun crime…you should go to prison. For a very long time too in my view. The cops have a hard enough job without there being this revolving door in jails and prison. Stick up a shop owner, you get caught, you get X number of years for the robbery. If you don’t have the liability insurance (it would be called something else but insurance to pay the victims is what I mean), bingo, another 5 years added on to it.

You have a problem keeping criminals in jail?
Oh no. I don' t mind Criminals in jail. I'd prefer a firing squad. Save the taxpayers some money.

Why should I have to insure my firearms.

My homeowners insurance handles the loss in the event someone can get into my house, alive, and get into my safe and get my arms.

The same way that you get taxed for cigarettes and have to have liability insurance for the car. It serves the greater good. We have a gun problem in this nation. This will, at least, help the victims. Sucks but we all pay for it.
You don't own firearms. That is an unnecessary tax on me. Nope. A firing squad will fix this problem very quickly.

I find it to be a reasonable remedy. A serious deterrent to those who want to use firearms in the commission of a crime.

If you don’t own a car, you don’t have to carry liability insurance. If you do, you have to have it. Sorry.

Driving or owning a car is not a constitutional right. Apples and oranges. Now, shall we discuss "voter ID?" :D
Where does the right to vote say you need ID? As a matter of fact, where is the right to vote?

It's not in the Constitution that's for sure.
The bottom line here is that gun owners who haven't done anything wrong are not responsible for the loon who abuses his rights. Nope, and the government cannot imposes "taxes or levies" on one of our basic human rights.
We have a gun problem in this nation.
For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, 16,000,000 were not.
Your conclusion: We have a gun problem.
It's the body-count, not the gun-count that matters.
We have a "gun" problem, she mindlessly stated.
Clearly, she means to relate the number of guns to this.
And so, for the argument to have any meaning at all, the number o guns must be related to the number of murders.
If 30,000 people were killed each year by termites, it wouldn't matter a damn how many termites we had, we would have a termite problem.
Logic seems to be utterly lacking here.
Indeed. When you develop a minimal capacity to use and understand it, let us know.
Oh no. I don' t mind Criminals in jail. I'd prefer a firing squad. Save the taxpayers some money.

Why should I have to insure my firearms.

My homeowners insurance handles the loss in the event someone can get into my house, alive, and get into my safe and get my arms.

The same way that you get taxed for cigarettes and have to have liability insurance for the car. It serves the greater good. We have a gun problem in this nation. This will, at least, help the victims. Sucks but we all pay for it.
You don't own firearms. That is an unnecessary tax on me. Nope. A firing squad will fix this problem very quickly.

I find it to be a reasonable remedy. A serious deterrent to those who want to use firearms in the commission of a crime.

If you don’t own a car, you don’t have to carry liability insurance. If you do, you have to have it. Sorry.

Driving or owning a car is not a constitutional right. Apples and oranges. Now, shall we discuss "voter ID?" :D
Where does the right to vote say you need ID?
The same place it says you need an ID to buy a gun.

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