Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

I never cease to marvel at how libtards just make shit up as they go. They know NOTHING but they will literally just make it up out of thin air. Unbelievable. What kind of asshole does something like that?
Find the text of the Constitution that excludes child pornography from 1st Amendment protection.

Keep in mind, the 2nd Amendment guys here are making the SAME EXACT ARGUMENT.

Find the text of the Constitution that excludes fully automatic weapons from 2nd Amendment protection.

Keep in mind, the 1st Amendment libtards are making the SAME EXACT ARGUMENT. If the founders couldn't possibly have seen the advancement in weapons technology and never meant for the Constitution to protect that, then they also couldn't possibly have seen the internet, cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, texts, etc. which can spread disinformation and misinformation around the globe in milliseconds.


So you agree that laws against child pornography are unconstitutional. lol
You seem desperate for that to be the case. Not entirely sure why. But no - freedom of speech and freedom of press are about WORDS. Photography didn't even exist back when the U.S. Constitution was written (whereas guns, cannons, etc. did).

You're really looking ridiculous here grasping this desperately at straws. Are you sure you don't want to try another approach?

So photography and automatic weapons didn't exist at the time of the framing?

lolol, oops.
Canons existed. Our founders had seen the evolution of weapons and specifically stated ARMS and not "guns" for that reason. Nice try though!

LOLOL, oops...
Go to a self defense class and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

And how does that help anything J4J? For instance, no matter how many "self-defense classes" you took, I would still be able to beat you like a little bitch. I could literally beat you into a coma and even death. So how does that help?

Now, take that realization and then look a little, petite CL who is a woman. She doesn't have testosterone so she doesn't have the muscle mass of a man, the size, the strength, etc. You can't even defend yourself as a guy and you want CL to try to fight men who have a longer reach, larger hands, more muscle due to hormones, and outweigh her?

Here's a better suggestion than yours: go to a class on the U.S. Constitution and stop trying to cheat people out of their rights. Idiot.
Find the text of the Constitution that excludes child pornography from 1st Amendment protection.

Keep in mind, the 2nd Amendment guys here are making the SAME EXACT ARGUMENT.

Find the text of the Constitution that excludes fully automatic weapons from 2nd Amendment protection.

Keep in mind, the 1st Amendment libtards are making the SAME EXACT ARGUMENT. If the founders couldn't possibly have seen the advancement in weapons technology and never meant for the Constitution to protect that, then they also couldn't possibly have seen the internet, cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, texts, etc. which can spread disinformation and misinformation around the globe in milliseconds.


So you agree that laws against child pornography are unconstitutional. lol
You seem desperate for that to be the case. Not entirely sure why. But no - freedom of speech and freedom of press are about WORDS. Photography didn't even exist back when the U.S. Constitution was written (whereas guns, cannons, etc. did).

You're really looking ridiculous here grasping this desperately at straws. Are you sure you don't want to try another approach?

So photography and automatic weapons didn't exist at the time of the framing?

lolol, oops.
First photograph 1826
The right to bear arms doens't go far enough in this country. The military is developing some pretty powerful weapons such as laser tanks. Why can't we have access to those things? What is the point of having the right to bear arms if the public's access to them is severely restricted?
The typical LWL argument against the Second Amendment: well if you want a handgun, why not also a nuke!
Find the text of the Constitution that excludes child pornography from 1st Amendment protection.

Keep in mind, the 2nd Amendment guys here are making the SAME EXACT ARGUMENT.

Find the text of the Constitution that excludes fully automatic weapons from 2nd Amendment protection.

Keep in mind, the 1st Amendment libtards are making the SAME EXACT ARGUMENT. If the founders couldn't possibly have seen the advancement in weapons technology and never meant for the Constitution to protect that, then they also couldn't possibly have seen the internet, cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, texts, etc. which can spread disinformation and misinformation around the globe in milliseconds.


So you agree that laws against child pornography are unconstitutional. lol
You seem desperate for that to be the case. Not entirely sure why. But no - freedom of speech and freedom of press are about WORDS. Photography didn't even exist back when the U.S. Constitution was written (whereas guns, cannons, etc. did).

You're really looking ridiculous here grasping this desperately at straws. Are you sure you don't want to try another approach?

So photography and automatic weapons didn't exist at the time of the framing?

lolol, oops.
First photograph 1826

He really thought he had latched onto something there with the whole "child pornography" thing as an example of how and why the 2nd Amendment could and should be limited. :lol:

The reality is - the 1st Amendment with regards to speech and press are about WORDS and there is no limit on words (I'm waiting for one of them to point out the obvious on how they believe there are - in which case I will obliterate that one if and when they think of it).
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
Not for lack of trying. Wasn't President Obama really, really pissed that his gun control didn't pass? LOL

BTW, the best thing to happen to American gun manufacturers is Barack Obama and the anti-gun Left. I, just by myself, have bought seven additional handguns and rifles (two of them AKs) and several thousand rounds of ammunition. Why? Because of the anti-gun Left and this guy:

The right to bear arms doens't go far enough in this country. The military is developing some pretty powerful weapons such as laser tanks. Why can't we have access to those things? What is the point of having the right to bear arms if the public's access to them is severely restricted?
The typical LWL argument against the Second Amendment: well if you want a handgun, why not also a nuke!
The truth is - we literally do have a right to nuclear weapons. But it's not a concern for a multitude of reasons:
  • Show me a company that sells nuclear arms
  • Purchasing one would cost a minimum of $10 million dollars
  • That leaves a small handful of ultra rich (nobody is dropping $10 million on a nuke if their entire net worth is $10 million - so you're looking at people who have at least $20 million or more) and I highly doubt any of them (such as Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, desire a nuke).
  • Nuclear weapons require multiple codes to launch - even the U.S. President cannot launch one himself
  • The US is 100% constitutionally permitted to regulate foreign commerce - including dangerous/hazardous materials so a cheaper nuclear weapon altered to avoid the standard multiple launch codes through the black market could not be purchased legally anyway
It's a non-issue that could only be brought up by the modern-day libtard with the critical thinking skills of the average 4 year old.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

I like your post.

But a clarification, you do realize that we are FREE PEOPLE and the 2A EMPHASIZES our ABSOLUTE RIGHT to bear arms. The right is protected by the Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

Otherwise the dingleberries will retort the the 2A only applies to militias.
I'm not sure where you are getting out of my post that we don't have an absolute right to bear arms. We do and no where do I state otherwise. Furthermore, as I've pointed out to libtards many times, it does not say "muskets" or "hand guns" - as in, our absolute right goes far beyond just a gun. It is limitless in the type of weapon we can own. Limitless.

Freedom of the press - in the Constitution - doesn't exclude child pornography, does it?

child porn is not protected because it is an attack on children....children are harmed when you create it and they cannot give consent to can get all the other porn you want..can't you?
Last edited:
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
Not for lack of trying. Wasn't President Obama really, really pissed that his gun control didn't pass? LOL

BTW, the best thing to happen to American gun manufacturers is Barack Obama and the anti-gun Left. I, just by myself, have bought seven additional handguns and rifles (two of them AKs) and several thousand rounds of ammunition. Why? Because of the anti-gun Left and this guy:


He's the best thing to ever happen to the gun industry. When he was first elected, they couldn't keep up with demand. He's made the gun industry hundreds of billions of dollars (which will be used to defeat moron's like him in elections). It's a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

I like your post.

But a clarification, you do realize that we are FREE PEOPLE and the 2A EMPHASIZES our ABSOLUTE RIGHT to bear arms. The right is protected by the Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

Otherwise the dingleberries will retort the the 2A only applies to militias.
I'm not sure where you are getting out of my post that we don't have an absolute right to bear arms. We do and no where do I state otherwise. Furthermore, as I've pointed out to libtards many times, it does not say "muskets" or "hand guns" - as in, our absolute right goes far beyond just a gun. It is limitless in the type of weapon we can own. Limitless.

Freedom of the press - in the Constitution - doesn't exclude child pornography, does it?

child porn is not protected because it is an attack on children....children are ha med when you create it and they cannot give consent to can get all the other porn you want..can't you?
And even that isn't the reason 2aG. The real reason is, the 1st Amendment applies to WORDS. And yes - you can speak or write all you want about children and sex. But taking photographs are not words.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

I like your post.

But a clarification, you do realize that we are FREE PEOPLE and the 2A EMPHASIZES our ABSOLUTE RIGHT to bear arms. The right is protected by the Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

Otherwise the dingleberries will retort the the 2A only applies to militias.
I'm not sure where you are getting out of my post that we don't have an absolute right to bear arms. We do and no where do I state otherwise. Furthermore, as I've pointed out to libtards many times, it does not say "muskets" or "hand guns" - as in, our absolute right goes far beyond just a gun. It is limitless in the type of weapon we can own. Limitless.

Freedom of the press - in the Constitution - doesn't exclude child pornography, does it?

Good grief. This is a sure sign of desperation. Lol.

Find the text of the Constitution that excludes child pornography from 1st Amendment protection.

Keep in mind, the 2nd Amendment guys here are making the SAME EXACT ARGUMENT.

Nope....children cannot give consent to participat in child porn.......and it is illegal to have sex with underage children or to profit from it...all other porn....perfectly protected........

Gun rights are already cannot commit a crime with a gun...or sell one to a felon......

Pretty much covers everything you need to cover right there.....

What else do you think we need...that actually is necessary and actually works....
He's the best thing to ever happen to the gun industry. When he was first elected, they couldn't keep up with demand. He's made the gun industry hundreds of billions of dollars (which will be used to defeat moron's like him in elections). It's a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
Gun manufacturers have profited very well under President Obama. It wouldn't surprise me they are rooting for Hillary too!

Gun stock investors love Obama
Gun owners may not like it when President Obama talks about guns. But gun investors certainly do.
Whenever the president discusses the need for tougher gun control laws, gun stocks go up. A lot.

It happened in the wake of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut more than three years ago.

And it happened again on Monday following reports that Obama would unveil executive actionson Tuesday that call for expanded background checks among other things.

On what turned out to be an ugly day for the overall market, shares of Smith & Wesson (SWHC)rose 6%. Sturm Ruger (RGR) popped 3%.

Ammunition makers Olin (OLN) (which owns Winchester) and Vista Outdoor (VSTO) rallied too.

Related: Obama's evolution on gun control

And shares of sporting goods retailer Cabela's (CAB), which generates nearly half of its sales from hunting equipment, held up relatively well amidst the broader market turmoil. The stock finished the day slightly higher.

Most of these gun stocks gained again Tuesday as Obama formally unveiled his new gun control plans.

Smith & Wesson soared another 11% in midday trading while Sturm Ruger was up 7%.

The main reason for the latest gun run? Smith & Wesson raised its sales and earnings outlook for its latest quarter and entire fiscal year, citing "strong growth" in FBI background checks for guns in December.

Strong is actually an understatement. It was a record month for background checks. There were more than 3.3 million. The previous all-time high was 2.78 million in December 2012 -- the month of the Newtown massacre.

As a result, Smith & Wesson's sales for the quarter that ended in December may now be up as much as 38% from a year ago, compared to previous estimates for growth of 18%.

The increased demand for guns should not be a huge surprise.

Find the text of the Constitution that excludes child pornography from 1st Amendment protection.

Keep in mind, the 2nd Amendment guys here are making the SAME EXACT ARGUMENT.

Find the text of the Constitution that excludes fully automatic weapons from 2nd Amendment protection.

Keep in mind, the 1st Amendment libtards are making the SAME EXACT ARGUMENT. If the founders couldn't possibly have seen the advancement in weapons technology and never meant for the Constitution to protect that, then they also couldn't possibly have seen the internet, cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, texts, etc. which can spread disinformation and misinformation around the globe in milliseconds.


The reason automatic weapons can be restricted is that the Constitution gives the Supreme Court the power to rule so.

No...the Court was never given that power..they assumed the power to declare things Constitutional in Marbury v. MAdison.....and have never been challenged on that.....something that needs to change.
I like your post.

But a clarification, you do realize that we are FREE PEOPLE and the 2A EMPHASIZES our ABSOLUTE RIGHT to bear arms. The right is protected by the Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

Otherwise the dingleberries will retort the the 2A only applies to militias.
I'm not sure where you are getting out of my post that we don't have an absolute right to bear arms. We do and no where do I state otherwise. Furthermore, as I've pointed out to libtards many times, it does not say "muskets" or "hand guns" - as in, our absolute right goes far beyond just a gun. It is limitless in the type of weapon we can own. Limitless.

Freedom of the press - in the Constitution - doesn't exclude child pornography, does it?

Good grief. This is a sure sign of desperation. Lol.

Rottweiler says the 2nd Amendment is 'limitless'. If he's right, isn't the 1st Amendment also 'limitless'?

She fled the interview. Big surprise.

Well, I had no idea this was an interview. In order for me to grant you an interview, I want to get paid, of course. :D

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