Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.
How much of this rising rate of gun crime perpetrated with legally owned guns? If you will take the time to research the FBI statistics you will find the percentage to e relatively small. Most gun crime is effected with illegal guns.

So what do you suggest we do about that? Enact more repressive gun laws -- as we've been doing with the drug laws for half a century with absolute zero effect?

Lots of legal guns, guarantees lots of illegal guns. We need stricter gun control. Where there is strong gun control, there is little gun crime.

Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute

Yes...criminals steal guns....what we need is a law that says it is against the law to steal guns. abiding Americans, with their legal guns, stop violent criminals 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice Study....just one study of many that shows defensive gun use is common for law abiding Americans......
We want less guns, not more.
Who is this “we” stuff? The U.S. has spoken. We want more guns. Only the fascists such as yourself want less.

Nothing fascist about wanting fewer dead cops and lower crime rates. Why do you want so many armed criminals?

Then you want more good Americans carrying more good Americans carry guns, our crime rates go down...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, school shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

Violent crime increases in right-to-carry states | Stanford News

There Have Been Over 200 School Shooting Incidents Since The Sandy Hook Massacre | HuffPost

as to the Stanford study by anti gun hack, john donahue......why is it that you anti gunners always have to lie.....?

Stanford law prof gets it wrong on guns -- right-to-carry reduces crime, not the other way around

So the game is to find states where murder rates fell relative to the states adopting right-to-carry laws, then use that as evidence of right-to-carry laws causing an increase in violent crime. Before this researchers made an across-the-board comparison between states that changed their laws and states that haven’t changed them.

This new study picks out just two to four states, and in many cases effectively just use Hawaii to compare with right-to-carry states. In the cases of Idaho and Minnesota, over 96 percent of the comparison is just with Hawaii. For Mississippi, Nebraska, and Utah, Hawaii counts for between 72 percent and 83 percent of the comparison.

The study claims that police simply “underestimate criminality by permit holders.” But Donohue's only evidence is two news stories from 2000 and 2007 where permit holders committed crimes. Neither story shows any failure by police to record the incidents. The study never mentions how large the police error rate would have to be in order to for their results to hold.

Take Michigan, where Donohue claims that right-to-carry laws increased the violent crime rate by 8.8 percent. During 2015, 22 of Michigan's roughly 600,000 permit holders were convicted of violent crimes, and many of those had nothing to do with guns. Permit holders accounted for 0.053 percent of violent crime in the state. Therefore, Michigan experienced an increase in crime that was 166 times greater than permit holder’s share of violent crimes. And all this assumes that permit holders didn’t stop or deter any crimes.

For these results to be plausible, Michigan police departments would have to be missing 99.4 percent of cases where permit holders have committed violent crimes.
Mass shootings happen often when there are lots of guns. They are rare when there is strong gun control.
Mass shootings happen often when there are lots of guns. They are rare when there is strong gun control.
I was going to rant and rave about how wrong you are ---- but I decided not to.

Instead, I will only say that you are trying to back into a plausible justification for an untenable position where none exists. Your connectivity of the prevalence of guns to the frequency of mass shootings can't be justified. Yes, there are more guns - yes, there are more mass shootings --- but the number of guns does not increase the number of mass shootings. There is no causal factor proven. There is a correlation, yes - but not a cause. If that were so, eliminating X guns would mean there will be a Y decrease in mass shootings.

There are more people --- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing that we should limit the number of people in order to prevent more mass shootings? There are more cars -- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing that we should limit the number of cars in order to prevent more mass shootings? There are more apartments --- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing we should limit the number of apartments in order to prevent more mass shootings??

Mass shootings are NOT a result of guns - "guns" is merely the methodology. Mass shootings ARE a direct result of a societal decrease in concern for others. Mass shootings ARE a direct result of a perception of a lack of ultimate reckoning for their actions. Mass shootings ARE - and I know this will make you uncomfortable - a direct result of a transition of our society from a Christian morality to a secular morality. As our concern for our fellow man has withered, we are more willing to self-justify harm to our fellow man as a viable solution to our confrontations. As man has increasingly come to believe that he is the ultimate authority - which has to be the epitome of arrogance - we have increased our capacity to rationalize our extreme actions.

It is nonsensical to believe that strict gun control will have a positive effect. The proof of the fallacy of this simplistic misinterpretation of the reality is no further than Chicago of Washington DC. Draconian gun control laws have had no effect on the murder rates in these cities - in fact, they can be considered as direct contributors to the death rate.

Guns are NOT the problem - the person pulling the trigger is the problem. As long as you allow yourself to be distracted from addressing the root of the problem, the longer, and the larger, the problem will become. Mass shootings is the symptom - not the disease. You don' kill a tree by cutting off the limbs.

It isn't a coincidence we have the most guns and the most mass killings, cop killings, school shootings, accidental shootings, cops killing the most people, toddler shootings... It is frankly quite silly to think it is a coincidence. These are things that are rare with strong gun control.
I did not speak of coincidence .... I spoke of correlation and causation. Quit trying to change the discussion to fit your preconceived mission.

Here is your task ..... there is an increase in guns, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Then ... there is an increase in people, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Somehow, you seem to believe that just the sight of a gun causes people to go crazy and kill hundreds. Somehow, you seem to believe that, if the gun weren't there - in all its malevolent glory - the person would not harbor ill will and act on it.

Quit fooling yourself ---- address the cause.

Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.

No....we had crime increasing during the end of obama because of the Ferguson effect....created by obama and his left wing black lives matter supporters and their other assholes in the ACLU attacking the police.....getting them to stand down....

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.
How much of this rising rate of gun crime perpetrated with legally owned guns? If you will take the time to research the FBI statistics you will find the percentage to e relatively small. Most gun crime is effected with illegal guns.

So what do you suggest we do about that? Enact more repressive gun laws -- as we've been doing with the drug laws for half a century with absolute zero effect?

Lots of legal guns, guarantees lots of illegal guns. We need stricter gun control. Where there is strong gun control, there is little gun crime.

Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute

Yes...criminals steal guns....what we need is a law that says it is against the law to steal guns. abiding Americans, with their legal guns, stop violent criminals 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice Study....just one study of many that shows defensive gun use is common for law abiding Americans......
That seems to have a positive effect on crime.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.
How much of this rising rate of gun crime perpetrated with legally owned guns? If you will take the time to research the FBI statistics you will find the percentage to e relatively small. Most gun crime is effected with illegal guns.

So what do you suggest we do about that? Enact more repressive gun laws -- as we've been doing with the drug laws for half a century with absolute zero effect?

Lots of legal guns, guarantees lots of illegal guns. We need stricter gun control. Where there is strong gun control, there is little gun crime.

Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute
Flawed logic, at best - ignorance, in all probability - and, sheer insanity, at worst.

So you prefer to ignore reality? Fact is gun crime isn't a problem with strong gun control. It certainly is a problem when you have the most guns and weak gun laws.
Mass shootings happen often when there are lots of guns. They are rare when there is strong gun control.
Mass shootings happen often when there are lots of guns. They are rare when there is strong gun control.
I was going to rant and rave about how wrong you are ---- but I decided not to.

Instead, I will only say that you are trying to back into a plausible justification for an untenable position where none exists. Your connectivity of the prevalence of guns to the frequency of mass shootings can't be justified. Yes, there are more guns - yes, there are more mass shootings --- but the number of guns does not increase the number of mass shootings. There is no causal factor proven. There is a correlation, yes - but not a cause. If that were so, eliminating X guns would mean there will be a Y decrease in mass shootings.

There are more people --- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing that we should limit the number of people in order to prevent more mass shootings? There are more cars -- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing that we should limit the number of cars in order to prevent more mass shootings? There are more apartments --- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing we should limit the number of apartments in order to prevent more mass shootings??

Mass shootings are NOT a result of guns - "guns" is merely the methodology. Mass shootings ARE a direct result of a societal decrease in concern for others. Mass shootings ARE a direct result of a perception of a lack of ultimate reckoning for their actions. Mass shootings ARE - and I know this will make you uncomfortable - a direct result of a transition of our society from a Christian morality to a secular morality. As our concern for our fellow man has withered, we are more willing to self-justify harm to our fellow man as a viable solution to our confrontations. As man has increasingly come to believe that he is the ultimate authority - which has to be the epitome of arrogance - we have increased our capacity to rationalize our extreme actions.

It is nonsensical to believe that strict gun control will have a positive effect. The proof of the fallacy of this simplistic misinterpretation of the reality is no further than Chicago of Washington DC. Draconian gun control laws have had no effect on the murder rates in these cities - in fact, they can be considered as direct contributors to the death rate.

Guns are NOT the problem - the person pulling the trigger is the problem. As long as you allow yourself to be distracted from addressing the root of the problem, the longer, and the larger, the problem will become. Mass shootings is the symptom - not the disease. You don' kill a tree by cutting off the limbs.

It isn't a coincidence we have the most guns and the most mass killings, cop killings, school shootings, accidental shootings, cops killing the most people, toddler shootings... It is frankly quite silly to think it is a coincidence. These are things that are rare with strong gun control.
I did not speak of coincidence .... I spoke of correlation and causation. Quit trying to change the discussion to fit your preconceived mission.

Here is your task ..... there is an increase in guns, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Then ... there is an increase in people, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Somehow, you seem to believe that just the sight of a gun causes people to go crazy and kill hundreds. Somehow, you seem to believe that, if the gun weren't there - in all its malevolent glory - the person would not harbor ill will and act on it.

Quit fooling yourself ---- address the cause.

Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.

No....we had crime increasing during the end of obama because of the Ferguson effect....created by obama and his left wing black lives matter supporters and their other assholes in the ACLU attacking the police.....getting them to stand down....

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.

Our cops shoot way more people than other countries because they themselves are shot and killed way more than other countries. This happens because we have weak laws and too many guns. It does not happen when there is strong gun control. All this shooting has led to unrest and increased violent crime.
I was going to rant and rave about how wrong you are ---- but I decided not to.

Instead, I will only say that you are trying to back into a plausible justification for an untenable position where none exists. Your connectivity of the prevalence of guns to the frequency of mass shootings can't be justified. Yes, there are more guns - yes, there are more mass shootings --- but the number of guns does not increase the number of mass shootings. There is no causal factor proven. There is a correlation, yes - but not a cause. If that were so, eliminating X guns would mean there will be a Y decrease in mass shootings.

There are more people --- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing that we should limit the number of people in order to prevent more mass shootings? There are more cars -- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing that we should limit the number of cars in order to prevent more mass shootings? There are more apartments --- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing we should limit the number of apartments in order to prevent more mass shootings??

Mass shootings are NOT a result of guns - "guns" is merely the methodology. Mass shootings ARE a direct result of a societal decrease in concern for others. Mass shootings ARE a direct result of a perception of a lack of ultimate reckoning for their actions. Mass shootings ARE - and I know this will make you uncomfortable - a direct result of a transition of our society from a Christian morality to a secular morality. As our concern for our fellow man has withered, we are more willing to self-justify harm to our fellow man as a viable solution to our confrontations. As man has increasingly come to believe that he is the ultimate authority - which has to be the epitome of arrogance - we have increased our capacity to rationalize our extreme actions.

It is nonsensical to believe that strict gun control will have a positive effect. The proof of the fallacy of this simplistic misinterpretation of the reality is no further than Chicago of Washington DC. Draconian gun control laws have had no effect on the murder rates in these cities - in fact, they can be considered as direct contributors to the death rate.

Guns are NOT the problem - the person pulling the trigger is the problem. As long as you allow yourself to be distracted from addressing the root of the problem, the longer, and the larger, the problem will become. Mass shootings is the symptom - not the disease. You don' kill a tree by cutting off the limbs.

It isn't a coincidence we have the most guns and the most mass killings, cop killings, school shootings, accidental shootings, cops killing the most people, toddler shootings... It is frankly quite silly to think it is a coincidence. These are things that are rare with strong gun control.
I did not speak of coincidence .... I spoke of correlation and causation. Quit trying to change the discussion to fit your preconceived mission.

Here is your task ..... there is an increase in guns, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Then ... there is an increase in people, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Somehow, you seem to believe that just the sight of a gun causes people to go crazy and kill hundreds. Somehow, you seem to believe that, if the gun weren't there - in all its malevolent glory - the person would not harbor ill will and act on it.

Quit fooling yourself ---- address the cause.

Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.

No....we had crime increasing during the end of obama because of the Ferguson effect....created by obama and his left wing black lives matter supporters and their other assholes in the ACLU attacking the police.....getting them to stand down....

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime. more Americans bought and carried guns for 21 years our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down Americans having guns isn't the issue. The only thing that changed happened in 2014 when obama, you and other democrats decided that attacking the police was a good idea, and letting violent criminals out of jail was a better idea....that is what changed.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.
How much of this rising rate of gun crime perpetrated with legally owned guns? If you will take the time to research the FBI statistics you will find the percentage to e relatively small. Most gun crime is effected with illegal guns.

So what do you suggest we do about that? Enact more repressive gun laws -- as we've been doing with the drug laws for half a century with absolute zero effect?

Lots of legal guns, guarantees lots of illegal guns. We need stricter gun control. Where there is strong gun control, there is little gun crime.

Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute

Yes...criminals steal guns....what we need is a law that says it is against the law to steal guns. abiding Americans, with their legal guns, stop violent criminals 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice Study....just one study of many that shows defensive gun use is common for law abiding Americans......
That seems to have a positive effect on crime.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And you have no idea what you are talking about...

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection
It isn't a coincidence we have the most guns and the most mass killings, cop killings, school shootings, accidental shootings, cops killing the most people, toddler shootings... It is frankly quite silly to think it is a coincidence. These are things that are rare with strong gun control.
I did not speak of coincidence .... I spoke of correlation and causation. Quit trying to change the discussion to fit your preconceived mission.

Here is your task ..... there is an increase in guns, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Then ... there is an increase in people, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Somehow, you seem to believe that just the sight of a gun causes people to go crazy and kill hundreds. Somehow, you seem to believe that, if the gun weren't there - in all its malevolent glory - the person would not harbor ill will and act on it.

Quit fooling yourself ---- address the cause.

Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.

No....we had crime increasing during the end of obama because of the Ferguson effect....created by obama and his left wing black lives matter supporters and their other assholes in the ACLU attacking the police.....getting them to stand down....

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime. more Americans bought and carried guns for 21 years our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down Americans having guns isn't the issue. The only thing that changed happened in 2014 when obama, you and other democrats decided that attacking the police was a good idea, and letting violent criminals out of jail was a better idea....that is what changed.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill and added gun control. Now that gun laws are getting weakened we see this:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.
How much of this rising rate of gun crime perpetrated with legally owned guns? If you will take the time to research the FBI statistics you will find the percentage to e relatively small. Most gun crime is effected with illegal guns.

So what do you suggest we do about that? Enact more repressive gun laws -- as we've been doing with the drug laws for half a century with absolute zero effect?

Lots of legal guns, guarantees lots of illegal guns. We need stricter gun control. Where there is strong gun control, there is little gun crime.

Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute

Yes...criminals steal guns....what we need is a law that says it is against the law to steal guns. abiding Americans, with their legal guns, stop violent criminals 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice Study....just one study of many that shows defensive gun use is common for law abiding Americans......
That seems to have a positive effect on crime.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And you have no idea what you are talking about...

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

And that is all because of too many guns. Police shoot too many people because of too many guns. Cops are shot too often because of too many guns. These things don't happen with strong gun control.
I did not speak of coincidence .... I spoke of correlation and causation. Quit trying to change the discussion to fit your preconceived mission.

Here is your task ..... there is an increase in guns, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Then ... there is an increase in people, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Somehow, you seem to believe that just the sight of a gun causes people to go crazy and kill hundreds. Somehow, you seem to believe that, if the gun weren't there - in all its malevolent glory - the person would not harbor ill will and act on it.

Quit fooling yourself ---- address the cause.

Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.

No....we had crime increasing during the end of obama because of the Ferguson effect....created by obama and his left wing black lives matter supporters and their other assholes in the ACLU attacking the police.....getting them to stand down....

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime. more Americans bought and carried guns for 21 years our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down Americans having guns isn't the issue. The only thing that changed happened in 2014 when obama, you and other democrats decided that attacking the police was a good idea, and letting violent criminals out of jail was a better idea....that is what changed.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill and added gun control. Now that gun laws are getting weakened we see this:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.

How much of this rising rate of gun crime perpetrated with legally owned guns? If you will take the time to research the FBI statistics you will find the percentage to e relatively small. Most gun crime is effected with illegal guns.

So what do you suggest we do about that? Enact more repressive gun laws -- as we've been doing with the drug laws for half a century with absolute zero effect?

Lots of legal guns, guarantees lots of illegal guns. We need stricter gun control. Where there is strong gun control, there is little gun crime.

Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute

Yes...criminals steal guns....what we need is a law that says it is against the law to steal guns. abiding Americans, with their legal guns, stop violent criminals 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice Study....just one study of many that shows defensive gun use is common for law abiding Americans......
That seems to have a positive effect on crime.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And you have no idea what you are talking about...

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

And that is all because of too many guns. Police shoot too many people because of too many guns. Cops are shot too often because of too many guns. These things don't happen with strong gun control.

No...cops are shot because the sociopaths our welfare state has created. Law abiding citizens who own close to 600 million guns are not shooting police officers. Young males, in democrat controlled voting districts, raised by single, teenage mothers and without fathers, are shooting police officers with guns that they cannot legally own, buy or carry....and then, when they are caught with those guns, and even when they commit crimes with those and the other democrats keep letting them go.....
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime.

No....we had crime increasing during the end of obama because of the Ferguson effect....created by obama and his left wing black lives matter supporters and their other assholes in the ACLU attacking the police.....getting them to stand down....

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime. more Americans bought and carried guns for 21 years our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down Americans having guns isn't the issue. The only thing that changed happened in 2014 when obama, you and other democrats decided that attacking the police was a good idea, and letting violent criminals out of jail was a better idea....that is what changed.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill and added gun control. Now that gun laws are getting weakened we see this:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
Lots of legal guns, guarantees lots of illegal guns. We need stricter gun control. Where there is strong gun control, there is little gun crime.

Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute

Yes...criminals steal guns....what we need is a law that says it is against the law to steal guns. abiding Americans, with their legal guns, stop violent criminals 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice Study....just one study of many that shows defensive gun use is common for law abiding Americans......
That seems to have a positive effect on crime.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And you have no idea what you are talking about...

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

And that is all because of too many guns. Police shoot too many people because of too many guns. Cops are shot too often because of too many guns. These things don't happen with strong gun control.

No...cops are shot because the sociopaths our welfare state has created. Law abiding citizens who own close to 600 million guns are not shooting police officers. Young males, in democrat controlled voting districts, raised by single, teenage mothers and without fathers, are shooting police officers with guns that they cannot legally own, buy or carry....and then, when they are caught with those guns, and even when they commit crimes with those and the other democrats keep letting them go.....

That's funny, countries with much stronger social programs and gun control don't have a cops getting shot problem. Try again.
No....we had crime increasing during the end of obama because of the Ferguson effect....created by obama and his left wing black lives matter supporters and their other assholes in the ACLU attacking the police.....getting them to stand down....

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime. more Americans bought and carried guns for 21 years our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down Americans having guns isn't the issue. The only thing that changed happened in 2014 when obama, you and other democrats decided that attacking the police was a good idea, and letting violent criminals out of jail was a better idea....that is what changed.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill and added gun control. Now that gun laws are getting weakened we see this:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And the truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Violent crime is rising right now thanks to guns. We have lots of unrest caused by police shooting lots of people. This is something that doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control. Our police shoot a lot of people because they are themselves often shot. Again this doesn't happen when there is strong gun control. So because we have weak gun control we have all this unrest which is increasing violent crime. more Americans bought and carried guns for 21 years our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down Americans having guns isn't the issue. The only thing that changed happened in 2014 when obama, you and other democrats decided that attacking the police was a good idea, and letting violent criminals out of jail was a better idea....that is what changed.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill and added gun control. Now that gun laws are getting weakened we see this:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And the truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill and added gun control. Now that gun laws are getting weakened we see this:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
Yes...criminals steal guns....what we need is a law that says it is against the law to steal guns. abiding Americans, with their legal guns, stop violent criminals 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice Study....just one study of many that shows defensive gun use is common for law abiding Americans......
That seems to have a positive effect on crime.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And you have no idea what you are talking about...

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

And that is all because of too many guns. Police shoot too many people because of too many guns. Cops are shot too often because of too many guns. These things don't happen with strong gun control.

No...cops are shot because the sociopaths our welfare state has created. Law abiding citizens who own close to 600 million guns are not shooting police officers. Young males, in democrat controlled voting districts, raised by single, teenage mothers and without fathers, are shooting police officers with guns that they cannot legally own, buy or carry....and then, when they are caught with those guns, and even when they commit crimes with those and the other democrats keep letting them go.....

That's funny, countries with much stronger social programs and gun control don't have a cops getting shot problem. Try again.

The countries of Europe were set back culturally by World War 2.....they are now catching up...their crime rates and gun crime rates are going up.....massively.......they are where we were in the mid 1960s......and they have taken guns away from the victims of violent nothing will lower their violent crime rates... more Americans bought and carried guns for 21 years our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down Americans having guns isn't the issue. The only thing that changed happened in 2014 when obama, you and other democrats decided that attacking the police was a good idea, and letting violent criminals out of jail was a better idea....that is what changed.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill and added gun control. Now that gun laws are getting weakened we see this:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And the truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill and added gun control. Now that gun laws are getting weakened we see this:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And you will post the lie without the truth every single time....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
That seems to have a positive effect on crime.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

And you have no idea what you are talking about...

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection

And that is all because of too many guns. Police shoot too many people because of too many guns. Cops are shot too often because of too many guns. These things don't happen with strong gun control.

No...cops are shot because the sociopaths our welfare state has created. Law abiding citizens who own close to 600 million guns are not shooting police officers. Young males, in democrat controlled voting districts, raised by single, teenage mothers and without fathers, are shooting police officers with guns that they cannot legally own, buy or carry....and then, when they are caught with those guns, and even when they commit crimes with those and the other democrats keep letting them go.....

That's funny, countries with much stronger social programs and gun control don't have a cops getting shot problem. Try again.

The countries of Europe were set back culturally by World War 2.....they are now catching up...their crime rates and gun crime rates are going up.....massively.......they are where we were in the mid 1960s......and they have taken guns away from the victims of violent nothing will lower their violent crime rates...
Our violent crime rates have gone up with concealed carry.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

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