Thank God for Ryan Lochte and co.

What's the difference. You realize many of these athletes are 17, 18, 19 year olds that aren't even in college? You never partied or did crazy things when you were that age? If anything the police should be investigated for pulling a gun and pointing It at a US athlete's head for no good reason. You realize that gun could have accidentally gone off, right?

Lochte is 32 yo, Feigen 26, Gunnar 20, Conger 22 yo.
They were out of control vandalizing the place.............. You don't mess with people and properties in third world countries. They are lucky..... it could have been worse.
Yes, I agree, they were drunk and celebrating and acted stupid. Nothing unusual for young men under the influence of testosterone and alcohol. They didn't kill or harm anybody.
What's the difference. You realize many of these athletes are 17, 18, 19 year olds that aren't even in college? You never partied or did crazy things when you were that age? If anything the police should be investigated for pulling a gun and pointing It at a US athlete's head for no good reason. You realize that gun could have accidentally gone off, right?

Lochte is 32 yo, Feigen 26, Gunnar 20, Conger 22 yo.
They were out of control vandalizing the place.............. You don't mess with people and properties in third world countries. They are lucky..... it could have been worse.
Yes, I agree, they were drunk and celebrating and acted stupid. Nothing unusual for young men under the influence of testosterone and alcohol. They didn't kill or harm anybody.

They beat up the security guard. All sorts of crimes being committed here. Nothing unusual for privileged white boys.
Oh goody, the left can Hate America Again because some queer made up a story.
Yup. The "tolerant" left even has a bigotted name for these swimmers, they are known as "Ugly Americans". Leave it up to the left to make the world hate America more than ever.
What's the difference. You realize many of these athletes are 17, 18, 19 year olds that aren't even in college? You never partied or did crazy things when you were that age? If anything the police should be investigated for pulling a gun and pointing It at a US athlete's head for no good reason. You realize that gun could have accidentally gone off, right?

Lochte is 32 yo, Feigen 26, Gunnar 20, Conger 22 yo.
They were out of control vandalizing the place.............. You don't mess with people and properties in third world countries. They are lucky..... it could have been worse.
Yes, I agree, they were drunk and celebrating and acted stupid. Nothing unusual for young men under the influence of testosterone and alcohol. They didn't kill or harm anybody.

They beat up the security guard. All sorts of crimes being committed here. Nothing unusual for privileged white boys.
Yeah right! :link: :link:
What's the difference. You realize many of these athletes are 17, 18, 19 year olds that aren't even in college? You never partied or did crazy things when you were that age? If anything the police should be investigated for pulling a gun and pointing It at a US athlete's head for no good reason. You realize that gun could have accidentally gone off, right?

Lochte is 32 yo, Feigen 26, Gunnar 20, Conger 22 yo.
They were out of control vandalizing the place.............. You don't mess with people and properties in third world countries. They are lucky..... it could have been worse.
Yes, I agree, they were drunk and celebrating and acted stupid. Nothing unusual for young men under the influence of testosterone and alcohol. They didn't kill or harm anybody.

They beat up the security guard. All sorts of crimes being committed here. Nothing unusual for privileged white boys.
No, they did not beat up a security guard. They peed all over the wall, broke a mirror and a soap dish and in general acted like tards then Lochte told Mommy a story, then Mommy told the press, then the press told the cops and it went downhill from there. Question is...why does Lochte have to lie to Mommy about being out at 3am when he is over 30 years old?
Not only is he a coward, he is a chickenshit mommys boy.
What's the difference. You realize many of these athletes are 17, 18, 19 year olds that aren't even in college? You never partied or did crazy things when you were that age? If anything the police should be investigated for pulling a gun and pointing It at a US athlete's head for no good reason. You realize that gun could have accidentally gone off, right?

Lochte is 32 yo, Feigen 26, Gunnar 20, Conger 22 yo.
They were out of control vandalizing the place.............. You don't mess with people and properties in third world countries. They are lucky..... it could have been worse.
Yes, I agree, they were drunk and celebrating and acted stupid. Nothing unusual for young men under the influence of testosterone and alcohol. They didn't kill or harm anybody.

They beat up the security guard. All sorts of crimes being committed here. Nothing unusual for privileged white boys.
No, they did not beat up a security guard. They peed all over the wall, broke a mirror and a soap dish and in general acted like tards then Lochte told Mommy a story, then Mommy told the press, then the press told the cops and it went downhill from there. Question is...why does Lochte have to lie to Mommy about being out at 3am when he is over 30 years old?
Not only is he a coward, he is a chickenshit mommys boy.

Lochte apologized today.........where's Roudy?.........:dunno:............:laugh:..........
Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.

Not every athlete has the opportunity to represent the USA in the Olympics where the entire world is watching and then proceed to vandalize property and lie about it on TV. There's your difference, and it's a huge one. Lochte and his swim buddies are a bunch of assholes.
There were 6 pages of people hissing at an American girl who didn't put her hand over her heart while the anthem was played.

Three pages of apologies for the entitled white boys who truly behaved in a disgraceful way.
Thank God for Ryan Lochte and co.

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... just another confirmation of the rest of the world's opinion...

... about the ugly (and arrogant) American."
What's the difference. You realize many of these athletes are 17, 18, 19 year olds that aren't even in college? You never partied or did crazy things when you were that age? If anything the police should be investigated for pulling a gun and pointing It at a US athlete's head for no good reason. You realize that gun could have accidentally gone off, right?

Lochte is 32 yo, Feigen 26, Gunnar 20, Conger 22 yo.
They were out of control vandalizing the place.............. You don't mess with people and properties in third world countries. They are lucky..... it could have been worse.
Yes, I agree, they were drunk and celebrating and acted stupid. Nothing unusual for young men under the influence of testosterone and alcohol. They didn't kill or harm anybody.

They beat up the security guard. All sorts of crimes being committed here. Nothing unusual for privileged white boys.
No, they did not beat up a security guard. They peed all over the wall, broke a mirror and a soap dish and in general acted like tards then Lochte told Mommy a story, then Mommy told the press, then the press told the cops and it went downhill from there. Question is...why does Lochte have to lie to Mommy about being out at 3am when he is over 30 years old?
Not only is he a coward, he is a chickenshit mommys boy.

Lochte apologized today.........where's Roudy?.........:dunno:............:laugh:..........
He apologized because they tightened the noose on him.
There were 6 pages of people hissing at an American girl who didn't put her hand over her heart while the anthem was played.

Three pages of apologies for the entitled white boys who truly behaved in a disgraceful way.
Actually, twitter was reaming her a new asshole for her which I agree. It was bad attitude. Most didn't care about the hand over the heart thing, either. Blacks were making fun of her hair (I thought it looked fine), but most were talking about her scowls and non support of the teammates. She showed a lot of scowling faces and just didn't seem "in" to the competition at all. Sourpuss. However, the majority making fun of her hair girls.
How do you get to be a "heroic swimmer"? Do you need to rescue somebody in a pool? The swimmers acted like freaking vandals and insulted the country that hosted the event. The drunken lying fools dishonored the sport. On the lighter side, it seems that athletes from countries with names that end in "stan" will never learn that "better living through chemistry" doesn't apply to Olympic events. A weight lifter had his bronze medal stripped for doping with "strychnine". I thought the only time they tested for strychnine in a human body was during an autopsy. Live and learn. It seems that a Moldova canoeist (you can't make this stuff up folks) has also been suspended pre competition for doping.
Last I checked, athletes that medal in the Olympics are considered heroes to their nation, because of a lifetime of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication that they give in order to get to that point. The odds an athlete has to beat to medal in any Olympic event are astronomical.
One wonders what hard work, dedication, and sacrifice our ISIS founder president held in accolade when he was awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize.
Lochte was previously arrested, for among other things, public urination. Maybe he has a pee fetish or just likes exposing himself. He peed on the property among damaging things.
This was all lochte. He is the peeing one, story teller and probably the one that vandalized the bathroom. The other three did as they were told.

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