Thank God for Ryan Lochte and co.

Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.

Fair enough.

I am amused that you guys who think that Hillary using the wrong kind of email is THE WORST THING EVER want to excuse vandalism and filing a false police report.
Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.
They were representatives of our nation in an international event. And the played the Ugly American. Their medals should be removed, and they should be banned from any further athletic competitions anywhere. They have proved themselves to be scum.
What's the difference. You realize many of these athletes are 17, 18, 19 year olds that aren't even in college? You never partied or did crazy things when you were that age? If anything the police should be investigated for pulling a gun and pointing It at a US athlete's head for no good reason. You realize that gun could have accidentally gone off, right?

Ryan Lochete is 32 years old. He's not 12, not even 22. He's a grown man in his 30's.
What's the difference. You realize many of these athletes are 17, 18, 19 year olds that aren't even in college? You never partied or did crazy things when you were that age? If anything the police should be investigated for pulling a gun and pointing It at a US athlete's head for no good reason. You realize that gun could have accidentally gone off, right?

Ryan Lochete is 32 years old. He's not 12, not even 22. He's a grown man in his 30's.
So what did he do? He got drunk and tore up a poster at a gas station, then paid $50 for damages while being held at gunpoint by the gas station security. The horror the horror.
Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.
They were representatives of our nation in an international event. And the played the Ugly American. Their medals should be removed, and they should be banned from any further athletic competitions anywhere. They have proved themselves to be scum.
Medals removed, scum? Ha ha ha ha. Oh please.
Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.

Fair enough.

I am amused that you guys who think that Hillary using the wrong kind of email is THE WORST THING EVER want to excuse vandalism and filing a false police report.
Not excusing it moron. Just saying that it isn't a big deal, but thank God the totally biased media has someone else to bash 24/7 for the next two weeks.

Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, lying criminal who should be behind bars.
Not excusing it moron. Just saying that it isn't a big deal, but thank God the totally biased media has someone else to bash 24/7 for the next two weeks.

Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, lying criminal who should be behind bars.

You are right, it isn't a big deal.

Neither is Hillary using the wrong kind of e-mail server at a time when the government didn't require her to use the right kind of e-mail server.

But if you think this is going to be a distraction from the Train Wreck that is the NaziTrump campaign, you are deluded.

Third Campaign Manager in four months...
Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.
Oh. Moral equivalizing now, are we? Interesting.

Acting like punks. Vandalism. Filing a false police report. All while representing the United States. Is this what Trump means by "Make America Great Again"?

They tried to make another country look bad, and ended up trashing the image of the US instead. Well played, retards!
The dumb fucks just pranked themselves out of millions of dollars of endorsement contracts.

Classic. Only a die hard creduloid would turn a thing like this into yet another, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but CLINTON!"

Lochte has finally confessed to what happened in an interview on NBC. A big blemish on the US for his behavior. He tried to make the Braziians seem at fault.
Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.
Oh. Moral equivalizing now, are we? Interesting.

Acting like punks. Vandalism. Filing a false police report. All while representing the United States. Is this what Trump means by "Make America Great Again"?

They tried to make another country look bad, and ended up trashing the image of the US instead. Well played, retards!
'Hope and change" has fucked this country up...
Oh goody, the left can Hate America Again because some queer made up a story.
Yup. The "tolerant" left even has a bigotted name for these swimmers, they are known as "Ugly Americans". Leave it up to the left to make the world hate America more than ever.
You Goddamned ignorant fool, the term 'Ugly American' has a long history. That you do not know that is an indication of your level of intellect. Those young men are vandals, worse than thieves, and their medals should be taken away from them, and they should never be allowed to compete anywhere in the world again. They shamed our nation.
Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.
Oh. Moral equivalizing now, are we? Interesting.

Acting like punks. Vandalism. Filing a false police report. All while representing the United States. Is this what Trump means by "Make America Great Again"?

They tried to make another country look bad, and ended up trashing the image of the US instead. Well played, retards!
'Hope and change" has fucked this country up...
Damn, what a little cocksuck you are. This is about some white boys that should be role models, and have acted like complete assholes.
Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.
Oh. Moral equivalizing now, are we? Interesting.

Acting like punks. Vandalism. Filing a false police report. All while representing the United States. Is this what Trump means by "Make America Great Again"?

They tried to make another country look bad, and ended up trashing the image of the US instead. Well played, retards!
'Hope and change" has fucked this country up...
Damn, what a little cocksuck you are. This is about some white boys that should be role models, and have acted like complete assholes.
Like I said "hope and change" is fucking up this country more and more everyday... Lol
Meh who cares, young athletes partying and going a little out of control after participating and winning an athletic event. Goes on in every college campus twice a week.
Oh. Moral equivalizing now, are we? Interesting.

Acting like punks. Vandalism. Filing a false police report. All while representing the United States. Is this what Trump means by "Make America Great Again"?

They tried to make another country look bad, and ended up trashing the image of the US instead. Well played, retards!
You seem more upset than the Brazilians. LOL
Lochte has finally confessed to what happened in an interview on NBC. A big blemish on the US for his behavior. He tried to make the Braziians seem at fault.
You think he deserves life without parole for this incident?
...CNN (Clinton News Network) now has someone else to demonize and bash 24/7 instead of Trump for the next four days. Maybe these heroic swimmers should get a seperate medal for this?

It's not the population's fault that Trumpy makes himself such an easy target.
Have you ever seen the establishment media go so overboard with a candidate? They've literally thrown all their journalistic ethics out of the window with this one.

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