Thank GOD For The GOP Win!


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
I heard that the October jobs report is going to be pretty damned good. Those Republicans sure do work fast.

It will be interesting to see if the GOP can grab some credit for the growing economy without letting any of it rub of on the POTUS.
I heard that the October jobs report is going to be pretty damned good. Those Republicans sure do work fast.

It will be interesting to see if the GOP can grab some credit for the growing economy without letting any of it rub of on the POTUS.
Actually since Obama has been such a tremendous success which is undeniable (i hope these cons dont make me do the list again of almost 60 reasons why)

what the rightwing terrorists will do is point at his success and take credit for it.

Republican businessmen and Women do this also, if any of you work for one, I pity you.
Actually since Obama has been such a tremendous success.

yes for sure!! Foreign policy is a scary, dangerous mess with ISIS and Putin while at home we have worst recovery since Great depression with fewer full time jobs than when Barry took office, declining real income, and real unemployment at around 12%!
I heard that the October jobs report is going to be pretty damned good. Those Republicans sure do work fast.

It will be interesting to see if the GOP can grab some credit for the growing economy without letting any of it rub of on the POTUS.
Actually since Obama has been such a tremendous success which is undeniable (i hope these cons dont make me do the list again of almost 60 reasons why)

So why did he have a historic loss last night?
Actually since Obama has been such a tremendous success.

yes for sure!! Foreign policy is a scary, dangerous mess with ISIS and Putin while at home we have worst recovery since Great depression with fewer full time jobs than when Barry took office, declining real income, and real unemployment at around 12%!
Ouch, actually the opposite is true, you must watch fox? Do you care about actual facts?

  • 63 straight months of economic expansion.
  • A depression averted.
  • A deficit reduced by two thirds.
  • A healthcare law that's working and lowering costs.
  • Two women on the Supreme Court.
  • bin Laden's dead.
  • Stock market at record heights.
I heard that the October jobs report is going to be pretty damned good. Those Republicans sure do work fast.

It will be interesting to see if the GOP can grab some credit for the growing economy without letting any of it rub of on the POTUS.
Actually since Obama has been such a tremendous success which is undeniable (i hope these cons dont make me do the list again of almost 60 reasons why)

So why did he have a historic loss last night?
So you admit Obama has been a tremendous success, especially given the nightmare W left him and the obstruction which is unprecedented to the point that the cons met in secret and agreed to do anything and everything to destroy him?

God I hope no veterans were in that meeting, how in the hell could they ever explain that to their grandchildren.
I heard that the October jobs report is going to be pretty damned good. Those Republicans sure do work fast.

It will be interesting to see if the GOP can grab some credit for the growing economy without letting any of it rub of on the POTUS.
Actually since Obama has been such a tremendous success which is undeniable (i hope these cons dont make me do the list again of almost 60 reasons why)

So why did he have a historic loss last night?
So you admit Obama has been a tremendous success, especially given the nightmare W left him and the obstruction which is unprecedented to the point that the cons met in secret and agreed to do anything and everything to destroy him?

So why did he have a historic loss last night?
God I hope no veterans were in that meeting, how in the hell could they ever explain that to their grandchildren.

dear, they would say to their grand children, we tried to stop a man with 3 communist parents from further harming our country.

If you think Barry had one good policy that should not have been obstructed please name it or admit you lack the IQ to defend what you say.
Actually since Obama has been such a tremendous success.

yes for sure!! Foreign policy is a scary, dangerous mess with ISIS and Putin while at home we have worst recovery since Great depression with fewer full time jobs than when Barry took office, declining real income, and real unemployment at around 12%!
Ouch, actually the opposite is true, you must watch fox? Do you care about actual facts?

  • 63 straight months of economic expansion.
With nearly all of the expansion going to the wealthy and most Americans not feeling better off. Tack on the worst real wage growth (decline actually) in modern times, and the picture aint nearly as pretty.

A depression averted.
One of the slowest recoveries since the Great Depression, you mean.

A deficit reduced by two thirds.
That is true. I'll give him partial credit for that. But I do think the fact Congress was in gridlock, and thus couldn't actually pass anything, had something to do with it as well. However, the Obama budget did end up reducing the deficit. Can't deny that one.

A healthcare law that's working and lowering costs.
That is debatable.

Two women on the Supreme Court.
Two women, one of whom is a Latina (don't forget that)! As far as getting more minorities and women appointed to government positions, Obama has had a success there. Again, no denying that.

bin Laden's dead.
I'd give him that too. But I'd prefer he were held on trial.

Stock market at record heights.
That is not necessarily a good, but does not really have much to do with Obama. The Federal Reserve's unprecedented bond buying and quantitative easing measures have a lot to do with this. Now that the Fed is ending QE and planning to raise interest rates next year, expect stocks to fall back down.

Obama has also done a good job on gay rights, repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, ensuring quick implementation of the Windsor decision, and passing an executive order prohibiting federal LGBT discrimination.
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