Thank God, the DNC Debates are Over!!

The Democrats don't have an exciting candidate to run against Trump.

They are going to lose 2020 big time. ... :cool:
All of their candidates are either old or insane. Oh and White. LOL so much for the party of “ diversity”.
It's quite a field. In the old days these are the kind of substandard defects that would have been flung off a cliff by the women of the village while the men were out hunting.

Donald Trump is running around the world destroying us and corrupting others and we got these sorry SOB's debating can a woman be president??????? So help me, if I didn't hate Trump so much, swear to God, I'd stay home this Nov...can't stand one single candidate, not one!!



They made the DNC look like a laughing stock!!! MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!MORE!!!!



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Donald Trump is running around the world destroying us and corrupting others and we got these sorry SOB's debating can a woman be president??????? So help me, if I didn't hate Trump so much, swear to God, I'd stay home this Nov...can't stand one single candidate, not one!!
The only reason why Elizabeth Warren running for the presidency? It is because in her home district. That there is a Republican candidate that is running for her seat. And if she campaigns for that seat. That means that she have to debate against Him. And that is what she doesn't want. Because he will expose all of her lies. She cannot approach him like the way she approached Bernie about making her into a liar. It is because Dr Shiva Ayyandaurai will slap facts that she is a big fat liar. And so she is hiding out on the presidential debate stage just to keep from debating him.

Donald Trump is running around the world destroying us and corrupting others and we got these sorry SOB's debating can a woman be president??????? So help me, if I didn't hate Trump so much, swear to God, I'd stay home this Nov...can't stand one single candidate, not one!!

I think there are many of us in that boat.

the only agenda one needs is to not be the blob. I shudder to think what a Sanders presidency would look like, or having to listen to Warren for 4 years....

But if they get the nomination, they got my vote
Donald Trump is running around the world destroying us and corrupting others and we got these sorry SOB's debating can a woman be president??????? So help me, if I didn't hate Trump so much, swear to God, I'd stay home this Nov...can't stand one single candidate, not one!!

Be respectful boy.... Trump has done you a huge favor but having the Democrats show their ass to their constituency. Maybe now the Democratic party can get back on track and actually represent the people? I don't dislike all the Democratic politicians some of them are pretty damn good people. But the ones you have leading the party now are leading you straight down the sewer. In the final analysis the Dems will go with Biden because they have no choice. Neither of the other two has a snowball's chance in hell in a national election.

Donald Trump is running around the world destroying us and corrupting others and we got these sorry SOB's debating can a woman be president??????? So help me, if I didn't hate Trump so much, swear to God, I'd stay home this Nov...can't stand one single candidate, not one!!

If it's any solace, all the pygmies in New Guinea are upset, too.
Donald Trump is running around the world destroying us and corrupting others and we got these sorry SOB's debating can a woman be president??????? So help me, if I didn't hate Trump so much, swear to God, I'd stay home this Nov...can't stand one single candidate, not one!!

I have heard that from many Democrats, they are wondering what the hell happened to their party and why these candidates are so out of touch with their base.
Depression sets in for the out of touch MSM progressive idiots

Brad Parscale - Text TRUMP to 88022


The sound you heard after last night’s #DemDebate was the Democrat Media realizing President


will dominate any one of their candidates in November. #FourMoreYears

The Video here


In the car yesterday ...I had patriot radio on and mark Levin said pencil neck Schiffty was a jepordy answer ...

They threw his picture up ....who is this guy ?
No one knew ....someone missed a golden opportunity to break the internet and call him pencil neck
Now that the debates are done, its time for a bunch old white people out in the boon docks to give us their versions of who should be our next democratic president...the suspense is killing me. I hope the dems give up this practice of allowing old white ppl give us our first choice....pouring money into these places is a waste...we need a more diverse pool of voters for this most important vote of our choice.
Now that the debates are done, its time for a bunch old white people out in the boon docks to give us their versions of who should be our next democratic president...the suspense is killing me. I hope the dems give up this practice of allowing old white ppl give us our first choice....pouring money into these places is a waste...we need a more diverse pool of voters for this most important vote of our choice.

Your bigotry and hate, while I find simply childish and amusing is also disturbing. That people hate so much in this country over the color of skin, it tells me MLK really impacted few.

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