Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

Okay, back to he original thread:

Obamacare? – Young? – Here's what's coming.



Whats the source of this?

And, why would it be young (healthier) people while my (old retired) premiums have gone down twice?

You're unable to click on the provided link?

It doesn't go anywhere. Just shows the same graphic but no source.
Nope. Just practical.

I can't help it if you have no problem supporting others and I have.

Of course there are all kinds of charities out there where people can get help. Don't let that stop you from throwing other peoples money at em though. They will take every dime they can get.

So what is your proposed solution for how to make healthcare more affordable. You've made it clear that you don't want to help pay for people in need and they should die. But how can we make it more affordable so that those people can pay and that your rates do go down. What ideas do you like?

No. I've made it clear that I do not feel morally obligated to pay for someone elses HC or anything else they might need. I feel no urge to assume other peoples resonsibilities.

You have made it clear that you feel morally obligated to do so. Pay away. I just wish that I didn't have to aid you in the moral morass you feel obligated to.

Oh and I don't have a solution nor do I care about any solution. Sorry but I am disgusting after all.
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No. I've made it clear that I do not feel morally obligated to pay for someone elses HC or anything else they might need. I feel no urge to assume other peoples resonsibilities. .

Don't you realize that when people can't get access to, or afford, health care, that you're already paying for it?

Don't you realize when people don't have access to preventive, diagnostic and drug care that you're going to be paying for it in the long run due to significantly more intensive required treatments later?

Don't you realize that your employer's cost of doing business is significantly higher than it should be because they have to pay much of the costs of group health insurance, and administer those plans?

Don't you realize that your personal health insurance premiums are higher than they have to be because your insurance company is being billed higher rates by providers due to higher costs?

Don't you realize that you and your loved ones have to wait longer in ER because so many have to use it for general care?

You can choose to ignore these facts so that you can remain ideologically pure, but that's one hell of a lot of ignoring you're having to do.

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Nope. Just practical.

I can't help it if you have no problem supporting others and I have.

Of course there are all kinds of charities out there where people can get help. Don't let that stop you from throwing other peoples money at em though. They will take every dime they can get.

So what is your proposed solution for how to make healthcare more affordable. You've made it clear that you don't want to help pay for people in need and they should die. But how can we make it more affordable so that those people can pay and that your rates do go down. What ideas do you like?

No. I've made it clear that I do not feel morally obligated to pay for someone elses HC or anything else they might need. I feel no urge to assume other peoples resonsibilities.

You have made it clear that you feel morally obligated to do so. Pay away. I just wish that I didn't have to aid you in the moral morass you feel obligated to.

Oh and I don't have a solution nor do I care about any solution. Sorry but I am disgusting after all.

Ignorance is bliss. So you know you don't want to pay a lot but have no ideas as to how we can lower YOUR rates.

It doesn't bother you that you're so completely clueless? How do you not have any ideas on how to make your own situation better?
Nope. Just practical.

I can't help it if you have no problem supporting others and I have.

Of course there are all kinds of charities out there where people can get help. Don't let that stop you from throwing other peoples money at em though. They will take every dime they can get.

So what is your proposed solution for how to make healthcare more affordable. You've made it clear that you don't want to help pay for people in need and they should die. But how can we make it more affordable so that those people can pay and that your rates do go down. What ideas do you like?

No. I've made it clear that I do not feel morally obligated to pay for someone elses HC or anything else they might need. I feel no urge to assume other peoples resonsibilities.

You have made it clear that you feel morally obligated to do so. Pay away. I just wish that I didn't have to aid you in the moral morass you feel obligated to.

Oh and I don't have a solution nor do I care about any solution. Sorry but I am disgusting after all.

You're paying for it right now and have been ever since you started paying premiums.

You're blindness is stunning.
Of course we are but only because we have no say in the matter. The Clowns in Govt have decided that those paying should support those that don't.

I find it laughable that anyone would think that the entire taxpaying American public wants to foot the bills for those without.

As for letting them die? Again. I find I really don't gvie a shit. If your someone who can't take care of yourself, your kids, your bills and need the taxpayers to take care of you then your not worth much and are one damned drain on the rest of us.

If you and all like minded have no problem assuming the responsibilites of others then feel free to pay away there Joe. No one will stop you and those you are paying for will take every dime you want to give them.

Just don't think that everyone feels the same as you do and has no problem giving their hard earned money to those without.

Oh and since I'm not a Rep or a Dem I could care less which one of those useless parties lands on your scrapheap.

So "let them die" IS your view.


Disgusting, isn't it.

And really, really, really, REALLY effin' stooooooooooopid.
No. I've made it clear that I do not feel morally obligated to pay for someone elses HC or anything else they might need. I feel no urge to assume other peoples resonsibilities. .

Don't you realize that when people can't get access to, or afford, health care, that you're already paying for it?

Don't you realize when people don't have access to preventive, diagnostic and drug care that you're going to be paying for it in the long run due to significantly more intensive required treatments later?

Don't you realize that your employer's cost of doing business is significantly higher than it should be because they have to pay much of the costs of group health insurance, and administer those plans?

Don't you realize that your personal health insurance premiums are higher than they have to be because your insurance company is being billed higher rates by providers due to higher costs?

Don't you realize that you and your loved ones have to wait longer in ER because so many have to use it for general care?

You can choose to ignore these facts so that you can remain ideologically pure, but that's one hell of a lot of ignoring you're having to do.


Yeah but soshillizm.
Of course I know and have known that we all pay for those that can't pay. We pay higher premiums and pay for Medicaide. We pay for all of it.

The ACA isn't going to change that. There is no reform in it as regards to cost.

Oh yeah. And I'm really, really fucking stupid because I don't have any moral push to cover anyones bills.


I'm sure I'll give that factoid all the consideration that its due.
Of course I know and have known that we all pay for those that can't pay. We pay higher premiums and pay for Medicaide. We pay for all of it.

The ACA isn't going to change that. There is no reform in it as regards to cost.

Oh yeah. And I'm really, really fucking stupid because I don't have any moral push to cover anyones bills.


I'm sure I'll give that factoid all the consideration that its due.

That's it, huh? After all the specifics I gave? That's all?


You're not stupid, you're just intellectually paralyzed by your ideology.

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Of course I know and have known that we all pay for those that can't pay. We pay higher premiums and pay for Medicaide. We pay for all of it.

The ACA isn't going to change that. There is no reform in it as regards to cost.

Oh yeah. And I'm really, really fucking stupid because I don't have any moral push to cover anyones bills.


I'm sure I'll give that factoid all the consideration that its due.

Read post #265. Nothing short of you taking yourself off the grid or moving to some crusty third world country is going to take that burden away from you but we can sure as shit do better and help lessen that burden. No, "letting them die" is not on the table.

And I said you are really, really, really, REALLY effin' stooooooooooopid. At least get THAT right.
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Of course I know and have known that we all pay for those that can't pay. We pay higher premiums and pay for Medicaide. We pay for all of it.

The ACA isn't going to change that. There is no reform in it as regards to cost.

Oh yeah. And I'm really, really fucking stupid because I don't have any moral push to cover anyones bills.


I'm sure I'll give that factoid all the consideration that its due.

That's it, huh? After all the specifics I gave? That's all?


You're not stupid, you're just intellectually paralyzed by your ideology.


Nope. I just don't like being forced to pay for others people responsibilities. Doubt ideology has anything to do with it.

If someone showed up at my house asking for a meal. I'd be happy to give him all the food he could eat. Why you ask?? Because its is my choice to do so. It comes down to MY CHOICE. Not some asshole Govt taking that choice away.

Its really just that simple.
Of course I know and have known that we all pay for those that can't pay. We pay higher premiums and pay for Medicaide. We pay for all of it.

The ACA isn't going to change that. There is no reform in it as regards to cost.

Oh yeah. And I'm really, really fucking stupid because I don't have any moral push to cover anyones bills.


I'm sure I'll give that factoid all the consideration that its due.

Read post #265. Nothing short of you taking yourself off the grid or moving to some crusty third world country is going to take that burden away from you but we can sure as shit do better and help lessen that burden. No, "letting them die" is not on the table.

And I said you are really, really, really, REALLY effin' stooooooooooopid. At least get THAT right.

No. You and your likeminded buddies think I'm stupid because I DON"T AGREE WITH YOUR TAKE ON THINGS. I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities.

Its just that simple.

I don't agree with you so I'm stupid and you moral giants are just the greatest. You feel we should all be thinking just like you. Sorry but that isn't the case.

I'm sure if anyone asked you you'd be more than delighted to tell them just how great you are because you love spending yours and everyone elses money taking care of those poor downtrodden souls who can't take care of themselves.

And of course there is no way to get out of paying for everyone. Not as long as our Govt ignores the constitution. Nothing in the constitution about paying for HC or Welfare or Medicade. No where will you find a mention of Charity in that document.
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Of course I know and have known that we all pay for those that can't pay. We pay higher premiums and pay for Medicaide. We pay for all of it.

The ACA isn't going to change that. There is no reform in it as regards to cost.

Oh yeah. And I'm really, really fucking stupid because I don't have any moral push to cover anyones bills.


I'm sure I'll give that factoid all the consideration that its due.

Read post #265. Nothing short of you taking yourself off the grid or moving to some crusty third world country is going to take that burden away from you but we can sure as shit do better and help lessen that burden. No, "letting them die" is not on the table.

And I said you are really, really, really, REALLY effin' stooooooooooopid. At least get THAT right.

No. You and your likeminded buddies think I'm stupid because I DON"T AGREE WITH YOUR TAKE ON THINGS. I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities.

Its just that simple.

I don't agree with you so I'm stupid and you moral giants are just the greatest. You feel we should all be thinking just like you. Sorry but that isn't the case.

I'm sure if anyone asked you you'd be more than delighted to tell them just how great you are because you love spending yours and everyone elses money taking care of those poor downtrodden souls who can't take care of themselves.

Personally I'd prefer a choice myself.

No, you're stupid because your take on things is a) not set in reality and b) outrageously cruel if it somehow were reality.

What makes you even more stupid is that despite the fact that you seem to be aware you are paying for it anyway you are resistant to ideas that would help ease the burden on you and your employer.

Like I said, your blindness is stunning.
Of course I know and have known that we all pay for those that can't pay. We pay higher premiums and pay for Medicaide. We pay for all of it.

The ACA isn't going to change that. There is no reform in it as regards to cost.

Oh yeah. And I'm really, really fucking stupid because I don't have any moral push to cover anyones bills.


I'm sure I'll give that factoid all the consideration that its due.

That's it, huh? After all the specifics I gave? That's all?


You're not stupid, you're just intellectually paralyzed by your ideology.


Nope. I just don't like being forced to pay for others people responsibilities. if your auto-insurance premiums get put-into a private, lil' lock-box.....for your use, ONLY.

Read post #265. Nothing short of you taking yourself off the grid or moving to some crusty third world country is going to take that burden away from you but we can sure as shit do better and help lessen that burden. No, "letting them die" is not on the table.

And I said you are really, really, really, REALLY effin' stooooooooooopid. At least get THAT right.

No. You and your likeminded buddies think I'm stupid because I DON"T AGREE WITH YOUR TAKE ON THINGS. I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities.

Its just that simple.

I don't agree with you so I'm stupid and you moral giants are just the greatest. You feel we should all be thinking just like you. Sorry but that isn't the case.

I'm sure if anyone asked you you'd be more than delighted to tell them just how great you are because you love spending yours and everyone elses money taking care of those poor downtrodden souls who can't take care of themselves.

Personally I'd prefer a choice myself.

No, you're stupid because your take on things is a) not set in reality and b) outrageously cruel if it somehow were reality.

What makes you even more stupid is that despite the fact that you seem to be aware you are paying for it anyway you are resistant to ideas that would help ease the burden on you and your employer.

Like I said, your blindness is stunning.

No. I just don't agree with you so I'm blind and stupid. Got it.

Oh and please let me know how the ACA is going to ease the cost of HC. I mean really. There is no reform as regards to cost in it.

AFter all. It will be the law of the land in 2014. Would be nice if it reduced cost but I surely won't hold my breath.

Oh and how are your HC costs in MA?

According to this you have almost everyone covered but your costs are going up. Way up. I can see the same with the ACA.
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