Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

Yes, pretty much.

Thankfully, you don't have a say in the matter...

Yes it is to bad that I and the rest of us who object to paying other peoples bills don't have a say.

That would leave you and all likeminded paying for the have nots. One would hope you and your likeminded cohorts have deep pockets because they would take every dime you wanted to give them. Without the rest of us who don't feel as you do, your would be broke in no time.

Yes, too bad we outnumber you and you keep losing elections, isn't it?

the true tragedy of this election is the guy you ran, the Weird Mormon Robot, wasn't of your mindset, but he had to pretend to be to get people like you to vote for him.

LOL Your assuming I voted for Romney?? Oh and BTW I'm not a Rep. I'm an Indi.

I will say that Romney was a better choice that the current fuck in the WH. He would have repealed the ACA. The ACA that is going to be anything but affordable. He also was a damned good businessman who would have gotten this economy up and rolling at other than the slower than molassas pace its at now.

The only reason you voted for Barry was because Romney is a Mormon. Not a goot reason in my book. Hell. I think he would have made a better POTUS than the current asshole.

Personally I could care what religion someone is. Hell. He can worship an idol in the corner for all I care. Anyone would have been a better choice that Barry boy.
My most recent monthly health insurance bill went up 47 percent. Thanks again, Obama and all you liberal a-holes who support the madness.

My employer sponsored health insurance plan hasn't gone up in 2 years. THANKS OBAMA!

Transparent lie. THANKS TROLL!

my healthcare is doing fine as well. also my friend who has a pre existing condition was able to get healthcare he could afford for the first time in his life, he is 30. THANKS Obama, it was what needed to be done.
Oh goodie. Let's start with your first incorrect statement that "conservatives weren't invited to the healthcare discussion meetings".

They were in fact, they even broadcast the discussions on TV. Bipartisan meetings.

Let me know when you're done with that and I'll address your next incorrect statement. I can do this all day long

You can't do chit all day long. I watched the healht care summit and the GOP was shut down at every turn. Anyone who wasn't for preemptive gov't takeover of healthcare was shut down and ignored. You say my statements are false and then use bogus statements and a video that proves my point!

You can't disprove ANY of my claims because they are all TRUE!

Yet your statement that they weren't invited to the discussions was in fact, false. As I've shown. LOL.

The Reps were shut out. Except for that photo op of Barry and the Reps. You know. The one where he totally ignored everything the Reps had to say.

If thats your idea of Barry and the Dems listening and taking the Reps ideas seriously then your out to lunch there RD.
Yes it is to bad that I and the rest of us who object to paying other peoples bills don't have a say.

That would leave you and all likeminded paying for the have nots. One would hope you and your likeminded cohorts have deep pockets because they would take every dime you wanted to give them. Without the rest of us who don't feel as you do, your would be broke in no time.

Yes, too bad we outnumber you and you keep losing elections, isn't it?

the true tragedy of this election is the guy you ran, the Weird Mormon Robot, wasn't of your mindset, but he had to pretend to be to get people like you to vote for him.

LOL Your assuming I voted for Romney?? Oh and BTW I'm not a Rep. I'm an Indi.

I will say that Romney was a better choice that the current fuck in the WH. He would have repealed the ACA. The ACA that is going to be anything but affordable. He also was a damned good businessman who would have gotten this economy up and rolling at other than the slower than molassas pace its at now.

The only reason you voted for Barry was because Romney is a Mormon. Not a goot reason in my book. Hell. I think he would have made a better POTUS than the current asshole.

Personally I could care what religion someone is. Hell. He can worship an idol in the corner for all I care. Anyone would have been a better choice that Barry boy.

You mean to tell me the guy who implemented the same system in Mass. when he was Gov. would then repeal that same system. That sounds like a stroke of awesomeness hahahahahaha
You can't do chit all day long. I watched the healht care summit and the GOP was shut down at every turn. Anyone who wasn't for preemptive gov't takeover of healthcare was shut down and ignored. You say my statements are false and then use bogus statements and a video that proves my point!

You can't disprove ANY of my claims because they are all TRUE!

Yet your statement that they weren't invited to the discussions was in fact, false. As I've shown. LOL.

The Reps were shut out. Except for that photo op of Barry and the Reps. You know. The one where he totally ignored everything the Reps had to say.

If thats your idea of Barry and the Dems listening and taking the Reps ideas seriously then your out to lunch there RD.

claudumb your mind works in very perverted ways.......
My employer sponsored health insurance plan hasn't gone up in 2 years. THANKS OBAMA!

Transparent lie. THANKS TROLL!

my healthcare is doing fine as well. also my friend who has a pre existing condition was able to get healthcare he could afford for the first time in his life, he is 30. THANKS Obama, it was what needed to be done.

I don't get it. Obviously, all right wingers' health insurance premiums have gone up while libs' premiums have gone down. Libs have also gotten the mandated refund(s).

Does anyone know why this is?
Of course we are but only because we have no say in the matter. The Clowns in Govt have decided that those paying should support those that don't.

I find it laughable that anyone would think that the entire taxpaying American public wants to foot the bills for those without.

As for letting them die? Again. I find I really don't gvie a shit. If your someone who can't take care of yourself, your kids, your bills and need the taxpayers to take care of you then your not worth much and are one damned drain on the rest of us.

If you and all like minded have no problem assuming the responsibilites of others then feel free to pay away there Joe. No one will stop you and those you are paying for will take every dime you want to give them.

Just don't think that everyone feels the same as you do and has no problem giving their hard earned money to those without.

Oh and since I'm not a Rep or a Dem I could care less which one of those useless parties lands on your scrapheap.

So "let them die" IS your view.


As I said. I really could give shit one. If they die, they die. I'm just not interested in paying for them.

If you are then pay away.

thats pretty cold claudette......if the bodies are piling up on the streets who will pick them up?....create another govt agency?.....or contract some private company?.....
Then you are living in the wrong country.

You will pay whether you are interested or not.

That's the price of having in a modern, civilized society.

As I said. The only reason this civilized society foots the bills is because we dumb taxpayers have no say in the matter. And yes, we will continue to pay whether we want to or not.

You like Joe seem to think that every American taxpayer is obligated to help those without. Again. We have no choice if we did that would leave you, Joe and all like minded paying for those folks. You would need deep pockets because they would take every dime you wanted to give them.

You, of course, will feel really good about yourselves as you go broke taking care of the have nots.

Its your civilized society after all.

Do you believe that the poor and uninsured who show up at ERs should not be treated?

unless its an EMERGENCY.....they should be directed to an URGENT care center....
So "let them die" IS your view.


As I said. I really could give shit one. If they die, they die. I'm just not interested in paying for them.

If you are then pay away.

thats pretty cold claudette......if the bodies are piling up on the streets who will pick them up?....create another govt agency?.....or contract some private company?.....

I'm sure they will get rid of the bodies.

After all. They get rid of the bodies now don't they??
As I said. The only reason this civilized society foots the bills is because we dumb taxpayers have no say in the matter. And yes, we will continue to pay whether we want to or not.

You like Joe seem to think that every American taxpayer is obligated to help those without. Again. We have no choice if we did that would leave you, Joe and all like minded paying for those folks. You would need deep pockets because they would take every dime you wanted to give them.

You, of course, will feel really good about yourselves as you go broke taking care of the have nots.

Its your civilized society after all.

Do you believe that the poor and uninsured who show up at ERs should not be treated?

unless its an EMERGENCY.....they should be directed to an URGENT care center....

So flu = urgent care

Broken arm = ER

Something like that?
Then you are living in the wrong country.

You will pay whether you are interested or not.

That's the price of having in a modern, civilized society.

We already pay for people without insurance and we pay in the most expensive way possible. Single payer universal coverage is the only way we are going to compete in a global economy. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.


Preventative care is far less expensive and it would take the burden off employers to provide healthcare.

funny thing about that Art....a Shingles shot costs 200.00....and its supposed to be pretty Ins. wont cover it.....but if i get the dam condition they will shell out thousands treating there some kind of logic in that i don't see?....
We already pay for people without insurance and we pay in the most expensive way possible. Single payer universal coverage is the only way we are going to compete in a global economy. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.


Preventative care is far less expensive and it would take the burden off employers to provide healthcare.

funny thing about that Art....a Shingles shot costs 200.00....and its supposed to be pretty Ins. wont cover it.....but if i get the dam condition they will shell out thousands treating there some kind of logic in that i don't see?....

Nope, that's pure lunacy
My most recent monthly health insurance bill went up 47 percent. Thanks again, Obama and all you liberal a-holes who support the madness.

It's not that I would ever question your veracity (sarcasm), but I doubt very much your health insurance (which is implied) went up. Mine actually went down. I am now on Mecicare and Kaiser Sr. Advantage. My Medicare cost is less than the reduction in my Kaiser Premium. Co-pays remain the same ($10) as well as $10 for each Rx (90 day supply).

i have Blue Shield....some of my coverage went up for office visits doubled.....Colonoscopy co-pays went from 50.00 to 250.00......i haven't used anything else yet so i don't know about other things...

So is anyone going to defend the fact that America has FIVE (5) different health care systems and is burdening business with much of the cost?


Transparent lie. THANKS TROLL!

my healthcare is doing fine as well. also my friend who has a pre existing condition was able to get healthcare he could afford for the first time in his life, he is 30. THANKS Obama, it was what needed to be done.

I don't get it. Obviously, all right wingers' health insurance premiums have gone up while libs' premiums have gone down. Libs have also gotten the mandated refund(s).

Does anyone know why this is?

why the fuck does anyone who has fucking different opinion than you have to be a "rw"?....does anyone know why this is?....
As I said. I really could give shit one. If they die, they die. I'm just not interested in paying for them.

If you are then pay away.

thats pretty cold claudette......if the bodies are piling up on the streets who will pick them up?....create another govt agency?.....or contract some private company?.....

I'm sure they will get rid of the bodies.

After all. They get rid of the bodies now don't they??

yea but your scenario tells me that you dont want anyone dealing with if the guy dies on your front doorstep.....who are you going to call to come and collect it,and who is going to pay for that?....

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