Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

Well, don't know about his premiums, but cost to me on my premiums went up over 30%...

Uh huh :rolleyes:

You can doubt all you want... With the end of the payroll tax and increases to my healthcare - I am making $315 less per month in take home.

I wish you lefties would be honest and tell the truth about Os effect on your income!!!

Hell dude you're lucky, Since January I'm making 550.00 less a month
I guess I never looked at the actual numbers when evaluating investments. I thought the rule of 72 was EXACT - not an estimate... My mistake!

Regardless, it seems you missed the important part of my post where the moron lefty was caught lying!!!!

Funny how you in all your intelligence failed to see the IMPORTANT part.... hahaha

You would have never seen "the lefty's" post had I not corrected his poor math to begin with.

Thank you for pointing out that the lies from the left start all the way at the top and go ALL THE WAY to the bottom too!!

The only thing I pointed out is that Franco sucks at math.
Well folks. I think we are going to find that the Affordable Care Act is going to be anything but affordable.
Well folks. I think we are going to find that the Affordable Care Act is going to be anything but affordable.

No doubt. If we can't get rid of it with this lying idiot in the White House -- ya think maybe we could at least get it renamed to honest like the UCA??
Don't worry. Under the ACA we taxpayers will be pay.... OOPs subsidizing all those who can't pay for their own care. Hope everyone has deep pockets cause we are gonna need em.

Twenty one tax increases in the ACA. Doubt its gonna be affordable for all.

So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.

No. I'm saying I have no wish to pay anyone elses bills there sparky.

If you have no problem with it then feel free to open your wallet and pay away. Its just to bad that those that want to support others can't pay for them and leave the rest of us out of the equation.

Yes. We are forced to pay. We have no say in the matter. We will also be paying for the ACA. Those of us who pay Fed taxes and those of us who pay for beni's or buy our own that is. Anyone who can't pay will be "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

We will also be hit with twenty one tax increased through the ACA. Can hardly wait.

I really have to wonder if you are like a stupid person.

Okay- reality check- you are ALREADY paying their bills. Right now.

Unless you are getting sick, and making claims, you are paying for other people's health care. If you are sick and making claims, someone else is paying yours.

The only question here, is how do we best cover people. What we are doing, where one out of six don't have insurance, and their costs are spread out to the rest of us when the visit emergency rooms and have their costs spread out amongst others.

The GOP lost because it went from a party that said, "Let's find a more effective way to to that", to one that says, "Let them DIE!"

It deserves a place on the scrapheap of history if it doesn't get its head out of it's ass.
So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.

No. I'm saying I have no wish to pay anyone elses bills there sparky.

If you have no problem with it then feel free to open your wallet and pay away. Its just to bad that those that want to support others can't pay for them and leave the rest of us out of the equation.

Yes. We are forced to pay. We have no say in the matter. We will also be paying for the ACA. Those of us who pay Fed taxes and those of us who pay for beni's or buy our own that is. Anyone who can't pay will be "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

We will also be hit with twenty one tax increased through the ACA. Can hardly wait.

I really have to wonder if you are like a stupid person.

Okay- reality check- you are ALREADY paying their bills. Right now.

Unless you are getting sick, and making claims, you are paying for other people's health care. If you are sick and making claims, someone else is paying yours.

The only question here, is how do we best cover people. What we are doing, where one out of six don't have insurance, and their costs are spread out to the rest of us when the visit emergency rooms and have their costs spread out amongst others.

The GOP lost because it went from a party that said, "Let's find a more effective way to to that", to one that says, "Let them DIE!"

It deserves a place on the scrapheap of history if it doesn't get its head out of it's ass.

Of course we are but only because we have no say in the matter. The Clowns in Govt have decided that those paying should support those that don't.

I find it laughable that anyone would think that the entire taxpaying American public wants to foot the bills for those without.

As for letting them die? Again. I find I really don't gvie a shit. If your someone who can't take care of yourself, your kids, your bills and need the taxpayers to take care of you then your not worth much and are one damned drain on the rest of us.

If you and all like minded have no problem assuming the responsibilites of others then feel free to pay away there Joe. No one will stop you and those you are paying for will take every dime you want to give them.

Just don't think that everyone feels the same as you do and has no problem giving their hard earned money to those without.

Oh and since I'm not a Rep or a Dem I could care less which one of those useless parties lands on your scrapheap.
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No. I'm saying I have no wish to pay anyone elses bills there sparky.

If you have no problem with it then feel free to open your wallet and pay away. Its just to bad that those that want to support others can't pay for them and leave the rest of us out of the equation.

Yes. We are forced to pay. We have no say in the matter. We will also be paying for the ACA. Those of us who pay Fed taxes and those of us who pay for beni's or buy our own that is. Anyone who can't pay will be "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

We will also be hit with twenty one tax increased through the ACA. Can hardly wait.

I really have to wonder if you are like a stupid person.

Okay- reality check- you are ALREADY paying their bills. Right now.

Unless you are getting sick, and making claims, you are paying for other people's health care. If you are sick and making claims, someone else is paying yours.

The only question here, is how do we best cover people. What we are doing, where one out of six don't have insurance, and their costs are spread out to the rest of us when the visit emergency rooms and have their costs spread out amongst others.

The GOP lost because it went from a party that said, "Let's find a more effective way to to that", to one that says, "Let them DIE!"

It deserves a place on the scrapheap of history if it doesn't get its head out of it's ass.

Of course we are but only because we have no say in the matter. The Clowns in Govt have decided that those paying should support those that don't.

I find it laughable that anyone would think that the entire taxpaying American public wants to foot the bills for those without.

As for letting them die? Again. I find I really don't gvie a shit. If your someone who can't take care of yourself, your kids, your bills and need the taxpayers to take care of you then your not worth much and are one damned drain on the rest of us.

If you and all like minded have no problem assuming the responsibilites of others then feel free to pay away there Joe. No one will stop you and those you are paying for will take every dime you want to give them.

Just don't think that everyone feels the same as you do and has no problem giving their hard earned money to those without.

Oh and since I'm not a Rep or a Dem I could care less which one of those useless parties lands on your scrapheap.

So "let them die" IS your view.

Of course we are but only because we have no say in the matter. The Clowns in Govt have decided that those paying should support those that don't.

I find it laughable that anyone would think that the entire taxpaying American public wants to foot the bills for those without.

As for letting them die? Again. I find I really don't gvie a shit. If your someone who can't take care of yourself, your kids, your bills and need the taxpayers to take care of you then your not worth much and are one damned drain on the rest of us.

If you and all like minded have no problem assuming the responsibilites of others then feel free to pay away there Joe. No one will stop you and those you are paying for will take every dime you want to give them.

Just don't think that everyone feels the same as you do and has no problem giving their hard earned money to those without.

Oh and since I'm not a Rep or a Dem I could care less which one of those useless parties lands on your scrapheap.

So essentially, you think heartlessness is a virtue, and you'd rather be vindictive than helpful.

Got it.

I find it amusing that you guys will scream all day about abortion but are perfectly willing to let a child die of a treatable disease because his parents are poor.

I just have to shake my head.

Thankfully, I live in a civilized society where we do take care of each other, and the selfish have to pay their fair share. Let's have more of that.
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We currently have a grand total of FOUR health care systems:

  1. Individual/Group health insurance
  2. Medicaid
  3. Medicare
  4. Indigent care
Would anyone like to offer a thoughtful explanation as to WHY this should be?


I dunno.

I'm with you on this issue.

We need a minimum level universal coverage and a supplemental private market.

At least that's where I think you stand on it.

We currently have a grand total of FOUR health care systems:

  1. Individual/Group health insurance
  2. Medicaid
  3. Medicare
  4. Indigent care
Would anyone like to offer a thoughtful explanation as to WHY this should be?


I dunno.

I'm with you on this issue.

We need a minimum level universal coverage and a supplemental private market.

At least that's where I think you stand on it.

Bingo. And by the way, I was wrong, we have FIVE health care systems:

  1. Individual/Group health insurance
  2. Medicaid
  3. Medicare
  4. Indigent care
  5. Veterans' care
This is absolutely ridiculous.

And on top of that, we burden businesses with paying for much of it.


We currently have a grand total of FOUR health care systems:

  1. Individual/Group health insurance
  2. Medicaid
  3. Medicare
  4. Indigent care
Would anyone like to offer a thoughtful explanation as to WHY this should be?


I think the problem is, while the rest of the world was going to single payer systems or universal coverage of some sort, we had monied interests that resisted.

The ironic thing is, group health insurance can ONLY exist because it is heavily subsidized by government.
I dont even think coverage is the issue.

If costs were affordable, what would we even NEED insurance coverage for?

Costs aren't affordable, therein lies the problem. Healthcare is priced as a luxury item. It's not. People have devoted their entire lives to health research to benefit human kind, as a species, not simply benefit "those who can afford it."

Every procedure, pill or anything at all that uses renewable resources should be on the CHEAP CHEAP.
I really have to wonder if you are like a stupid person.

Okay- reality check- you are ALREADY paying their bills. Right now.

Unless you are getting sick, and making claims, you are paying for other people's health care. If you are sick and making claims, someone else is paying yours.

The only question here, is how do we best cover people. What we are doing, where one out of six don't have insurance, and their costs are spread out to the rest of us when the visit emergency rooms and have their costs spread out amongst others.

The GOP lost because it went from a party that said, "Let's find a more effective way to to that", to one that says, "Let them DIE!"

It deserves a place on the scrapheap of history if it doesn't get its head out of it's ass.

Of course we are but only because we have no say in the matter. The Clowns in Govt have decided that those paying should support those that don't.

I find it laughable that anyone would think that the entire taxpaying American public wants to foot the bills for those without.

As for letting them die? Again. I find I really don't gvie a shit. If your someone who can't take care of yourself, your kids, your bills and need the taxpayers to take care of you then your not worth much and are one damned drain on the rest of us.

If you and all like minded have no problem assuming the responsibilites of others then feel free to pay away there Joe. No one will stop you and those you are paying for will take every dime you want to give them.

Just don't think that everyone feels the same as you do and has no problem giving their hard earned money to those without.

Oh and since I'm not a Rep or a Dem I could care less which one of those useless parties lands on your scrapheap.

So "let them die" IS your view.


As I said. I really could give shit one. If they die, they die. I'm just not interested in paying for them.

If you are then pay away.


We currently have a grand total of FOUR health care systems:

  1. Individual/Group health insurance
  2. Medicaid
  3. Medicare
  4. Indigent care
Would anyone like to offer a thoughtful explanation as to WHY this should be?


I think the problem is, while the rest of the world was going to single payer systems or universal coverage of some sort, we had monied interests that resisted.

The ironic thing is, group health insurance can ONLY exist because it is heavily subsidized by government.

I assume you're talking about business tax deductions and that's a great freakin' point.

Now I'm even more pissed off, thanks loads pal.


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