Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

My most recent monthly health insurance bill went up 47 percent. Thanks again, Obama and all you liberal a-holes who support the madness.

It's not that I would ever question your veracity (sarcasm), but I doubt very much your health insurance (which is implied) went up. Mine actually went down. I am now on Mecicare and Kaiser Sr. Advantage. My Medicare cost is less than the reduction in my Kaiser Premium. Co-pays remain the same ($10) as well as $10 for each Rx (90 day supply).

i have Blue Shield....some of my coverage went up for office visits doubled.....Colonoscopy co-pays went from 50.00 to 250.00......i haven't used anything else yet so i don't know about other things...

I have BC/BS. My co-pays have not changed but my premium has gone down and we've gotten two refunds.
Okay, back to he original thread:

Obamacare? – Young? – Here's what's coming.


my healthcare is doing fine as well. also my friend who has a pre existing condition was able to get healthcare he could afford for the first time in his life, he is 30. THANKS Obama, it was what needed to be done.

I don't get it. Obviously, all right wingers' health insurance premiums have gone up while libs' premiums have gone down. Libs have also gotten the mandated refund(s).

Does anyone know why this is?

why the fuck does anyone who has fucking different opinion than you have to be a "rw"?....does anyone know why this is?....

Because, right wingers are anti-Obama and anti-everything he has done. Across the board, without exception. Yes, it was a lame ass joke but its also just the way it is. I'm waiting for one of you to swear that Barry has found a way to charge R voters more for their insurance. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

Oh and another time this happened was in a discussion about tipping. The Obama haters said they knew people who earned $14 a hour in tips. Same phenomenon.
Do you believe that the poor and uninsured who show up at ERs should not be treated?

unless its an EMERGENCY.....they should be directed to an URGENT care center....

So flu = urgent care

Broken arm = ER

Something like that?

since i was discussing this yesterday morning and i had a Doctors appointment that afternoon....i decided to ask my Doctor what kind of stuff the Urgent Care Centers can handle.....he told me at the one he and his partners doctor at can handle taking care of whatever illness you have including monitoring you if its one that is chronic.....they have an X-Ray machine for broken bones....ones that require surgery of course you are going to need the hospital.....they do minor surgeries.....they even have a Dialysis center.....and he said they have quite a few people without Ins....he said they get funded if no ins.....but he did tell one is going to let anyone die....
The increase is not a bug, it's a feature of Obamacare. The Obama Administration's goal is to destroy private health insurance so that they can push nationalized health care as the only plausible solution. It's not; but the government sponsored media will push the approved narrative on the gullible low information voters who still get their "news" from them.

See, folks, the ignorant in America are perfectly happy overpaying for their healthcare:


Gauze Pads: $77
Charge for each of four boxes of sterile gauze pads, as itemized in a $348,000 bill following a patient’s diagnosis of lung cancer



Diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at age 42. Total cost, in advance, for Sean’s treatment plan and initial doses of chemotherapy: $83,900. Charges for blood and lab tests amounted to more than $15,000; with Medicare, they would have cost a few hundred dollars


Dozens of midpriced items were embedded with similarly aggressive markups, like $283.00 for a “CHEST, PA AND LAT 71020.” That’s a simple chest X-ray, for which MD Anderson is routinely paid $20.44 when it treats a patient on Medicare, the government health care program for the elderly.



Test Strips
Patient was charged $18 each for Accu-chek diabetes test strips. Amazon sells boxes of 50 for about $27, or 55¢ each

Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us |

Dopes like boedicca feel like their freeeeeeedoms are taken away if they don't have the privilege of paying $18 for something that costs $0.55.

They want the freeeeeedom to be dumbasses, without gummint interference!
The increase is not a bug, it's a feature of Obamacare. The Obama Administration's goal is to destroy private health insurance so that they can push nationalized health care as the only plausible solution. It's not; but the government sponsored media will push the approved narrative on the gullible low information voters who still get their "news" from them.

See, folks, the ignorant in America are perfectly happy overpaying for their healthcare:


Gauze Pads: $77
Charge for each of four boxes of sterile gauze pads, as itemized in a $348,000 bill following a patient’s diagnosis of lung cancer



Diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at age 42. Total cost, in advance, for Sean’s treatment plan and initial doses of chemotherapy: $83,900. Charges for blood and lab tests amounted to more than $15,000; with Medicare, they would have cost a few hundred dollars


Dozens of midpriced items were embedded with similarly aggressive markups, like $283.00 for a “CHEST, PA AND LAT 71020.” That’s a simple chest X-ray, for which MD Anderson is routinely paid $20.44 when it treats a patient on Medicare, the government health care program for the elderly.



Test Strips
Patient was charged $18 each for Accu-chek diabetes test strips. Amazon sells boxes of 50 for about $27, or 55¢ each

Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us |

Dopes like boedicca feel like their freeeeeeedoms are taken away if they don't have the privilege of paying $18 for something that costs $0.55.

They want the freeeeeedom to be dumbasses, without gummint interference!

Thanks - I've been meaning to read this.
It's not that I would ever question your veracity (sarcasm), but I doubt very much your health insurance (which is implied) went up. Mine actually went down. I am now on Mecicare and Kaiser Sr. Advantage. My Medicare cost is less than the reduction in my Kaiser Premium. Co-pays remain the same ($10) as well as $10 for each Rx (90 day supply).

i have Blue Shield....some of my coverage went up for office visits doubled.....Colonoscopy co-pays went from 50.00 to 250.00......i haven't used anything else yet so i don't know about other things...

I have BC/BS. My co-pays have not changed but my premium has gone down and we've gotten two refunds.

i havent gotten any refunds.....Rx seems to be the same.....
The expensive technology deployed on Janice S. was a bigger factor in her bill than the lab tests. An “NM MYO REST/SPEC EJCT MOT MUL” was billed at $7,997.54. That’s a stress test using a radioactive dye that is tracked by an X-ray computed tomography, or CT, scan. Medicare would have paid Stamford $554 for that test.

Janice S. was charged an additional $872.44 just for the dye used in the test. The regular stress test patients are more familiar with, in which arteries are monitored electronically with an electrocardiograph, would have cost far less — $1,200 even at the hospital’s chargemaster price. (Medicare would have paid $96 for it.) And although many doctors view the version using the CT scan as more thorough, others consider it unnecessary in most cases.


We don’t know the particulars of Janice S.’s condition, so we cannot know why the doctors who treated her ordered the more expensive test. But the incentives are clear. On the basis of market prices, Stamford probably paid about $250,000 for the CT equipment in its operating room. It costs little to operate, so the more it can be used and billed, the quicker the hospital recovers its costs and begins profiting from its purchase. In addition, the cardiologist in the emergency room gave Janice S. a separate bill for $600 to read the test results on top of the $342 he charged for examining her.
Of course they charge higher prices for everything.

They have to cover the cost of treating those that can't pay.

The ACA is going to be anything but affordable and I'd like to hear your comments when this fact hits you in the face. And it will.
I don't get it. Obviously, all right wingers' health insurance premiums have gone up while libs' premiums have gone down. Libs have also gotten the mandated refund(s).

Does anyone know why this is?

why the fuck does anyone who has fucking different opinion than you have to be a "rw"?....does anyone know why this is?....

Because, right wingers are anti-Obama and anti-everything he has done. Across the board, without exception. Yes, it was a lame ass joke but its also just the way it is. I'm waiting for one of you to swear that Barry has found a way to charge R voters more for their insurance. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

Oh and another time this happened was in a discussion about tipping. The Obama haters said they knew people who earned $14 a hour in tips. Same phenomenon.

so if you think i am a right winger how come i "seem" to be sympathetic towards those who have no ins. and would have liked to have seen some kind of a program started for those without to get them out of the ER's and into clinics?.....i have Ins. the President does not have to worry about me.....he should have put his efforts towards those who dont and need it....its a lot easier and less costly taking care of 25 million instead of 300 million plus people and he probably would have had much less opposition.....and it would have been a nice start towards doing something about the Medical situation....
Niacin Tablet
Patient was charged $24 per 500-mg tablet of niacin. In drugstores, the pills go for about a nickel each

CT Scans
Patient was charged $6,538 for three ct scans. Medicare would have paid a total of about $825 for all three

Chest X-Ray
Patient was charged $333. the national rate paid by Medicare is $23.83

Acetaminophen $1.50
Charge for one 325-mg tablet, the first of 344 lines in an eight-page hospital bill. You can buy 100 tablets on Amazon for $1.49

Sodium Chloride $84
Hospital charge for standard saline solution. Online, a liter bag costs $5.16
Of course they charge higher prices for everything.

They have to cover the cost of treating those that can't pay.

The ACA is going to be anything but affordable and I'd like to hear your comments when this fact hits you in the face. And it will.

Apples and bowling balls.

Its true that (thanks to Reagan's SOCIALIST emtala) the insured pay the bills the uninsured don't pay. A lot like paying customers pay for shoplifting.

But, I have yet to see anything that indicates ACA will "be anything but affordable". As I've said before, I've seen just the opposite.

Look at the OP. Where's a link that supports that? OTOH, look at the Time mag article (that has nothing at all to do with either ACA or EMTALA) just posted.
Niacin Tablet
Patient was charged $24 per 500-mg tablet of niacin. In drugstores, the pills go for about a nickel each

CT Scans
Patient was charged $6,538 for three ct scans. Medicare would have paid a total of about $825 for all three

Chest X-Ray
Patient was charged $333. the national rate paid by Medicare is $23.83

Acetaminophen $1.50
Charge for one 325-mg tablet, the first of 344 lines in an eight-page hospital bill. You can buy 100 tablets on Amazon for $1.49

Sodium Chloride $84
Hospital charge for standard saline solution. Online, a liter bag costs $5.16

Easy to see why the R was against single payer. Medicare works well and within it's budget so of course R is against it.

I carry health insurance but I have a good friend who recently retired and has only medicare. Says he doesn't need anything else because Medicare covers what he needs.
Hey. Get back to me in 2014.

If you honestly think anything Govt sticks its fat nose in will be better or cheaper then I feel for ya dude.
I really have to wonder if you are like a stupid person.

Okay- reality check- you are ALREADY paying their bills. Right now.

Unless you are getting sick, and making claims, you are paying for other people's health care. If you are sick and making claims, someone else is paying yours.

The only question here, is how do we best cover people. What we are doing, where one out of six don't have insurance, and their costs are spread out to the rest of us when the visit emergency rooms and have their costs spread out amongst others.

The GOP lost because it went from a party that said, "Let's find a more effective way to to that", to one that says, "Let them DIE!"

It deserves a place on the scrapheap of history if it doesn't get its head out of it's ass.

Of course we are but only because we have no say in the matter. The Clowns in Govt have decided that those paying should support those that don't.

I find it laughable that anyone would think that the entire taxpaying American public wants to foot the bills for those without.

As for letting them die? Again. I find I really don't gvie a shit. If your someone who can't take care of yourself, your kids, your bills and need the taxpayers to take care of you then your not worth much and are one damned drain on the rest of us.

If you and all like minded have no problem assuming the responsibilites of others then feel free to pay away there Joe. No one will stop you and those you are paying for will take every dime you want to give them.

Just don't think that everyone feels the same as you do and has no problem giving their hard earned money to those without.

Oh and since I'm not a Rep or a Dem I could care less which one of those useless parties lands on your scrapheap.

So "let them die" IS your view.


Disgusting, isn't it.
Nope. Just practical.

I can't help it if you have no problem supporting others and I have.

Of course there are all kinds of charities out there where people can get help. Don't let that stop you from throwing other peoples money at em though. They will take every dime they can get.
Nope. Just practical.

I can't help it if you have no problem supporting others and I have.

Of course there are all kinds of charities out there where people can get help. Don't let that stop you from throwing other peoples money at em though. They will take every dime they can get.

So what is your proposed solution for how to make healthcare more affordable. You've made it clear that you don't want to help pay for people in need and they should die. But how can we make it more affordable so that those people can pay and that your rates do go down. What ideas do you like?

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