Thank you for the invitation


Apr 21, 2010
I'm boomsaucer. My three year old brother gave me that name sixty years ago. Don't know why, but everyone thought it was funny and it stuck. It no longer bothers me.
I like to think I'm funny, but I'm not. I'm a registered republican, but vote for individuals, not labels. John Breaux and Mary Landrieu always got my vote (Louisiana Democrats), I even voted for Edwin Edwards when David Duke was (unfortunately) the Republican candidate.
I am a Vietnam era veteran, but was never assigned anywhere near there. Three brothers and two cousins went, all made it home pretty much in one piece,thank God. Some bad times but they adjusted.
Construction, above ground and below, was my career. I worked other jobs, but they pretty much were in the same general field. I met a lot of people and learned from all, making my life more interesting. I hope to continue learning in our discussions.
I have strong opinions on some topics, but believe I'm open minded on most. Logic and facts are the keys to convincing me to agree with your points. Opinions are fine, but I need to know the reasoning for your beliefs.
Once more I thank you for your allowing me in your community.
I extend to you a special LSU welcome to USMB.

Just so you know it's against forum rules to contradict anything that I say.
Welcome to USMB!

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