Thank you for your new law Mr. President

96% of the world's countries are EXPEMPT FROM ANY AND ALL CARBON REDUCTION STANDARDS; including the WORST POLLUTERS ON THE PLANET FOR CARBON; china and india

what a coincidence leftard!
Not quite enough to buy your generator now, before the price goes up.

Also need to lay in a good stock of fuel - Propane doesn't spoil - before there's none available.

No, you won't freeze to death if you don't take those precautions. There'll be plenty of public shelters which you'll come to love.

The Bed Wetters are pissing all over themselves early today. :cuckoo:

It will cost you at least 30 times more to run a generator than to buy solar, hydro or wind power. During my last power outage my generator burned 12 gallons of gasoline a day & we were just using minimal power with A/C. Only an idiot would buy a generator & spend $50 a day for fuel to run it, just to avoid renewable energy.

And how exactly do you keep the lights on and fridge running at night with solar panels?
Spose you could with 1/2 a ton of batteries and a PV array twice the size you need during the day..

Hell buying carbon offsets or batteries is cheaper than the $20k a year fuel for a 10kw gas/diesel generator that cost $7k.

I just looked on eBay & saw 5kw solar panels & grid tie inverter kit for $5300. For a few hundred more you can make it a Sun Tracking power system giving you 6hrs of power a day. That system will pay for itself in 5 years at today's power prices & make you money for 20 years after that. The panels are guaranteed to produce at least 90% in 15 years & 80% in 25 years. That is a better ROI than your 401k.

A gas/diesel generator will cost you 20 times more than today's power cost & only has a service life of 3.4 years before it must be replaced. Solar panels last 25+ years.
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the best defense is a good offense. Notice all the radical environmental junk that comes out of the white house when a new scandal erupts? Russia just entered into a 30 year treaty to supply fossil fuel to china and hussein tightens the screws to guarantee another spike in gas prices.



edit- sorry dubya. gotta get the accent right or people will go new-Q-lar

What are you talking about? I was asking about "hussein" in Whitehall's post?
thank-you (gag, swallow! chortle, spit) Mr president!!

anything else I can bend over for you about?
how good is a "job" if its doing harm to the very environment that you rely on to survive?

I work in the electric utility industry (distribution level, not transmission or generation) and I haven't seen anything that suggests the sky is going to fall in my lifetime, so what the hell do I care if the planet is here in another 200 years or not?

wow, you think us humans are going to destroy the planet that has been around how many MILLIONS of years?
good grief you work in our electric utility industry
how good is a "job" if its doing harm to the very environment that you rely on to survive?

I work in the electric utility industry (distribution level, not transmission or generation) and I haven't seen anything that suggests the sky is going to fall in my lifetime, so what the hell do I care if the planet is here in another 200 years or not?

selfish much? Let me guess, you're a :up: conservative & vote accordingly. :rolleyes: Its called being a good steward. deniers!!! :mad:

*** last post as I head out the door :bye1:
What clause in the Constitution specifies that the President Makes Laws?



Any questions?
Still don't know what a law is? Not surprising.

If you think you have a point to make, then make it.

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