Thank you, Governor De Santis, for your hurricane press conference

It's pathetic that the childish, petulant pedophile you voted for refuses to even speak to Desantis on the phone, effectively denying Florida the support of the federal government. Any deaths or damages from this storm will fall squarely on Joe Biden's shoulders.

Fucker's got a lot of blood on his hands and I doubt if he is cognitively competent enough to even know it.
Set your timer for about 10 days, within that time your dream will come true

Let me splain

Maggots are intermediate stages in the life cycle of flies, they only live for around 8 – 10 days before molting into the pupal stage and turning into flies.
Sounds like you are speaking from experience there maggot.
I’m not sure of what he did wrong….Wouldn’t anyone paying attention assume that a bunch of wealthy white guilt woke whackos would foster and care for the precious DREAMERS they proclaim to love?
They have always told us that OUR DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH…they tell us Mexicos people improve and enhance America. Where did he go wrong?
The usually do not come from another state, hire foreign immigrant head hunters, to round up fellow immigrants in Texas for a political stunt, shipping them to a resort for a Florida political photo Op, using immigrant men, women and children found in Texas as props for their stunt, dumping them at a Massachusetts resort community with no notice to local or state officials to be prepared to provide food, water and housing on a resort island.
I got to say the locals and State of Massachusetts did a great job, quickly arrange facilities at a National Guard training base. I have seen NG bases turned into emergency refugee centers on the spur of the moment, before, providing temporary shelter, food, medical assistance, as well as 3 hots and a cot. Guard bases have contingency plans and have the ability to respond quickly and efficiently. Good job, Massachusetts and the Massachusetts National Guard!:TH_WAY~113:
According to reports biden refuses to call DeSantis about the hurricane

Thats how it can be with old people and dementia

"Hey Bobby, think Hurricane will beat Jimmy Ellis tonight? How's that little girl of yours?"
Reaching at any excuse for a silver lining: I caught some of this morning's hurricane briefing with Florida Governor De Santis. What I saw during that time:
  • He didn't go off on childish tangents about how wonderful and effective he is
  • He didn't pollute his comments with ridiculous hyperbole and insulting grandiosity
  • He didn't restrict his comments to only terms that would animate his political base
  • He thanked a wide variety of states for their assistance without regard to their politics
  • He didn't pat himself on the back for any and every positive thing that has taken place
  • He spoke very well extemporaneously, using adult words and clear sentence structure
  • He focused on informing and not on entertaining or persuading or selling
  • He gave no indication that he was trying to bullshit anyone or downplay the situation
  • He appeared stable and in control given the terrible circumstances his state faces
  • He clearly understood the gravity of the situation and behaved accordingly
  • He gave the impression of an intelligent and serious adult who sees the big picture.

Reaching at any excuse for a silver lining: I caught some of this morning's hurricane briefing with Florida Governor De Santis. What I saw during that time:
  • He didn't go off on childish tangents about how wonderful and effective he is
  • He didn't pollute his comments with ridiculous hyperbole and insulting grandiosity
  • He didn't restrict his comments to only terms that would animate his political base
  • He thanked a wide variety of states for their assistance without regard to their politics
  • He didn't pat himself on the back for any and every positive thing that has taken place
  • He spoke very well extemporaneously, using adult words and clear sentence structure
  • He focused on informing and not on entertaining or persuading or selling
  • He gave no indication that he was trying to bullshit anyone or downplay the situation
  • He appeared stable and in control given the terrible circumstances his state faces
  • He clearly understood the gravity of the situation and behaved accordingly
  • He gave the impression of an intelligent and serious adult who sees the big picture.
In short, I was left with the impression that, when things really matter, he is capable of rising to the occasion, eschewing standard partisan trolling, and displaying adult leadership qualities. If we find him in a higher position at some point, my confidence has increased that he'll be able to maintain those qualities.

What a relief that was, and such a refreshing change from his party's standard bearer.

Soon he'll be wanting some cheap immigrant labor for cleanup and rebuilding ni doubt.
Huh...WTF have you been.... Mac1958 has admitted to voting for Biden and Obamala Harris
.... even though I have disagreements with the Dems on pretty much every issue.

That's how ugly I think this orange stain is. That's how low I had to go.

And, of course, there are many like me across the political spectrum, including many solid lifelong conservatives.

So you rubes can bitch and moan about me all you'd like. I'm sure as hell not alone. I'm just honest. Too bad.

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