Thank you Pat Buchanan

Common sense has been known to emanate from Pat Buchanan from time to time. This is one of those times.
Common sense has been known to emanate from Pat Buchanan from time to time. This is one of those times.

Let me say I believe very strongly the Democrats in the White House started this mess with the IRS to intimidate if not outright crush any opposition to them. There is no bridge.....yet between them and the oval office.
Impeachment, a Bridge Too Far on

another column of common sense. Why make a martyr out of this clown for no good reason?

I had mixed feeling when I read that piece this morning.

I do seriously want obozo gone, but of course jettisoning him right into the sun wouldn't be enough for me.

Then we have that biden thing for 2 years if it happened tommorrow, and it would take too long for the republicrats to get it done.

So screw it. Keep the idiot around for a couple more years. He's almost a lame duck as it is. Furthermore if we're lucky and get a real human being if not a full blown decent conservative in the WH by 2016, they'll take the reigns of an executive branch that has nearly limitless power.

The bed wetters will hopefully commit mass suicide.

Obummer would like nothing better than to have the mean ol rascally republicans start impeachment proceedings against him. He knows that is the only thing that will bring out the black vote. Most blacks and other minorities are as pissed off at him as we are and he and Val know it. They are trying to rev up his base and get them all lathered up for revenge. I don't think the Republicans will fall for it this time. The impeachment of Clinton helped to win him a second term. This is the first time I have disagreed with Palin. Pat's right..... a bridge too far. Let him ruin the democrat brand. He's on his way to doing just that.
Impeach Obama, remove Biden on medical grounds, and put John Boehner in the White House. That would be an end to the bullshit this nation has endured through the nightmare of a National Debt that is closing in on 18 Trillion by year's end, since the Democrats have spending on their mind, not pulling in the belt.

I'm sick of candy store government. It gives the wrong people candy and sticks the middle class with the tab.
I like Pat Buchanan...
He should speak his mind.
Like him,hate him...

We need to allow people to share their views.

Fuckin' bingo, I love the guy.

I often don't agree with him, but gives not two shits about offending people, he's been in the thick of it, he's very knowledgeable, and he pisses off both parties at times.

Nuthin' wrong wit DAT.


Obummer would like nothing better than to have the mean ol rascally republicans start impeachment proceedings against him. He knows that is the only thing that will bring out the black vote. Most blacks and other minorities are as pissed off at him as we are and he and Val know it. They are trying to rev up his base and get them all lathered up for revenge. I don't think the Republicans will fall for it this time. The impeachment of Clinton helped to win him a second term. This is the first time I have disagreed with Palin. Pat's right..... a bridge too far. Let him ruin the democrat brand. He's on his way to doing just that.


Clinton wasn't impeached untill well into his second term, after the 1998 election.

In fact it may have cause the republicrats to do more poorly in the 2000 elections where Bush barely scraped by, the democrooks took a one vote lead in the senate thanks to a traitor Jim Jeffords (IIRC). So I agree with Pat it's a fruitless endeavor.

Obozo could rape and kill a woman on live TV and his acolytes would blame it on republicans entrapping him, drugging him, staging it, whatever. They'd call the woman a whore if she was a nun, and the media would contort itself to protect him. He could cut out an unborn fetus and offer it up to satan on an altar and they would insist he was protecting her right to choose, while supporting the free expression of "unconventional religion".

There is no end to the evil and destruction bed wetters will not only tolerate, deflect from and excuse. They're Godless, soulless, immoral parasites not fit to consume oxygen.


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