Thank you President Obama: Healthcare, employment


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Good 8 years overall!

"A report from the National Center for Health Statistics released Wednesday shows that the number of people whose families are struggling to pay medical bills fell by 22 percent, or 13 million people, in the last five years.

And that's good news, according to consumer and health policy advocates.

"The effect on families is profound," says Lynn Quincy, director of the Healthcare Value Hub at the Consumers Union. "Health care costs are a top financial concern for families, far above other financial concerns."

Quincy says the number one determinant of whether people can pay medical bills is whether they have insurance.

"The fact that this report shows it's getting easier, it seems like we should lay a good part of this at the door of the ACA," she says.

The decline in families worrying about medical bills corresponds with a huge increase in the number of people who have health insurance. In 2011, 46.3 million in the U.S. were uninsured. In June of this year, that figure had fallen to 28.4 million people."

"Some of the relief could also come because more people have jobs, so they can more easily pay their bills.

The unemployment rate has fallen from 9.1 percent in January 2011 to just 4.9 percent in June, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics."

Millions Of People Are Having An Easier Time Paying Medical Bills

Shame that the Republicans are poised to undo all that good work.
Overall? No way.
If you cherry pick certain things, sure. You can find good in a bag of shit sitting on your front porch thats lit on fire.
More jobs and health coverage isn't cherry picking. Those are two of America's most wanted things, always.
More jobs and health coverage isn't cherry picking. Those are two of America's most wanted things, always.
"Health care costs are a top financial concern for families, far above other financial concerns."
That's what I said. And more people have health care coverage under the ACA. Even the premiums that are going up are still subsidized and affordable to those that have no other option.
Barry only cared about Americas that supported him... fact
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More jobs and health coverage isn't cherry picking. Those are two of America's most wanted things, always.
"Health care costs are a top financial concern for families, far above other financial concerns."
That's what I said. And more people have health care coverage under the ACA. Even the premiums that are going up are still subsidized and affordable to those that have no other option.
5M people or so also lost insurance.
The monopolies are starting, too. KY only has 1 or 2 options left. That's not good..
0bama has been an abject failure in job creation or in anything having to do with jobs. Unless you consult the cooked numbers that the 0bama administration puts out. Fact is, the jobs being produced are far below what are needed to employ those who are entering the work force.

The statement that 0bamacare is doing anything good at all is laughable. It's playing with statistics. Sure, there are those who get their medical care completely subsidized by the government and they do t have to worry at all, but there are FAR more people who are now worried that they will even be able to pay their healthcare premiums, and they aren't even sick. By all honest and rational
measure, 0bamacare is also an abject failure.
Good 8 years overall!

"A report from the National Center for Health Statistics released Wednesday shows that the number of people whose families are struggling to pay medical bills fell by 22 percent, or 13 million people, in the last five years.

And that's good news, according to consumer and health policy advocates.

"The effect on families is profound," says Lynn Quincy, director of the Healthcare Value Hub at the Consumers Union. "Health care costs are a top financial concern for families, far above other financial concerns."

Quincy says the number one determinant of whether people can pay medical bills is whether they have insurance.

"The fact that this report shows it's getting easier, it seems like we should lay a good part of this at the door of the ACA," she says.

The decline in families worrying about medical bills corresponds with a huge increase in the number of people who have health insurance. In 2011, 46.3 million in the U.S. were uninsured. In June of this year, that figure had fallen to 28.4 million people."

"Some of the relief could also come because more people have jobs, so they can more easily pay their bills.

The unemployment rate has fallen from 9.1 percent in January 2011 to just 4.9 percent in June, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics."

Millions Of People Are Having An Easier Time Paying Medical Bills

Shame that the Republicans are poised to undo all that good work.

Good 8 years overall!

"A report from the National Center for Health Statistics released Wednesday shows that the number of people whose families are struggling to pay medical bills fell by 22 percent, or 13 million people, in the last five years.

And that's good news, according to consumer and health policy advocates.

"The effect on families is profound," says Lynn Quincy, director of the Healthcare Value Hub at the Consumers Union. "Health care costs are a top financial concern for families, far above other financial concerns."

Quincy says the number one determinant of whether people can pay medical bills is whether they have insurance.

"The fact that this report shows it's getting easier, it seems like we should lay a good part of this at the door of the ACA," she says.

The decline in families worrying about medical bills corresponds with a huge increase in the number of people who have health insurance. In 2011, 46.3 million in the U.S. were uninsured. In June of this year, that figure had fallen to 28.4 million people."

"Some of the relief could also come because more people have jobs, so they can more easily pay their bills.

The unemployment rate has fallen from 9.1 percent in January 2011 to just 4.9 percent in June, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics."

Millions Of People Are Having An Easier Time Paying Medical Bills

Shame that the Republicans are poised to undo all that good work. wife's Medicare doesn’t cover shit
More jobs and health coverage isn't cherry picking. Those are two of America's most wanted things, always.
I guess the fact that I'm paying 3 times as much for less health coverage is better.

Obama's giving welfare and Obamacare to illegals, soaking up my benefits.......but other than that. Thank You President Big-Ears!!!!!
My favorites:

Stagnant economy.

Reduction of middle class.

Having others pay the health costs for dead-beats (not addressed by OP).

Skyrocketing costs for healthcare.

Regressive standard of living.

Racial divide.

He nearly rebuilt another cold war with Russia.

Half-ass war in Syria he's passing down to someone else because he's a major pussy.

Pussed out of Iraq.

The great divider.

Debt doubled on his watch.

Reduction in home ownership despite ridiculous interest rates.

That and someone needs to explain to the OP how the "unemployment rate" works.

Way to go Obama
More jobs and health coverage isn't cherry picking. Those are two of America's most wanted things, always.
"Health care costs are a top financial concern for families, far above other financial concerns."
That's what I said. And more people have health care coverage under the ACA. Even the premiums that are going up are still subsidized and affordable to those that have no other option.
5M people or so also lost insurance.
The monopolies are starting, too. KY only has 1 or 2 options left. That's not good..'s good.
Obama's approval rating is over 50%, unemployment is going down at the same time job losses are going up.

It's all good.
As I've said before. The only fucking winners in the ACA are the people we taxpayers are FORCED to subsidize.

I'm not interested in paying for someone elses health care especially when the cost of my benefits have gone up 60% because of the POS ACA.

People need to take responsibility for themselves and the Govt. has no business in health care at all.

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