Thank you president Trump!!! Korean war will officially be over..

I hope they officially end the war. It would be a nice gesture. I hope North Korea disarms and closes down their concentration camps, but I am very doubtful that is going to happen.
He's not reversing decades of his country's nuclear research because Trump bragged about the size of his button on Twitter.

No, he's (presumably) reversing such research because he has drawn the ire of the entire free world. If he continues on his previous path, he will be destroyed by a likely coalition of nations.

If there's one thing KJU understands, it's the use of rhetoric and propaganda. He also knows he wouldn't stand a chance against a coalition of countries, much less the United States. The threat of total annihilation is what might be causing him to reverse his policies.
I hope they officially end the war. It would be a nice gesture. I hope North Korea disarms and closes down their concentration camps, but I am very doubtful that is going to happen.

It isn't. If it does, you'll count me among the first to be surprised.
Who’d a thunk it....all it takes for world peace is a man-child with a twitter account lobbing playground insults at people.

Yeah, maybe you should think about that. Could it be that you are not understanding the use of power to bring peace?
I think I'm starting to understand white privilege. The yellow people have been working hard on a peace deal for decades with painstaking and nuanced negotiations. Yet a white man half the globe away gets all the credit for nothing more than a year's long tantrum.

If Obama did it you'd be singing his praises.
What did he do? :dunno:

See what JED posted......

Oh. Trump called him "rocket man", and it hurt Kim Jong Un's feeling so bad that he gave up a 68 year war. Probably had nothing to do with decades of diplomacy between the North and South. :lol:

Yeah apparently little Kimmy really is afraid of Trump's bigger nuclear button. Truth be known, little Kimmy has no deliverable nukes only empty rockets. Trump made little Kimmy reveal his weakness. If Trump actually walked on water, you'd say he can't swim. Your perspective is warped.
Two words;

Stood Strong.....

Yes the exact opposite of Obama. Also, let's not forget the harsh new sanctions that Trump placed on NK.

"The sanctions, which target 28 ships registered in China and seven other countries, are intended to close a stubborn loophole in the effort to cut off North Korea’s imports of oil and exports of coal. Illicit ship-to-ship transfers of refined fuel and coal have allowed North Korea to mitigate the pain from those earlier measures, which were imposed in response to the repeated nuclear and ballistic missile tests it has conducted."

"By going after the shipments, the United States is edging closer to the imposition of an economic blockade on the North. While Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stopped short of saying the Navy would forcibly board ships on the high seas, he said the United States would petition China and other countries to allow inspections of suspicious vessels."

Trump Announces Harsh New Sanctions Against North Korea

Little Kimmy is PERSONALLY suffering because of his belligerent, bellicose blustering behavior. Thanks to TRUMP.
a figurehead is all the president is in foreign relations..

Yeah the world's most powerful 'figurehead' With the world's most powerful military, economy and the most powerful allies. Obama apologized for our power, Trump is USING our power to create a safer environment for America....That's his JOB #1 as President of the United States of America. Obama just weakened America and didn't have the balls to call out foreign, dictator bullies. So far, Trump has taken on Kim of NK, Putin of Russia, Assad and ISIS. No recent President has done as much for America and foreign relations than Trump.

P.S. What's really funny is that Hillary (as Obama's Sec. of State) used a 'reset' button with Russia which failed miserably.....Trump used the same button analogy with little Kimmy and that button was a nuke button. Interesting to see the difference between pandering and showing superior strength and power.
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South Korea hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the current peace negotiations. Right wing media outlets haven't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. Trump hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. They have been negotiating for many years before Trump was in office. The only people giving him credit are random hacks on message boards.
South Korea hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the current peace negotiations. Right wing media outlets haven't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. Trump hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. They have been negotiating for many years before Trump was in office. The only people giving him credit are random hacks on message boards.

Oh B.S. if it were Obama, the Democrats would be worshiping at his feet along with the MSM. Who cares what media 'cited' what? That is OPINION not facts. The FACT is, Trump is President, he threatened little Kimmy and little Kimmy went running for cover because of Trump's TWEETS and stated threats....THAT is how much power Trump wields. TDSers and Collusionistas are so blinded by hatred they can no longer recognize reality. Strength = peace.
South Korea hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the current peace negotiations. Right wing media outlets haven't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. Trump hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. They have been negotiating for many years before Trump was in office. The only people giving him credit are random hacks on message boards.

Oh B.S. if it were Obama, the Democrats would be worshiping at his feet along with the MSM. Who cares what media 'cited' what? That is OPINION not facts. The FACT is, Trump is President, he threatened little Kimmy and little Kimmy went running for cover because of Trump's TWEETS and stated threats....THAT is how much power Trump wields. TDSers and Collusionistas are so blinded by hatred they can no longer recognize reality. Strength = peace.

No. Everything in my post is a fact. Not even Trump is giving himself credit, because he never had anything to do with peace negotiations, and he never claimed to. His Twitter threats were over North Korea's nuclear program that is still perfectly intact. Only random hacks on message boards have ever attached his name to peace negotiations, and only in the past 24 hours.
Go trump!!

He did what Obama, bush, Ronnie, bill, nixion, Ford Carter, LBJ, Kennedy could not do......

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
Sam Meredith | @smeredith19
Published 5 Hours Ago Updated 1 Min
  • Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries.
  • Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce — and not a peace treaty.

Before you celebrate, this really screws Trump. Because with a peace treaty, Trump can't threaten to bomb North Korea. Because that would be an act of war.

Wouldn’t that depend if North Korea threatened or did break the peace treaty. Again, a peace treaty between North and South Korea wouldn’t bind the United States would it? I am not sure how that would work.
South Korea hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the current peace negotiations. Right wing media outlets haven't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. Trump hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. They have been negotiating for many years before Trump was in office. The only people giving him credit are random hacks on message boards.

Oh B.S. if it were Obama, the Democrats would be worshiping at his feet along with the MSM. Who cares what media 'cited' what? That is OPINION not facts. The FACT is, Trump is President, he threatened little Kimmy and little Kimmy went running for cover because of Trump's TWEETS and stated threats....THAT is how much power Trump wields. TDSers and Collusionistas are so blinded by hatred they can no longer recognize reality. Strength = peace.

I tend to agree, the party in power would take credit for it and the other party would call BS.
South Korea hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the current peace negotiations. Right wing media outlets haven't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. Trump hasn't cited Trump as a key figure in the peace negotiations. They have been negotiating for many years before Trump was in office. The only people giving him credit are random hacks on message boards.

Oh B.S. if it were Obama, the Democrats would be worshiping at his feet along with the MSM. Who cares what media 'cited' what? That is OPINION not facts. The FACT is, Trump is President, he threatened little Kimmy and little Kimmy went running for cover because of Trump's TWEETS and stated threats....THAT is how much power Trump wields. TDSers and Collusionistas are so blinded by hatred they can no longer recognize reality. Strength = peace.

I tend to agree, the party in power would take credit for it and the other party would call BS.

The Democrats had 8 years to deal with little Kimmy.....They failed to the point that little Kimmy was launching missiles one after the other. Threatening not only the U.S. but China and our allies. Obama and the Democrats did SQUAT in their 8 years of political dominancy to thwart little Kimmy.
Go trump!!

He did what Obama, bush, Ronnie, bill, nixion, Ford Carter, LBJ, Kennedy could not do......

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
Sam Meredith | @smeredith19
Published 5 Hours Ago Updated 1 Min
  • Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries.
  • Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce — and not a peace treaty.

Before you celebrate, this really screws Trump. Because with a peace treaty, Trump can't threaten to bomb North Korea. Because that would be an act of war.

Wouldn’t that depend if North Korea threatened or did break the peace treaty. Again, a peace treaty between North and South Korea wouldn’t bind the United States would it? I am not sure how that would work.

Well the U.S. is the 'cop' on the DMZ now a peace treaty might remove U.S. presence there which could give little Kimmy and advantage IF that provision (removal of American forces) were part of the negotiations.
No. Everything in my post is a fact. Not even Trump is giving himself credit, because he never had anything to do with peace negotiations, and he never claimed to. His Twitter threats were over North Korea's nuclear program that is still perfectly intact. Only random hacks on message boards have ever attached his name to peace negotiations, and only in the past 24 hours.

North Korea's 'nuclear program' may be 'intact' but it is obviously incapable of producing viable warheads. And now, with these new Trump sanctions, NK will be further constrained because of the lack of fuel for power. 'Rocket Man' may have rockets but they are impotent rockets. The evidence of little Kimmie's problem is the very fact he is now trying to negotiate a peace with SK. He thinks America will withdraw from enforcing the border.

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